首页 技术中心>珀金斯柴油机不能起动或起动困难的原因分析与维修技术


2015/5/15 14:19:03


Reason analysis and repair technology of Perkins diesel engine can not start or start difficult

一 起不动或起动转速不够(要求起动转速150—190分)

A real or not starting speed (150 - 190 for the starting speed)

a) 蓄电瓶电力不足,反映电瓶比重不合乎要求,有电压无电力,电压降太大。

A) power battery, the battery does not conform to the requirements reflect the proportion, there is no power voltage, the voltage drop is too large.

b) 起动机本身有缺陷。

B) starter was defective.

c) 蓄电瓶电缆线锈蚀或电缆线过长,造成电阻大,电流小。

C) battery cable corrosion or cable is too long, causing large resistance, small current.

d) 润滑油太稠,不符合季节要求。

D) the lubricating oil is too thick, do not meet the requirements of the season.

e) 在绝缘或搭铁电路中电阻过大。

E) in insulation or resistance in the circuit ground is too large.

f) 油压或水温报警线脱落而造成误报警停车、或起不动车,但手动顶开电磁阀能起动车又停不了车。

F) of oil or water temperature alarm line loss caused by false alarm stop, or train, but manual top open solenoid valve can train and stop the car.

g) 电磁阀本身坏,打不开油路,但可临时用手动顶开电磁阀暂用。

G) solenoid valve itself is bad, not open circuit, but the temporary use of manual top open solenoid valve temporarily.

h) 液压锁紧{柴油或水进入汽缸}起不动车。

H) hydraulic lock diesel or water enters the cylinder} {not emu.

i) 泵齿轮转动轴断{现象是电磁阀出口无油}而起不动车。

I) PT pump gear shaft fault phenomenon is electromagnetic valve outlet {no oil and no car}.

j) 发电机组,一些线路脱落、断路或烧保险,控制电路无电。

J) generator, some lines off, open circuit or fuse, power control circuit.

二 压缩压力不足

Two insufficient pressure

a) 活塞环和缸套磨损{需大修}.

A) piston ring and cylinder wear {need repair.

b) 进、排气门磨损或气门间隙太

B), into the exhaust valve or the valve clearance is too worn

三 喷入柴油机汽缸中的燃油不足

Three injection diesel engine cylinder in the fuel shortage

a) 燃油滤堵塞。

A) fuel filter clogging.

b) 油路有空气.

B) oil air.

四 喷油正时不正确过早或过晚{ 略}。

Four early or late incorrect injection timing slightly}.


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