首页 产品展示>john deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油发动机进排气门销售中心

john deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油发动机进排气门销售中心

约翰迪尔 4045 4.5T/H 活塞(米) RE507758 排放 2 & 3 Power Tech 4045 4.5T/H 活塞(米) RE507758, PowerTech 系列 发动机和设备型号 4045T/H 排放2&3 每缸4个气门 代码4825 4缸数 孔径: 4.19in106.5mm 销径Ø: 1.6250in(+/-.0002)=41mm JOHNDEERE 4045HF475 连杆(米): R500335(Fractured)(9) 连杆(米): RE507758 洋马发动机 农业 6430 6534 7130 工程机械 120 1010D 10



设备型号 备注
6700 Liter designated
5430I Piston (m) RE507758 Tier 2 & Tier 3
6700 Piston (m) RE59277, RE505100
4730 Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4700 Piston (m) RE55512, RE505102
4830 Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4730 Piston (m) RE521616 Tier 2 & Tier 3
5430I Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4830 Piston (m) RE521616 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4920 Low Compression Piston. To ESN 199,999. Tier 1
5430I Piston (m) RE521616 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4920 Low Compression Piston. From ESN 200,000. Tier 2.
4730 Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4830 Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
5430I Piston (m) RE515037 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4730 Piston (m) RE507758 Tier 2 & Tier 3
4830 Piston (m) RE507758 Tier 2 & Tier 3


约翰迪尔 4045 4.5T/H 活塞(米) RE507758 排放 2 & 3

排放 2 & 3


代码 4825

4.19 in 106.5 mm

销径 Ø:
1.6250 in (+/- .0002) = 41mm



R500335 (Fractured) (9)


280 Series II
(5 板)
(7 板)
(9 板)


180° F
180o F
180° F
(5) (6)
(5) (7)
(5) (8)
(11 V)
(10 V)
(12 V)

(1)1件组合式密封和穿套; 替换TRE59810,RE538097。






(7)线路连接是一个软管倒钩& 一个线程。



美国强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油发电机常见型号配件:
3029DF128、4039DF008、4045TF258、6068TF158、6068TF258、6068HF158、6068HF258、6081HF001A、6081HF001B、6125HF070A、6125HF070B,6125HF070C。5030HF270A 、6059TF005、6135H458。4045DFM70, 4045TFM75, 6068TFM75, 6068TFM76/
强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机配件、发动机配件、发电机组:
4039DFM,6068SM50 ,RE522528、RE519774、RE532628、RE518176、RE507980、RE518503、RE522515、RE504836、RE509031、RE509032、RE59754、RE507284、RE59754、RE519626、RE518977、RE508202、RE58935、T19044、RE62418、RE62419、RE521248、RE520842、C085004、AR95758、LVA10419、AH128449、RE509672、RE196945、RE191915、RE522688、RE522687、RE519774、RE532628re507982) focus (12v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) low temperature basse temperature niedrige temperatur bassa temperatura temperatura baja laag temperatur (c) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta hoeg temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1619 pn=209 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166b 166b 166b 166b 166b 166b rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1620 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=210 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507374 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507980) focus (12v) re507375 engine controller 1 (c) (marked re507982) focus (12v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) low temperature basse temperature niedrige temperatur bassa temperatura temperatura baja laag temperatur (c) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta hoeg temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1621 pn=211 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166c 166c 166c 166c 166c 166c rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1622 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=212 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507386 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507981) focus (24v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta heog temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1623 pn=213 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166d 166d 166d 166d 166d 166d rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1624 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=214 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507387 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507981) focus (24v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta heog temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1625 pn=215 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166j 166j 166j 166j 166j 166j rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1626 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=216 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507408 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507980) focus (12v) re507409 engine controller 1 (c) (marked re507982) focus (12v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) low temperature basse temperature niedrige temperatur bassa temperatura temperatura baja laag temperatur (c) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta hoeg temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1627 pn=217 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166k 166k 166k 166k 166k 166k rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1628 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=218 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 呼伦贝尔供应约翰迪尔/强鹿6125h070发电机组张紧轮一级代理,齐齐哈尔约翰迪尔AR45098滤芯市场报价,安庆强鹿6090柴油发动机水泵一级代理,武汉强鹿T20073凸轮随动件一级代理,成都强鹿柴油发动机仪表盘批发价,烟台约翰迪尔排气门异管RE518083厂家价格,固原JohnDeere凸轮轴铜衬套R87561的价格,重庆强鹿加热器RE502079公司,香港岛迪尔强鹿柴油机增压器SE501667厂家价格,中山JohnDeere皮带张紧轮RE68715厂家价格,丽江强鹿柴油发动机3029修理包批发价,嘉峪关约翰迪尔连杆瓦RE65908供应商,三沙约翰迪尔4045柴油机气门导管诚信推荐,绥化强鹿JOHNDEERE空滤RE16810多少钱,贵港强鹿6068柴油机前油封批发商,赤峰约翰迪尔发动机喷油嘴信息,德宏约翰迪尔柴油机曲轴位置传感器RA519144供应商,红河强鹿6068柴油机曲轴齿轮价格,济宁强鹿RE27349连杆瓦市场报价,郑州约翰迪尔强鹿7930拖拉机RE541925油水分离燃油滤清器哪家买,新疆强鹿柴油发动机曲轴价格,19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507410 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507980) focus (12v) re507411 engine controller 1 (c) (marked re507982) focus (12v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) low temperature basse temperature niedrige temperatur bassa temperatura temperatura baja laag temperatur (c) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta hoeg 曲靖约翰迪尔曲轴RE515785批发价,甘孜约翰迪尔6081柴油机活塞找哪家,梧州约翰迪尔强鹿4045柴油机进气门哪家好,巴彦淖尔约翰迪尔8R-3204拖拉机发动机配件供货商,六安强鹿R503444飞轮外壳哪家买,无锡强鹿6090柴油发动机气门导管找哪家,和田约翰迪尔强鹿柴油机配件水泵批发价,莆田强鹿6090柴油发动机机油泵厂家供货,西安约翰迪尔发动机高压油泵总成供应商,廊坊供应美国原装6068约翰迪尔机油滤清器RE504836找哪家,南平约翰迪尔6081柴油机缸套水封圈哪里买,枣庄约翰迪尔机油滤芯RE506178价格行情,东营约翰迪尔气缸垫R116516公司,文山强鹿滤芯滤清器RE62421厂家批发,南阳JOHNDEERE喷油器回油管固定螺栓RE528096厂家批发,安康强鹿6068TF258缸垫厂家批发,三明强鹿柴油机机滤RE530107的价格,澳门半岛强鹿柴油机空气加热器TRE502668厂家供应,揭阳强鹿后齿轮R63326找哪家,镇江约翰迪尔柴油发电机组连杆哪里买,南通约翰迪尔6068HFC95发动机大修配件厂家供货,temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1629 pn=219 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166l 166l 166l 166l 166l 166l rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1630 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=220 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507422 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507981) focus (24v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta heog temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1631 pn=221 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection 166m 166m 166m 166m 166m 166m rgp7411 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 1600a-1632 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=222 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500292 wiring harness 1 -030292 (sub re508984) re508984 wiring harness 1 030293- 2 r56461 o-ring 1 3 19m7864 screw 5 m8 x 12 4 r128315 clamp 5 5 r134920 nut 12 6 r502172 socket 6 7 r502173 clip 6 8 r133655 pad 6 9 r133651 packing 6 10 r502703 packing 6 11 r502171 packing 6 12 rg31717 electronic unit injector 6 (a) (marked re505207) 13   sleeve 6 (option 5100) 14   o-ring 6 (option 5100) 15 r501390 cap screw 6 m8 x 50 16 r116054 clamp 6 -014584 (sub r505747) r505747 clamp 6 014585- 17 r124676 bracket 1 18 19m7865 screw 2 19 re507423 engine controller 1 (b) (marked re507981) focus (24v) (a) remanufactured rechange standard generaueburholt rigatto refabricado por renoverad (b) high temperature temperature elevee hohe temperatur alta temperatura temperatura alta heog temperatur powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1600a-1633 pn=223 p r o o f p r o o f fuel injection memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda 1600a-1634 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=224 p r o o f p r o o f intake manifold sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp7215 -un-31jan01 1712 - 1713 - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1700-a01 pn=225 p r o o f p r o o f intake manifold sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 1712 - 1713 - 1700-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=226 p r o o f p r o o f intake manifold 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 rgp7112 -un-20dec00 engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 19m8006 screw 4 m8 x 120 2 re61812 engine head temp sen*** 1 3 51m7041 o-ring 1 4 r72853 clamp 3 24m7055 washer 3 5 r502767 cover 1 6 r116830 gasket 1 7 15h666 pipe plug 1 3/8" 8 19m7803 screw 10 m8 x 70   re71255 pipe plug 4 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) 1700-1701 pn=227 p r o o f p r o o f intake manifold 1713 1713 1713 1713 1713 1713 rgp7209 -un-20dec00 engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 19m8006 screw 4 m8 x 120 2 re61812 engine head temp sen*** 1 3 51m7041 o-ring 1 4 r72853 clamp 2 24m7055 washer 2 5 r502767 cover 1 6 r116830 gasket 1 7 15h666 pipe plug 1 3/8" 8 19m7803 screw 10 m8 x 70   re71255 pipe plug 4 1700-1702 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=228 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp7216 -un-31jan01 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 1900-a01 pn=229 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - 1900-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=230 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) 1900-1901 pn=231 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 rgp7143 -un-05dec00 this parts listing is continued 1900-1902 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=232 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r126783 gasket 1 2 re62887 oil pump intake 1 3 19m7866 screw 3 4 r36636 fitting plug 1 5 r29936 o-ring 1 6 r116494 gasket 1 7 r56751 o-ring 4 8 r27175 drain plug 4 9 re508328 oil pan 1 (marked r116493/r504735) (sub for re506168) 10 19m8528 screw 8 m10 x 55 11 19m7835 screw 22 m10 x 35 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) 1900-1903 pn=233 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 rgp5365 -un-13aug99 this parts listing is continued 1900-1904 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=234 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r126783 gasket 1 2 re68429 oil pump intake 1 3 19m7866 screw 3 m8 x 20 4 r36636 fitting plug 1 5 r29936 o-ring 1 6 r116494 gasket 1 7 r128780 oil pan 1 8 19m8528 screw 8 m10 x 55 9 19m7835 screw 22 m10 x 35 10 r27175 drain plug 4 11 r56751 o-ring 4 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) 1900-1905 pn=235 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 rgp5364 -un-13aug99 this parts listing is continued 1900-1906 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=236 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re500272 oil pump intake 1 2 t19687 o-ring 2 3 19m7865 screw 4 m8 x 16 4 r36636 fitting plug 5 5 r29936 o-ring 5 6 r27175 drain plug 2 7 r56751 o-ring 2 8 r133610 gasket 1 9 r500180 oil pan 1 10 19m8528 screw 8 11 19m7835 screw 22 12 r131660 drain plug 1 13 t74492 o-ring 1 1.736" x 0.122" 14 15h686 pipe plug 1 1" powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) 1900-1907 pn=237 p r o o f p r o o f oil pan memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda 1900-1908 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=238 p r o o f p r o o f water pump sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp7217 -un-31jan01 2001 - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 2000-a01 pn=239 p r o o f p r o o f water pump sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 2001 - 2000-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=240 p r o o f p r o o f water pump memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (31-jan-01) 2000-2001 pn=241 p r o o f p r o o f water pump 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 rgp7293 -un-22jan01 this parts listing is continued 2000-2002 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=242 p r o o f p r o o f water pump engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re52702 clamp 2 2 r117080 radiator hose 1 3 e52687 o-ring 1 4 r121187 clamp 1 5 r56757 o-ring 1 6 re39134 seal 1 7 re68707 seal kit 1 8 r57503 tube 1 9 15h624 pipe plug 1 10 15h690 pipe plug 1 11 r100369 filter 1 12 re503603 water pump 1 (marked r502052) 13 19m7785 screw 3   re68708 kit 1 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (31-jan-01) 2000-2003 pn=243 p r o o f p r o o f water pump 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 rgp4840 -un-12dec96 this parts listing is continued 2000-2004 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=244 p r o o f p r o o f water pump engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 e52687 o-ring 1 2 re39134 seal 1 3 jd10363 ball bearing 1 4 r116644 shaft 1 8-1/2" o.d. 5 jd10362 ball bearing 1 6 r71228 ring 1 7 r56757 o-ring 1 8 re68708 kit 1 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) 2000-2005 pn=245 p r o o f p r o o f water pump memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda 2000-2006 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=246 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp8050 -un-15aug01 2101 - 2102 - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 2100-a01 pn=247 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 2101 - 2102 - 2100-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=248 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) 2100-2101 pn=249 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover 2101 2101 2101 2101 2101 2101 rgp5374 -un-13aug99 engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r133142 gasket 1 -xxxxxx (use with r89439) 2 r89439 cover 1 (sub re502571, (2) 19m7812, 19m7784 and 19m8952) re502571 cover 1 xxxxxx- 3 19m7944 screw 2 m10 x 120, (use with r89349) 19m7812 screw 2 xxxxxx- 4 19m7835 screw 1 m10 x 35, (use with r89439) 19m7784 screw 1 xxxxxx- 5 19m8598 screw 1 m10 x 170, (use with r89439) 19m8952 screw 1 xxxxxx- 2100-2102 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) pn=250 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover 2102 2102 2102 2102 2102 2102 rgp5375 -un-17aug99 engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r133142 gasket 1 -xxxxxx (use with r86007) 2 r86007 cover 1 (sub re502570&(3) 19m7812) re502570 cover 1 xxxxxx- 3 19m7944 screw 3 m10 x 120, (use with r86007) 19m7812 screw 3 xxxxxx- powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 2100-2103 pn=251 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat cover memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda 2100-2104 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=252 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp7218 -un-31jan01 2207 - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 2200-a01 pn=253 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 2207 - this parts listing is continued 2200-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=254 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 rgp5377 -un-17aug99 engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re33705 thermostat 1 2 ar102258 thermostat 1 (a) (a) 180 degree, blocking type 180°, thermostat de blocage 180°, sperrausfuehrung 180°, tipo a bloccaggio 180°, tipo de bloqueo 180°, blockerande typ powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) 2200-2201 pn=255 p r o o f p r o o f thermostat memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda 2200-2202 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=256 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning rgp8454 -un-20dec01 23aj - 23aj - 23aj - 23al - 23al - 23al - 23be - 23bg - 23bj - 23bl - 23cc - 23ce - 23cg - 23cj - 23cl - 23dc - 23de - 23de - 23de - 23dg - 23dg - 23dg - 23dj - 23dj - 23dj - 23dk - 23dk - 23dl - 23dl - 23dl - 23gb - 231j - 231l - 234e - 234g - 234j - 234k - 234l - this parts listing is continued powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) 2300-a01 pn=257 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive sectional index index de section gruppenindex indice della sezione indice de seccion gruppsforteckning 23aj - 23aj - 23aj - 23al - 23al - 23al - 23be - 23bg - 23bj - 23bl - 23cc - 23ce - 23cg - 23cj - 23cl - 23dc - 23de - 23de - 23de - 23dg - 23dg - 23dg - 23dj - 23dj - 23dj - 23dk - 23dk - 23dl - 23dl - 23dl - 23gb - 231j - 231l - 234e - 234g - 234j - 234k - 234l - 2300-a02 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) pn=258 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda memoranda powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-dec-00) 2300-2301 pn=259 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23aj (ens -030083) 23aj (ens -030083) 23aj (ens -030083) 23aj (ens -030083) 23aj (ens -030083) 23aj (ens -030083) rgp7287 -un-15aug01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2302 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=260 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 15h686 pipe plug 1 1" 2 jd10329 ball bearing 2 3 r63987 shaft 1 4 re20768 seal 1 5 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 6 r125200 pulley 1 7 t20217 washer 1 8 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 9 re69357 housing 1 (marked r129057) 10 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 11 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 12 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 13 r99590 cover 1 14 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 15 re501133 idler 1 16 r500320 spacer 1 17 19m7818 screw 1 m12 x 80 18 19m7785 screw 2 m10 x 25 19 19m8551 screw 1 m10 x 25 20 r133313 bracket 1 21 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 22 19m7810 screw 1 m10 x 80 23 r129809 cover 1 (code 7700) (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2303 pn=261 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23aj (ens 30084-031638) 23aj (ens 30084-031638) 23aj (ens 30084-031638) 23aj (ens 30084-031638) 23aj (ens 30084-031638) 23aj (ens 30084-031638) rgp7537 -un-11apr01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2303a powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) pn=262 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 2 19m7810 screw 1 3 jd10329 ball bearing 2 4 r63987 shaft 1 5 re20768 seal 1 6 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 7 r125200 pulley 1 8 t20217 washer 1 9 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 10 r99590 cover 1 11 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 m10 x 70 r130589 screw 1 034148- 12 re501133 idler 1 (sub for re65849) 13 r500320 spacer 1 14 19m7811 screw 1 -034147 m10 x 90, (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 15 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 16 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 17 r504677 cover 1 (sub for r501149) 18 19m7836 screw 1 m10 x 110 19 19m7786 screw 2 m10 x 30 20 19m7812 screw 6 m10 x 100 (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2303b pn=263 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23aj (ens 031639- ) 23aj (ens 031639- ) 23aj (ens 031639- ) 23aj (ens 031639- ) 23aj (ens 031639- ) 23aj (ens 031639- ) rgp8371 -un-07dec01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2303c powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) pn=264 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r129809 cover 1 -xxxxxx (code 7700) r504671 cover 1 xxxxxx- (code 7700) 2 19m7836 screw 1 xxxxxx- m10 x 110 3 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 4 19m7810 screw 1 m10 x 80 5 19m7786 screw 2 xxxxxx- m10 x 30 6 15h686 pipe plug 1 -xxxxxx 1" r116466 plug 1 xxxxxx- 7 jd10329 ball bearing 2 8 r63987 shaft 1 9 re20768 seal 1 10 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 11 r125200 pulley 1 12 t20217 washer 1 13 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 14 re69357 housing 1 (marked r129057) 15 19m7818 screw 1 m12 x 80 16 r133313 bracket 1 17 19m8551 screw 1 m10 x 25 18 r500320 spacer 1 19 re501133 idler 1 20 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 m10 x 70, (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 21 r99590 cover 1 22 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 23 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 24 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 25 19m7785 screw 2 xxxxxx- m10 x 25 26 19m7812 screw 6 m10 x 100 (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2303d pn=265 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23al ( -030083) 23al ( -030083) 23al ( -030083) 23al ( -030083) 23al ( -030083) 23al ( -030083) rgp7203 -un-12dec00 this parts listing is continued 2300-2304 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=266 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 15h686 pipe plug 1 1" 2 jd10329 ball bearing 2 3 r63987 shaft 1 4 re20768 seal 1 5 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 6 r128972 pulley 1 7 t20217 washer 1 8 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 9 re64657 housing 1 (marked r129057) fan height 305mm (12.00") 10 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 11 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 12 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 13 r99590 cover 1 14 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 15 re501133 idler 1 (sub for re65849) 16 r500320 spacer 1 17 19m7818 screw 4 m12 x 80 18 19m7785 screw 2 m10 x 25 19 19m8551 screw 1 m10 x 25 20 r133313 bracket 1 21 19m7810 screw 1 m10 x 80 22 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2305 pn=267 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23al (esn 030084-031638) 23al (esn 030084-031638) 23al (esn 030084-031638) 23al (esn 030084-031638) 23al (esn 030084-031638) 23al (esn 030084-031638) rgp7572 -un-25jul01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2305a powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) pn=268 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 2 19m7810 screw 1 3 jd10329 ball bearing 2 4 r63987 shaft 1 5 re20768 seal 1 6 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 7 r128972 pulley 1 8 t20217 washer 1 9 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 10 r99590 cover 1 11 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 m10 x 70, (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 12 re501133 idler 1 (sub for re65849) 13 r500320 spacer 1 14 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 15 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 16 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 17 r504677 cover 1 (sub for r501149) 15h686 pipe plug 1 1", (use with r504677) 18 19m7836 screw 1 m10 x 110 19 19m7786 screw 2 m10 x 30 20 19m7812 screw 6 m10 x 100 (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2305b pn=269 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23al (ens 031639- ) 23al (ens 031639- ) 23al (ens 031639- ) 23al (ens 031639- ) 23al (ens 031639- ) 23al (ens 031639- ) rgp8371 -un-07dec01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2305c powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (09-jan-02) pn=270 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 r129809 cover 1 -xxxxxx (code 7700) r504671 cover 1 xxxxxx- (code 7700) 2 19m7836 screw 1 xxxxxx- m10 x 110 3 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 4 19m7810 screw 1 m10 x 80 5 19m7786 screw 2 xxxxxx- m10 x 30 6 15h686 pipe plug 1 -xxxxxx 1" r116466 plug 1 xxxxxx- 7 jd10329 ball bearing 2 8 r63987 shaft 1 9 re20768 seal 1 10 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 11 r128972 pulley 1 12 t20217 washer 1 13 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 14 re64657 housing 1 (marked r129057) 15 19m7818 screw 1 m12 x 80 16 r133313 bracket 1 17 19m8551 screw 1 m10 x 25 18 r500320 spacer 1 19 re501133 idler 1 20 19m8114 screw 1 m10 x 70, (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 21 r99590 cover 1 22 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 23 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 24 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 25 19m7785 screw 2 xxxxxx- m10 x 25 26 19m7812 screw 6 m10 x 100 (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (17-dec-02) 2300-2305d pn=271 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive 23be 23be 23be 23be 23be 23be rgp7575 -un-19apr01 this parts listing is continued 2300-2306 powertech 12.5l 6125hf070 engine (waterloo) (esn 030000- ) pc2875 (22-aug-01) pn=272 p r o o f p r o o f fan drive engine key part no. part name qty serial no. remarks 1 15h686 pipe plug 1 -xxxxxx 1", (use with r129809) r116466 plug 1 xxxxxx- (use with r504671) 2 jd10329 ball bearing 2 3 r63987 shaft 1 4 re20768 seal 1 5 r62191 snap ring ar (a) r62192 snap ring ar (b) r62193 snap ring ar (c) r62194 snap ring ar (d) 6 r132956 pulley 1 7 t20217 washer 1 8 19h1815 cap screw 1 1/2" x 1-1/4" 9 re69359 housing 1 (marked r129057) fan height 353mm (13.90") 10 19m7811 screw 1 m10 x 90 11 19m7785 screw 1 m10 x 25 12 re170083 tightener 1 (sub for re64442) 13 r99590 cover 1 14 19m8114 screw 1 -034147 m10 x 70, (sub r130589, this application) r130589 screw 1 034148- 15 re501133 idler 1 16 r500320 spacer 1 17 19m7818 screw 4 m12 x 80 18 19m7785 screw 2 m10 x 25 19 19m8551 screw 1 m10 x 25 20 r133313 bracket 1 21 re170084 tightener 1 (sub for re70535, this application) 22 19m7810 screw 1 m10 x 80, (tab on side) 23 r503782 bracket 1 (sub for r133175) 24 19m7785 screw 2 25 r129809 cover 1 -xxxxxx r504671 cover 1 xxxxxx- 26 19m7836 screw 1 m10 x 110 27 19m7786 screw 2 m10 x 30 28 19m7812 screw 6 m10 x 100 (a) red (b) green rouge vert rot gruen rosso verde rojas verde roett groen (c) blue (d) white bleu blanc blau weiss blu bianco azul blanco blaa vit齐齐哈尔碾子山英国珀金斯发电机五灯板PCB650-091厂家销售中心,苏州吴中沃尔沃发动机气门罩盖的价格多少?,许昌襄城县哪里卖perkins配件价格透明,遵义习水县三菱柴油机飞轮查询中心,澳门半岛圣安多尼堂PerkinsM190C船用柴油发动机销售售后服务支持纯正配件,银川永宁县卡特控制刹车电磁阀总成214-4863电话多小?,内蒙古自治呼伦贝尔扎兰屯沃尔沃柴油发动机备品备件去哪买?,adapter may damage bearing assembly. 15. install o-ring&sae “a” front adapter. tighten four mounting stud nuts (b) finger tight. 16. install jdg1144 alignment tool (c) onto gear flange and into adapter bore to properly center adapter with gear spline. 17. tighten mounting stud nuts to specifications. specification sae “a” front adapter mounting nuts—torque  50 n?m (37 lb-ft) important: sae “a” front drive adapter must be properly aligned before installing sae “b” front drive adapter housing. 18. install o-ring&sae “b” front auxiliary drive adapter. tighten cap screws to specifications. specification sae “b” front drive adapter cap screws—torque 55 n?m (40 lb-ft) 19. install gasket&cover plate. ctm67 (24sep02) 54-4 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=348 group 60 air compres***s 60 1 dpsg,ouo1004,630 –19–10mar99–1/3 essential tools note: order tools according to information given in the u.s. servicegard? catalog/from the european microfiche tool catalog (mtc). servicegard is a trademark of deere & company dpsg,ouo1004,630 –19–10mar99–2/3 rg7056 –un–05dec97 flywheel turning tool jdg820 rotate flywheel on 8.1l engine. flywheel turning tool jde81-1 rotate flywheel on 6076 engine. dpsg,ouo1004,630 –19–10mar99–3/3 rg5068 –un–05dec97 timing pin jde81-4 lock engine. dpsg,ouo1004,631 –19–10mar99–1/2 service equipment&tools note: order tools according to information given in the u.s. servicegard? catalog/from the european microfiche tool catalog (mtc). some tools may be available from a local supplier. servicegard is a trademark of deere & company ctm67 (24sep02) 60-1 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=349 continued on next page air compres***s 60 2 dpsg,ouo1004,631 –19–10mar99–2/2 gear puller d01206aa remove air compres*** drive gear. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-2 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=350 air compres***s 60 3 dpsg,ouo1030,48 –19–26mar99–1/1 air compres*** specifications item measurement specification air compres*** gear retaining nut torque 149 n?m (110 lb-ft) (4.5l&6.8l) air compres*** mounting cap torque 95 n?m (70 lb-ft) screws/hex nuts (4.5l&6.8l) air compres*** mounting nuts torque 102 n?m (75 lb-ft) (6076) air compres*** mounting cap torque 44 n?m (33 lb-ft) screws (8.1l) air compres*** gear retaining nut torque 122 n?m (90 lb-ft) (6076) air compres*** gear retaining cap torque 170 n?m (125 lb-ft) screw (8.1l) air compres*** drive gear-to-idler backlash 0.08—0.74 mm (0.003—0.029 in.) gear (6076&8.1l) air compres*** rear support torque 44 n?m (33 lb-ft) bracket (6076&8.1l) cap screws air compres*** gear access cover torque 41 n?m (30 lb-ft) (6076&8.1l) air compres*** mounting cap torque 110 n?m (74 lb-ft) screws (10.5l&12.5l) air compres*** rear support cap torque 37 n?m (27 lb-ft) screw (4.5l&6.8l) air compres*** rear support cap torque 44 n?m (33 lb-ft) screw (10.5l&12.5l) air compres*** gear cap screw torque 102 n?m (75 lb-ft) (10.5l&12.5l) air compres*** drive through cover torque 20 n?m (15 lb-ft) cap screws (10.5l&12.5l) ctm67 (24sep02) 60-3 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=351 air compres***s 60 4 dpsg,ouo1030,45 –19–22mar99–1/1 air compres*** general information rg9530 –un–24mar99 air compres*** for 10.5 l&12.5 l engines shown air compres***s offered with john deere oem engines provide compressed air to operate air-powered devices like vehicle air brakes. air compres***s are engine-driven piston types. they are either air cooled/cooled with engine coolant. the compres***s are lubricated with engine oil. the compres*** runs continuously as gear/spline driven by the auxiliary drive of the engine but has “loaded” and “unloaded” operating modes. this is controlled by the vehicle’s air system (refer to vehicle technical manual for complete air system checks&services). troubleshooting charts for air compres***s follow in this group. if diagnosis leads to an internal fault in the compres***, replace the complete compres*** as a new or remanufactured unit. air compres***s are supplied as acces***ies with oem engines as follows: 4.5 l / 6.8 l engines ? bendix 550 model ? midland 850/1300 model ? holset qe296 model 8.1 l&6076 (500,000— ) engines ? midland 1300 model ? holset 13.2 cfm model 10.5 l / 12.5 l engines ? holset 13.2, 15/34 cfm models ctm67 (24sep02) 60-4 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=352 air compres***s 60 5 dpsg,ouo1030,8 –19–25feb99–1/1 compres*** troubleshooting chart symptom problem solution compres*** passes excessive restricted air intake filter/line. check engine/compres*** air filter&replace if necessary. oil at exhaust ports of valving check compres*** air inlet for kinks&excessive bends. or seeps oil from air filter. restricted oil return (to engine). check for excessive bends, kinks&restrictions in the oil return line. check oil drain passages in the compres***&engine mating surfaces. lack of compres*** cooling for air-cooling portions of the compres*** (bendix only): (compres*** runs hot). remove accumulated grease, grime/dirt from cooling fins. check for damaged cooling fins. for water-cooled portions of the compres***: check coolant flow through the compres***. check water temperature: should not exceed 93°c (200°f). contaminants not being regularly check reservoir drain valves for proper operation. drained from system reservoirs. compres*** runs loaded an check for system leaks. excessive amount of time. excessive engine crankcase test for excessive engine crankcase pressure. (see engine pressure. technical manual.) excessive engine oil pressure. check engine oil pressure. reading should not exceed specifications. (see engine technical manual.) faulty compres***. replace compres*** only after making certain none of the preceding problems exist. noisy compres*** operation. loose drive gear. inspect the fit of the drive gear on compres*** crankshaft. the gear must be completely seated&the gear retaining nut must be tight. if the compres*** crankshaft surface/keyway are damaged, it is an indication of a loose drive gear. if damage to the compres*** crankshaft is detected, replace compres***. excessively worn drive gear. inspect drive gear&check gear backlash for excessive wear. compres*** cylinder head/check compres*** discharge port&discharge line for carbon discharge line restrictions. build-up. check discharge line for kinks&restrictions. faulty compres***. replace compres*** only after making certain none of the preceding problems exist. continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-5 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=353 air compres***s 60 6 dpsg,ouo1030,16 –19–03mar99–1/1 compres*** troubleshooting chart (continued) symptom problem solution excessive build-up&recover dirty air intake filter. check engine/compres*** air filter. time. restricted intake line. check compres*** air intake line for kinks&restrictions. restricted discharge line/check compres*** discharge port&line for restrictions and compres*** discharge cavity. carbon build-up. slipping drive components. check for faulty auxiliary drive gears. (see groups 50—54 of this manual.) excessive air system leakage. check for air system leakage. (see vehicle technical manual.) sticking unloader pistons. check operation of the unloading mechanism. check for proper operation of the compres*** air governor. faulty compres***. replace compres*** only after making certain none of the preceding problems exist. compres*** fails to unload. faulty air governor. check air governor for proper operation&inspect air lines to and from governor for kinks&restrictions. faulty compres*** due to faulty replace compres*** only after making certain none of the or worn unloader pistons/preceding problems exist. bores. compres*** constantly cycles faulty air governor. check air governor for proper operation. (compres*** remains unloaded for a very short time). faulty compres*** due to leaking check for air leakage at intake air filter/fitting with the compres*** unloader pistons. compres*** unloaded (not compressing air). excessive air system leakage. check for excessive air system leakage. (see vehicle technical manual.) excessive reservoir contaminants. drain reservoirs. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-6 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=354 air compres***s 60 7 dpsg,ouo1030,4 –19–23feb99–1/3 remove&install air compres*** (4.5 l and 6.8 l) rg9491 –un–03mar99 a—oil lube line b—coolant port (in)1 c—air intake port d—air discharge port e—coolant port (out)1 f—mounting cap screw (2 used) g—off-set auxiliary drive 1. if compres*** is water cooled, drain engine cooling system. 2. disconnect air intake line&discharge line from ports (c&d). 3. disconnect oil lube line (a)&coolant lines from ports (b&e). note: remove rear support from midland 1300, holset qe296&bendix 550 air compres***s. 4. remove two mounting cap screws (f)/hex nuts. remove air compres***&gasket from off-set drive adapter (g). discard gasket. note: off-set adapter (g) is not used with midland 850 compres***, which mounts directly on engine. 1 not used on air cooled compres***. continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-7 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=355 air compres***s 60 8 dpsg,ouo1030,4 –19–23feb99–2/3 rg9492 –un–03mar99 a—gear b—washer c—hex nut 5. if gear removal is necessary, remove hex nut (c) and washer (b) from air compres*** shaft. note: air compres*** shaft is tapered&gear may be difficult to remove. 6. using d01206aa gear puller, pull gear (a) off air compres*** shaft. 7. install gear (a) , washer (b)&hex nut (c) on air compres*** shaft. tighten hex nut to specifications. specification air compres*** gear retaining nut (4.5l&6.8l)—torque  149 n?m (110 lb-ft) continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-8 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=356 air compres***s 60 9 dpsg,ouo1030,4 –19–23feb99–3/3 rg9491 –un–03mar99 a—oil lube line b—coolant port (in)1 c—air intake port d—air discharge port e—coolant port (out)1 f—mounting cap screw (2 used) g—off-set auxiliary drive (if used) 8. use new gasket&install air compres*** on off-set drive adapter (g). install two mounting cap screws (f) or hex nuts&tighten to specifications. specification air compres*** mounting cap screws/hex nuts (4.5l and 6.8l)—torque 95 n?m (70 lb-ft) note: install rear support on midland 1300, holset qe296&bendix 550 air compres***s. 9. connect oil lube line (a)&coolant lines to ports (b and e). 10. connect air intake line&discharge line to ports (c and d). 11. fill cooling system. 1 not used on air cooled compres***. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-9 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=357 air compres***s 60 10 dpsg,ouo1030,2 –19–09may02–1/5 remove&install air compres*** [6076 (s.n. 500000— )&8.1 l] rg6956 –un–14oct93 6076 shown a—oil line clamp b—oil supply line c—oil drain hose (6076 only) d—front cover 1. drain cooling system. 2. disconnect air&coolant lines from air compres***. 3. remove oil line clamp (a)&oil supply line (b). 4. remove hose clamps&oil drain hose (c) (6076 only). 5. remove front cover (d)&gasket. discard gasket. dpsg,ouo1030,2 –19–09may02–2/5 rg6957 –un–14oct93 6076 shown a—gear retaining nut b—washer c—air compres*** gear d—air compres*** shaft 6. rotate engine using jdg820/jde81-1 flywheel turning tool&lock engine with jde81-4 timing pin. note: 6081 engines with holset air compres*** use a cap screw to retain gear (c). 7. remove gear retaining nut (a)&washer (b). note: air compres*** shaft (d) is tapered&gear may be difficult to remove. carefully apply heat to face of gear around opening to aid in removal of gear. 8. using d01206aa gear puller, pull gear off air compres*** shaft. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-10 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=358 continued on next page air compres***s 60 11 dpsg,ouo1030,2 –19–09may02–3/5 rg6959 –un–14oct93 6076 shown 9. remove rear support bracket (if equipped). 10. remove two hex nuts. remove air compres*** from idler housing. discard gasket. 11. using a new gasket, install air compres*** to rear of idler housing. install hex nuts&tighten to specifications. specification air compres*** mounting nuts (6076&8.1 l)—torque. 102 n?m (75 lb-ft) air compres*** mounting cap screws (8.1 l)—torque  44 n?m (33 lb-ft) continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-11 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=359 air compres***s 60 12 dpsg,ouo1030,2 –19–09may02–4/5 rg9496 –un–11mar99 6076 shown a—gear retaining nut b—gear 12. clean tapered id of gear&tapered od of air compres*** shaft. 13. install gear (b), washer&retaining nut (a) on air compres*** shaft. note: 6081 engines with holset air compres*** use a cap screw to retain gear. 14. rotate engine using jdg820/jde81-1 flywheel turning tool&lock engine with jde81-4 timing pin. tighten gear retaining nut/cap screw to specifications. specification air compres*** gear retaining nut (6076&8.1 l)—torque 122 n?m (90 lb-ft) air compres*** gear retaining cap screw (8.1 l)—torque  170 n?m (125 lb-ft) 15. check air compres*** drive gear-to-idler gear backlash. specification air compres*** drive gear-to-idler gear (6076 and 8.1l)—backlash  0.08—0.74 mm (0.003—0.029 in.) 16. install rear support bracket (if equipped)&tighten cap screws to specifications. specification air compres*** rear support bracket (6076&8.1l) cap screws—torque 44 n?m (33 lb-ft) continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-12 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=360 air compres***s 60 13 dpsg,ouo1030,2 –19–09may02–5/5 rg6956 –un–14oct93 6076 shown a—oil line clamp b—oil supply line c—oil drain hose (6076 only) d—front cover 17. using a new gasket, install front cover (d). tighten cap screws to specifications. specification air compres*** gear access cover (6076&8.1l)—torque . 41 n?m (30 lb-ft) 18. install oil supply line (b)&clamp (a). 19. install oil drain hose (c) (6076 only). tighten hose clamps securely. 20. install air&coolant lines to air compres***. 21. fill cooling system. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-13 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=361 air compres***s 60 14 dpsg,ouo1030,7 –19–09may02–1/3 remove&install air compres*** (10.5 l and 12.5 l) rg9493 –un–03mar99 a—oil supply line b—cap screw c—ecu mounting plate d—mounting cap screw (2 used) 1. drain cooling system. 2. disconnect air&coolant lines from air compres***. 3. remove oil supply line (a). note: later engines do not require ecu mounting plate removal to access rear support. 4. remove ecu from mounting plate&cap screw (b) from rear of air compres***. 5. remove ecu mounting plate (c) from engine. 6. remove two mounting cap screws (d). remove air compres***&gasket. 7. install gasket&air compres***. install two mounting cap screws (d)&tighten to specifications. specification air compres*** mounting cap screws (10.5l&12.5l)— torque . 110 n?m (81 lb-ft) note: later engines do not require ecu mounting plate removal to access rear support. 8. install ecu mounting plate (c) on engine. install cap screw (b) on rear of air compres***&tighten to specifications. specification air compres*** rear support cap screw (10.5l&12.5l)— torque . 44 n?m (33 lb-ft) 9. install ecu to mounting plate. 10. install oil supply line (a). 11. connect air&coolant lines to air compres***. 12. fill cooling system. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-14 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=362 continued on next page air compres***s 60 15 dpsg,ouo1030,7 –19–09may02–2/3 rg9494 –un–11mar99 a—cap screw b—gear air compres*** drive gear, remove&install (10.5l and 12.5l) 1. remove cap screw (a)&washer from air compres***. 2. using a suitable puller, pull gear (b) off crankshaft. 3. remove rear drive cover, if equipped. important: air compres*** must be supported on rear of crankshaft while pressing gear on. failure to do so will result in connecting rod damage. 4. press gear (b) on crankshaft. 5. install washer&cap screw (a). tighten to specifications. specification air compres*** gear cap screw (10.5l&12.5l)—torque. 102 n?m (75 lb-ft) 6. install rear drive cover&tighten cap screws to specifications. specification air compres*** drive through cover cap screws (10.5l and 12.5l)—torque 20 n?m (15 lb-ft) continued on next page ctm67 (24sep02) 60-15 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=363 air compres***s 60 16 dpsg,ouo1030,7 –19–09may02–3/3 rg9495 –un–11mar99 a—spline drive shaft air compres*** spline drive shaft, remove and install (10.5l&12.5l) note: the spline drive shaft is retained by resistance of an o-ring on the drive shaft. 1. remove spline drive shaft (a), pulling by hand. 2. install o-ring&spline drive shaft. ctm67 (24sep02) 60-16 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=364 group 70 air conditioning compres***s 70 1 dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–1/10 essential tools note: order tools according to information given in the u.s. servicegard? catalog/from the european microfiche tool catalog (mtc). servicegard is a trademark of deere & company dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–2/10 rw25564 –un–04sep96 air conditioning oil injector jt02129 add refrigerant oil to pressurized system dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–3/10 rw21613 –un–17aug92 recovery/recycling,&charging station jt020451 servicing air conditioning system using r–134a refrigerant 1jt02046 charging station&jt02050 recovery&recycling station can be substituted for jt02045 dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–4/10 rw40022 –un–08sep93 air conditioning r–12/r–134a fitting kit jt02098 connect flushing, purging,&pressure equipment dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–5/10 rw25867 –un–22dec97 compres*** holding fixture .dfrw201 hold a/c compres*** during disassembly&assembly 1see section 99 for tool fabrication ctm67 (24sep02) 70-1 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=365 continued on next page air conditioning compres***s 70 2 dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–6/10 rw19932 –un–19may92 a/c compres*** clutch spanner jdg747 remove compres*** clutch dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–7/10 rw19935 –un–19may92 jawsjdg748 removing compres*** pulley—(used with d05277st puller) dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–8/10 rw21598 –un–17aug92 forcing screw pilot jdg771 removing compres*** clutch dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–9/10 rw40022 –un–08sep93 pulley remover d05277st remove compres*** pulley dpsg,ouo1004,616 –19–09may02–10/10 rw19943 –un–19may92 compres*** seal protector jdg746 install seal on compres*** ctm67 (24sep02) 70-2 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=366 air conditioning compres***s 70 3 dpsg,ouo1004,619 –19–02mar99–1/1 air conditioning specifications item measurement specification contained refrigerant temperature 52°c (125°f) maximum evacuating system required vacuum at sea level 94.4 kpa (0.9 bar) (28.6 in. hg) denso a/c compres*** (new) approximate oil capacity 230 ml (7.8 fl oz) sanden a/c compres*** (new) approximate oil capacity 299 ml (10.1 fl oz) a/c compres*** idler pulley torque 55 n?m (40 lb-ft) denso compres*** clutch hub cap torque 14 n?m (10 lb-ft) (120 lb-in) screw sanden compres*** clutch hub nut torque 17 n?m (13 lb-ft) (150 lb-in) denso compres*** clutch hub clearance 0.35—0.65 mm (0.014—0.026 in) sanden compres*** clutch hub clearance 0.40—0.80 mm (0.016—0.031 in) denso compres*** manifold cap torque 26 n?m (19 lb-ft) screw denso compres*** housing through torque 26 n?m (19 lb-ft) bolts denso compres*** relief valve torque 12—16 n?m (9—12 lb-ft) ctm67 (24sep02) 70-3 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=367 air conditioning compres***s 70 4 dpsg,ouo1004,620 –19–04mar99–1/1 air conditioning general information rg9501 –un–11mar99 a—sanden compres*** b—denso compres*** two types of air conditioning freon compres***s are used on oem engines: sanden compres***s (a)&denso compres***s (b). both compres***s are covered in this group but service varies. in general, denso compres***s are serviceable, while sanden compres***s are not. after diagnosis, use the procedures in this group to repair denso compres***s. if diagnosis of a sanden compres*** reveals a failure, replace compres*** as required. only the denso compres*** is equipped with a test/charging port on the suction side of the compres***. when the compres*** is off the machine, appropriate adapters must be installed directly in the suction inlet port of the sanden compres*** to attach test/charging equipment. when installed in the machine, there will be suction&discharge test ports in the high&low pressure lines regardless of which compres*** is used. the suction&discharge ports of compres***s are easily identified. the suction port will have a larger, low pressure line connected to it. this line is typically insulated. operation of both compres***s is the same. low pressure gas from the evaporator flows through the expansion valve (or calibrated orifice) to the compres***. the compres*** compresses the gas into a high pressure gas which is then sent to the condenser. (for operation of the complete air conditioning system, refer to machine technical manual.) the compres*** housing also serves as a reservoir for refrigerant oil. ctm67 (24sep02) 70-4 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=368 air conditioning compres***s 70 5 dpsg,ouo1004,580 –19–09may02–1/1 proper refrigerant handling refrigerant used in john deere air conditioning systems is r–134a, which replaced the commonly used r–12 refrigerant. the u.s. environmental protection agency prohibits discharge of any refrigerant into the atmosphere, and requires that refrigerant be recovered using the approved recovery equipment. important: use correct refrigerant recovery, recycling&charging stations. do not use refrigerant, hoses, fittings, components/refrigerant oils intended for use with r–12 refrigerant, on a system containing r–134a refrigerant. recovery, recycling&charging stations for r–12 and r–134a refrigerants must not be interchanged. systems containing r–12 refrigerant use a different oil than systems using r–134a. certain seals are not compatible with both types of refrigerants. dpsg,ouo1004,581 –19–25feb99–1/1 r-134a refrigerant cautions caution: do not allow liquid refrigerant to contact eyes/skin. liquid refrigerant will freeze eyes/skin on contact. wear goggles, gloves&protective clothing. if liquid refrigerant contacts eyes/skin, do not rub the area. splash large amounts of cool water on affected area. go to a physician/hospital immediately for treatment. do not allow refrigerant to contact open flames/very hot surfaces such as electric welding arc, electric heating element and lighted smoking materials. do not heat refrigerant over specified temperature in a closed container. heated refrigerant will develop high pressure which can burst the container. specification contained refrigerant— temperature  52°c (125°f) maximum keep refrigerant containers away from heat sources. store refrigerant in a cool place. do not handle damp refrigerant container with your bare hands. skin may freeze to container. wear gloves. if skin freezes to container, pour cool water over container to free the skin. go to a physician/hospital immediately for treatment. ctm67 (24sep02) 70-5 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=369 air conditioning compres***s 70 6 ouod005,00001ca –19–03sep02–1/1 air conditioning retrofit air conditioning retrofit technical manual tm1719 provides the john deere recommended procedure to retrofit r-12 systems to r-134a. air conditioning systems r-12 to r-134a retrofit parts catalog pc2449 contains service parts for every john deere machine that has been produced with an r-12 air conditioning system. dpsg,ouo1004,568 –19–23feb99–1/1 system information flushing: flushing the compres***, another component/the complete system is a cleaning process using a liquid solvent to remove oil&debris. the compres*** and/or system should be flushed if any of the following occur: ? the compres*** has an internal failure ? no oil remains in used compres*** ? oil drained from compres*** appears/smells overheated ? system was contaminated with a mixture of refrigerant oils ? system was left open to the atmosphere long enough for dirt, moisture,/debris to enter the tubing/components ? system has an internal blockage refer to machine technical manual for procedures to flush air conditioning system. purging: purging the compres***/the system is a cleaning process using a gas to force liquid from the system. purging alone will not remove refrigerant oil from the system. the compres***/system should be purged if any of the following occur: ? after flushing system with solvent, to prevent oil dilution ? system was contaminated with nitrogen/two refrigerants ? system was left open to the atmosphere and flushing could not be performed ? installation of new lines, condenser,/evaporator was required refer to machine technical manual for procedures to purge air conditioning system. evacuating: evacuating the system is a process to remove air and moisture from the system, by creating a vacuum. ctm67 (24sep02) 70-6 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=370 air conditioning compres***s 70 7 dpsg,ouo1004,615 –19–09may02–1/1 discharge air conditioning system rw40116 –un–02jun94 operate air conditioning system for 10 minutes with engine at rated speed, if compres*** is operable. set temperature control for maximum cooling&blower switch at high. this allows refrigerant oil to be circulated through system&indicates quantity of oil in compres***. stop engine&use the following procedure to discharge system: important: use only r–134a refrigerant recovery, recycling&charging machines. do not mix r–134a equipment, refrigerant, and refrigerant oils with r-12 systems. connect jt02045 r–134a refrigerant recovery, recycling&charging station. note: jt02050 r–134a refrigerant recovery and recycling unit&jt02046 refrigerant charging unit may be substituted for jt02045. connect low-side hose (blue) to suction fitting (c)/port on suction line. connect high-side hose (red) to discharge fitting (b)/port on suction line. follow the manufacturers instructions,&discharge system. cap the fittings to prevent contamination. ctm67 (24sep02) 70-7 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=371 air conditioning compres***s 70 8 dpsg,ouo1004,583 –19–01mar99–1/1 flush/clean air conditioning compres*** note: to flush complete air conditioning system, refer to machine technical manual. 1. discharge system (see discharge air conditioning system, this group). 2. remove compres***&measure oil drained from both manifold ports. 3. clean compres*** as follows: a. pour 240 ml (8 fl oz) of genesolv 2004 flushing solvent into suction port&120 ml (4 fl oz) into discharge port. plug both ports in compres*** manifold/cylinder head using appropriate fittings from jt02098 fitting kit. b. turn compres*** end for end&roll compres*** side to side. c. remove both plugs from manifold/cylinder head ports&drain solvent from compres***. d. connect battery power to compres*** clutch coil. rotate pulley at least five revolutions to move solvent out of cylinders. e. invert compres***, roll to all sides,&drain thoroughly. f. let compres*** sit inverted for three to five minutes. g. repeat previous two steps at least three times. dpsg,ouo1004,584 –19–01mar99–1/1 purge air conditioning system important: air compres***s used for purging systems require a water separator. purging without a separator adds moisture, creating hydrofluoric acid when combined with refrigerant oil. acid is corrosive to metal tubing. 1. connect dry nitrogen hose to gauge manifold center hose. 2. connect gauge manifold suction hose to compres*** suction port/port on suction line, and open valves. 3. connect gauge manifold discharge hose to compres*** discharge port/port on discharge line,&open valve. disconnect discharge hose from gauge manifold to allow purging nitrogen to atmosphere. 4. open nitrogen tank valve&adjust regulator to 275 kpa (2.75 bar) (40 psi). purge system for two minutes/time specified in machine technical manual. disconnect nitrogen supply. 5. evacuate system. (see evacuate air conditioning system, this group.) ctm67 (24sep02) 70-8 oem engine acces***ies 092402 pn=372 air conditioning compres***s 70 9 dpsg,ouo1004,585 –19–09may02–1/1 evacuate air conditioning system rw40116 –un–02jun94 b—discharge fitting c—suction fitting important: use only r–134a refrigerant recovery, recycling,&charging machines. do not mix r–134a equipment, refrigerant, and refrigerant oils with r-12 systems. 1. connect jt02045 r–134a refrigerant recovery, recycling,&charging station. note: jt02046 hfc134a refrigerant charging unit can be substituted for jt02045. pump must be capable of pulling at least 28.6 in. hg vacuum (sea level). deduct 1 in. hg from 29.9 in. for each 300 m (1000 ft) elevation above sea level. 2. connect low-side hose (blue) to suction fitting (c) on compres***/port on suction line. connect high-side hose (red) to discharge fitting (b) on compres*** or port on discharge line.
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