首页 产品展示>柴油发电机并机控制系统、并机柜、并网柜、并联柜、控制柜、ATS转换柜


NBRX100-2800KW 柴油发电机并机控制系统、并机柜、并网柜、并联柜、控制柜、ATS转换柜 全智能数字并联系统 Intelligent digital parallel system 领先技术 Leading technology 智能控制与通讯 Intelligent control and communication NBRX100-2800KW Diesel generator and machine control system, and cabinets, network cabinets, control cabinet, ATS conversion cabinet 全智能数字并联系统 Intelligent digital parallel system





Intelligent digital parallel system


Leading technology


Intelligent control and communication


Diesel generator and machine control system, and cabinets, network cabinets, control cabinet, ATS conversion cabinet


Intelligent digital parallel system


A: general surgery: automatic intelligence and machine, and machine system with automatic machine, automatic load balancing function, and can be smoothly transferred the load active power and reactive power ( according to the change of the load automatic adjustment, the load average allocation in the multiple unit ), the whole machine system according to load volume automatically adjusts the size of input operating unit number, the switch cabinet bus and feeder system for the connected load to provide stability to the emergency power supply.


Two : System Description: failure of the normal power supply, diesel generator system will automatically start, parallel operation, the switch cabinet bus to the connected load to provide emergency power supply. For the diesel generator control panel equipped with an alarm system, when the diesel generator fault automatic stop, unloading. When the normal close to restore power supply, generator, reset to a standby state, until the



A power failure restart. When the diesel generator is put to use, can be given

一路信号,使 UPS关闭充电功能。

A signal, the UPS off the charging function.

A.并联机组在50%100%总额定功率范围内能稳定运行,且可平稳地转 移负载的有功功率和无功功率,其有功功率和无功功率的分配差度不大于5%

A. parallel units in 50% 100% rated power range of stable operation, and can smoothly shift the load active power and reactive power, the active power and reactive power distribution difference of not more than 5%.


B. parallel unit start run time, when a unit or its parallel device fault, does not affect the other units of the normal startup, operation (including monitoring signal ).


C. as main control cabinet and machine set, the control system has a main control redundancy function, namely the main control functions of real-time online backup, a main control module fault, a main control module for real-time seamless backup power supply system, realize the operation without disturbance.

D.机组从接到起动指令(不包含起动延时时间)到完成并联输出(能够承担额定负载)的时间不超过 60秒。

D. unit from receiving the starting instruction (not including the starting delay time ) to complete the parallel output ( able to bear load rating of less than 60 seconds ).

正常情况下,柴油发电机和机组并联控制系统均处于自启动状态。当机组接到启动信号时,并联控制装置在收到启动信号 10秒钟内(可设),所有并联发电机组同时启动。首先达到90%的额定电压和频率的机组将通过发电机组断路器连接到应急母线,其余发电机组自动同步后接入,根据负荷重要性,依次投入负载。

Under normal circumstances, diesel generators and generating units parallel control system are in since the start state. When the unit is receiving the start signal, parallel control unit receives the start signal within 10 seconds ( can be set up ), all the parallel power set to start at the same time. The first reached 90% of the rated voltage and frequency of the units will be through the generator circuit breaker is connected to the rest of the emergency bus, generating set automatic synchronous access, load according to the importance, sequentially input load.

E.当市电电源恢复供电后,系统经过可调整的时间延迟,自动将所有负荷切回市电电源供电。发电机组将在无负载状态下运行 010分钟(时间可以通过控制装置调节),控制装置将自动复位,并为下一次运行作好准备

E. when electric power supply after the power recovery, system after the adjustable delay time, automatically converts all load to cut back the city electric power supply. Generators shall be under no load condition to run0to 10 minutes (the time can be adjusted through the control device ), control device can automatically reset, and for the next run ready

F.负载管理 并机主控模块对发电机组投入需求和负载需求的控制,具体如下: 市电断电,全部机组并联运行110分钟(可调)后,系统判断

F. load management and main control module for generating input demand and load demand control, specific as follows: electric power, all units operating in parallel for 1to 10 minutes ( adjustable ), the system judges

负载率,减少机组运行的数量。当负载小于机组总额定功率的80%可调)时,自动解除一台机组的运行;再次根据上述原则判断是否需再减一台机组运行;依次 类推,直到剩余机组无法再减。如果运行过程中,负载增加,则加机原则如下:当负载超过当前运行机组 总额定功率的85%(可调)时,自动再启动一台机组,投入并联供电。

Load rate, reduce the number of unit operation. When the load is less than the units total80% of rated power adjustable ), automatic lifting of a unit operation; again according to this principle, to determine whether it is necessary to cut a unit operation; followed by analogy, remaining until the unit cannot be reduced. If during operation, load increases, add machine principle is as follows: when the load exceeds the current operating units total85% of rated power ( adjustable ), automatic restart a unit, input parallel power supply.

H. 并机控制装置具备扩展能力,预留并机扩展接口,并在扩展后不影响系统的可靠性。

H. and machine control device with extension ability, reserved and machine interface, and in the extension does not affect the reliability of the system.

三: 系统运行方式

Three: the system operating mode

A) 自动运行

A ) automatic operation

(1) 当柴油发电机组和主控制屏处于自动模式时,一旦正常电源发生故

(1) when the diesel generating set and the main control panel in the automatic mode, once the normal power supply occurs so

障,在收到启动信号 10秒内,发电机启动,第一台 90%的额定电压和频率将通过发电机断路器连接到应急母线。第二台至第七台自动同步启动,并联于主母线,分担系统负载。每台发电机允许 3 10秒钟的启动尝试,每次启动间隔 10秒钟。当 3次启动尝试全部失败后,起动超时闭锁功能,发出启动失败报警。

Avoidance, after receiving a starting signal generator for 10 seconds, start, the first90% of the rated voltage and frequency will be through the generator circuit breaker is connected to the emergency bus. Second to seventh automatic synchronous initiation, parallel to the main bus-bar, sharing system load. Each generator allows 310seconds of starting the experiment, each time interval10 seconds. When the 3start attempt failed after all, starting overtime locking function, a boot failure alarm.

(2) 收到启动信号 10秒内,其余发电机同步自动启动,并联于应急母线,闭合断路器。

(2) receives the start signal for 10 seconds, the remaining generators automatically start, parallel to the emergency bus, closed circuit breaker.

(3) 当正常电源恢复后,ATS系统(客户提供)经过可调整的时间延迟,自动将所有负荷切换回正常电源。发电机断路器同时断开,柴油机将在无负载情况下运行 0 5分钟时间停机,时间可以通过控制屏调节。控制屏自动复位到待机状态。

(3) when the normal power is restored, the ATS system ( customers ) after the adjustable delay time, automatically converts all load switching back to the normal power supply. Generator breaker opened at the same time, diesel engine will be under no load condition to run 0to 5minutes down, time can be achieved through the control panel control. Control panel automatic reset to standby state.

B) 手动运行

B ) manual operation

(1) 当主控制处于手动模式时,整个应急柴油发电机系统处于手动状态,由柴油发电机选择开关控制机组的启动和停止。

(1) when the main control in manual mode, the emergency diesel generator system is under manual condition, by a diesel generator selector switch control unit start and stop.

(2) 保护功能在手动运行和自动运行时同样有效。

(2) protection in manual operation and automatic operation is still valid.

C) 柴油发电机模式选择

C ) diesel generator mode selection


Each diesel generator should have the following operation mode:


(1) emergency stop: when the generator operation, no matter what time to press the emergency stop button, set will stop immediately and will disconnect the generator circuit breaker. Serious failure may also be caused by diesel engine emergency stop, atresia start function, until the staff troubleshoot and reset lockout.

(2) 正常(冷却)停止:允许经过一定时间延迟后正常切断柴油发电机,

(2) normal ( cooling ) stop: the time delay must normally cut diesel generator,


In order to make the diesel generator after a certain time after cooling load operation. When the diesel generator


When, whenever you select switch is placed in the closed position, the generator circuit breaker to be disconnected, unit according to the time delay relay set delay time continues to operate for a period of time.

(3) 自动:柴油发电机处于待机状态,无论什么时候收到由自动切换系统或进行系统测试传来的信号,机组将自动启动。当正常电源恢复后,转换系统将发信号给柴油发电机关机或系统测试结束,断路器将断开,柴油发电机在停机以前将空转一段时间,为下一次运行作准备。

(3): automatic diesel generator is in a standby state, no matter what time is received by the automatic switching system or system testing signals, power unit will automatically start. When power is restored, conversion system will send a signal to the diesel generator shutdown or system testing ended, the circuit breaker will disconnect, diesel generators in shutdown before will idle for a period of time, for the next operation preparation.

(4) 测试:柴油发电机将起动并达到要求的转速和电压。柴油机将连续运行直到测试时间到达为止。这个测试时间可根据需要设定。当柴油发电机运行在测试状态时,如果正常电源发生故障,主控制开关处于自动状态,柴油发电机将自动同步,并将发电机断路器闭合到母线上,或者如自动运行所描述的那样动作。

(4) test: diesel generator will start and meets the requirements of speed and voltage. Diesel engine will run continuously until the test time of arrival date. This test time can be set according to needs. When the diesel generator running in a test condition, if the normal power failure occurs, the main control switch in the automatic state, diesel generators will be automatically synchronized, and the generator circuit breaker closing to the bus, or automatic operation as described by action.

D) 自动加载、卸载功能自动模式运行时,系统自动检测机组输出功率大小,并根据输出功率大小(可调)来控制投入运行机组的台数,如:总负载小于单台机组功率的40%时停止一台优先级别低的机组;当总负载大于单台功率的85%

Automatic loading unloading function of D ), automatic mode of operation, the system detects the output power size, and according to the output size ( adjustable ) to control the input operating unit number, such as: the total load is less than the single unit power40% to stop a priority level lower unit; when the total load is greater than a single power of85%


Automatic start another unit, and automatic synchronization, parallel load sharing. When one station unit fault, there will be another unit automatically start, after the parallel output load.

E) 负载分配控制数字式自动负载分荷控制器:各机组以负载均分的控制模式,将负载依各机组容量进行比例分担。

E ) load distribution control digital automatic load sharing load controller: each unit to load sharing control mode, the load in accordance with the unit capacity proportion.

F) 保护特性

F ) protection characteristics

(1) 每台柴油发电机有数字式逆功率继电器来提供反转保护。

(1) each having digital diesel generator reverse power relay to provide reversal protection.

(2) 设置半自动同步检查继电器。

(2) set the semi automatic sync check relay.

(3) 并联系统采用工业 CANBUS数据通信方式,设置联锁装置用于确保发电机断路器合闸到母线上之前,检查母线带电状态和同步控制仪处于工作状态。

(3) parallel system based on industrial CANBUS data communication mode, set the interlocking device is used to ensure that the generator circuit breaker closing to the bus before, check bus charged state and synchronous control instrument in working state.

(4) 当有故障时提供声光报警。四:发机电启停条件:

(4) when there is a failure to provide sound and light alarm. Four: dynamo on-off conditions:

1)当市电电源失电后,延时 0--5S柴油发电机自启动。

(1) when the city electricity power source failure, delay0--5S diesel generator starting.

2)市电恢复后,柴油发电机延时 60S自动停机。

(2), after recovery, diesel generator delay60S automatic shutdown.


Five: monitoring function:

 1:柴油发电机组控制装置具有标准接口(RS485 RS232),支持 MODBUS 标准通讯协议,

1: diesel generator control device has a standard interface ( RS485and RS232), supports the MODBUS standard communication protocol,


The open 2: interface communication protocol coding table, to provide professional management software.


3: unit via standard communication interface and electrical monitoring Internet, by electrical monitoring system for remote monitoring, control

4:机组启停(包括 启停控制、增减机组控制等)。

4: unit commitment ( including start and stop control, change control etc.).


5: unit controller can receive the fire system passive switch remote control on-off signal, and will set working state, fault alarm signal return fire control room ( the digital signal and the switching signal can provide )


6: electrical monitor can monitor the following parameters and signal ( not limited to the following ):

A, , )机组工作状态、故障报警等信号,输出频率、电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数等

A ) set working state, fault alarm signal, the output frequency, voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor


B ) power main circuit breaker operation state, fault alarm, manual / automatic switch status signal;


C ) tank level gauge, oil pressure, oil temperature, water temperature and starting and stopping fault alarm signal;

D) 报警信号

D ) alarm signal

E) 停机信号

E ) stop signals

F) 继电器动作信号

F ) relay signal

G) 并机系统和单机的工作参数与工作状态

G ) and machine system and a single working parameters and working condition

6、并机方式:发电机组并机方式工作时,当接到启动信号后同时启动 2台机组,2台机组并机运行,此时并机控制系统自动检测机组输出功率大小,并根据输出功率大小(可调)来控制投入运行机组的台数(具备负载管理功能)。市电来电信号经延时确认后,自动切掉机组输出开关,运行的机组空载运行5min(可调)后自动停机。当一台柴油机组故障时,系统可以正常启动其余柴油机组并能

In 6, and the machine: generating units and machine work, when receiving the startup signal simultaneously launched 2units,2 units and machine operation and machine control system, the automatic detecting unit output power size, and according to the output size ( adjustable ) to control the input operating unit number ( with load management function ). City Electric call signal by the delay confirmation, automatically cut off the unit output switch, the unit running no-load running 5min ( adjustable ) after the automatic shutdown. When a diesel generator unit fault, system can start the diesel engine and


Parallel operation.

7. 数字参数读数(由并机馈线系统配合机组控制系统提供以下数字读数)

7digital readings of the parameter ( by and machine feeder system with unit control system provides the following digital readout )

A) 发电机交流电压-3(线-线、线 -)

A ) generator AC voltage -3( line line, line - phase )

B) 发电机交流电流(每相、平均)

Generator alternating current ( B ), average per phase )

C) 发电机有功功率(kW) (总功率)

C ) the active power of the generator ( kW ) ( power )

D) 发电机无功功率(kVAR) (总功率)

D ) generator reactive power ( kVAR ) ( power )

E) 发电机输出%额定功率 ()

E ) % of rated power output of the generator ( total )

F) 发电机视在功率(kVA) ()

F ) generator apparent power ( kVA ) ( general )

G) 发电机功率因数(PF) (平均)

G ) generator power factor ( PF ) (, mean )

H) 发电机频率

H ) generator frequency

I) 发动机转速 RPM

I ) the engine speed RPM

J) 发动机计时表

J ) engine timing table

K) 发动机起动成功次数

K ) engine starting success

M) 发动机机油压力(psi, KPa, bar)

M ) engine oil pressure ( PSI, KPa, bar )

N) 发动机冷却液温度

N ) engine coolant temperature

O) 发电总量 KWh

Total power generation KWh O )

P) 维护保养间隔(发动机运行时间或日期)

Maintenance interval ( P ) engine operating time or date )

Q) 实时时钟

Q ) real-time clock


8 alarm function ( by and machine feeder system with unit control system provides the following protection and diagnosis functions )

A) 低油压

A ) low oil pressure

B) 高水温

B ) high temperature

C) 超速

C ) speeding

D) 过盘车(3次启动失败)

D ) before turning (3false starts )

E) 紧急停机

E ) emergency shutdown

F) 低油压报警

F ) low oil pressure alarm

G) 低冷却水温 H 控制开关不在自动位

G ) low cooling water temperature H control switch not in auto

I) 低油位

Low level I )

J) 充电器 AC故障

J AC ) charger fault

Q) 带载

Q ) with load

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