约翰迪尔 6081 高压缩活塞



约翰迪尔 6081 高压缩活塞





4801  4803




4.56 in 116 mm

销径 Ø:
1.8742 in (+/- .0002) = 47 mm

R116340 (To ESN 86,536)
R501034 (从 86,537)


9510 SH
9550 SH
9560 WTS
9560i WTS
9580 WTS
9580i WTS
9640 WTS
9640i WTS
330 C LC
759 JH
330 LC
762 B
330 LCR
770 C
770 C Series II
370 C
770 D
530 B
770 CH
770 CH Series II
560 D
772 D
608 L
772 CH
608 S
772 CH Series II
644 G
848 G
644 H
644 J
850 C
660 D
850 C-II
724 J
740 G
853 G
748 G
870 D
748 G-II
872 D
748 G-III
753 GL
753 J
753 JH
953 G
759 G
1710 D
759 J
使用3片 ,订购数量:1


180° F

(1)用螺旋油泵驱动齿轮。 不要与HPCR燃油系统一起使用。
(5)发动机ESN 199,999及以下。 仅适用于Exaust Valves。
(6)发动机ESN 200,000及以上。 仅适用于Exaust Valves。
(7)发动机ESN 199,999及以下。
(8)发动机ESN 200,000及以上。
(10)机器分体连杆。 使用棒螺栓TR66452。
(11)破裂的分裂连杆。 使用棒螺栓TR501035。
utrustningkodbeskriving cd37244 -un-17aug95 14-4 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=34 1b11 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) informacion sobre numeros de serie la informacion sobre numeros de serie indica las piezas que se utilizan en cada maquina- por ejemplo: - la referencia puede ser utilizada en todas las maquinas -000000 la referencia puede ser utilizada en todas las maquinas hasta e incluyendo el numero de serie indicado- 000000- la referencia puede ser utilizada en todas las maqinas a partir del numero de serie indicado 000000-000000 la referencia puede ser utilizada en todas las maquinas con numeros de serie compre ndidos entre los dos numeros-ambos inclusive- cuando se indica xxxxxx en vez de los numeros de serie, se ha producido un cambio en el numero de serie pero no esta disponible en la fecha de la publicacion- ilustraciones con recuadros la lista de referencias asigna un numero clave para los recuadros que incluyen todas las piezas que forman un conjunto de reparacion- un recuadro sin numero clave incluye piezas poco usadas expplicacion de la linea indicadora de cambios (solo en catalogos en microfichas) las informaciones nuevas y las revisiones estan identificadas por lineas verticales situadas en el margen izquierdo de las paginas revisadas-dichas lineas indican cambios que afectan a los pedidos de piezas- tambien se halla una linea en el margen izquierdo de la misma referencia en el indice numerico para indicar la ubicacion de informacion revisada- genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 14-5 pn=35 1b12 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) indice de seccion informacion de motor - 09 instrucciones de operacion - 14 motor (cd3029df) - 20 motor (cd4039df/cd4039tf) - 21 motor (cd4045tf) - 22 motor (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 admicion/escape - 25 systema de alimentacion - 30 systema inyeccione - 35 motor de arranque - 40 alternador - 50 filtro de aire - 60 correa/ventilador/radiador - 70 acce***ios - 80 tablero de instrumentos - 90 indice de referencias de piezas - 95 14-6 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=36 1b13 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) information roerande motorerna alla motorer i denna katalog aer dieselmotor med eller utan turbokompres***- de aer samtliga till verkade i saran- serienumret som anges paa identifieringsskylten goer det moejligt att identifiera motorn och paa saa vis kan reservde***epaan erbjuda en snabb och effektiv service- motorns identifieringsskylt cd37200 -un-01jan94 1- fabrik cd - saran 2- antal cylindrar 3 eller 4 eller 6 3- total cylindervolym, i liter 029 (2-9 l)(cyl-diam 106-5mm x slaglaengd 110mm) 039 (3-9 l)(cyl-diam 106-5mm x slaglaengd 110mm) 045 (4-5 l)(cyl-diam 106-5mm x slaglaengd 127mm) 059 (5-9 l)(cyl-diam 106-5mm x slaglaengd 110mm) 068 (6-8 l)(cyl-diam 106-5mm x slaglaengd 127mm) 4- braenslesystem d - dieselmotor utan turbokompres*** t - dieselmotor med turbokompres*** 5- motorns serienummer 123456 (sex siffror) 6- anvaendare f (oem) 7- motortyp 123 (tre siffror, ej anvaenda) genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-1 pn=37 1b14 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) etikett med kodnummer foer reservdelar,motor cd37240 -un-17feb95 kodnummer reservdelar,motor foerutom skylt med motorns serienummer,har varje motor i serien oem en etikett med reservdelskoder placerad paa vipparmskaapan-kodnumren anger motorns fabriksmonterade till val- vid bestaellning av reservdelar skall dessa kodnummer uppges till auktoriserad aaterfoersaeljare eller distributoer- kodens tvaa foersta siffror anger komponentgrupp t ex vaexelstroemsgenerator- kodens tvaa sista nummer anger saerskilt till val paa den aktuella motorn, t ex en vaexelstroemsgenerator 12v/55a- om en motor bestaellts utan speciell komponent, aer de tvaa sista siffrorna 99- 15-2 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=38 1b15 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) descripzione dei codici opzioni descripcion del codigos de las opciones utrustningkodbeskriving cd37243 -un-17aug95 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-3 pn=39 1b16 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) descripzione dei codici opzioni descripcion del codigos de las opciones utrustningkodbeskriving cd37244 -un-17aug95 15-4 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=40 1b17 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) seriennummerinformation serienummer anges for att visa pa vilka maskiner en viss del kan anvandas, tex: - delen kan anvandas pa samtliga maskiner -000000 delen kan anvandas pa samtliga maskiner tom angivet serienummer 000000- delen kan anvandas pa samtliga maskiner from angivet serienummer 000000-000000 delen kan anvandas pa samtliga maskiner mellan angivna serienummer nar xxxxxx anges i stallet for ett serienummer har en serienummer andring skett, men exact serienummer fanns inte tillgangligt innan reservdelskatalogen gick i tryck inrutad illustration ett nyckelnummer, som visas i reservdelslistan, markerar att samliga delar inkluderade i rutan erhalls som en enhet- delar inkluderade i rutan utan nyckelnummer ar gamla delar- forandringar (galler endast mpc) ny eller andrad information anges med en lodrat linje i vanster marginal for reservdelsforteckningen pa den reviderade sidan, liksom i vanster marginal i reservdelsforteckningen genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-5 pn=41 1b18 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) gruppsforteckning motor informationen - 09 brukanvisning  15 motor (cd3029df) - 20 motor (cd4039df/cd4039tf) - 21 motor (cd4045tf) - 22 motor (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 insugnings/avgassystem - 25 branslesystem - 30 insprutsystem  35 startmotor - 40 vaxelstromgenerator - 50 luftrenare - 60 drivren/kyflakt/kylare - 70 tillbehorsdelar - 80 instrumentbraeda - 90 nummernforteckning - 95 15-6 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=42 1b19 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index grid page grid page a 1c17 bearings/crankshaft, kit (cd3029df)- 20 - 14a 1g3 bearings/crankshaft, kit (undersized) 1j1 adapter, oil filter (5904)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 38 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 13 1h3 adapter, oil filter (5911)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 38 1g1 bearings/crankshaft,kit (4703)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 12a 1g22 adapter, oil filter (5913)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 32 2e16 belt (2402)(cd3029df) - 70 - 1 2e12 air cleaner (1803)(cd6059tf,6068tf)- 60 - 6 2e17 belt (2402)(cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf)  70 - 2 2e8 air cleaner (1804)(cd3029df) 2e18 belt (2410)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 70 - 3 (1802)(cd4039df) - 60 - 2 2e21 blower fan (2501)(cd4039df/tf,4045tf) - 70 - 6 2e10 air cleaner (1805)(cd4039tf,4045tf)- 60 - 4 2e22 blower fan (2501,911y)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 70 - 7 1j13 air intake (1707, cd3029df/4039df) 2e19 blower fan,(2503)(cd3029df)- 70 - 4 (1710, cd3029df) - 25 - 2 2e20 blower fan,(2512)(cd3029df)- 70 - 5 2e14 air restriction indicator 2g9 bracket for instrument panel (7503) - 60 - 8 (shipping bundle) - 90 - 6 2d20 alternator (delco-remy 24v-40a)(3141) 2f16 bracket for radiator (5505) (cd3029df,4039df,4039tf) - 50 - 4 (cd3029df) - 70 - 25 2d23 alternator (delco-remy 24volt-40amp) 2f17 bracket for radiator (5509) (3140)(cd6059tf,cd6068tf)- 50 - 7 (cd4039df/tf,4045tf)- 70 - 26 2d18 alternator (magneton 12v-55a)(3106,3112) 2f18 bracket for radiator (5509) (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 50 - 2 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 70 - 27 2d21 alternator (magneton 12v-55a)(3106,3119) 2f15 bracket for radiator (5509)(cd3029df) - 70 - 24 (cd4045tf) - 50 - 5 2e4 brackets, alternator (magneton,r-bosch) 2d22 alternator (magneton 12v-55amp) (6218)(cd3029df,cd4039df) - 50 - 13 (3107)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 50 - 6 2e5 brackets, alternator (6201)(delco remy) 2d18 alternator (magneton 24v-40a)(3119,3121) (cd6059tf) - 50 - 14 (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 50 - 2 2e2 brackets, alternator (6201-6222) - 50 - 11 2d22 alternator (magneton 24v-40amp) 2e3 brackets, alternator (6206)(delco remy) (3120)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 50 - 6 (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 50 - 12 2d19 alternator (r-bosch 12v-55a)(3106) 2e6 brackets, alternator (6222)- 50 - 15 (cd3029df,4039df,4039tf) - 50 - 3 1c5 breather (2902)(cd3029df)- 20 - 3 2e4 alternator brackets (magneton r-bosch) 1d24 breather (2902)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 3 (6218)(cd3029df,cd4039df) - 50 - 13 1f16 breather (2902)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 3 2e5 alternator brackets (6201)(delco remy) 1h13 breather (2902)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 3 (cd6059tf) - 50 - 14 2e2 alternator brackets (6201-6222) - 50 - 11 2e3 alternator brackets (6206)(delco remy) c (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 50 - 12 2e6 alternator brackets (6222) - 50 - 15 1h18 camshaft (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) 2d24 alternator components (delco-remy) - 50 - 8 (4602,4608)- 23 - 8 2e1 alternator components (magneton,12v/24v) - 50 - 10 1e4 camshaft (4603,4625)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 8 1c10 camshaft (4605,4607)(cd3029df) - 20 - 8 1f21 camshaft (4607)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 8 b 1c11 camshaft kit (cd3029df) - 20 - 9 1e5 camshaft kit (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 9 1g6 balancer shaft (4502)(cd4045tf)  22 - 16 1f22 camshaft kit (cd4045tf) - 22 - 9 1g7 balancer shaft-kit (cd4045tf) - 22 - 17 1h19 camshaft kit (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 9 1c19 bearings/connecting rod (4801)(cd3029df) - 20 - 15 2e8 cleaner, air (1804)(cd3029df) 1e12 bearings/connecting rod (4802,4803) (1802)(cd4039df) - 60 - 2 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 14 2e12 cleaner,air (1803)(cd6059tf,6068tf) - 60 - 6 1g4 bearings/connecting rod (4805)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 14 2e10 cleaner,air (1805)(cd4039tf,4045tf) - 60 - 4 1i6 bearings/connecting rod (4808, cd6059tf) 1e21 closing (without tachometer drive)(4499) (4804, cd6068tf) - 23 - 17 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 23 1c21 bearings/connecting rod (4809)(cd3029df) - 20 - 17 1g16 closing (without tachometer drive)(4499) 1h24 bearings/crankshaft (4701)(cd6059tf)- 23 - 14 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 26 1i2 bearings/crankshaft (4701)(cd6068tf)- 23 - 15 1i18 closing (without tachometer drive)(4499) 1f25 bearings/crankshaft (4703)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 12 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 29 1e8 bearings/crankshaft (4708)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 12 2d3 components, starter (3008,3025) 40 - 2 1c16 bearings/crankshaft (4710)(cd3029df) - 20 - 14 2d8 components,starter (3008,3009,3016,3026) 1e9 bearings/crankshaft kit (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 40 - 7 (cd4039df/tf)(4708) - 21 - 12a 2d10 components,starter (3008,3009,3020,3026) 1e11 bearings/crankshaft kit (undersized) (cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf)- 40 - 9 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 13 2f25 conditioner, coolant - 80 - 6 1i1 bearings/crankshaft kit (undersized) 1c19 connecting rod/bearings (4801)(cd3029df) - 20 - 15 (cd6059tf)(4701) - 23 - 14b 1e12 connecting rod/bearings (4802,4803) 1i4 bearings/crankshaft kit (undersized) (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 14 (cd6068tf)(4701) - 23 - 15b 1g4 connecting rod/bearings (4805)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 14 1h25 bearings/crankshaft kit (4701)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 14a 1i6 connecting rod/bearings (4808, cd6059tf) 1i3 bearings/crankshaft kit (4701)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 15a (4804, cd6068tf) - 23 - 17 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-7 pn=43 1b20 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index - continued grid page grid page 1c21 connecting rod/bearings (4809)(cd3029df) - 20 - 17 d 2f25 coolant conditioner- 80 - 6 2g14 coolant heater (shipping bundle)(9182) 1c23 dipstick (4001)(cd3029df) - 20 - 19 (cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf) - 90 - 11 1g10 dipstick (4003)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 20 2g15 coolant heater (shipping bundle)(9183) 1c24 dipstick (4004)(cd3029df) - 20 - 20 (cd6059tf,cd6068tf) - 90 - 12 1i11 dipstick (4010)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 22 2g13 coolant heater (shipping bundle)(9197) 1i9 drain, valve/oil pan (1903) (cd3029df) - 90 - 10 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 20 1j3 cooler, oil (5904)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 40 1e15 drain, valve/oil pan (1908)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 17 1g24 cooler, oil (5913)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 34 1g9 drain, valve/oil pan (1908)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 19 1h1 cooler, oil with r121425 adapter (5911) - 22 - 36 1c22 drain, valve/oil pan (1910)(cd3029df) - 20 - 18 1f5 cooler,oil (5904)(cd4039tf)- 21 - 32 1i24 cooler,oil (5907)(cd6059tf)- 23 - 36 2f24 cooling fluid, engine - 80 - 5 e 1j5 cover, thermostat (2102) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 42 1j21 elbow,exhaust (6401)(cd4039tf,4045tf) - 25 - 10 1d11 cover, thermostat (2102)(cd3029df) - 20 - 32 1j22 elbow,exhaust (6401)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 25 - 11 1f7 cover, thermostat (2109,2112) 2f24 engine cooling fluid- 80 - 5 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 34 2f21 engine oil 1h4 cover, thermostat (2112) (torq-gard plus 50) - 80 - 2 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 39 2f22 engine oil 1d4 cover, timing gear (4499)(cd3029df)- 20 - 25 (torq-gard supreme) - 80 - 3 1e19 cover, timing gear (4499)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 21 1j21 exhaust elbow (6401)(cd4039tf,4045tf) - 25 - 10 1g14 cover, timing gear (4499)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 24 1j22 exhaust elbow (6401)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 25 - 11 1c3 cover, valve (1102)(cd3029df) - 20 - 1 1j20 exhaust manifold (2803) 1c4 cover, valve (1103)(cd3029df) - 20 - 2 (cd6059tf/6068tf)- 25 - 9 1h12 cover,rocker arm (1104) 1j17 exhaust manifold (2803)(cd3029df) - 25 - 6 (cd6059tf/6068tf)- 23 - 2 1j19 exhaust manifold (2803)(cd4039tf/4045tf) - 25 - 8 1d14 cover,thermostat (2103)(cd3029df) - 20 - 35 1j18 exhaust manifold (2806) 1i16 cover,timing gear (4499) (cd3029df,cd4039df)- 25 - 7 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 27 1d23 cover,valve(1104)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 2 1f15 cover,valve(1104)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 2 f 1d17 crankshaft pulley (1308)(cd3029df)- 20 - 38 1f10 crankshaft pulley (1317)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 37 2e23 fan shrould (2703)(cd3029df) - 70 - 8 1h7 crankshaft pulley (1317)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 42 2f7 fan shrould (2703)(cd4039df/tf) 1d16 crankshaft pulley (1329)(cd3029df)- 20 - 37 (2702)(cd4045tf) - 70 - 16 1h24 crankshaft/bearings (4701)(cd6059tf)- 23 - 14 2f11 fan shrould (2703-cd6059tf) 1i2 crankshaft/bearings (4701)(cd6068tf)- 23 - 15 (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 20 1f25 crankshaft/bearings (4703)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 12 2f3 fan shrould (2705)(cd3029df) - 70 - 12 1e8 crankshaft/bearings (4708)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 12 2e21 fan,blower (2501)(cd4039df/tf,4045tf) - 70 - 6 1c16 crankshaft/bearings (4710)(cd3029df) - 20 - 14 2e22 fan,blower (2501,911y)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 70 - 7 1e9 crankshaft/bearings kit 2e19 fan,blower,(2503)(cd3029df)- 70 - 4 (cd4039df/tf)(4708) - 21 - 12a 2e20 fan,blower,(2512)(cd3029df)- 70 - 5 1e11 crankshaft/bearings kit (undersized) 1d2 filler neck(1202)(cd3029df) - 20 - 23 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 13 1k12 filter, fuel (final filter) 1i1 crankshaft/bearings kit (undersized) (bleed plug,drain valve) - 30 - 6 (cd6059tf)(4701) - 23 - 14b 1k11 filter, fuel (final filter) 1h25 crankshaft/bearings kit (4701)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 14a (filter element)- 30 - 5 1i3 crankshaft/bearings kit (4701)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 15a 1k16 filter, fuel (final filter) 1i4 crankshaft/bearings kit, (undersized) (fuel preheater,acces***y) - 30 - 10 (cd6068tf)(4701) - 23 - 15b 1k15 filter, fuel (final filter) 1c17 crankshaft/bearings, kit (cd3029df)- 20 - 14a (mechanical parts)- 30 - 9 1g3 crankshaft/bearings, kit (undersized) 1k17 filter, fuel (final filter) (cd4045tf) - 22 - 13 (sediment bowl, acces***y) - 30 - 11 1g1 crankshaft/bearings,kit (4703)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 12a 1k14 filter, fuel (final filter)(seal kit) - 30 - 8 1c12 cylinder block kit (4605)(cd3029df) - 20 - 10 1k13 filter, fuel (final filter)(3506) - 30 - 7 1c14 cylinder block kit (4607)(cd3029df) - 20 - 12 1k8 filter, fuel (3506)(cd3029df) - 30 - 2 1e6 cylinder block, kit (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 10 1k9 filter, fuel (3506)(cd4039df/tf,4045tf) - 30 - 3 1f23 cylinder block, kit (cd4045tf) - 22 - 10 1k10 filter, fuel (3506)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 30 - 4 1h20 cylinder block, kit (cd6059tf) - 23 - 10 2f24 fluid, engine cooling - 80 - 5 1h22 cylinder block, kit (cd6068tf) - 23 - 12 1f11 flywheel (1505)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 38 1e1 cylinder head (5101)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 5 1h8 flywheel (1505)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 43 1f18 cylinder head (5101)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 5 1j9 flywheel (1505)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 46 1h15 cylinder head (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 5 1d18 flywheel (1506,1515)(cd3029df) - 20 - 39 1c7 cylinder head (5104,5105)(cd3029df) - 20 - 5 1j11 flywheel housing (1405)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 48 15-8 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=44 1b21 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index - continued grid page grid page 1j10 flywheel housing (1421) g (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 47 1d19 flywheel housing(1418)(cd3029df) - 20 - 40 2g2 gasket set, overhaul - 80 - 8 1d20 flywheel housing(1421)(cd3029df) - 20 - 41 2g1 gasket, liquid - 80 - 7 1f12 flywheel housing(1421)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 39 2g11 gauge for instrument panel 1h9 flywheel housing(1421)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 44 (shipping bundle) - 90 - 8 1i21 front plate (3601) 1i20 gear, idle (low)(3601) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 32 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 31 1d8 front plate (3601)(cd3029df) - 20 - 29 1e23 gear, idle (low)(3601,3602) 1e24 front plate (3601,3602) (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 25 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 26 1g18 gear, idle (low)(3602) 1g19 front plate (3602) (cd4045tf) - 22 - 28 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 29 1i19 gear, idle (up)(3601) 1k12 fuel filter (final filter) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 30 (bleed plug,drain valve) - 30 - 6 1e22 gear, idle (up)(3601,3602)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 24 1k11 fuel filter (final filter) 1g17 gear, idle (up)(3602)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 27 (filter element)- 30 - 5 1d6 gear,idle (low)(3601)(cd3029df) - 20 - 27 1k16 fuel filter (final filter) 1d7 gear,idle (up)(3601)(cd3029df) - 20 - 28 (fuel preheater,acces***y) - 30 - 10 2f1 grate, radiator (2703)(cd3029df) 70 - 10 1k15 fuel filter (final filter) 2f9 grate, radiator (2703)(cd4039df/tf) (mechanical parts)- 30 - 9 (2704)(cd4045tf) - 70 - 18 1k17 fuel filter (final filter) 2f13 grate, radiator (2703-cd6059tf) (sediment bowl, acces***y) - 30 - 11 (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 22 1k14 fuel filter (final filter)(seal kit) - 30 - 8 2f5 grate, radiator (2705)(cd3029df) 70 - 14 1k13 fuel filter (final filter)(3506) - 30 - 7 2f23 grease (for camshaft bushing)  80 - 4 1k8 fuel filter (3506)(cd3029df) - 30 - 2 1c23 guide (4001)(cd3029df)- 20 - 19 1k9 fuel filter (3506)(cd4039df/tf,4045tf) - 30 - 3 1g10 guide (4003)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 20 1k10 fuel filter (3506)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 30 - 4 1c24 guide (4004)(cd3029df)- 20 - 20 2c12 fuel injection lines (stanadyne) 1i11 guide (4010)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 22 (cd3029df) - 35 - 11b 2c13 fuel injection lines (stanadyne) (cd3029df) - 35 - 12 h 2c14 fuel injection lines (stanadyne-db2) (cd4039df) - 35 - 13 1e1 head, cylinder (5101)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 5 2c4 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db2) 1f18 head, cylinder (5101)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 5 (1603,1620,1641,1645)(cd4039df) - 35 - 4 1h15 head, cylinder (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 5 2c2 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db2) 1c7 head,cylinder (5104,5105)(cd3029df) - 20 - 5 (1603,1620,1648)(cd3029df) - 35 - 2 2g14 heater, coolant (shipping bundle)(9182) 2c3 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db2) (cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf) - 90 - 11 (1603,1641,1644,1648)(cd3029df) - 35 - 3 2g15 heater, coolant (shipping bundle)(9183) 2c5 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db4) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 90 - 12 (1603,1641)(cd4039tf)- 35 - 5 2g13 heater, coolant (shipping bundle)(9197) 2c7 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db4) (cd3029df) - 90 - 10 (1603,1641,1644,1646)(cd6059tf)- 35 - 7 1j11 housing,flywheel (1405)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 48 2c9 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db4) 1j10 housing,flywheel (1421) (1605,1646)(cd6068tf)- 35 - 9 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 47 2c6 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db4) 1d19 housing,flywheel(1418)(cd3029df)- 20 - 40 (1620,1628,1639,1640)(cd4045tf)- 35 - 6 1d20 housing,flywheel(1421)(cd3029df)- 20 - 41 2c8 fuel injection pump (stanadyne db4) 1f12 housing,flywheel(1421)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 39 (1624,1636,1645,1647)(cd6059tf)- 35 - 8 1h9 housing,flywheel(1421)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 44 2c11 fuel injection pump solenoid (stanadyne) 1j7 housing,thermostat (3901, cd6059tf) (heavy-duty version)- 35 - 11 (3905, cd6068tf) - 23 - 44 2c10 fuel injection pump, linkage - 35 - 10 1d12 housing,thermostat(3909)(cd3029df) - 20 - 33 2c17 fuel lines (fuel injection pump 1f9 housing,thermostat(3909)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 36 stanadyne (cd6059tf)- 35 - 16 1h6 housing,thermostat(3909)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 41 2c19 fuel lines (fuel injection pump 1d13 housing,thermostat(3911)(cd3029df) - 20 - 34 stanadyne (cd6068tf)- 35 - 18 2c15 fuel lines (fuel injection pump stanadyne)(cd4039tf)- 35 - 14 i 2c16 fuel lines (fuel injection pump stanadyne)(cd4045tf)- 35 - 15 1i20 idle gear (low)(3601) 1k18 fuel transfer pump (3703) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 31 (cd3029df) - 30 - 12 1d6 idle gear (low)(3601)(cd3029df) - 20 - 27 1k19 fuel transfer pump (3704)(cd4039df/tf) - 30 - 13 1e23 idle gear (low)(3601,3602) 1k21 fuel transfer pump (3705)(cd6059tf)- 30 - 15 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 25 1k23 fuel transfer pump (3710)(cd6068tf)- 30 - 17 1g18 idle gear (low)(3602) 1k20 fuel transfer pump (3712)(cd4045tf)- 30 - 14 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 28 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-9 pn=45 1b22 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index - continued grid page grid page 1i19 idle gear (up)(3601) 1e13 liner (4802-cd4039df)(4803-cd4039tf) - 21 - 15 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 30 1g5 liner (4805)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 15 1d7 idle gear (up)(3601)(cd3029df) - 20 - 28 2c12 lines, fuel injection (stanadyne) 1e22 idle gear (up)(3601,3602)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 24 (cd3029df) - 35 - 11b 1g17 idle gear (up)(3602)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 27 2c13 lines, fuel injection (stanadyne) 2e14 indicator,air restriction (cd3029df) - 35 - 12 (7503) - 60 - 8 2c14 lines, fuel injection (stanadyne-db2) 2c22 injection nozzle (cd4039df) - 35 - 13 (cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf) - 35 - 21 2c17 lines,fuel (fuel injection pump 2c23 injection nozzle stanadyne (cd6059tf)- 35 - 16 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 35 - 22 2c19 lines,fuel (fuel injection pump 2c21 injection nozzle (cd3029df) - 35 - 20 stanadyne (cd6068tf)- 35 - 18 1j15 intake manifold (1707)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 25 - 4 2c15 lines,fuel (fuel injection pump 1j14 intake manifold (1714)(cd4039tf/4045tf) - 25 - 3 stanadyne)(cd4039tf)- 35 - 14 1j15 intake,manifold (1707)(cd6059tf/6068tf)- 25 - 4 2c16 lines,fuel (fuel injection pump stanadyne)(cd4045tf)- 35 - 15 2c10 linkage, fuel injection pump - 35 - 10 k 2g1 liquid gasket - 80 - 7 2f25 lubricant - 80 - 6 1c17 kit, bearings/crankshaft (cd3029df)- 20 - 14a 1e5 kit, camshaft (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 9 1f22 kit, camshaft (cd4045tf) - 22 - 9 m 1h19 kit, camshaft (cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 9 1e9 kit, crankshaft/bearings 1j20 manifold, exhaust (2803) (cd4039df/tf)(4708) - 21 - 12a (cd6059tf/6068tf)- 25 - 9 1e11 kit, crankshaft/bearings (undersized) 1j17 manifold, exhaust (2803)(cd3029df) - 25 - 6 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 13 1j18 manifold, exhaust (2806) 1g3 kit, crankshaft/bearings (undersized) (cd3029df,cd4039df)- 25 - 7 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 13 1j19 manifold,exhaust (2803)(cd4039tf/4045tf)- 25 - 8 1i1 kit, crankshaft/bearings (undersized) 1j14 manifold,intake (1714)(cd4039tf/4045tf)- 25 - 3 (cd6059tf)(4701) - 23 - 14b 1i4 kit, crankshaft/bearings, (undersized) (cd6068tf)(4701) - 23 - 15b n 1e6 kit, cylinder block (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 10 1f23 kit, cylinder block (cd4045tf) - 22 - 10 1d2 neck,filler (1202)(cd3029df) - 20 - 23 1h20 kit, cylinder block (cd6059tf) - 23 - 10 1d3 no filler neck (1299)(cd3029df) - 20 - 24 1h22 kit, cylinder block (cd6068tf) - 23 - 12 1e18 no filler neck(1299)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 20 1e17 kit, oil pump (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 19 1g13 no filler neck(1299)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 23 1g12 kit, oil pump (cd4045tf) - 22 - 22 1i15 no filler neck(1299)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 26 1i13 kit, oil pump (cd6059tf) - 23 - 24 1e14 no oil switch (7699)(cd4039df/tf) 21 - 16 1c18 kit, trhust bearings/crankshaft end 1e3 no sen*** (6699)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 7 (cd3029df) - 20 - 14b 1f20 no sen*** (6699)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 7 1e10 kit, trhust bearings/crankshaft end 1h17 no sen*** (6699)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 7 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 12b 2c22 nozzle, injection 1g2 kit, trhust bearings/crankshaft end (cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf) - 35 - 21 (cd4045tf) - 22 - 12b 2c23 nozzle, injection 1i5 kit, trhust bearings/crankshaft end (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 35 - 22 (cd6059tf,cd6068tf) - 23 - 16 2c21 nozzle, injection (cd3029df) - 35 - 20 1i23 kit, water pump (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 35 1c11 kit,camshaft (cd3029df) - 20 - 9 1h25 kit,crankshaft/bearings (4701)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 14a o 1i3 kit,crankshaft/bearings (4701)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 15a 1g1 kit,crankshaft/bearings (4703)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 12a 1f5 oil cooler (5904)(cd4039tf) - 21 - 32 1c12 kit,cylinder block (4605)(cd3029df) - 20 - 10 1j3 oil cooler (5904)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 40 1c14 kit,cylinder block (4607)(cd3029df) - 20 - 12 1i24 oil cooler (5907)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 36 1d1 kit,oil pump (cd3029df)- 20 - 22 1g24 oil cooler (5913)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 34 1c20 kit,piston/liner (4801,4809)(cd3029df) - 20 - 16 1h1 oil cooler, with r121425 adapter (5911) - 22 - 36 1i17 kit,timing gear cover 1c23 oil filter (4001)(cd3029df)- 20 - 19 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 28 1g10 oil filter (4003)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 20 1d5 kit,timing gear cover (cd3029df) - 20 - 26 1c24 oil filter (4004)(cd3029df)- 20 - 20 1e20 kit,timing gear cover (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 22 1i11 oil filter (4010)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 22 1g15 kit,timing gear cover (cd4045tf) - 22 - 25 1j1 oil filter (5904)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 38 1h3 oil filter (5911)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 38 1g22 oil filter (5913)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 32 l 1j1 oil filter adapter (5904)(cd6068tf)- 23 - 38 1h3 oil filter adapter (5911)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 38 1i7 liner (cd6059tf,4808)(cd6068tf,4804) - 23 - 18 1g22 oil filter adapter (5913)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 32 15-10 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=46 1b23 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index - continued grid page grid page 1i10 oil pan (conversion parts) 2c8 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db4) (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 21 (1624,1636,1645,1647)(cd6059tf)- 35 - 8 1i9 oil pan (1903)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)  23 - 20 1k18 pump,fuel transfer (3703) 1e15 oil pan (1908)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 17 (cd3029df) - 30 - 12 1g9 oil pan (1908)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 19 1c25 pump,oil (5001)(cd3029df) - 20 - 21 1c22 oil pan (1910)(cd3029df) - 20 - 18 1i14 pump,oil/heavy duty 1c25 oil pump (5001)(cd3029df)- 20 - 21 (5003)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 25 1e16 oil pump (5001,5002)(cd4039df/tf)  21 - 18 1i22 pump,water (2005)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 34 1g11 oil pump (5010)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 21 1f1 pump,water (2007)(cd4039df) - 21 - 28 1i12 oil pump (5010)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 23 1d9 pump,water (2007,2034)(cd3029df) 20 - 30 1d1 oil pump kit (cd3029df) - 20 - 22 1g20 pump,water (2016)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 30 1e17 oil pump kit (cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 19 1f3 pump,water (2026)(cd4039tf) - 21 - 30 1g12 oil pump kit (cd4045tf)- 22 - 22 1c6 push rod (4903)(cd3029d) - 20 - 4 1i13 oil pump kit (cd6059tf)- 23 - 24 1d25 push rods (4901)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 4 1i14 oil pump/heavy duty 1h14 push rods (4901)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 23 - 4 (5003)(cd6068tf) - 23 - 25 1f17 push rods (4902)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 4 2f21 oil, engine (torq-gard plus 50) - 80 - 2 2f22 oil, engine r (torq-gard supreme) - 80 - 3 2g2 overhaul gasket set - 80 - 8 2e23 radiator (2703)(cd3029df) - 70 - 8 2f7 radiator (2703)(cd4039df/tf) (2704)(cd4045tf) - 70 - 16 p 2f11 radiator (2703-cd6059tf) (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 20 2f20 paint (5601,5602,5603,5606) - 80 - 1 2f3 radiator (2705)(cd3029df) - 70 - 12 1i10 pan oil (conversion parts) 2f1 radiator rubber mounts (2703)(cd3029df) - 70 - 10 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 21 2f13 radiator rubber mounts (2703-cd6059tf) 1i9 pan,oil (1903)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)  23 - 20 (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 22 1e15 pan,oil (1908)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 17 2f9 radiator rubber mounts(2704)(cd4045tf) 1g9 pan,oil (1908)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 19 (2703)(cd4039df/tf) - 70 - 18 1c22 pan,oil (1910)(cd3029df) - 20 - 18 2f5 radiator rubber mounts(2705)(cd3029df) - 70 - 14 1i7 piston (cd6059tf,4808)(cd6068tf,4804) - 23 - 18 2f1 radiator,grate (2703)(cd3029df)  70 - 10 1e13 piston (4802-cd4039df)(4803-cd4039tf)- 21 - 15 2f9 radiator,grate (2703)(cd4039df/tf) 1g5 piston (4805)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 15 (2704)(cd4045tf) - 70 - 18 1c20 piston/liner kit (4801,4809)(cd3029df) - 20 - 16 2f13 radiator,grate (2703-cd6059tf) 1k22 plate for fuel tranfer pump code 3710 (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 22 (cd6069tf) - 30 - 16 2f5 radiator,grate (2705)(cd3029df)  70 - 14 1j16 plug for starting aid (4399)- 25 - 5 1d25 rocker arm (4901)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 4 1j8 pulley with dampener (1308) 1h14 rocker arm (4901)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 23 - 4 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 45 1f17 rocker arm (4902)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 4 1d17 pulley,crankshaft (1308)(cd3029df) - 20 - 38 1c6 rocker arm (4903)(cd3029d) - 20 - 4 1f10 pulley,crankshaft (1317)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 37 1h12 rocker arm cover (1104) 1h7 pulley,crankshaft (1317)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 42 (cd6059tf/6068tf)- 23 - 2 1d16 pulley,crankshaft (1329)(cd3029df) - 20 - 37 1d25 rocker arm shaft (4901)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 4 1k19 pump, fuel transfer (3704)(cd4039df/tf) - 30 - 13 1h14 rocker arm shaft (4901)(cd6059tf/6068tf) - 23 - 4 1k21 pump, fuel transfer (3705)(cd6059tf) - 30 - 15 1f17 rocker arm shaft (4902)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 4 1k23 pump, fuel transfer (3710)(cd6068tf) - 30 - 17 1c6 rocker arm shaft (4903)(cd3029d)- 20 - 4 1k20 pump, fuel transfer (3712)(cd4045tf) - 30 - 14 1c8 rotator (5104,5105)(cd3029df) - 20 - 6 1e16 pump, oil (5001,5002)(cd4039df/tf)  21 - 18 1e2 rotators (5101)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 6 1g11 pump, oil (5010)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 21 1f19 rotators (5101)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 6 1i12 pump, oil (5010)(cd6059tf) - 23 - 23 1h16 rotators (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 6 2c4 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db2) 2f1 rubber mounts, radiator (2703)(cd3029df) - 70 - 10 (1603,1620,1641,1645)(cd4039df) - 35 - 4 2f9 rubber mounts, radiator (2704)(cd4045tf) 2c2 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db2) (2703)(cd4039df/tf) - 70 - 18 (1603,1620,1648)(cd3029df) - 35 - 2 2f13 rubber mounts,radiator (2703-cd6059tf) 2c3 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db2) (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 22 (1603,1641,1644,1648)(cd3029df) - 35 - 3 2f5 rubber mounts,radiator (2705)(cd3029df)- 70 - 14 2c5 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db4) (1603,1641)(cd4039tf)- 35 - 5 2c7 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db4) s (1603,1641,1644,1646)(cd6059tf)- 35 - 7 2c9 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db4) 1c9 sen*** (6699)(cd3029df) - 20 - 7 (1605,1646)(cd6068tf)- 35 - 9 1g6 shaft,balancer (4502)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 16 2c6 pump,fuel injection (stanadyne db4) 1g7 shaft,balancer-kit (cd4045tf) - 22 - 17 (1620,1628,1639,1640)(cd4045tf)- 35 - 6 2e23 shrould, fan (2703)(cd3029df) - 70 - 8 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 15-11 pn=47 1b24 genset power units泸州约翰迪尔强鹿RE171235RE171236P780522空气滤芯代理,香港岛约翰迪尔装载机发动机主线束价格,无堂划分域约翰迪尔拖拉机发动机传感器代理,百色约翰迪尔连杆R51727找哪家,洛阳约翰迪尔5-1000拖拉机发动机配件的价格,金华约翰迪尔柴油机进气门导管R121193代理,崇左强鹿RE65908连杆瓦多少钱,湘西约翰迪尔柴油发电机组发电机供应商,铜仁约翰迪尔柴油机配件信息批发,商洛约翰迪尔曲轴RE505921哪家买,荆州约翰迪尔强鹿4045活塞销代理,郑州约翰迪尔C240联合收割机发动机配件公司,凉山约翰迪尔6068柴油机活塞销找哪家,眉山美国约翰迪尔(强鹿)发电机纯正配件厂家价格,桂林JohnDeere进气门R84618批发价,温州约翰迪尔挖掘机继电器哪家买,信阳约翰迪尔R113612哪家买,河池强鹿柴油机凸轮轴瓦找哪家,昆明约翰迪尔re525523强鹿柴油滤芯代理商,阜新约翰迪尔连杆瓦R116081哪家买,新余强鹿柴油机柴滤RE533910厂家供货,海口约翰迪尔PE6068发电机缸套组件价格, (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) alphabetical index - continued grid page grid page 2f7 shrould, fan (2703)(cd4039df/tf) 1e10 thrust bearings kit/crankshaft end (2704)(cd4045tf) - 70 - 16 (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 12b 2f3 shrould, fan (2705)(cd3029df) - 70 - 12 1g2 thrust bearings kit/crankshaft end 2f11 shrould,fan (2703-cd6059tf) (cd4045tf) - 22 - 12b (2704-cd6068tf)- 70 - 20 1i5 thrust bearings kit/crankshaft end 2c11 solenoid,fuel injection pump (stanadyne) (cd6059tf,cd6068tf) - 23 - 16 (heavy-duty version)- 35 - 11 1i16 timing gear cover (4499) 1c8 spring (5104,5105)(cd3029df) - 20 - 6 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 27 1e2 springs (5101)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 6 1d4 timing gear cover (4499)(cd3029df) - 20 - 25 1f19 springs (5101)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 6 1e19 timing gear cover (4499)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 21 1h16 springs (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 6 1g14 timing gear cover (4499)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 24 2d7 starter (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) 1i17 timing gear cover kit (3008,3009,3016,3026)- 40 - 6 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 28 2d9 starter (cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) 1d5 timing gear cover kit (cd3029df) - 20 - 26 (3008,3009,3020,3026)- 40 - 8 1e20 timing gear cover kit (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 22 2d2 starter (3008,3025)(cd3029df) - 40 - 1 1g15 timing gear cover kit (cd4045tf) - 22 - 25 2d4 starter (3014)(cd3029df) - 40 - 3 1j23 turbocharger (6501)(cd4039tf) - 25 - 12 2d5 starter (3014)(cd3029df) - 40 - 4 1k5 turbocharger (6505)(cd6068tf) - 25 - 18 2d11 starter (3015)(cd6068tf) 1k3 turbocharger (6515)(cd6059tf) - 25 - 16 (early design)- 40 - 10 1k1 turbocharger (6521)(cd4045tf) - 25 - 14 2d13 starter (3015)(cd6068tf) (early design)- 40 - 12 2d15 starter (3015)(cd6068tf) v (late design) - 40 - 14 2d8 starter components (3008,3009,3016,3026) 1c8 valve (5104,5105)(cd3029df) - 20 - 6 (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf) - 40 - 7 1c3 valve cover (1102)(cd3029df) - 20 - 1 2d10 starter components (3008,3009,3020,3026) 1c4 valve cover (1103)(cd3029df) - 20 - 2 (cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf)- 40 - 9 1d23 valve cover(1104)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 2 2d3 starter components (3008,3025)  40 - 2 1f15 valve cover(1104)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 2 1j16 starting aid, with plug (4399) - 25 - 5 1c8 valve seat (5104,5105)(cd3029df)- 20 - 6 2g6 switch (oil) (7603,9119) - 90 - 3 1e2 valve seats (5101)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 6 2g8 switch (oil) for instrument panel 1f19 valve seats (5101)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 6 (shipping bundle) - 90 - 5 1h16 valve seats (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 6 1g8 switch (oil)(7699)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 18 1i9 valve, drain/oil pan (1903) 1i8 switch (oil)(7699)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 19 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 20 2g5 switch (water)(6602,9701) - 90 - 2 1e15 valve, drain/oil pan(1908)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 17 2g7 switch (water)(6603,9180) 1g9 valve, drain/oil pan(1908)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 19 (for instrument panel) - 90 - 4 1c22 valve, drain/oil pan(1910)(cd3029df)- 20 - 18 1e2 valves (5101)(cd4039df/tf)- 21 - 6 1f19 valves (5101)(cd4045tf)- 22 - 6 t 1h16 valves (5101)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf)  23 - 6 1c6 tappet (4903)(cd3029d) - 20 - 4 1d25 tappets (4901)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 4 w 1h14 tappets (4901)(cd6059tf/6068tf)- 23 - 4 1f17 tappets (4902)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 4 1i22 water pump (2005)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 34 1d15 thermostat (2204)(cd3029df) - 20 - 36 1f1 water pump (2007)(cd4039df) - 21 - 28 1j6 thermostat (2204)(cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 43 1d9 water pump (2007,2034)(cd3029df) - 20 - 30 1f8 thermostat (2204,2208)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 35 1g20 water pump (2016)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 30 1h5 thermostat (2208)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 40 1f3 water pump (2026)(cd4039tf) - 21 - 30 1j5 thermostat cover (2102) 1i23 water pump kit (cd6059tf/cd6068tf)- 23 - 35 (cd6059tf/cd6068tf) - 23 - 42 2g9 wiring harness for instrument panel 1d11 thermostat cover (2102)(cd3029df) - 20 - 32 (shipping bundle) - 90 - 6 1d14 thermostat cover (2103)(cd3029df) - 20 - 35 1f7 thermostat cover (2109,2112) (cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 34 1h4 thermostat cover (2112) (cd4045tf) - 22 - 39 1j7 thermostat housing (3901, cd6059tf) (3905, cd6068tf) - 23 - 44 1d12 thermostat housing(3909)(cd3029df)- 20 - 33 1f9 thermostat housing(3909)(cd4039df/tf) - 21 - 36 1h6 thermostat housing(3909)(cd4045tf) - 22 - 41 1d13 thermostat housing(3911)(cd3029df)- 20 - 34 1c18 thrust bearings kit/crankshaft end (cd3029df) - 20 - 14b 15-12 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=48 1c3 engine (cd3029df) valve cover, code 1102 cache-culbuteurs, code 1102 ventildeckel, kode 1102 coperchio valvole, codige 1102 tapa de valvula, codigo 1102 ventilkaapa, koden 1102 cd36555b -un-08jan97 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 re32140 screw, with washer 6 -263023 x 1/4" x 0-787" 2 re44202 valve cover 1 -263023 x 3 r106796 o-ring 1 -263023 x genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-1 pn=49 1c4 engine (cd3029df) valve cover, code 1103 cache-culbuteurs, code 1103 ventildeckel, kode 1103 coperchio valvole, codige 1103 tapa de valvula, codigo 1103 ventilkaapa, koden 1103 cd39613a -un-16oct96 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 r130942 medallion 1 263024- x 2 re32140 screw, with washer 6 263024- x 1/4" x 0-787" 3 re44202 valve cover 1 263024- x 4 r106796 o-ring 1 263024- x 5 re42762 filler cap 1 263024- x 20-2 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=50 1c5 engine (cd3029df) breather, code 2902 reniflard, code 2902 entluefter, kode 2902 sfiatatoio, codice 2902 respiradero, codigo 2902 ventilator, koden 2902 cda36501 -un-02dec94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 r56463 o-ring 1 x 2 r92154 elbow fitting 1 x 3 at18904 clamp 1 x 4 h36031 hose 1 x lgth 914mm 5 19h2038 cap screw 1 x 3/8" x 1/2" 6 24m7096 washer 1 x 10-500 x 18 x 1-600 mm 7 t35699 clamp 1 x genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-3 pn=51 1c6 engine (cd3029df) rocker arm/rocker arm shaft/tappet/push rod, code 4903 culbuteur/arbre de culbuteurs/poussoir de soupape/tige de culbuteurs, code 4903 kipphebel/kipphebelwelle/ventilstoessel/stoesselstange, kode 4903 tergicristallo/alberino dei balancieri/cedente/astina punterie, codice 4903 balancin/eje de balancines/botador/varilla de umpuje, cidigo 4903 vipparm/vipparmsaxel/ kamfoeljare/stoetstaang, koden 4903 cd37239a -un-01jan94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 r54565 plug 2 x 2 dd12119 rocker arm shaft 1 x 3 t20316 washer 2 x 4 t20314 spring 2 x 5 19h3031 cap screw 3 x 3/8" x 2-1/2" 6 r42729 washer 3 x 7 t20315 support 3 x 8 re31973 rocker arm 6 x 9 t20310 push rod 6 x lgth 234mm (9-21") 10 t20073 tappet 6 x 20-4 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=52 1c7 engine (cd3029df) cylinder head, code 5104,5105 culasse, code 5104,5105 zylinderkopf, kode 5104,5105 testata dell motore, codice 5104,5105 culata, codigo 5104,5105 cylindertopplock, koden 5104,5105 cd40140 -un-01dec94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 r85363 cap screw 14 x 12-7mm x 112mm (0-5" x 4-41") 2 re53429 cylinder head 1 -205211 x (marked r116568) (sub re65215, re64293, r126518, r121416, r84982&(2) 19h2552, this application) re65215 cylinder head 1 205212- x (marked r129657) (sub for re61771) (marked r124845) 3 cd16284 cap 2 x od 32-6mm (1-28") 4 r97356 engine cylinder head gasket 1 x 5 15h624 pipe plug ar x 1/2"-14nptf genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-5 pn=53 1c8 engine (cd3029df) valve/valve seat/spring/rotator, code 5104,5105 soupape/siege/res***t/rotateur, code 5104,5105 ventil/sitz/feder/drehkoerper, kode 5104,5105 valvola/sede/molla/corpo di rotazione, codice 5104,5105 valvula/asiento/re***te/rotador, codigo 5104,5105 ventil/saete/fjaeder/vridarnorning, koden 5104,5105 cd37204 -un-01jan94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 r91889 retainer 12 x od 11-7mm (0-460") 2 re60005 rotator 6 x (sub for re31323) 3 r26125 spring 6 x 4 re31617 seal 6 x 5 r106831 valve seat insert 6 x od 47-2mm (1-858") intake,admission,einlass, aspirazione,admision,insug 6 r98062 intake valve 3 x std r97490 intake valve ar x os +0-381mm (0-015") r97491 intake valve ar x os +0-762mm (0-030") 7 r106829 valve seat insert 3 x od 43-1mm (1-696") exhaust,echappement,auslass scarico,escape,avgas 8 r90692 exhaust valve 3 x od std r97492 exhaust valve ar x os +0-381mm (0-015") r97493 exhaust valve ar x os +0-762mm (0-030") 20-6 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=54 1c9 engine (cd3029df) without sen*** (water) code 6699 sans capteur (eau) code 6699 ohne messwertgeber (wasser) kode 6699 senza sen***e (acqua) codice 6699 sin transductor (agua) codigo 6699 utan avkaennare (vatten) koden 6699 cd37310 -un-29sep94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 15h584 pipe plug 1 x 1/2"-14nptf genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-7 pn=55 1c10 engine (cd3029df) camshaft code 4605,4607 arbre a cames code 4605,4607 nockenwelle kode 4605,4607 albero a camme codice 4605,4607 arbol de levas codigo 4605,4607 kamaxel koden 4605,4607 cd36017a -un-01jan94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 19h2676 cap screw 2 x 3/8" x 1" 2 t20072 plate 1 x 3 26h72 shaft key 1 x 1/8" x 5/8" 4 t20070 gear 1 x z=48 5 - camshaft 1 x a=40mm (1-57") order kit re55900 20-8 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=56 1c11 engine (cd3029df) camshaft, kit arbre a cames, jeu de pieces nockenwelle, teilesatz albero a camme, serie pezzi arbol de levas, juego kamaxel, sats cd39053 -un-01jan94 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 re55900 kit 1 x 2 26h72 shaft key 1 x 1/8" x 5/8" 3 - camshaft 1 x a=40mm (1-57") nsep 4 t20073 tappet 8 x 5 r119874 bushing 1 x (also order ty6333) genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-9 pn=57 1c12 engine (cd3029df) cylinder block, kit for code 4605 bloc-cylindres, jeu de pieces pour code 4605 zylinderblock, teile sats fuer kode 4605 monoblocco, serie pezzi per codice 4605 bloque de cilindros, juego para codigo 4605 motorblock, sats foer koden 4605 cd39002c -un-28oct96 this parts listing is continued 20-10 genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) pn=58 1c13 engine (cd3029df) 3 0 2 engine 9 key part no- part name qty serial no- d remarks 1 re56425 kit 1 -263023 x (sub re65358, at21535, r55301&r10093, this application) 2 19h2676 cap screw 2 -263023 x 3/8" x 1" 3 t20072 plate 1 -263023 x 4 26h72 shaft key 1 -263023 x 1/8" x 5/8" 5 - camshaft 1 -263023 x nsep, order kit re55900 6 t20073 tappet 6 -263023 x 7 r54802 orifice 3 -263023 x 8 r48685 dowel pin 4 -263023 x od 12-7mm (0-5"), up, rear 9 r26650 dowel pin 2 -263023 x od 9-5mm (0-37"), front 10 19h1726 cap screw 2 -263023 x 3/8" x 2-1/4" 11 r108588 stud 1 -236023 x 3/8"-16unc x 3/8"-24unf x 50mm (2") (sub r130883&14h1076, this application) r130883 stud ar -236023 x 3/8"-16nc x 3/8"-16unc x 47mm (1-85") 12 t18891 cap ar -263023 x od 16mm (0-63") 13 r26493 bushing 1 -263023 x 14 - spring 1 -263023 x lgth 51mm (2"), nsep, order re63674 15 - valve 1 -263023 x lgth 41mm (1-59"), nsep, order re63674 16 t23474 cap screw 8 -263023 x 17 r32214 washer 8 -263023 x 18 r65215 bearing cap 3 -263023 x 19 r79089 cap 1 -263023 x rear 20 r97185 o-ring 1 -263023 x 21 - cylinder block 1 -263023 x marked r115223, nsep, order re65358 22 15h623 pipe plug 1 -263023 x 3/8"-18npt 23 re63674 kit 1 -263023 x 24 t23435 threaded nipple 1 -263023 x 25 r119392 pipe plug 4 -263023 x 1/8"-27npt, with sealant, avec produit d’etancheite, mit dichtmittel, con materiale di tenuta, con sellador, med taetningsmedel 26 15h275 pipe plug 1 -263023 x 1/4"-18npt 27 15h237 pipe plug 2 -263023 x 1/2"-14npt 28 r55233 pipe plug 1 -263023 x 1/4"-18npt 29 15h616 pipe bushing 1 -263023 x 1"-11-5npt x 3/4"-14npt l62675 adapter ar -263023 x 13-11-5npt x 3/4"-14npt, na 30 14h774 nut 1 -263023 x 3/8"-24unf 14h1076 nut ar -263023 x 3/8"-16unc 31 r119874 bushing 1 -263023 x (also order ty6333) 32 15h690 pipe plug 1 -263023 x 3/4"-14npt 33 at85174 switch 1 -263023 x (12 volt -24 volt) 34 r75892 o-ring 1 -263023 x 35 r75893 fitting 1 -263023 x 36 at13740 drain valve ar -263023 x genset power units (cd3029df,cd4039df/tf,cd4045tf,cd6059tf,cd6068tf) pc2450 (20-jan-98) 20-11 pn=59 1c14 engine (cd3029df) cylinder block, kit for code 4607 bloc-cylindres, jeu de pieces pour code 4607 zylinderblock, teile sats fuer kode 4607 monoblocco, serie pezzi per codice 4607 bloque de cilindros, juego para codigo 4607 motorblock, sats foer koden 4607 cd40607a -un-05aug96 this parts listing is continued 20-12 genset power units

强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机配件、发动机配件、发电机组:
pressurized cooling system, consisting of radiator, water pump, multi-blade fan and thermostat. some engines are equipped with a turbocharger. operated by exhaust gases, the turbocharger draws in filtered air to the combustion chambers. powertech is a trademark of deere & company. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-7 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=27 general information 01 8 dx,fuel1 –19–24jan00–1/1 diesel fuel consult your local fuel distributor for properties of the diesel fuel available in your area. in general, diesel fuels are blended to satisfy the low temperature requirements of the geographical area in which they are marketed. diesel fuels specified to en 590/astm d975 are recommended. in all cases, the fuel shall meet the following properties: cetane number of 40 minimum. cetane number greater than 50 is preferred, especially for temperatures below -20°c (-4°f)/elevations above 1500 m (5000 ft). cold filter plugging point (cfpp) below the expected low temperature/cloud point at least 5°c (9°f) below the expected low temperature. fuel lubricity should pass a minimum of 3100 gram load level as measured by the bocle scuffing test. sulfur content: ? sulfur content should not exceed 0.5%. sulfur content less than 0.05% is preferred. ? if diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% sulfur content is used, reduce the service interval for engine oil&filter by 50%. ? do not use diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 1.0%. bio-diesel fuels may be used only if the fuel properties meet din 51606/equivalent specification. do not mix used engine oil/any other type of lubricant with diesel fuel. dx,fuel4 –19–18mar96–1/1 handling&storing diesel fuel caution: handle fuel carefully. do not fill the fuel tank when engine is running. do not smoke while you fill the fuel tank or service the fuel system. fill the fuel tank at the end of each day’s operation to prevent condensation&freezing during cold weather. important: the fuel tank is vented through the filler cap. if a new filler cap is required, always replace it with an original vented cap. when fuel is stored for an extended period/if there is a slow turnover of fuel, add a fuel conditioner to stabilize the fuel&prevent water condensation. contact your fuel supplier for recommendations. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-8 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=28 general information 01 9 dx,enoil –19–24jan00–1/1 diesel engine oil ts1661 –un–10oct97 use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature range during the period between oil changes. the following oil is preferred: ? john deere plus-50? the following oil is also recommended: ? john deere torq-gard supreme? other oils may be used if they meet one/more of the following: ? api service classification ch-4 ? api service classification cg-4 ? api service classification cf-4 ? acea specification e3 ? acea specification e2 multi-viscosity diesel engine oils are preferred. if diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% is used, reduce the service interval by 50%. extended service intervals may apply when john deere preferred engine oils are used. consult your john deere dealer for more information. plus-50 is a registered trademark of deere & company. torq-gard supreme is a registered trademark of deere & company ctm125 (14jun01) 01-9 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=29 general information 01 10 dx,lubst –19–18mar96–1/1 lubricant storage your equipment can operate at top efficiency only when clean lubricants are used. use clean containers to handle all lubricants. whenever possible, store lubricants&containers in an area protected from dust, moisture,&other contamination. store containers on their side to avoid water&dirt accumulation. make certain that all containers are properly marked to identify their contents. properly dispose of all old containers&any residual lubricant they may contain. dx,lubmix –19–18mar96–1/1 mixing of lubricants in general, avoid mixing different brands/types of oil. oil manufacturers blend additives in their oils to meet certain specifications&performance requirements. mixing different oils can interfere with the proper functioning of these additives°rade lubricant performance. consult your john deere dealer to obtain specific information&recommendations. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-10 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=30 general information 01 11 dx,cool8 –19–12feb99–1/1 diesel engine coolant the engine cooling system is filled to provide year-round protection against corrosion&cylinder liner pitting,&winter freeze protection to -37°c (-34°f). john deere cool-gard is preferred for service. if john deere cool-gard is not available, use a low silicate ethylene glycol base coolant concentrate in a 50% mixture of concentrate with quality water. the coolant concentrate shall be of a quality that provides cavitation protection to cast iron and aluminum parts in the cooling system. john deere cool-gard meets this requirement. a 50% mixture of ethylene glycol engine coolant in water provides freeze protection to -37°c (-34°f). if protection at lower temperatures is required, consult your john deere dealer for recommendations. water quality is important to the performance of the cooling system. distilled, deionized,/demineralized water is recommended for mixing with ethylene glycol base engine coolant concentrate. important: do not use cooling system sealing additives/antifreeze that contains sealing additives. coolant drain intervals drain the factory fill engine coolant, flush the cooling system,&refill with new coolant after the first 3 years/3000 hours of operation. subsequent drain intervals are determined by the coolant used for service. at each interval, drain the coolant, flush the cooling system,&refill with new coolant. when john deere cool-gard is used, the coolant drain interval is 3 years/3000 hours of operation. if cool-gard is not used, the drain interval is reduced to 2 years/2000 hours of operation. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-11 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=31 general information 01 12 dx,cool6 –19–18mar96–1/1 operating in warm temperature climates john deere engines are designed to operate using glycol base engine coolants. always use a recommended glycol base engine coolant, even when operating in geographical areas where freeze protection is not required. important: water may be used as coolant in emergency situations only. foaming, hot surface aluminum and iron corrosion, scaling,&cavitation will occur when water is used as the coolant, even when coolant conditioners are added. drain cooling system&refill with recommended glycol base engine coolant as soon as possible. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-12 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=32 general information 01 13 dx,torq2 –19–01oct99–1/1 metric bolt&cap screw torque values torq2 –un–07sep99 top, property class&head markings; bottom, property class&nut markings class 4.8 class 8.8/9.8 class 10.9 class 12.9 size lubricateda dryb lubricateda dryb lubricateda dryb lubricateda dryb n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) m6 4.7 (3.5) 6 (4.4) 9 (6.6) 11.5 (8.5) 13 (9.5) 16.5 (12.2) 15.5 (11.5) 19.5 (14.5) m8 11.5 (8.5) 14.5 (10.7) 22 (16) 28 (20.5) 32 (23.5) 40 (29.5) 37 (27.5) 47 (35) m10 23 (17) 29 (21) 43 (32) 55 (40) 63 (46) 80 (59) 75 (55) 95 (70) m12 40 (29.5) 50 (37) 75 (55) 95 (70) 110 (80) 140 (105) 130 (95) 165 (120) m14 63 (46) 80 (59) 120 (88) 150 (110) 175 (130) 220 (165) 205 (150) 260 (190) m16 100 (74) 125 (92) 190 (140) 240 (175) 275 (200) 350 (255) 320 (235) 400 (300) m18 135 (100) 170 (125) 265 (195) 330 (245) 375 (275) 475 (350) 440 (325) 560 (410) m20 190 (140) 245 (180) 375 (275) 475 (350) 530 (390) 675 (500) 625 (460) 790 (580) m22 265 (195) 330 (245) 510 (375) 650 (480) 725 (535) 920 (680) 850 (625) 1080 (800) m24 330 (245) 425 (315) 650 (480) 820 (600) 920 (680) 1150 (850) 1080 (800) 1350 (1000) m27 490 (360) 625 (460) 950 (700) 1200 (885) 1350 (1000) 1700 (1250) 1580 (1160) 2000 (1475) m30 660 (490) 850 (625) 1290 (950) 1630 (1200) 1850 (1350) 2300 (1700) 2140 (1580) 2700 (2000) m33 900 (665) 1150 (850) 1750 (1300) 2200 (1625) 2500 (1850) 3150 (2325) 2900 (2150) 3700 (2730) m36 1150 (850) 1450 (1075) 2250 (1650) 2850 (2100) 3200 (2350) 4050 (3000) 3750 (2770) 4750 (3500) a "lubricated" means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil,/fasteners with phosphate&oil coatings. b "dry" means plain/zinc plated without any lubrication. do not use these values if a different torque value/tightening make sure fastener threads are clean&that you properly start procedure is given for a specific application. torque values listed are thread engagement. this will prevent them from failing when for general use only. check tightness of fasteners periodically. tightening. shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. always tighten plastic insert/crimped steel-type lock nuts to approximately replace shear bolts with identical property class. 50 percent of the dry torque shown in the chart, applied to the nut, not to the bolt head. tighten toothed/serrated-type lock nuts to the full torque value. fasteners should be replaced with the same/higher property class. if higher property class fasteners are used, these should only be tightened to the strength of the original. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-13 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=33 general information 01 14 dx,torq1 –19–01oct99–1/1 unified inch bolt&cap screw torque values torq1a –un–27sep99 top, sae grade&head markings; bottom, sae grade&nut markings grade 1 (no mark) grade 2a (no mark) grade 5, 5.1/5.2 grade 8/8.2 size lubricatedb dryc lubricatedb dryc lubricatedb dryc lubricatedb dryc n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) n?m(lb-ft) 1/4 3.8 (2.8) 4.7 (3.5) 6 (4.4) 7.5 (5.5) 9.5 (7) 12 (9) 13.5 (10) 17 (12.5) 5/16 7.7 (5.7) 9.8 (7.2) 12 (9) 15.5 (11.5) 19.5 (14.5) 25 (18.5) 28 (20.5) 35 (26) 3/8 13.5 (10) 17.5 (13) 22 (16) 27.5 (20) 35 (26) 44 (32.5) 49 (36) 63 (46) 7/16 22 (16) 28 (20.5) 35 (26) 44 (32.5) 56 (41) 70 (52) 80 (59) 100 (74) 1/2 34 (25) 42 (31) 53 (39) 67 (49) 85 (63) 110 (80) 120 (88) 155 (115) 9/16 48 (35.5) 60 (45) 76 (56) 95 (70) 125 (92) 155 (115) 175 (130) 220 (165) 5/8 67 (49) 85 (63) 105 (77) 135 (100) 170 (125) 215 (160) 240 (175) 305 (225) 3/4 120 (88) 150 (110) 190 (140) 240 (175) 300 (220) 380 (280) 425 (315) 540 (400) 7/8 190 (140) 240 (175) 190 (140) 240 (175) 490 (360) 615 (455) 690 (510) 870 (640) 1 285 (210) 360 (265) 285 (210) 360 (265) 730 (540) 920 (680) 1030 (760) 1300 (960) 1-1/8 400 (300) 510 (375) 400 (300) 510 (375) 910 (670) 1150 (850) 1450 (1075) 1850 (1350) 1-1/4 570 (420) 725 (535) 570 (420) 725 (535) 1280 (945) 1630 (1200) 2050 (1500) 2600 (1920) 1-3/8 750 (550) 950 (700) 750 (550) 950 (700) 1700 (1250) 2140 (1580) 2700 (2000) 3400 (2500) 1-1/2 990 (730) 1250 (930) 990 (730) 1250 (930) 2250 (1650) 2850 (2100) 3600 (2650) 4550 (3350) a grade 2 applies for hex cap screws (not hex bolts) up to 6 in. (152 mm) long. grade 1 applies for hex cap screws over 6 in. (152 mm) long, and for all other types of bolts&screws of any length. b "lubricated" means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil,/fasteners with phosphate&oil coatings. c "dry" means plain/zinc plated without any lubrication. do not use these values if a different torque value/tightening make sure fastener threads are clean&that you properly start procedure is given for a specific application. torque values listed are thread engagement. this will prevent them from failing when for general use only. check tightness of fasteners periodically. tightening. shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. always tighten plastic insert/crimped steel-type lock nuts to approximately replace shear bolts with identical grade. 50 percent of the dry torque shown in the chart, applied to the nut, not to the bolt head. tighten toothed/serrated-type lock nuts to the full torque value. fasteners should be replaced with the same/higher grade. if higher grade fasteners are used, these should only be tightened to the strength of the original. ctm125 (14jun01) 01-14 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=34 group 02 engine mounting 02 1 cd,ctm125,006 –19–01dec97–1/1 clean engine 1. cap/plug all openings on engine. if electrical components (starting motor, alternator, etc  .) are not removed prior to cleaning, cover with plastic and tape securely to prevent moisture from entering. 2. steam-clean engine thoroughly. important: never steam-clean/pour cold water on an injection pump while it is still warm. to do so may cause seizure of pump parts. cd,ctm125,007 –19–04jan01–1/1 engine lifting procedure cd30798 –un–26feb01 jdg23 engine lifting sling note: see the machine technical manual for additional information on removing engine from the machine. caution: the only recommended method for lifting the engine is with jdg23 engine lifting sling (a)&safety approved lifting straps (b). approved lifting straps are designed only to lift the engine and small acces***ies, such as hydraulic pump/air compres*** mounted to the engine auxiliary gear drive, or belt-driven components, such as air conditioning compres***/alternator. in case where larger components, such as pto’s, transmissions, generators or air compres*** are attached to other locations on the engine, technician is responsible for providing adequate lifting devices. note: if engine lifting straps are misplaced, they should be procured through service parts channel under part number jd-244 (or jd244). 1. attach jdg23 engine lifting sling (a) to engine lifting straps (b)&to overhead hoist/to floor crane. 2. carefully lift engine&slowly lower to desired location. ctm125 (14jun01) 02-1 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=35 engine mounting 02 2 cd,ctm125,008 –19–04jan01–1/1 engine repair stand r26420n –un–22may95 d01003aa repair stand d05225st –un–22may95 d05225st adapter to facilitate engine repair, the d01003aa repair stand can be used in conjunction with d05225st adapter. safety precautions this repair stand should be used only by qualified service technicians familiar with this equipment. to maintain shear strength specifications, alloy steel sae grade 8/higher cap screws must be used to mount adapters/engine. for full thread engagement, be certain that tapped holes in adapters&engine blocks are clean? damaged. a thread length engagement equal to 1-1/2 screw diameters minimum is required to maintain strength requirements. to avoid structural damage/personal injury, do not exceed the maximum weight capacity. when engine weight is more than 450 kg (992 lb.), it is recommended to use additional support. to prevent possible personal injury due to engine slippage, recheck to make sure engine is solidly mounted before releasing support from engine lifting device. never permit any part of the body to be positioned under a load being lifted/suspended. accidental slippage may result in personal injury. ctm125 (14jun01) 02-2 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=36 engine mounting 02 3 cd,ctm125,009 –19–04jan01–1/1 mounting engine on repair stand cd30527 –un–16jun98 cd30528 –un–19may98 note: in case of turbocharged engine with low-profile design, remove turbocharger before mounting engine onto repair stand. 1. use a 73 mm spacer at hole (a)&a 79 mm spacer at hole (b). 2. mount engine to adapter using the cap screws listed below at the hole locations as shown: ? holes a&b  9/16-12 x 4-1/2 in (114 mm) ? hole c  .9/16-12 x 1-1/12 in (38 mm) 3. drain all engine oil&coolant 4. disconnect oil inlet line at turbocharger (d) to prevent a hydraulic lock. note: hydraulic lock occurs when trapped oil in the oil filter housing drains through the turbocharger, the exhaust&intake manifolds,&then into the cylinder head. after starting the engine, the trapped oil in the manifold&head is released into the cylinders filling them with oil causing hydraulic lock&severe engine damage. ctm125 (14jun01) 02-3 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=37 engine mounting 02 4 ctm125 (14jun01) 02-4 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=38 group 03 engine rebuilt guide 03 1 cd,ctm125,010 –19–01dec97–1/2 engine disassembly sequence the following sequence is suggested when complete disassembly for overhaul is required. refer to the appropriate repair group when removing individual engine components. 1. drain all coolant&engine oil. check engine oil for metal contaminates (see groups 25&30). 2. remove fan belts, fan,&alternator (see group 30). 3. remove turbocharger (if equipped)&exhaust manifold (see group 35). 4. remove rocker arm cover with vent tube. on engines having an option code label on rocker arm cover, be careful not to damage label (see group 05). 5. remove rocker arm assembly&push rods. keep rods in sequence (see group 05). check for bent push rods&condition of wear pad contact surfaces on rockers. 6. remove thermostat housing&by-pass tube (see group 30). 7. remove oil cooler piping&water pump (see groups 25&30). 8. remove dipstick, oil filter,&engine oil cooler. discard standard-flow oil cooler if oil contained metal particles (see group 25). 9. remove starting motor. 10. remove fuel filter, fuel transfer pump,&fuel lines (see group 40). 11. remove injection lines, injection pump, and injection nozzles (see group 40). 12. remove cylinder head (see groups 05&10). 13. remove cam followers. keep in same sequence as removed (see group 20). 14. remove oil pan (see group 25). 15. remove crankshaft pulley (see group 15). 16. remove oil pressure regulating valve assembly (see group 25). 17. remove timing gear cover (see group 20). 18. remove oil pump drive gear, outlet tube (and its o-ring in block)&pump body (see group 25). 19. remove oil deflector, timing gears&camshaft. perform wear checks (see group 20). 20. remove engine front plate (see group 20). 21. remove lube oil system by-pass valve (see group 25). 22. remove flywheel&flywheel housing (see group 15). 23. stamp cylinder number on rod (if required). remove pistons&rods. perform wear checks with plastigage? (see group 10). 24. remove main bearings&crankshaft. perform wear checks with plastigage? (see group 15). 25. remove cylinder linersand mark each one with cylinder number from which removed (see group 10). 26. remove piston cooling orifices (see groups 10 and 15). 27. remove camshaft bushings (if equipped), see group 10. plastigage is a trademark of dana corp. ctm125 (14jun01) 03-1 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=39 continued on next page engine rebuilt guide 03 2 cd,ctm125,010 –19–01dec97–2/2 28. remove cylinder block plugs&serial number plate (as required) when block is to be put in a “hot tank” (see group 10). 29. clean out liner bores (upper&lower areas) with nylon brush (see group 10). 30. measure cylinder block (see groups 10, 15, and 20). cd,ctm125,011 –19–01dec97–1/1 sealant application guidelines listed below are sealants which have been tested and are used by the john deere factory to control leakage and assure hardware retention. use the following recommended sealants when re-assembling your john deere engine to assure quality performance. john deere content product example of use part number ty9370 6 ml tube loctite? 242 cap screws: thread lock & sealer crankshaft pulley medium strengh (blue) flywheel ty9371 6 ml tube loctite? 271 studs: thread lock & sealer water pump-to-cylinder block high strenght (clear) injection pump-to-front plate exhaust manifold-to-turbocharger oil filter nipple t43514 50 ml tube loctite? 277 steel cap plugs: plastic gasket cylinder block, cylinder head high strength (red) water pump dd15664/25 ml tube loctite? 515 flywheel housing-to-cylinder block ty6304 50 ml bottle flexible sealant front plate/timing gear-to-oil pan gen. purpose (purple) ty9374/6 ml tube loctite? 592 pipe plugs: ty9375 50 ml bottle pipe sealant cylinder block, water pump with teflon? (white) dipstick tube threads temperature sending unit ty15969 50 ml bottle loctite? 609 wear ring sleeve-to-crankshaft retaining compound (green) loctite is a trademark of loctite corp. teflon is a trademark of du pont co. ctm125 (14jun01) 03-2 powertech 2.9 l diesel engines 061401 pn=40 engine rebuilt guide 03 3 cd,ctm125,012 –19–01dec97–1/1 engine re-assembly sequence the following re-assembly sequence is suggested when engine has been completely disassembled. be sure to check run-out specifications, clearance tolerances, torques, etc. as engine is assembled. refer to the appropriate repair group when assembling engine components. 1. install all plugs (and serial number plates) in cylinder block that were removed to service block (see groups 10&15). 2. install clean piston cooling orifices&new camshaft bushings (see groups 10&20). 3. install cylinder liners without o-rings&measure protrusion. install liners with o-rings (see group 10). 4. install crankshaft&main bearings (see group 15). 5. install flywheel housing, rear oil