
约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机轴方法扭转转动连杆带帽螺钉

时间: 2022/8/26    

约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机轴方法扭转转动连杆带帽螺钉 


使用约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机轴方法扭转转动连杆带帽螺钉:


2.将扳手手柄平行于约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机曲轴轴线(A)的中心线放置。

3.拧紧1/4圈(90–100) 顺时针方向,直到扳手手柄垂直于约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机曲轴轴线(B)的中心线,如图所示。




检查约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机旋转是否过紧

1.将曲轴旋转几圈,以确保约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机旋转时没有过度拧紧。








螺钉。安装气门传动系部件。(组020 9.安装起动电机。(组100.)序列号(-199999)。)(第021组,S.N.200000-

10.向约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机加注清洁的机油和适当的冷却液。

4.安装燃油喷射系统部件。(见在特定燃油的相应CTM中的组090 11.将约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机安装到车辆中(如果已拆下)。(参见系统。)机器技术手册。)

5.安装节温器壳体和冷却液旁通管,12.执行约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机磨合。(第020组序列号(如果删除)(第070组)199999)(第021组,S.N.200000-

Torque-Turn Connecting Rod Cap Screws

Using Engine Axis Method to Torque-Turn Connecting Rod Cap Screws:

1.      After tightening cap screws to torque values, mark connecting rod cap and socket.

2.      Position handle of wrench parallel to centerline of engine crankshaft axis (A).

3.      Tighten 1/4 turn (90–100) clockwise until handle of wrench is perpendicular to centerline of engine crankshaft axis (B) as shown.

A—Parallel to Centerline of Crankshaft Axis B—Perpendicular to Centerline of Crankshaft Axis

Using JT05993 Torque Angle Gauge to Torque-Turn Connecting Rod Cap Screws:

After tightening cap screws to initial torque values  provided earlier, follow directions provided with gauge and TORQUE-TURN each cap screw 90–100.

Check Engine Rotation for Excessive Tightness

1.      Rotate crankshaft several revolutions to be sure engine rotates without excessive tightness.

2.      Check liners for deep scratches caused by an improperly installed or broken piston ring.

3.      Check side clearance of rods. Must have slight side-to-side movement.

Complete Final Assembly

NOTE:  Refer to the proper group for installation of     6.  Install vibration damper and crankshaft pulley.

components.   (Group 040.)

050.)         belt, see machine Technical Manual.

2.      Install oiling system components. (Group 060.)      8.  Install exhaust manifold and intake assembly.

(Group 080.)

3.      Install cylinder head using a new gasket and  cap

screws. Install valve train components. (Group 020       9.  Install starting motor. (Group 100.) S.N. ( —199,999).) (Group 021 S.N. (200,000— ).)

10.  Fill engine with clean oil and proper coolant.

4.      Install fuel injection system components. (See

Group 090 in appropriate CTM for specific fuel       11.  Install engine in vehicle (if removed). (See system.)                machine Technical Manual.)

5.      Install thermostat housing and coolant bypass pipe,     12.  Perform engine break-in. (Group 020 S.N. ( — if removed. (Group 070.)                  199,999).) (Group 021 S.N. (200,000— ).)

约翰迪尔John Deere8020 系列拖拉机以前使用的辅助传动箱上的吸气轮已经卸下。 现在,从进气口吸入的较大灰尘颗粒都被抽进风扇罩前方的风管,被约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机风扇吹散。

新的风扇罩将气流按特定方向分流,以**大限度地减少流向约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机罩后部的空气滤清器进气口的尘垢。雅安Perkins帕金斯2806A-E18TAG3约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机喷油器在什么地方买,玉林Perkins帕金斯1104D-E44TA约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机服务电话供应服务商,鄂州Perkins帕金斯1106D-E70TAG3约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机多小钱商家,海口Perkins帕金斯854E-E34T约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机柴油泵、喷射泵组件联系,和田Perkins帕金斯4006-23TAG3A约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机曲轴前后油封欢迎来电,韶关Perkins帕金斯403A-11G1约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机喷油器代理商,青岛Perkins帕金斯,2206A-E13TAG6约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机喷油器一台多少钱,约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机控制单元 (ECU) 监控着多个重要约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机参数。 当冷却剂温度升高时,空调 (AC) 将开放,液压油温度将升高,进气温度也将升高。ECU 向从动皮带盘上的 Vari-Cool 计量阀发送一个信号,以增加对液压皮带盘的约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机油压。这还将增加风扇转速。