首页 产品展示>发电机组全自动并机柜




手动并机柜:采用传统的灯光法并机的系统。 半自动并机柜:人工操作发电机组开、停机,人工操作并机柜系统的分、合闸健,自动完成并机、解列控制。

Manual and cabinets: using the traditional lighting method and machine system. Semi automatic and manual operation of generating unit cabinet: open, shutdown, manual operation and cabinet system, close kin, automatic machine, islanding control.

自动井机柜:由市电的有无控制的机组开、停以及并机系统的自动并机与解列,自动分配负载的并机系统。 全自动并机柜:在自动并机柜的基础上采用PLC完成多台机组的自动投入与并机,自动解列,与停机的逻辑功能(常称调峰)。 三遥并机系统:采用专用的单片机系统,完成并机柜以及发电机组同PC机的通信连接的并机系统。

Automatic well cabinets: electricity has no control unit open, stop and machine system with automatic machine series, automatic load distribution and the system. Full automatic and cabinet: in automatic and cabinets on the use of PLC to complete the automatic input and multiple units and machine, automatic disconnection, and shutdown logic function ( often called peak ). Three remote and machine system : uses the special-purpose single-chip system, complete and cabinets and generating units with PC communication connection and the system.

产品特点:结构简单,美观大方。最大的优点是操作简易,能在最短的时间里教会从来未接触过发电机组或并机柜的电工操作并机柜。 功能齐全,具有过流过压逆功率保护。机器故障保护等功能,发动机的所有参数(如:水温 油压 排温等参数和所有的故障参数显示)用485通信在机旁连接至并机柜上严格按GB/T2820标准执行。

Product features: simple structure, elegant appearance. The biggest advantage is easy to operate, can in the shortest time to the Church never contacted the generator or electricians and cabinets and cabinet. Complete function, has the overcurrent and overvoltage of reverse power protection. Machine fault protection function, the engine of all parameters (such as: water pressure exhaust temperature and all the fault parameter display ) with 485communication in the machine cabinet connected to and strictly according to GB / T2820 standards.


Generators and cabinet performance

A: 自动控制并机: 手动启动其中一台送电机,(必要时,也可以两台同时启动,并机后再送电)当这台机满载时,下一台自动启动并机送电,功率自动平分、当负载下降后,发电机可自动退出其中一台停机,经过30秒冷却运行后自动停机,恢复到自动待机备用状态。由其中一台送电。

A: automatic control and machine: manual initiation wherein a send ( motor, when necessary, may two started at the same time, and the machine to send electric ) when the machine is full, the next start automatically and machine transmission, automatic power equally, when the load decreases after, the generator can be automatically out of one station stop, after 30sec cooldown operation after the automatic shutdown, restored to the automatic standby state. By which a power transmission.

B:人工选择控制: 即可以人为在并柜上操作启动发电机,可用自动和手动并机、开机台数可以由人工控制、也可以负载大小控制。

B: artificial selection control: that can be artificially and cabinet operation starting generator, available automatic and manual and machine, number of operating units can be manually controlled, can also load control.

C:保护功能: 过电流保护、反功率保护、自动跟踪同步,准同期合闸并机保护。

C: protection function: over current protection, inverse power protection, automatic tracking synchronization, synchronization closing machine protection.


Function and use of automatic and cabinets


A: introduction and cabinet

GX系列全自动或自动并机装置是专为柴油发电机组并联运行设计、制造的专用装置。适用于 2 台及以上带电子调速器的柴油发电机组的并联运行。本装置的核心器件采用美国 GAC 公司的同步器和负荷分配器、西门子或三菱公司的 PLG (备选)、日本 ORMON 及国产优质电器组件和进口或国产品牌空气开关,经专业高级工程师优化设计而成,本装置具有功能齐全,运行可靠,维护方便等特点。

GX series automatic or automatic devices and machines are designed for parallel operation of diesel generator set design, manufacture special equipment. Applicable to 2 or more bands of electronic speed governor for the parallel operation of diesel generating set. The device 's core device is the United States GAC synchronizer and load distributor or Mitsubishi Co, Siemens PLG (optional ), ORMON Japan and China-made high-quality electrical components and imported or domestic brands of air switch, by professional engineers to optimize the design from, the device has the advantages of complete functions, reliable operation, convenient maintenance etc..


Two: functional description


Automatic machine: when the unit after a successful start-up, power transmission to and cabinets, and machine, which comprises a synchronizer detection signal, action will be electrically adjustable, and set the frequency and phase of automatic regulation and bus line, a signal role and machine, air switch, and closing machine.

1 .自动分配负荷:

1automatic distribution load:

当 2 台及以上机组并机完毕后,机组开始带负荷运行,负荷分配器将作用电调,根据机组的功率,按比例分配负荷。

When2 or more units and aircraft after the start, unit load operation, load distributor will be electrically adjustable, according to the unit power, proportional distribution of load.

2 .调峰:(备选项)

2peak: ( optional)

当 2 台及以上机并联运行,在负荷变化时,可根据负荷率的大小,增减运行机组的台数。一般当负荷率低于 35% 时,将解列机组,负荷率高于 80% 时将启动,并列机组,以使机组运行在最经济的状态。此种功能要求发电机组有自启动功能,才能完成。

When2 or more machines in parallel operation, changes in the load, can according to the load rate of increase or decrease in size, the number of operating units. Generally when loading rate is less than 35%, the splitting unit, load rate is higher than 80% will start, juxtaposed units, in order to make the operation of the unit in the most economic state. The functional requirements of generating unit has since the launch of the function, can be completed.

3 .保护功能: A :同步保护; B :逆功率保护; C :过电流和短路保护(由保护器完成); D :过压、欠压保护(备选项)。

3 protection function: A: synchronous protection; B: reverse power protection; C: over current and short circuit protection ( by protector complete); D: over-voltage, under-voltage protection ( optional).

指示仪表: A :电压表; B :电流表; C :频率表; D :功率表; E :功率因数表: F :同步指示表(并机时观察用);

Indicating instrument: A: B: current voltage table; table; C: D: power frequency table; table; E: power factor table: F: synchronous indicator ( parallel observation );


Three, the structure and technical parameters

1 .结构说明: a .框体采用 GGD 柜体,表面经喷塑处理,颜色为国际灰。 b .主母线采用 TMR 铜母线,按满负荷设计,设计在柜体中上部。发电机组端的电缆,从柜体下端接入空气开关。

1Structure: a by GGD cabinet frame, surface spray processing, color for the international gray. B. The main line by using TMR copper bus bar at full load, design, design in the upper part of the cabinet body. Generator end of the cable, from the lower end is connected to the air switch cabinet.

2 .技术参数:a .发电机组的电压: 220V AC ~ 480V AC , 超过 480V 需特殊订货。b .发电机组单台功率: 90 ~ 3000KW 。c .频率: 50Hz 或 60Hz 。d .接线方式: Y 接三相四线。 e .同步相差位: 1 ~ 25 0 ,一般设置在 10 0 。 f .负载分配差度:± 5% 可调。 g .逆功率动作: 5 ~ 20% 可调。 h .正功率动作: “ NO ” 20 ~ 100% 可调。一般设定为 80% 。 “ OFF ” 0 ~ 80% 可 调。一般设定为 30-35% 。

2technical parameters: a generator voltage:220V AC - 480V AC, over 480V need special order. B. Power unit power:90~ 3000KW. Frequency:50Hz or 60Hz C. D connection: Y connected three phase four line. E. Synchronization is : 1~ 250, generally set at 100. F. The load distribution difference of:± 5% adjustable. G. Reverse power action:5~ 20% adjustable. H. Positive power action:" NO" from 20 to100% adjustable. General settings for80%. " OFF"0~ 80% adjustable. General settings for30-35%.

3 .质量保证:自出厂之日起 12 个月。一切因制造组件质量引起的损坏,均由本公司修妥或更换。 四、安装调试 : 1 、柜体应安装室内,且埋有槽钢的混凝土座上,柜体离墙面不小于 0.8m ,柜体应可靠接地。 2 、发电机组接入的电缆及输出至负载的电缆应接牢,并符合电气工程的规范要求。3 、发电机组应先单机先做空载及负载试验保证机组性能良好,符合要求后。再进行下一步的并机调试。单机运行时发电机 AVR 需接入调差元件,使电压调整率为 -2.5% 左右,且电压、频率调节灵敏。 4 、检查各台发电机组的相序,应使其相同。 5 、发电机组和并机柜之间的控制线按图纸要求接好。 6 、分别启动各发电机组,送电至并机柜,调节发电机组的电压、频率,应变化均匀。测试紧急停机及故障分闸等功能,应动作可靠。 7 、并机运行调试:单机调试完毕后,可空载并机,并调整电压和频率,使并机后的机组环流为 0 或小于 3% 额定电流,机组并机平稳,无环流运行 3 — 5 分种即可带负荷运行,带约 30-50% 的负荷率,调节负荷分配器使负荷按比例分配,调节调差环节,使机组功率因数平衡,运行约 15 分钟负荷分配无变化,卸负荷、解列。再进行调峰试验,选择主机,启动主机,送电,带负荷至 80% 左右,备机应启动,自动并机,自动分配负荷。当降低负荷低于 35% ,备机应解列停机。

3 quality assurance: since the factory from the date of12 months. All because of manufacturing assembly quality caused by damage, by the company to repair or replacement. Four, installation commissioning : 1, the cabinet should be installed indoors, and the buried channel steel concrete base, the cabinet from the wall not less than 0.8m, the cabinet should be reliable grounding. In 2, generating units access cable and output to the load cable should be firm, and in accordance with the requirements of electrical engineering. In 3, generating units should first single to do no-load and load test crew to ensure good performance, to meet the requirements. Then the next step and debugging. Single unit operation of generator AVR need to access adjustment element, so that the voltage regulation rate is about -2.5%, and the voltage, frequency sensitive adjustment. 4, check the generator phase, should make it the same. In 5, generating units and the cabinet between the control line connected according to the drawing requirements. 6, start the generator, power transmission to and cabinets, regulation of generator voltage, frequency, should be uniform change. Test of emergency shutdown and fault tripping function, action should be reliable. In 7, and machine operation: stand-alone debugging is completed, can be unloaded and machine, and adjusting the voltage and frequency, and machine unit circulation is 0or less than 3% of rated current, unit and the machine is stable, no circulation operation of 3- 5 minutes can be run with load, with about 30-50% load ratio, load regulation distributor to make load proportional allocation, adjusting differential link, make the unit power factor balance, running about 15minutes without a change of load distribution, load, splitting. Then the load test, selection of host, starting the engine, transmission, load to about 80%, preparing the machine should start, automatic machine, automatic distribution of load. When decreasing the load of less than 35%, preparing the machine should be out of shutdown.


Five, the use of operation

(一):自动并机运行: 1 、启动、并机:启动发电机组,合上发电机组的空气开关(如有的话),送电至并机柜,调节频率和电压使 2 台机组电压一致(不超过 5V )和频率一致(不超过 0.1Hz )。 30 秒内机组应自动并机,并机成功后,把并机选择开关扭到 0 档。 2 、解列:当负荷降至 35% 以下,可按备用机组的分闸按钮解列,空机运行 3 — 5 分种后停机,另 1 台机组可单机运行或分闸停机。 3 、故障停机:当机组出现高水温、低油压等故障信号送至并机柜,使并机柜解列,故障指示灯亮。这时负荷会加至另 1 台机组上,如负荷过大将导致运行的机组停机。出现故障停机,应立即减小负荷至 1 台机组能承担的范围。出现故障停机并查明原因后再投入运行。

( a ): automatic and machine operation:1, priming, and machine: starting generator, closed turbine air switch ( if any ), transmission to and cabinets, adjusts the frequency and voltage to2voltage consistent units ( not more than 5V) and frequency ( less than 0.1Hz ). 30 seconds set should be automatically and machine, and after the success of the machine, and machine selection switch to0 archives. In 2, splitting: when the load is reduced to below 35%, according to the standby unit brake button series, an empty machine running3- 5 minutes after shutdown, the other1 units can be stand-alone or gate stop. 3, breakdown: when the unit is high temperature, low oil pressure fault signal is sent to and cabinets, and cabinets series, fault indicator light. When the load will increase to1 units, such as load will lead to operational units shutdown. Fault shutdown, should immediately load is reduced to 1units can afford. Failure stop and identify the cause and then put into operation.

4 、紧急停机: 2 台机组并机运行出现较大环流,且又不能消除时,应分闸解列。电流、电压、频率波动较大时,可按急停按钮解列和停机。

4, emergency stop:2 units and machine running large circulation, and can not eliminate, should switch series. Current, voltage, frequency fluctuation, can press the emergency stop button out and stop.


( two): peaking operation: selected host, starting the engine, transmission, load, the host group according to the load size and machine or stand-alone operation.

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