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2016/5/7 8:39:43


2506- 15



Important Safety


Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to

observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially

hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This

person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and

could result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have

read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard

warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.

The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as

“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or

pictorially presented.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in

this publication.

Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair procedures that you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that

was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,

measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can

affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before

you start any job. Perkins dealers or  Perkins  distributors  have the most current information available.








product Perkins recommends using Perkins

replacement parts.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or




Table of Contents




CID 0003 FMI 11 ................................................... 55

CID 0004 FMI 11 ................................................... 55

CID 0005 FMI 11 ................................................... 56

CID 0006 FMI 11 ................................................... 56

Troubleshoot ing Section

Electronic Troubleshooting

System Overview .................................................... 5

Glossary .................................................................. 7

Electronic Service Tools ........................................ 10

Replacing the ECM ............................................... 12

Self-Diagnostics .................................................... 13

Sensors and Electrical Connectors ....................... 14

Engine Wiring Information .................................... 18

Programming Parameters

Programming Parameters ..................................... 21

Factory Passwords ............................................... 21

Factory Passwords Worksheet ............................. 21

Flash Programming .............................................. 22

Injector Trim File ................................................... 23

System Configuration Parameters

System Configuration Parameters ........................ 24

Troubleshooting without a Diagnostic Code

Alternator Noise .................................................... 31

Alternator Will Not Charge .................................... 31

Battery .................................................................. 31

Can Not Reach Top Engine RPM ......................... 32

Coolant in Engine Oil ............................................ 33

Coolant Temperature Is Too High ......................... 34

ECM Will Not Accept Factory Passwords ............. 34

ECM Will Not Communicate with Other Systems or

Display Modules .................................................. 34

Electronic Service Tool Will Not Communicate with

ECM .................................................................... 35

Engine Cranks but Will Not Start .......................... 36

Engine Has Early Wear ........................................ 37

Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable ........ 38

Engine Oil in Cooling System ............................... 39

Engine Vibration ................................................... 39

Engine Will Not Crank ........................................... 40

Excessive Black Smoke ........................................ 40

Excessive Engine Oil Consumption ...................... 41

Excessive Fuel Consumption ............................... 42

Excessive Valve Lash ........................................... 43

Excessive White Smoke ....................................... 43

Fuel Dilution of Engine Oil .................................... 44

Intermittent Engine Shutdown ............................... 45

Low Engine Oil Pressure ...................................... 46

Low Power ............................................................ 46

Mechanical Noise (Knock) in Engine .................... 47

Noise Coming from Cylinder ................................. 48

Poor Acceleration or Response ............................ 49

Valve Rotator or Spring Lock Is Free .................... 50

Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code

Flash Codes .......................................................... 51

Diagnostic Codes .................................................. 51

Diagnostic Code Cross Reference ....................... 52

CID 0001 FMI 11 ................................................... 54

CID 0002 FMI 11 ................................................... 55

CID 0041 FMI 03 .................................................. 56

CID 0041 FMI 04 .................................................. 57

CID 0091 FMI 08 .................................................. 57

CID 0100 FMI 03 .................................................. 57

CID 0100 FMI 04 .................................................. 57

CID 0110 FMI 03 ................................................... 58

CID 0110 FMI 04 ................................................... 58

CID 0168 FMI 02 .................................................. 58

CID 0172 FMI 03 .................................................. 59

CID 0172 FMI 04 .................................................. 59

CID 0174 FMI 03 .................................................. 59

CID 0174 FMI 04 .................................................. 59

CID 0190 FMI 02 .................................................. 60

CID 0190 FMI 09 .................................................. 60

CID 0190 FMI 11 ................................................... 60

CID 0190 FMI 12 .................................................. 61

CID 0247 FMI 09 .................................................. 61

CID 0248 FMI 09 .................................................. 61

CID 0253 FMI 02 .................................................. 61

CID 0254 FMI 12 .................................................. 62

CID 0261 FMI 13 .................................................. 62

CID 0262 FMI 03 .................................................. 62

CID 0262 FMI 04 .................................................. 63

CID 0268 FMI 02 .................................................. 63

CID 0273 FMI 03 .................................................. 63

CID 0273 FMI 04 .................................................. 63

CID 0274 FMI 03 .................................................. 64

CID 0274 FMI 04 .................................................. 64

CID 0342 FMI 02 .................................................. 64

CID 0342 FMI 11 ................................................... 65

CID 0342 FMI 12 .................................................. 65

CID 0799 FMI 12 .................................................. 65

CID 1690 FMI 08 .................................................. 66

Troubleshooting with an Event Code

Event Codes  ........................................................ 67

E162 High Boost Pressure ................................... 69

E360 Low Engine Oil Pressure ............................. 70

E361 High Engine Coolant Temperature .............. 71

E362 Engine Overspeed ....................................... 72

E363 High Fuel Supply Temperature .................... 72

E368 High Intake Manifold Air Temperature ......... 73

Diagnostic Functional Tests

5 Volt Engine Pressure Sensor Supply Circuit -

Test ..................................................................... 75

CAN Data Link Circuit - Test ................................. 81

Data Link Circuit - Test .......................................... 85

ECM Memory - Test .............................................. 88

Electrical Connectors - Inspect ............................. 90

Electrical Power Supply Circuit - Test ................... 94

Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit -

Test ..................................................................... 97

Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test ........ 103

Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -

Test .................................................................... 110

Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test ................................ 115

Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test ............................. 119

Speed Control (Analog) - Test ............................ 126


Table of Contents


Speed Control (PWM) - Test ............................... 129

Switch Circuits - Test .......................................... 134

Calibration Procedures

Engine Speed/Timing Sensor - Calibrate ............ 138

Index Section

Index ................................................................... 140



Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshoot ing


Ele ct ron ic

Trou bl es hoot ing

System Overview


System Operation

Illustration 1

Block diagram for the 2506-15 engine

(1) 12 Pin Connector

(2) Electronic Control Module (ECM)

(3) Electronic Unit Injectors

(4) Crankshaft Position Sensor

(5) 36 - 1 Tooth Gear

(6) 120 Pin Connector

(7) 36 + 1 Tooth Gear

(8) Camshaft Position Sensor

(9) Timing Calibration Probe

(10) Timing Calibration Probe Connector

(11) Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

(12) Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor


(13) Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor

(14) Coolant Temperature Sensor

(15) Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

(16) Fuel Temperature Sensor

This engine is electronically controlled. Each cylinder

has an electronic unit injector. The Electronic Control

Module (ECM) sends a signal to each injector

solenoid in order to control the operation of the fuel

injection system.


Troubleshooting Section


Electronic Cont rols

The electronic system consists of the following

components: the ECM, the Mechanically Actuated

Electronically Controlled Unit Injectors (MEUI), the

wiring harness, the switches, and the sensors. The

ECM is the computer. The flash file is the software

for the computer. The flash file contains the operating

maps. The operating maps define the following

characteristics of the engine:

• Horsepower

• Torque curves

The ECM determines the timing and the amount of

fuel that is delivered to the cy linders. These decisions

are based on the ac tual conditions and/or on the

desired conditions at any given time.

The ECM compares the desired engine speed to

the actual engine speed. The actual engine speed is

determined through the engine speed/timing sensor.

The desired engine speed is determined with the

following factors:

• Throttle signal

• Other input signals from sensors

• Certain diagnostic codes

If the desired engine speed is greater than the actual

engine speed, the ECM injects more fuel in order to

increase the actual engine speed.

Fuel Injection

The ECM controls the amount of fuel that is injected

by varying the signals to the injectors. The injector will

pump fuel only if the injector solenoid is energized.

The ECM sends a high voltage signal to the solenoid.

This high voltage signal energizes the solenoid. By

controlling the timing and the duration of the high

voltage signal, the ECM can c ontrol injection timing

and the ECM can control the amount of fuel that is


The ECM limits engine power during cold mode

operation and the ECM modifies injection timing

during cold mode operation. Cold mode operation

provides the following benefits:

• Increased cold weather starting capability

• Reduced warm-up time

• Reduced white smoke

Cold mode is activated whenever the engine

temperature falls below a predetermined value. Cold

mode remains active until the engine temperature

rises above a predetermined value or until a time

limit is exceeded.

The flash file inside the ECM sets certain limits on

the amount of fuel that can be injected. The “FRC

Fuel Limit” is used to control the air/fuel ratio for

control of emissions. The “FRC Fuel Limit” is a limit

that is based on the turbocharger outlet pressure.

A higher turbocharger outlet pressure indicates that

there is more air in the cylinder. When the ECM

senses a higher turbocharger outlet pressure, the

ECM increases the “FRC Fuel Limit”. When the ECM

increases the “FRC Fuel Limit”, the ECM allows

more fuel into the cylinder. The “FRC Fuel Limit” is

programmed into the ECM at the factory. The “FRC

Fuel Limit” cannot be changed.

The “Rated Fuel Limit” is a limit that is based on the

power rating of the engine and on engine rpm. The

“Rated Fuel Limit” is similar to the rack stops and to

the torque spring on a mechanically governed engine.

The “Rated Fuel Limit” provides the power curves

and the torque curves for a specific engine family and

for a spec ific engine rating. The “Rated Fuel Limit” is

programmed into the ECM at the factory. The “Rated

Fuel Limit” cannot be changed.

Once the ECM determines the amount of fuel that

is required, the ECM must determine the timing of

the fuel injection. The ECM uses the signal from the

camshaft position sensor to c alculate the top center

pos ition of eac h cylinder . The ECM decides when

fuel injection should occur relative to the top center

pos ition and the ECM provides the signal to the

injector at the desired time. The ECM adjusts timing

for optimum engine performance, for optimum fuel

economy, and for optimum control of white smoke.

Programmable Parameters

Certain parameters that affect the engine operation

may be changed with the Perkins Electronic

Service Tool (EST). The parameters are stored

in the ECM, and some parameters are protected

from unauthorized changes by passwords. These

pas swords are c alled factory passwords.


Several system configuration parameters and most

logged events are protected by factory passwords .

Factory passwords are available only to Perkins

dealers and distributors. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Factory Passwords” for additional information.



Troubleshooting Section


Crankshaft Position Sensor

– This sensor


Active Diagnostic Code

– An active diagnostic

determines the position of the crankshaft during

engine operation. If the crankshaft position sensor

fails during engine operation, the camshaft position

sensor is used to provide the signal.

Data Link – The Data Link is a serial communication

code alerts the operator or the service technician that

an electronic system malfunction is currently present.

Refer to the term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary.

Adaptive Trim – This is a software process that is

performed in the Electronic Control Module (ECM)

that optimizes engine performance.

Alternating Current (AC) – Alternating current is an

electric current that reverses direction at a regular

interval that is reoccurring.

Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees

of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the

top dead center position in the normal direction of


Breakout Harness – A breakout harness is a

test harness that is designed to connect into the

engine harness. This connection allows a normal

circuit operation and the connection simultaneously

provides a Breakout T in order to measure the


Bypass Circuit – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is

used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A

bypass circ uit is typically used as a test circuit.

Camshaft Position Sensor – This sensor

determines the position of the camshaft during

engine operation. If the crankshaft position sensor

fails during engine operation, the camshaft position

sensor is used to provide the signal.

CAN Data Link (see also J1939 CAN Data Link) –

The CAN Data Link is a serial communications

port that is used for communication with other

microprocessor based devices.

Code – Refer to “Diagnostic Code” or “Event Code”.

Communication Adapter Tool – The

communication adapter provides a communication

link between the ECM and the electronic service tool.

Component Identifier (CID) – The CID is a number

that identifies the specific component of the electronic

control system that has experienced a diagnostic


Coolant Temperature Sensor – The coolant

temperature sensor detects the engine coolant

temperature for all normal operating conditions and

for engine monitoring.

port that is used for communication with other devices

such as the electronic service tool.

Derate – Certain engine conditions will generate

event codes. Also, engine derates may be applied.

The map for the engine derate is programmed into

the ECM software. The derate can be one or more of

3 types: reduction of rated power, reduction of rated

engine speed, and reduction of rated machine speed

for OEM products.

Desired Engine Speed – The desired engine speed

is input to the electronic governor within the ECM.

The electronic governor uses the signal from the

throttle position sensor, the engine speed/timing

sensor, and other sensors in order to determine the

desired engine speed.

Diagnostic Code – A diagnostic code is sometimes

referred to as a fault code. These codes indicate an

electronic system malfunction.

Diagnostic Lamp – A diagnostic lamp is sometimes

called the check engine light. The diagnostic lamp

is used to warn the operator of the presence of

an active diagnostic code. The lamp may not be

included in all applications.

Digital Sensor Return – The common line (ground)

from the ECM is used as ground for the digital


Digital Sensors – Digital sensors produce a pulse

width modulated signal. Digital sensors are supplied

with power from the ECM.

Digital Sensor Supply – The power supply for the

digital s ensors is provided by the ECM.

Direct Current (DC) – Direct current is the type of

current that flows consistently in only one direction.

DT, DT Connector, or Deutsch DT – This is a type

of connector that is used on Perkins engines. The

connectors are manufactured by Deutsch.

Duty Cycle – Refer to “Pulse Width Modulation”.

Electronic Engine Control – The electronic

engine control is a complete electronic system.

The electronic engine control monitors the engine

operation under all conditions. The electronic engine

control also controls the engine operation under all



Troubleshooting Section


Electronic Control Module (ECM) – The ECM


– The mechanic al system is not responding

is the control computer of the engine. The ECM

provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors

data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The

ECM acts as a governor in order to control the speed

and the power of the engine.

Electronic Service Tool – The electronic service

tool allows a computer (PC) to communicate with the


Engine Monitoring – Engine Monitoring is the part

of the electronic engine control that monitors the

sensors. This also warns the operator of detected


Engine Oil Pressure Sensor – The engine oil

pressure sensor measures engine oil pressure. The

sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is dependent

on the engine oil pressure.

Engine Position Sensor – An engine position

sensor is a hall effect switc h that provides a digital

signal to the ECM. The ECM interprets this signal as

the crankshaft position and the engine speed. Two

sensors are used to provide the speed and timing

signals to the ECM. The crankshaft position sensor

is associated with the crankshaft and the camshaft

position sensor is associated with the camshaft.

Event Code – An event code may be activated

in order to indicate an abnormal engine operating

condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical

fault instead of an electrical system fault.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) – This identifier

indicates the type of failure that is associated with

the component. The FMI has been adopted from the

SAE practice of J1587 diagnostics. The FMI follows

the parameter identifier (PID) in the descriptions of

the fault code. The descriptions of the FMIs are in

the following list.

0 – The data is valid but the data is above the normal

operational range.

1 – The data is valid but the data is below the normal

operational range.

2 – The data is erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.

3 – The voltage is above normal or the voltage is

shorted high.

4 – The voltage is below normal or the voltage is

shorted low.

5 – The current is below normal or the circuit is open.

6 – The current is above normal or the circuit is



8 – There is an abnormal frequency, an abnormal

pulse width, or an abnormal time period.

9 – There has been an abnormal update.

10 – There is an abnormal rate of change.

11 – The failure mode is not identifiable.

12 – The device or the component is damaged.

Flash File – This file is software that is inside

the ECM. The file contains all the instructions

(software) for the ECM and the file contains the

performance maps for a specific engine. The file may

be reprogrammed through flash programming.

Flash Programming – Flash programming is the

method of programming or updating an ECM with

an electronic servic e tool over the data link instead

of replacing components.

Fuel Injector E-Trim – Fuel injector E-trim is a

software process that allows precise control of fuel

injectors by parameters that are programmed into

the ECM for eac h fuel injector. With the use of the

electronic service tool, the service technician can

read status information for the E-Trim. Data for

E-Trim can also be programmed.

FRC – See “Fuel Ratio Control”.

Fuel Ratio Control (FRC) – The FRC is a limit that

is based on the control of the ratio of the fuel to air.

The FRC is used for purposes of emission control.

When the ECM senses a higher intake manifold

air pressure (more air into the cylinder), the FRC

increases the FRC Limit (more fuel into the cylinder).

Full Load Setting (FLS) – The FLS is the parameter

that represents the fuel system adjustment. This

adjustment is made at the factory in order to fine tune

the fuel system. The correct value for this parameter

is stamped on the engine information ratings plate.

This parameter must be programmed.

Full Torque Setting (FTS) – The FTS is the

parameter that represents the adjustment for the

engine torque. This adjustment is made at the factory

in order to fine tune the fuel system. This adjustment

is made in conjunction with the FLS. This parameter

must be programmed.

Harness – The harness is the bundle of wiring

(loom) that connects all components of the electronic




Troubleshooting Section

Hertz (Hz)

– Hertz is the measure of electrical

Password – A password is a group of numeric

frequency in cycles per second.

Injector Codes – The injector codes or injector trim

codes are numeric codes or alphanumeric codes

that are etched or stamped on individual electronic

unit injectors. These codes are used to fine tune the

fuel delivery.

Injector Trim Files – Injector trim files are

downloaded from a disk to the ECM. The injector

trim files compensate for variances in manufacturing

of the electronic unit injector and for the life of the

electronic unit injector. The serial number for the

electronic unit injector must be obtained in order to

retrieve the correct injector trim file.

Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor – The

intake manifold air temperature sensor detec ts the

air temperature in the intake manifold. The ECM

monitors the air temperature and other data in the

intake manifold in order to adjust injection timing and

other performance functions .

Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor – The Intak e

Manifold Pressure Sensor measures the pressure

in the intake manifold. The pressure in the intake

manifold may be different to the pressure outside

the engine (atmospheric pressure). The difference

in pressure may be caused by an increase in air

pressure by a turbocharger (if equipped).

Integrated Electronic Controls – The engine is

designed with the electronic controls as a necessary

part of the system. The engine will not operate

without the electronic controls.

J1939 CAN Data Link – This data link is a SAE

standard diagnostic c ommunications data link that

is used to communicate between the ECM and the

electronic dev ices.

Logged Diagnostic Codes – Logged diagnostic

codes are codes which are stored in the memory.

These codes are meant to be an indicator of

possible causes for intermittent faults. Refer to the

term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary for more


OEM – OEM is an abbreviation for the Original

Equipment Manufacturer. This is the manufacturer of

the machine or the vehicle that uses the engine.

Open Circuit – An open circuit is a condition that is

caused by an open switch, or by an elec trical wire

or a connection that is broken. When this condition

exists, the signal or the supply voltage can no longer

reach the intended destination.

Parameter – A parameter is a value or a limit that

is programmable. This helps determine specific

characteristics or behaviors of the engine.


characters or a group of alphanumeric characters

that is designed to restrict acc ess to parameters. The

electronic system requires correct passwords in order

to change some parameters (Factory Passwords).

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for

more information.

Personality Module – See “Flash File”.

Power Cycled – Power cycled happens when power

to the ECM is cycled: ON, OFF, and ON. Power

cycled refers to the action of cycling the k eyswitch

from any position to the OFF position, and to the

START/RUN position.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – The PWM is a

signal that consists of pulses that are of variable

width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio

of “TIME ON” versus total “TIME OFF” c an be varied.

This ratio is also referred to as a duty cycle.

Illustration 2

Rated Fuel Limit – This is a limit that is based on

the power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.

The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine power and

torque outputs to conform to the power and torque

curves of a specific engine model. These limits are in

the flash file and these limits cannot be changed.

Reference Voltage – Reference voltage is a

regulated voltage and a steady voltage that is

supplied by the ECM to a sensor. The reference

voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal


Relay – A relay is an electromec hanical switc h. A

flow of electricity in one circuit is used to control the

flow of electricity in another circuit. A small current or

voltage is applied to a relay in order to switch a much

larger current or voltage.

Sensor – A sens or is a device that is used to

detect the current value of pressure or temperature,

or mechanical movement. The information that is

detected is converted into an electrical signal.

Required Service Tools





4 mm Allen Wrench




Transducer Adapter


Cable As


Digital Multimeter Gp (RS232)


Multimeter Probes


Adapter Cable As (70-PIN BREAKOUT)


Adapter Cable As (3-PIN BREAKOUT)




Crimp Tool (12 AWG TO 18 AWG)


Connector Repair Kit (DEUTSCH DT)


Troubleshooting Section


Short Circuit – A short circuit is a condition that has

an electrical circuit that is inadvertently connected to

an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit

is a wire which rubs against a vehicle frame and

this rubbing eventually wears off the wire insulation.

Electrical contact with the frame is made and a s hort

circuit results.

Signal – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that

is used in order to transmit information ty pically from

a sensor to the ECM.

Obtain data.

Diagnose faults.

Read parameters.

Program parameters.

Calibrate sensors.

Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a continuous

voltage that is supplied to a component in order to

provide the elec trical power that is required for the

component to operate. The power may be generated

by the ECM or the power may be battery voltage that

is supplied by the engine wiring.

System Configuration Parameters – System

configuration parameters are parameters that affect

emiss ions and/or operating charac teristics of the


Tattletale – Certain parameters that affect the

operation of the engine are stored in the ECM.

These parameters can be changed by use of the

electronic service tool. The tattletale logs the number

of changes that have been made to the parameter.

The tattletale is stored in the ECM.

Throttle Position – The throttle position is the

interpretation by the ECM of the signal from the

throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.

Timing Calibration – The timing calibration is the

adjustment of an electrical signal. This adjustment is

made in order to correct the timing error between the

camshaft and the engine speed/timing sensors or

between the crankshaft and the engine speed/timing


Top Center Position – The top center position refers

to the crankshaft position when the engine piston

position is at the highest point of travel. The engine

must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in

order to reach this point.

Total Tattletale – The total tattletale is the total

number of changes to all the parameters that are

stored in the ECM.


Electronic Service Tools

Perkins Electronic Service Tools are designed to help

the service technician:

Required Service Tools

The tools that are listed in Table 1 are required in

order to enable a service technician to perform the


Table 1

Two short jumper wires are needed to check the

continuity of some wiring harness circuits by shorting

two adjacent terminals together in a connector. A

long extension wire may also be needed to check the

continuity of some wiring harness circuits.

Perkins Electronic Service Tool


The Perkins EST can display the following


• Parameters

• Event codes

• Diagnostic codes

• Engine configuration



Troubleshooting Section

The Perkins EST can be used by the technician to

perform the following functions:

• Diagnostic tests

• Sensor calibration

• Flash programming

• Set parameters

Table 2 lists the service tools that are required in

order to use Perkins EST.

Table 2

Connecting Perkins EST and the

Communication Adapter II

Service Tools for the Use of Perkins EST





Personal Computer (PC)


Single user license for Perkins EST


Data Subscription for All Engines


Communi cation Adapter Gp


Adapter Cable As



Refer to the Perkins Engine Company Limited.

The 27610164 Adapter Cable As is required to connect to the

USB port on computers that are not equipped with a RS232

serial port.

Illustration 3

(1) Personal computer (PC)


Note: For more information regarding the use of

Perkins EST and the PC requirements for Perkins

EST, refer to the documentation that accompanies

your Perkins EST software.

(2) Adapter Cable (RS232 Port)

(3) Communication Adapter As

(4) Adapter Cable As

Note: Items (2), (3), and (4) are part of the 27610251

Communication Adapter Gp.

Use the following procedure in order to c onnect

Perkins EST and the Communication Adapter II.

1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. If the

keyswitch is not in the OFF position, the engine

may start.

2. Connect cable (2) between the “COMPUTER”

end of communication adapter (3) and the RS232

serial port of PC (1).

Note: An adapter cable assembly is required to

connect to the USB port on computers that are not

equipped with a RS232 serial port.

3. Connect cable (4) between the “DATA LINK” end

of communication adapter (3) and the diagnostic



Troubleshooting Section



Place the keyswitch in the ON position. If the

Perkins EST and the communication adapter

do not communicate with the Elec tronic Control

Module (ECM), refer to the diagnostic procedure

Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tool Will Not

Communicate With ECM”.



Rec ord the configuration data:

a. Connec t the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Electronic Service Tools”.

b. Print the parameters from the “Configuration”

screen on the electronic service tool. If a printer

is unavailable, record all of the parameters.

Record any logged diagnos tic codes and




logged event codes for your records. Record

the injector codes from the “Calibrations”

screen in the “Service” menu on the electronic

service tool.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.


Use the “Copy


Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened

component life.

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) contains no

moving parts. Replacement of the ECM can be

costly. Replacement can also be a time consuming

task. Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this

manual in order to ensure that replacing the ECM will

correct the fault. Verify that the suspect ECM is the

cause of the fault.

Note: Ensure that the ECM is receiving power and

that the ECM is properly wired to the negative battery

circuit before a replacement of the ECM is attempted.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Power Supply

Circuit - Test”.

A test ECM can be used to determine if the ECM is

faulty. Install a test ECM in place of the suspect ECM.

Flash program the correct flash file into the test ECM.

Program the parameters for normal operation of the

engine. The parameters must match the parameters

in the suspect ECM. Refer to the following test steps

for details. If the test ECM resolves the fault, connect

the suspect ECM. Verify that the fault returns. If the

fault returns, replace the suspect ECM.

Note: When a new ECM is not available, you may

need to remove an ECM from an engine that is not

in service. The interlock code for the replacement

ECM mus t match the interlock code for the suspect

ECM. Be sure to record the parameters from the

replacement ECM on the “Parameters Worksheet”.

Use the “Copy Configuration/ECM Replacement”

feature that is found under the “Service” menu on

the electronic service tool.


If the flash file and engine application are not matched,

engine damage may result.

Perform the following procedure in order to replace

the ECM:

Replacement” feature that is found under the

“Service” menu on the electronic serv ice tool.

Select “Load from ECM” in order to copy the

configuration data from the suspect ECM.

Note: If the “Copy Configuration” process fails and

the parameters were not obtained in Step 1.b, the

parameters must be obtained elsewhere. Some of the

parameters are stamped on the engine information

plate. Most of the parameters must be obtained from

the factory.

2. Remove the ECM:

a. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

b. Disconnect the P1 and P2 connectors from

the ECM.

c. Disconnect the ECM ground s trap.

d. Remove the mounting bolts from the ECM.

3. Install the replacement ECM:

a. Use the old mounting hardware to install the

replacement ECM.

b. Connec t the ECM ground strap.

c. Connec t the P1 and P2 connectors. Tighten

the ECM connector (allen head screw) to

the proper torque. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for the correct

torque value.

4. Configure the replacement ECM:

a. Flash program the flash file into the ECM.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”

for the correct procedure.

KE, NR6224


Troubleshooting Section

b. Use the electronic service tool to match the

engine application and the interlock code if

the replacement ECM was used for a different


c. If the “Copy Configuration” process from

Step 1.b was successful, return to the “Copy

Configuration/ECM Replacement” screen on

the electronic service tool and select “Program

ECM”. Proceed to Step 4.e when programming

is c omplete.

d. If the “Copy Configuration” process from Step

1.b was unsuccessful, manually program the

ECM parameters. The parameters must match

the parameters from Step 1.b.

e. Program the engine monitoring system, if


f.  Load the injector trim files for the injectors.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Injector Trim File”.

g. Calibrate the engine speed/timing. Refer

to Troubleshooting, “Engine Speed/Timing

Sensor - Calibrate”.

Every generated code is stored in the permanent

memory of the ECM. The codes are logged.

Logged codes may not indicate that a repair is

needed. The fault may have been temporary. The

fault may have been resolved since the logging of

the code. If the system is powered, it is possible

to generate an active diagnostic code whenever a

component is disconnected. When the component is

reconnected, the code is no longer active. Logged

codes may be useful to help troubleshoot intermittent

faults. Logged codes can also be used to review

the performance of the engine and of the electronic


Event Code

An event code is generated by the detection of an

abnormal engine operating condition. For example,

an event code will be generated if the oil pressure is

too low. In this case, the event c ode indicates the

symptom of a fault.



The Electronic Control Module (ECM) has the ability

to detect faults with the electronic sys tem and with

engine operation. When a fault is detected, a code is

generated. An alarm may also be generated. There

are two types of codes:

• Diagnostic

• Event

Diagnostic Code – When a fault with the electronic

system is detected, the ECM generates a diagnostic

code. This indicates the specific fault with the


Diagnostic codes can have two different states:

• Active

• Logged

Active Code

An active diagnostic code indicates that an active

fault has been detected. Activ e c odes require

immediate attention. Always service active codes

prior to servicing logged codes.

Logged Code


Troubleshooting Section







Table 3




ECM Connector (70-Pin Engine



ECM Connector (“120-Pi n Engine



Customer Connector (Optional)

(40-Pin Connector)


Diagnostic Connector (9-Pin



Coolant Temperature Sensor (2-Pin



Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor

(2-Pin Connector)


Fuel Temperature Sensor (2-Pin



Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor

(3-Pin Connector)


Engine Oil Pressure Sensor (3-Pin



Atmospheric Pressure Sensor (3-Pin



Injector Solenoid Harness (12-Pin



Engine Timing Cal ibr ation Probe

(2-Pin Connector)


Crankshaft Position Sensor (2-Pin



Camshaft Position Sensor (2-Pin




Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 4

Block diagram for the 2506-15 engine components

(1) 12 Pin Connector                    (9) Timing Calibration Probe

(2) Electronic Control Module (ECM)         (10) Timing Calibration Probe Connector

(3) Electronic Unit Injectors                (11) Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

(4) Crankshaft Position Sensor             (12) Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor

(5) 36 - 1 Tooth Gear                    (13) Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor

(6) 120 Pin Connector                   (14) Coolant Temperature Sensor

(7) 36 + 1 Tooth Gear                    (15) Engine Oil Press ure Sensor

(8) Camshaft Position Sensor              (16) Fuel Temperature Sensor



Troubleshooting Section


Illustration 5

Locations of the sensors on the 2506-15 engine

(1) Coolant temperature sensor

(2) Camshaft position sensor

(3) Inlet manifold pressure sensor

(4) Fuel temperature sensor

(5) Inlet manifold temperature sensor

(6) Engine oil pres sure sensor

(7) Atmospheric pressure sensor

(8) Crank shaft position sensor




Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 6

Block diagram for the machine components


Color Codes for the Harness Wire

Color Code


Color Code

























Troubleshooting Section


Engine Wiring





Stop the engine. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF


Disconnect the negative battery cable from the

battery. If a battery disconnect switc h is installed,

open the switch.

The wiring schematics are revised periodically.

The wiring schematics will change as updates are

made to the machine harness. For the most current

information, always check the revision number of the

schematic. Use the schematic with the latest revision


Harness Wire Identification

Perkins identifies all wires with eleven solid c olors.

The circuit number is stamped on the wire at a 25 mm

(1 inch) spacing. Table 4 lists the wire colors and the

color codes.

Table 4

Illustration 7

Service welding guide (typical diagram)


Welding on a Machine that is Equipped

with an Electronic Control System ( ECM)

Proper welding procedures are necessary in order

to avoid damage to the engine’s electronic c ontrol

module, sensors, and associated components. The

component that requires welding should be removed.

When welding on a machine that is equipped with an

ECM and removal of the component is not possible,

the following procedure must be followed. This

procedure provides the minimum amount of risk to

the electronic components.


Do not ground the welder to electrical components

such as the ECM or sensors. Improper grounding can

cause damage to the drive train bearings, hydraulic

components, electrical components, and other com-


Clamp the ground cable from the welder to the com-

ponent that will be welded. Plac e the clamp as close

as possible to the weld. This will help reduce the pos-

sibility of damage.




Connect the welding ground cable as close

as possible to the area that will be welded.

Components which may be damaged by welding

inc lude bearings, hydraulic components, and

electrical/electronic components.

Protect the wiring harness from welding debris

and from spatter.

Weld the materials by using standard welding




Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 8

Schematic diagram for a machine with an OEM connector



Troubleshooting Section


Illustration 9

Schematic diagram for a machine without an OEM connector




Troubleshooting Section


Par ame ters


Since factory passwords contain alphabetic

characters, the Perkins Electronic Service Tool

(EST) must be used to perform these functions. In

order to obtain factory passwords, proceed as if you

already have the pass word. If factory passwords are

Programming Parameters

The Perkins Electronic Service Tool (EST) can be

used to view certain parameters that can affect

the operation of the engine. The Perkins EST can

also be used to change certain parameters. The

parameters are stored in the Electronic Control

Module (ECM). Some of the parameters are

protected from unauthoriz ed changes by passwords.

Parameters that can be changed have a tattletale

number. The tattletale number shows if a parameter

has been changed.


Factory Passwords

needed, the Perkins EST will request the factory

pas swords and the Perkins EST will display the

information that is required to obtain the passwords.

For the worksheet that is used for acquiring factory

passwords, refer to programming parameters

Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords Worksheet”.


Factory Passwords Worksheet

Note: A mistake in recording these parameters will

result in incorrect passwords.


Operating the engine with a flash file not des igned for

that engine will damage the engine. Be sure the flash

file is correct for your engine.

Note: Factory passwords are provided only to

Perkins dealers and distributors.

Factory passwords are required to perform each of

the following functions:

• Program a new Electronic Control Module (ECM).

When an ECM is replaced, the system

configuration parameters must be programmed

into the new ECM. A new ECM will allow these

parameters to be programmed once without factory

pas swords. After the initial programming, some

parameters are protected by factory passwords.

• Clear event  codes.

Most event codes require the use of factory

pas swords to clear the code once the code has

been logged. Clear these codes only when you are

certain that the fault has been corrected.

• Unlock  parameters.

Factory passwords are required in order to unlock

certain system configuration parameters. Refer

to Troubleshooting, “System Configuration



Troubleshooting Section


Table 5

Factory Passwords Worksheet

Note: If you do not have the part number for the flash

file, us e “PTMI” on the Perkins Internet.

Dealer Code

Customer ’s Name


Telephone Number

Information From the Engine Information Plate

Engine Serial Number

Full Load Setting

Full Torque Setting

Information From the Diagnostic Clock

Engine Hours

Information From the “Factory Password Entry

Screen” on the Electronic Service Tool

Electronic Service Tool

Serial Number

Engine Serial Number

ECM Serial Number

Total Tattletale

Reason Code

From Interlock(1)

To Interlock(1)

Fact ory Passwords

Factory Password (No. 1)

Factory Password (No. 2)

(1) This parameter is required when the engine is being rerated.

This parameter is displayed only when the engine is being



Flash Programming

Flash Programming – A method of loading a flash

file into the Electronic Control Module (ECM)

The electronic service tool can be utilized to

flash program a flash file into the ECM. The flash

programming transfers the flash file from the PC to

the ECM.

Flash Programming a Flash File

1. Obtain the part number for the new flash file.

Note: You must have the engine serial number in

order to search for the part number for the flash file.

2. Connect the electronic service tool to the service

tool connector.

3. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start

the engine.

4. Select “WinFlash” from the “Utilities” menu on the

electronic service tool.

Note: If “WinFlash” will not communicate with the

ECM, refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service

Tool Will Not Communicate with ECM”.

5. Flash program the flash file into the ECM.

a. Select the engine ECM under the “Detected


b. Press the “Browse” button in order to select

the part number of the flash file that will be

programmed into the ECM.

c. When the correct flash file is selected, press

the “Open” button.

d. Verify that the “File Values” match the

application. If the “File Values” do not match

the application, search for the correct flash file.

e. When the correct flash file is selected, press

the “Begin Flash” button.

f.  The electronic service tool will indicate when

flash programming has been successfully


6. Start the engine and check for proper operation.

a. If a diagnostic code 0268-02 is generated,

program any parameters that were not in the

old flash file.

b. Access the “Configuration” screen under

the “Service” menu in order to determine

the parameters that require programming.

Look under the “Tattletale” column. All of the

parameters should have a tattletale of 1 or

more. If a parameter has a tattletale of 0,

program that parameter.



Troubleshooting Section

“WinFlash” Error Messages

If you receive any error messages during flash

programming, click on the “Cancel” button in order

to stop the process. Access the information about

the “ECM Summary” under the “Information” menu.

Ensure that you are programming the correct flash

file for your engine.


Injector Trim File

The electronic service tool is used to load the injector

trim files into the Electronic Control Module (ECM).

The injector trim files must be loaded into the ECM if






Connect the electronic service tool to the

service tool connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Electronic Service Tools”.

Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

Select the following menu options on the electronic

service tool:

• Service

• Calibrations

• Injector Trim Calibration

Select the appropriate cylinder.

Click on the “Change” button.

Select “Service Software Files” on the Perkins


Use the compact disc that is included with a

any of the following c onditions occur:

• An injector is replaced.

• The ECM is replaced.

• Diagnostic code 0253-02 is active.

• Injectors are exchanged between cylinders.

Exchanging Electronic Unit Injectors

Exchanging injectors can help determine if a fault is

in the injector or in the cylinder. If two injectors that

are currently installed in the engine are exchanged

between cylinders, the injector trim files can also

be exchanged. Press the “Exchange” button at the

bottom of the “Injector Trim Calibration” screen on

the electronic service tool. Select the two injectors

that will be exchanged and press the “OK” button.

The tattletale for the injectors that were exchanged

will increase by one.

Note: The serial number for the injector and the

confirmation code number for the injector are located

on the injector.

1. Record the serial number and the confirmation

code numberfor each injector.

2. Obtain the injector trim file by one of the following



replacement injector.

3. Enter the serial number for the injector in the

search field.

4. Download the injec tor trim file to the PC. Repeat

this procedure for each injector, as required.

10. Select the appropriate injector trim file from the


11. Click on the “Open” button.

12. If you are prompted by the electronic service

tool, enter the confirmation code number for the

injector into the field.

13. Click on the “OK” button.

The injector trim file is loaded into the ECM.

14. Repeat the procedure for each cylinder, as



Troubleshooting Section



Conf iguration

ECM Serial Number

This is a read only parameter that displays the serial


System  Configuration



number of the ECM.

ECM Software Release Date

This parameter is defined by the ECM software

and this parameter is not programmable. The ECM

software release date is used to provide the version

of the software. The customer parameters and the

software change levels can be monitored by this

System configuration parameters affect the emissions

of the engine or the power of the engine. System

configuration parameters are programmed at the

factory. Normally, system configuration parameters

would never need to be changed through the life of

the engine. System configuration parameters must

be reprogrammed if an Electronic Control Module

(ECM) is replaced. System configuration parameters

do not need to be reprogrammed if the ECM software

is changed. The correct values for these parameters

are stamped on the engine information ratings plate.

Factory passwords are required to change these

parameters. The following information is a description

of the system configuration parameters.

Full Load Setting (FLS)

The full load setting is a number that represents

the adjustment to the fuel system that was made

at the factory in order to fine tune the fuel sy stem.

The correct value for this parameter is stamped on

the engine information ratings plate. If the ECM is

replaced, the full load setting mus t be reprogrammed

in order to prevent a 0268-02 diagnostic code from

becoming active.

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Full torque setting is similar to full load setting. If

the ECM is replaced, the full torque setting must

be reprogrammed in order to prevent a 0268-02

diagnostic code from becoming active.

Software Part number

This is the part number of the software that is flashed

into the ECM.

Engine Serial Number

When a new ECM is deliv ered, the engine serial

number in the ECM is not programmed. The engine

serial number should be programmed to matc h the

engine serial number that is stamped on the engine

information plate.

date. The date is provided in the month and the year

(AUG06). AUG is the month (August). 06 is the year


Critical Override Switch

If equipped, the critical override switch allows the

engine to continue running even if engine oil pressure

or coolant temperature have reached the shutdown

limit for the engine. If the engine is run in this

condition, the engine warranty is canc elled and any

events that occur are s tored in the ECM with the time

and the date. Implementation of this facility requires

a fac tory password.

Total Tattletale

This parameter displays the total number of changes

that have been made to the configuration parameters.



Troubleshooting Section

Configuration Parameters

Table 6

Screen Order

Configuration Parameter Description




Selected Engine Rating


Rating Number



Rated Frequency



Rated Genset Speed



Rated Real Genset Power



Rated Apparent Genset Power



Engine Rating Application Type



External Speed Selection Switch Installed



ECM Identification Parameters


Equipment ID



Engine Serial Number



ECM Serial Number



ECM Software Part Number



ECM Software Release Date



ECM Software Description



Security Access Parameters


Total Tattl etale



Engine/Gear Parameters


Engine Acceleration Rate



Droop/Isochronous Switch Installed.



Droop/Isochronous Selection



Engine Speed Droop



Critical Override Switch Installed



Digital Speed Control Installed



Speed Control Minimum Speed



Speed Control Maximum Speed



Digital Speed Control Ramp Rate



Crank Terminate Speed



I/O Configuration Parameters


Desired Speed Input Arrangement



Fuel Enable Input Configurati on



System Parameters


Full Load Setting (FLS)



Full Torque Setting (FTS)



Governor Gain Factor



Governor Minimum Stability Factor



Governor Maximum Stability Factor




Troubleshooting Section


(Table 6, contd)




Customer Password 1



Customer Password 2






Read/write with a customer password

Read only

Read/write with a factory password

Read/write without a password

Customer Specified Parameters

Customer specified parameters allow the engine to

be configured to the exact needs of the application.

Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly as

a customer’s operation changes.

The following information is a brief desc ription of the

customer specified parameters.

Rating Duty Selection

This parameter enables selection of the engine rating

from a series of maps within the ECM. Changing the

rating requires a cus tomer password. The available

ratings within the ECM will vary with the type of

engine and the specification of the engine.

Rated Frequency

This parameter displays the rated frequency of the

genset. This is determined by the rating selection

and the status of the external speed selection s witch.

This parameter is read only.

Rated Speed

This parameter displays the rated speed of the

engine. This is determined by the rating selection

and the status of the external speed selection s witch.

This parameter is read only.

Rated Real Genset Power

This parameter displays the maximum power in kW

of the currently s elected rating. This parameter is

read only.

Rated Apparent Genset Power

This parameter displays the maximum power in kVA

of the currently s elected rating. This parameter is

read only.

Rating Configuration

This parameter displays the configuration of the

currently selected rating. The following list gives the

possible configurations:

• Standby power

• Limited time prime power

• Prime power

• Continuous or baseload power

For definitions of these ratings, refer to ISO8528.

This parameter is read only.

Note: Not all of the above rating configurations will

be available in the software files of every ECM.

E xternal Speed Selection Switch Enable

For dual s peed applications with an external

speed selection switch, this parameter enables the

functionality of the speed selection switch within

the s oftware. Changing this parameter requires a

customer password.

Engine Startup Acceleration Rate

This parameter enables the ac celeration rate of

the engine in RPM per second to be programmed.

The parameter can be programmed from idle speed

to rated speed. Control of this parameter enables

any overshoot in speed on start-up to be limited.

Changing this parameter requires a c ustomer

pas sword.

Droop/Isochronous Switch Enable

This parameter determines whether the external

droop/isochronous switch is enabled or disabled.

Changing this parameter requires a c ustomer

pas sword.



Troubleshooting Section

Droop/Isochronous Selection

The engine will normally be run in isochronous mode.

This means that the engine speed will not change,

regardless of the load. If the engine needs to operate

in parallel with another genset or the engine needs

to operate in parallel with the grid, it is nec essary to

operate the engine in droop mode in order to ensure

the stability of the system. This parameter enables

droop/isochronous running selection. Changing this

parameter requires a customer pass word.

Note: If an external droop/isochronous switch is

enabled, the position of this switch will override the

“Droop/Is ochronous” selection.

Engine Speed Droop

If droop operation is selected, this parameter

allows the setting of percentage droop. This is the

percentage of speed reduction with an increase in

load. This parameter has no effect when the engine

is running in isochronous mode. Changing this

parameter requires a customer pass word.

Digital Speed Cont rol Installed

This parameter determines whether input from the

raise/lower switch controls the speed of the engine.

If digital speed control is not installed, the speed of

the engine is controlled by inputs from the analog

throttle or the PWM throttle. This depends on the

input that is selected in the desired speed input

configuration. Changing this parameter requires a

customer password.

Digital S peed Control Minimum Speed

This setting determines the minimum speed range of

both the raise/lower control and the analog control.

For example, if this is set to 100 RPM and the

nominal engine speed is s elected to 1500 RPM, the

minimum speed setting is 1400 RPM. This parameter

does not affect the range of the PWM speed control

as this control has a fixed minimum limit and a fixed

maximum limit. Changing this parameter requires a

customer password.

Digital S peed Control Maximum Speed

This setting determines the maximum speed range of

both the raise/lower control and the analog control. If

this is set to 100 RPM and the nominal engine speed

is selected to 1500 RPM, the maximum speed setting

is 1600 RPM. This setting does not affect the range

of the PWM speed control as this c ontrol has a fixed

minimum limit and a fixed maximum limit. Changing

this parameter requires a customer password.

Digital Speed Control Ramp Rate

This setting determines the rate of change of engine

speed in RPM when the raise/lower switch inputs are

closed. Changing this parameter requires a customer

pas sword.

Crank Terminate Speed

This parameter is used to set the engine speed that

is required before the output from the crank terminate

relay is switched. Changing this parameter requires a

customer password.

Desired Speed Input Arrangement

If a digital speed control is not installed, this

parameter enables selection of either an analog

throttle, a PWM throttle or an ex ternal CAN Bus

speed control. The inputs from the analog throttle,

the PWM throttle or the CAN Bus speed control

are normally used with genset load sharing and

synchronizing controllers. Changing this parameter

requires a customer password.

Note: If a PWM throttle, an analog throttle or a CAN

Bus speed control is selected but there are no inputs

to the terminals for the selected speed control, the

engine will default to running at 1100 RPM.

If a PWM throttle, an analog throttle or a CAN Bus

speed control is not used, the digital s peed control

should be selected.

Fuel Enable Input Configuration

This parameter enables the selection of switch to

battery positive or CAN input for the control of the

injector On and injector Off.

Governor Gain Parameters

The following items are the adjustable parameters for

gov ernor gain:

• Governor Gain Factor

• Governor Minimum Stability Factor

• Governor Maximum Stability

Note: No engineering units are associated with these


Note: The programmable range is wide for flexibility.

Values of 1 to 40000 are valid. The full range of this

parameter may not be used on any system. Do not

expect to use the whole range.


Troubleshooting Section


If the value of the governor gain factor is too


If the governor gain factor is too small, the response

Gain Explanations

Governor Gain Factor

The governor gain factor is multiplied to the difference

between desired speed and actual speed.

large, the engine speed can overshoot the desired

speed. The overshoot is caused by an excessive

correction or an instability of a steady state.

that is nec essary to accelerate the engine to the

des ired speed must be obtained by increas ing the

stability terms to a higher value. As this process is

slow, the response of the engine speed is slow.

Governor Minimum/Maximum Stability


The stability factor terms work in order to eliminate a

steady state speed error. There are two gain terms

that are used for stability. If the error is greater than

20 RPM and if the error is increasing, the maximum

stability gain is functioning. If the error is less than

20 RPM, the minimum stability gain is used. This

function allows the use of a high gain that would






Start the engine. On the engine mounted genset

control panel, check that the engine has reached

rated speed. This panel will serve as the reference

point for the speed during this procedure.

Enter the “Configuration Parameters” screen on

the electronic service tool.

Determine the desired scenario in order to tune

the engine. For example, check if the engine has

poor response during specific load assignments

or specific load dumps.

Perform the desired load change that is detailed

in step 4. Check the response of the engine by

viewing the following parameters.

• The engine speed on the control panel on the


• The frequency response of the system bus to

the load change

• Listening to the response of the engine

Use the listed suggestions in order to determine

the gains that require adjustment.

If either the minimum stability gain or the maximum


If the minimum stability gain or the maximum

otherwise cause the engine to be uns table when the

engine is operating near the desired speed.

stability gain is set too high, the governor will

provide more fuel than the amount that is

nec essary to bring the error to zero. The additional

fuel will cause the engine speed to overshoot and

the engine to produce excessive combustion noise.

stability gain is set too low, excessive time is taken

in order to stabilize the engine s peed.

Tuning Procedure

1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF/RESET position.

Before the tuning procedure is started, connect

the electronic serv ice tool and then check

that engine overspeed protection is enabled.

Engine overspeed is configured on the

“Service\Monitoring System” sc reen on the

electronic service tool.,


Performing engine governor tuning without engine

overspeed protection could result in serious engine

damage.  Ens ure  that this  parameter is  ON while

performing this proc edure.

Note: Usually, the gain factor of the governor should

be lower than the minimum stability fac tor of the

gov ernor in order to obtain optimum performance.

The maximum stability factor is typically a smaller

value than the minimum stability gain and the

gov ernor gain factor.

7. Repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 until a desired engine

response can be met. Use large adjustments

(10% of original gain) initially to generally tune the

engine in the proper manner. As the response

gets closer to the desired value, increase the

gains in smaller increments (1% of total gain).

Customer Password 1, Customer

Password 2

Customer passwords are the programmable

parameters that can be used to protect certain

configuration parameters from any unauthorized


Engine monitoring

Perkins provides an engine monitoring system that

is ins talled at the factory. The system monitors the

following parameters:

• Engine oil pressure

• Coolant temperature



Troubleshooting Section

Intake manifold air temperature

Engine speed

Boost pressure

Fuel temperature

Diagnostic codes that are stored in memory are

called Logged diagnostic codes. The fault may have

been temporary or the fault may hav e been repaired

since the fault was logged. For this reason, logged

codes do not necessarily mean that something needs

to be repaired. Logged diagnostic codes are meant

to be an indication of probable causes for intermittent


The monitoring system has three levels of operation.

The levels are described below.

Warning Operation

In the Warning condition, the ECM causes the

warning lamp to come ON. The warning lamp

indicates that a fault has been detected by the engine

monitoring system. No further action by the ECM or

the engine occurs.

Action Alert Operation

In the Action Alert condition, the ECM causes the

action alert lamp to come on. The Action Alert lamp

indicates that a fault has been detected by the engine

monitoring system. This condition is normally wired

in order to cause a shutdown and the shutdown is

controlled by the control panel on the mac hine.

Shutdown Operation

If the fault reaches the Shutdown c ondition, the ECM

causes the shutdown lamp to come on. Unless the

engine is in a Critical Override condition, the engine

will shut down.

Monitoring the Fuel Temperature

The fuel temperature sensor monitors the fuel

temperature. The signal from the sensor allows

the ECM to compensate for changes in the fuel

temperature by adjusting the fuel rate for constant


The sensor is also used to warn the operator of

exces sive fuel temperature with a diagnostic event

code. Excessive fuel temperatures can adversely

affect engine performance.


The electronic system has the ability to diagnose

faults. When a fault is detected, a diagnostic code

is generated and the diagnostic code is stored

in permanent memory (logged) in the ECM. The

diagnostic lamp is also activated.

When diagnostic codes occur, the diagnostic codes

are referred to as Active diagnostic codes. Active

diagnostic c odes indicate that a fault of some kind

currently exists.

Diagnostic codes that identify operating conditions

outside the normal operating range are called Events.

Event codes are not typically an indication of a fault

with the electronic system.

Note: Some of the diagnostic codes require

pas swords to clear the code.

Effect of Diagnostic Codes on

Engine Performance

The diagnostic lamp comes on when a specific

condition exists. When the ECM detects an engine

fault, the ECM generates an active diagnostic code

and the diagnostic code is logged. The diagnostic

code is logged in order to record the following


• The date

• The time

• The number of occurrences of the fault

The two types of diagnostic codes are Fault codes

and Event codes.

Fault Codes

Fault codes are provided in order to indicate that

an electrical fault or an electronic fault has been

detected by the ECM. In some cases, the engine

performance can be affected by the condition that is

causing the code. More frequently, there is no effect

on engine performance.

Event Codes

Event codes are used to indicate that some

operational fault has been detected in the engine by

the ECM. This does not usually indicate an electronic


The ECM also provides a cloc k in order to add the

date and the time to the following critical event codes:

• 360-3 Low oil pressure shutdown

• 361-3 High coolant temperature shutdown


Troubleshooting Section


Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic

Code Cross Reference” for a list of all the diagnostic

fault codes.

Settings for the Monitoring System

Table 7


Low Engine Oil Pressure

Warn Operator (1)



Trip Point

300 kPa (43.5 psi)

Delay Time

60 seconds

Action Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

High Engine Coolant Temperature

Warn Operator (1)

Action Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

Engine Overspeed

Warn Operator (1)

Action Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

High Intake Manifold Air Temperature

Warn Operator (1)

Action Alert (2)

High Fuel Supply Temperature

Warn Operator (1)

Action Alert (2)

High Boost Pressure

Warn Operator (1)

Action Alert (2)

Always On

Always On


Always On

Always On


Always On

Always On


Always On


Always On


Always On



104 °C (2190 °F)

105 °C (221 °F)

108 °C (226 °F)

2000 RPM

2050 RPM

2140 RPM

75 °C (167 °F)

78 °C (172 °F)

60 °C (140 °F)

68 °C (154 °F)

300 kPa (43.5 psi)


2 seconds

2 seconds

60 seconds

10 seconds

10 seconds

1 second

1 second

0 second

60 seconds

10 seconds

60 seconds

60 seconds

30 seconds

5 seconds



Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshoot ing

Diagnosti c Code



Alternator Will Not Charge


Alternator Noise

Note: This is not an electronic system fault.


Note: This is not an electronic system fault.

Probable Causes

• Alternator drive belt

• Charging circuit

Refer to Testing and Adjusting for information on

possible electrical causes of this condition.

Probable Causes


Alternator drive belt

Alternator mounting bracket

Alternator drive pulley

Alternator bearings

Recommended Actions

Alternator Drive Belt

Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If

the alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, chec k

that the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are

correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace

the drive belt. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing

and Adjusting, “Belt Tension Chart”.

Recommended Actions

Alternator Drive Belt

Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If

the alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, check

that the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are

correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace

the drive belt. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,

“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”.

Alternator Mounting Bracket

Inspect the alternator mounting bracket for cracks

and wear. Repair the mounting bracket or replace

the mounting bracket in order to ensure that the

alternator drive belt and the alternator drive pulley

are in alignment.

Alternator Drive Pulley

Remove the nut for the alternator drive pulley and

then inspect the nut and the drive shaft. If no damage

is found, install the nut and tighten the nut to the

correct torque. Refer to Specifications, “Alternator

and Regulator” for the correct torque.

Alternator Bearings

Check for excessive play of the shaft in the alternator.

Check for wear in the alternator bearings. The

alternator is a nonserviceable item. The alternator

must be replaced if the bearings are worn. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove”

and Disassembly and Assembly , “Alternator - Install”.

Charging Circuit

Inspect the battery cables, wiring, and connections in

the charging circuit. Clean all connections and tighten

all connections. Replac e any faulty parts.


Verify that the alternator is operating correctly.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Charging System - Test”. The alternator is not a

serviceable item. The alternator must be replaced

if the alternator is not operating correctly. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove

and Install”.



Note: This is not an electronic system fault.

Probable Causes

• Charging circuit

• Battery

• Auxiliary dev ice


Troubleshooting Section


Recommended Actions

Charging Circuit

If a fault in the battery charging c ircuit is suspected,

refer to Troubleshooting, “Alternator Will Not Charge”.


1. Check that the battery is able to maintain a charge.

Rated fuel position and/or FRC fuel position

Inlet manifold pressure sensor

Fuel supply

Air inlet and exhaust system

Accessory equipment


Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Battery - Test”.

If the battery does not maintain a charge,

replace the battery. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Battery - Replace”.

Recommended Actions

Diagnostic Codes and Event Codes

Certain diagnostic codes and/or event codes may

cause poor performance. Connect the electronic

service tool and then check for active codes and

Auxiliary Device

1. Check that an auxiliary device has drained the

battery by being left in the ON position.

2. Charge the battery.

3. Verify that the battery is able to maintain a charge

when all auxiliary devices are switched off.


Can Not Reach  Top Engine


Note: If this fault occurs only under load, refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Low Power/Poor or No

Response to Throttle”.

The connection of any electrical equipment and

the disconnection of any electrical equipment may

cause an explosion hazard which may result in in-

jury or death. Do not connect any electrical equip-

ment or disconnect any electrical equipment in an

explosive atmosphere.

Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes

• Event codes

• Programmable parameters

• Cold mode

• Throttle signal

logged codes. Troubleshoot any codes that are

present before continuing with this procedure.

Programmable Parameters

Check the following parameters on the electronic

service tool:

• “Des ired Engine Speed”

• “Desired Speed Input Configuration”

Determine the type of speed control that is used in

the applic ation. Program the parameters to match

the type of speed control that is used. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Speed Control Circuit - Test”

for more information.

Note: The engine will have poor performance if the

parameters are not programmed correctly.

Cold Mode

Use the electronic service tool to verify that the

engine has exited cold mode. A status flag will

appear if the engine is operating in cold mode. This

may limit engine speed.

Throttle Signal

Connect the electronic service tool to the diagnostic

connector. View the status for the “Desired Engine

Speed” on the status screen. Operate the speed

control from the Low Speed position to the High

Speed position. If the status cannot operate in the full

range, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Speed

control - Calibrate”.



Troubleshooting Section

Diagnostic codes that are related to the J1939 data

link will prevent correct operation of the throttle if the

throttle position is transmitted over the data link. If

there is a fault in the data link, the engine will remain

at low idle until the data link is repaired.

Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor, Rated

Fuel Position and/or FRC Fuel Position

1. With the engine at full load, monitor “Fuel Position”

and “Rated Fuel Limit” on the status screen. If

“Fuel Position” does not equal “Rated Fuel Limit”

then check air inlet manifold pressure.

2. Verify that there are no active diagnostic codes

that are associated with the inlet manifold pressure

sensor or with the atmospheric pressure sensor.

3. Monitor the inlet manifold pressure and the

atmospheric pressure on the status screen for

normal operation.

Fuel Supply

1. Check the fuel lines for the following faults:

restrictions, collapsed lines, and pinched lines. If

faults are found with the fuel lines, repair the lines

and/or replace the lines.

2. Check the fuel tank for foreign objects which may

block the fuel supply.

3. Prime the fuel system if any of the following

procedures have been performed:

• Replacement of the fuel filters

• Service on the low pressure fuel supply circuit

• Replacement of electronic unit injectors

Note: A sight glass in the low pressure supply line is

helpful in diagnosing air in the fuel. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting.

4. Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for information on improving

the c haracteristics of the fuel during cold weather


5. Check the fuel pressure during engine cranking.

Check the fuel pressure on the outlet side of

the fuel filter. Refer to Specifications for correct

pressure values. If the fuel pressure is low,

replace the fuel filters. If the fuel pressure is still

low, check the following items: fuel transfer pump,

fuel transfer pump coupling, and fuel pressure

regulating valve.

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

1. Clean plugged air filters or replace plugged air

filters. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance


2. Check the air inlet and exhaust system for

restrictions and/or leaks. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and

Exhaust System”.

Accessory Equipment

Check all accessory equipment for faults that may

create excessive load on the engine. Repair any

damaged components or replace any damaged



Coolant in Engine Oil

Probable Causes

• Engine oil cooler core

• Cylinder head gasket

• Cylinder head

• Cylinder liner

• Cylinder block

Recommended Actions

Engine Oil Cooler Core

1. Check for leaks in the oil cooler core. If a leak is

found, install a new oil cooler core. Refer to the

Disassembly and Assembly manual.

2. Drain the crankcase and refill the crankcase with

clean engine oil. Install new engine oil filters.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Cylinder Head Gasket

1. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to the

Disassembly and Assembly manual.

2. Check the cylinder liner projection. Refer to the

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting manual.

3. Install a new cylinder head gasket and new water

seals in the spacer plate. Refer to the Disassembly

and Assembly manual.


Troubleshooting Section


Cylinder Head

Check for cracks in the cylinder head. If a crack

is found, repair the cylinder head and/or replace

the cylinder head. Refer to the Disassembly and

Assembly manual.

Cylinder Liner

Check for cracked cylinder liners. Replace any

cracked cylinder liners. Refer to the Disassembly and

Assembly manual.

Cylinder Block

Inspect the cylinder block for cracks. If a crack is

found, repair the cylinder block or replace the cylinder




Verify that the electronic service tool is on the

“Factory Password” screen.

Use the electronic service tool to verify that the

following information has been entered correctly:

• Engine serial number

• Serial number for the electronic control module

• Serial number for the electronic service tool

• Total tattletale

• Reason code


ECM Will



Coolant Temperature





with Other Systems


Probable Causes

or Display

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cooling System - Check” for information on

determining the cause of this condition.


ECM Will Not Accept Factory


Wiring and/or electrical connectors

Data Link

CAN data link (if equipped)

Electronic Control Module (ECM)

Probable Causes

One of the following items may not be recorded

correctly on the electronic service tool:

• Passwords

• Serial numbers

• Total tattletale

• Reason code

Recommended Actions

1. Verify that the correct passwords were entered.

Check every c haracter in each password. Remove

the electrical power from the engine for 30

seconds and then retry.

Recommended Actions

1. Check for correct installation of the J1/P1 and

J2/P2 connectors for the Electronic Control

Module (ECM) . Refer to the Troubleshooting

Guide, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

2. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connec tor. If the ECM does not

communicate with the electronic service tool, refer

to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Electronic Service

Tool Will Not Communicate with ECM”.

3. Troubleshoot the data link for possible faults.

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Data Link

Circ uit - Test”.

4. Troubleshoot the CAN data link (if equipped)

for poss ible faults. Refer to the Troubleshooting

Guide, “CAN Data Link Circuit - Test”.



Troubleshooting Section






Communication Adapter and/or Cables

1. If you are using a “Communication Adapter II”,

ensure that the firmware and driver files for the

Not Communicate with ECM

Probable Causes

• Configuration for the communic ations adapter

• Electrical connectors

• Communication adapter and/or cables

• Electrical power supply to the diagnostic connector

• Electronic service tool and related hardware



communication adapter are the most current files

that are available. If the firmware and driver files

do not match, the communication adapter will not

communicate with the electronic service tool.

Disconnect the communication adapter and the

cables from the diagnostic connector. Reconnect

the communication adapter to the service tool


Verify that the correct cable is being used between

the communication adapter and the diagnostic

connector. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Electronic Service Tools”.

Electrical power supply to the Electronic Control

Module (ECM)

Flash file

Data Link

Electrical Power Supply to the Service

Tool Connector

Verify that battery voltage is present between

terminals A and B of the diagnostic connector. If the

communication adapter is not receiving power, the

display on the communication adapter will be blank.

Recommended Actions

Start the engine. If the engine starts, but the ECM

will not communicate with the electronic service tool,

continue with this procedure. If the engine will not

start, refer to the Troubleshooting Manual, “Engine

Cranks but Will Not Start”. If the engine will not crank,

refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Engine Will Not


Configuration for the Communications


1. Access “Preferences” under the “Utilities” menu

on the electronic serv ice tool.

2. Verify that the correct “Communications Interface

Device” is selected.

3. Verify that the correct port is selected for use by

the communication adapter.

Note: The most commonly used port is “COM 1”.

4. Check for any hardware that is utilizing the

same port as the c ommunications adapter. If any

devices are configured to use the same port, exit

or close the software programs for that device.

Electrical Connectors

Check for correct installation of the J1/P1 and J2/P2

ECM connectors and of the diagnostic connector.

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical

Connectors - Inspect”.

Electronic Service Tool and Related


In order to eliminate the electronic service tool

and the related hardware as the fault, connect the

electronic service tool to a different engine. If the

same fault occ urs on a different engine, check the

electronic service tool and the related hardware in

order to determine the cause of the fault.

Electrical Power S upply to the Electronic

Control Module ( ECM)

Check power to the ECM. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical Power Supply

Circuit - Test”.

Note: If the ECM is not receiving battery voltage, the

ECM will not communicate.

Flash File

Ensure that the correct flash file is properly ins talled

in the ECM.

Note: A new ECM is not programmed to any specific

engine until a flash file has been installed. The engine

will not start and the engine will not communicate

with the electronic service tool until the flash file

has been downloaded. Refer to the Troubleshooting

Guide, “Flash Programming”.


Troubleshooting Section


Data Link

Replacement of electronic unit injectors

Electrical power to the Electronic Control Module

Troubleshoot the data link for possible faults. Refer to

theTroubleshooting Guide, “Data Link Circuit - Test”.


Engine Cranks but Will Not


Probable Causes

• Fuel supply

• Diagnostic codes and event codes


• Flash file

• Remote s hutdown switch

• Starting motor, solenoid, or starting circuit

• Position sensors

• Electronic unit injector

• Combustion

Recommended Actions

Fuel Supply

1. Visually check the fuel level. Do not rely on the fuel

gauge only. If necessary, add fuel. If the engine

has been run out of fuel, it will be nec essary to

purge the air from the fuel system. Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

- Prime” for the correct procedure.

2. Check the fuel lines for the following faults:

restrictions, collapsed lines, and pinched lines. If

faults are found with the fuel lines, repair the lines

and/or replace the lines.

3. Check the fuel tank for foreign objects which may

block the fuel supply.

4. Prime the fuel system if any of the following

procedures have been performed:

• Replacement of the fuel filters

• Servic e on the low pressure fuel supply circuit

Note: A sight glass in the low pres sure supply line

is helpful in diagnosing air in the fuel. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting for more


5. Check the fuel filters.

6. Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for information on improving

the characteristics of the fuel during cold weather


7. Check the fuel pressure during engine cranking.

Check the fuel pressure after the fuel filter. Refer

to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel

System” for the correct pressure values. If the fuel

pressure is low, replace the fuel filters. If the fuel

pressure is still low, check the following items: fuel

transfer pump, fuel transfer pump coupling, and

fuel pressure regulating valv e.

Diagnostic Codes and Event Codes

Certain diagnostic codes and/or event codes may

prevent the engine from starting. Connect the

electronic service tool and check for active codes

and/or for logged codes. Troubleshoot any codes that

are present before continuing with this procedure.

Electrical Power Supply to the ECM

If the ECM is not rec eiving battery voltage, the ECM

will not operate. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Electrical Power Supply Circuit - Test”.

Starting Motor, Solenoid, or Starting


Remove the starting motor and v isually inspect the

pinion of the starting motor and the flywheel ring gear

for damage.

Test the operation of the starting motor solenoid.

Check the condition of the engine wiring for the

starting motor solenoid. Test the operation of the

starting motor.

If necessary, repair the starting motor or the starting




Troubleshooting Section

Position Sensors

1. Crank the engine and observe the engine speed

on the status screen of the electronic service

tool. If the electronic service tool indicates zero

rpm, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Engine

Position Sensor Circuit - Test”.

Note: Upon initial cranking, the status for engine

speed may indicate that the engine speed signal is

abnormal. This message will be replaced with an

engine s peed once the ECM is able to calculate a

speed from the signal.

2. If an engine s peed is present, check the sensor

ins tallation. If the sensor is not properly installed,

the ECM may read engine speed, but the ECM

cannot determine the tooth pattern. The ability for

the ECM to read the tooth pattern is necessary

to determine the cylinder position. Engine speed

is present when engine speed is greater than 50

rpm. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Engine

Position Sensor Circuit - Test”.

Electronic Unit Injector

1. Ensure that the valve cover connectors for the

injector harnesses are fully connected and free of


2. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” on the

electronic service tool in order to determine if all

of the injector solenoids are being energized by

the ECM. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test” for additional



Check the engine for faults in the combustion system.


Engine Has Early Wear

Probable Causes

• Incorrect engine oil

• Contaminated engine oil

• Contaminated air

• Contaminated fuel

• Low oil pressure

Recommended Actions

Incorrect Engine Oil

Use engine oil that is recommended and change the

engine oil at the interval that is recommended by the

Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Contaminat ed Engine Oil

Drain the crankcase and refill the crankcase with

clean engine oil. Ins tall new engine oil filters. Refer to

the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

If the oil filter bypass valve is open, the oil will not

be filtered. Check the oil filter bypass valv e for a

weak spring or for a broken spring. If the spring is

broken, replace the spring. Refer to the Disassembly

and Assembly manual. Make sure that the oil bypass

valve is operating correctly.

Contaminated Air

Inspect the air inlet system for leaks. Inspect all of

the gaskets and the connections. Repair any leaks.

Inspect the air filter. Replace the air filter, if necessary.

Contaminated Fuel

Inspect the fuel filter. Replace the fuel filter, if

nec essary.

Contaminants in the fuel such as hy drogen sulfide

and sulfur can lead to the formation of acids in the

crankcase. Obtain a fuel analysis.

Low Oil Pressure

When some components of the engine show bearing

wear in a short time, the cause can be a restriction in

a passage for engine oil.

An indicator for the engine oil pressure may indicate

sufficient pressure, but a component is worn due to a

lack of lubrication. In s uch a case, look at the passage

for the engine oil supply to the component. Refer

to the Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting



Troubleshooting Section




Misfires, Runs Rough

Electrical Connectors

Check the connectors for the Electronic Control

Module (ECM) and the connectors for the unit

or Is


injectors for correc t installation. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical Connec tors -


Note: If the symptom is intermittent and the symptom

cannot be repeated, refer to Troubleshooting,

“Intermittent Low Power or Power Cutout”. If the

symptom is consistent and the symptom can be

repeated, continue with this procedure.

Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes

• Programmable parameters

• Electrical connectors

• Cold mode

• Speed control

• Electronic unit injectors

• Fuel supply

• Air inlet and exhaust system

Recommended Actions

Note: If the symptom only oc curs under certain

operating conditions (full load, engine operating

temperature, etc), test the engine under those

conditions. Troubleshooting the symptom under other

conditions can give misleading results.

Diagnostic Codes

Check for active diagnos tic c odes on the electronic

service tool. Troubleshoot any active codes before

continuing with this procedure.

Programmable Parameters

Check the “Desired speed input configuration” on the

electronic service tool.

Note: The engine will have poor performance if the

parameter is not programmed c orrectly.

Cold Mode

Use the electronic service tool to verify that the

engine has exited cold mode. Cold mode operation

may cause the engine to run rough and the engine

power may be limited.

Speed Control

Monitor the signal from the speed control on the

electronic service tool. Verify that the signal from the

speed control is stable from the low speed position to

the high s peed position.

Electronic Unit Injectors

1. Use the electronic service tool to determine if

there are any active diagnostic codes for the

electronic unit injectors.

2. Perform the injector solenoid test on the electronic

service tool in order to determine if all of the

injector solenoids are being energized by the

ECM. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test” for the proper


3. Perform the cylinder cutout test on the electronic

service tool in order to identify any electronic

unit injectors that might be mis firing. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide , “Injector Solenoid Circuit

- Test” for the proper procedure.

Fuel Supply

1. Check the fuel lines for the following faults:

restrictions, collapsed lines , and pinched lines. If

faults are found with the fuel lines, repair the lines

and/or replace the lines.

2. Check the fuel tank for foreign objects which may

block the fuel supply.

3. Prime the fuel system if any of the following

procedures have been performed:

• Replacement of the fuel filters

• Service on the low pressure fuel supply circuit

• Replacement of unit injectors



Troubleshooting Section

Note: A sight glass in the low pressure supply line is

helpful in diagnosing air in the fuel.

4. Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for information on improving

the c haracteristics of the fuel during cold weather


5. Check the fuel pressure during engine cranking.

Check the fuel pressure after the fuel filter. Refer

to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Fuel System” for the correct pressure values. If

the fuel pressure is low, replace the fuel filters. If

the fuel pressure is still low, check the following

items: fuel transfer pump, fuel transfer pump

coupling, and fuel press ure regulating valve.

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

1. Check for an air filter restriction. Clean plugged air

filters or replace plugged air filters. Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual for additional


2. Check the air inlet and exhaust system for

restrictions and/or for leaks. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and

Exhaust System”.


Engine Oil in Cooling System

Probable Causes

• Engine oil cooler core

• Cylinder head gasket

Recommended Actions

Engine Oil Cooler Core

1. Inspect the engine oil cooler c ore for leaks. If a

leak is found, replace the oil cooler core. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler

- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,

“Engine Oil Cooler - Install”.

2. Drain the crankcase and refill the crankcase with

clean engine oil. Ins tall new engine oil filters.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual

for more information.

Cylinder Head Gasket

1. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the

correct procedure.

2. Check the cylinder liner projection. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting for the

correct procedure.

3. Install a new cylinder head gasket and new water

seals in the spacer plate. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install” for the

correct procedure.


Engine Vibration

Probable Causes

• Vibration damper

• Engine supports

• Driven equipment

• Engine misfiring or running rough

Recommended Actions

Vibration Damper

Check the vibration damper for damage. Install a

new vibration damper, if necessary. Inspect the

mounting bolts for damage and/or for wear. Replace

any damaged bolts. Refer to the Disassembly and

Assembly manual.

Engine Supports

Inspect the mounts and the brackets while you run

the engine through the speed range. Look for mounts

and brackets that are loose and/or broken. Tighten

all of the mounting bolts. Install new components, if

nec essary.

Driven Equipment

Check the alignment and the balance of the driven


Engine Misfiring or Running Rough

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Engine Misfires,

Runs Rough or Is Unstable”.


Troubleshooting Section


Engine Will

Not Crank


Hydraulic Cylinder Lock

Check for fluid in the cylinders (hydraulic cylinder

lock) by removing the individual electronic unit


Note: Drain the fuel from the cylinder head. Fuel will

Probable Causes

• Batteries

• Battery cables

• Starting circuit

• Starting motor solenoid

• Starting motor

• Flywheel ring gear

• Hydraulic cylinder lock

• Internal engine fault

Recommended Actions

Batteries and/or Battery Cables

1. Inspect the main power switch, battery posts,

and battery cables for loose connections and

for corrosion. If the battery cables are corroded,

remove the battery cables and clean the battery

cables. Tighten any loose connections.

2. Inspect the batteries.

a. Charge the batteries. Refer to local operating


b. Load test the batteries. Refer to local operating


Starting Motor Solenoid or Starting


1. Test the operation of the starting motor solenoid.

2. Check the wiring to the starting motor solenoid.

Starting Motor or Flywheel Ring Gear

1. Test the operation of the starting motor.

2. Inspect the pinion on the starting motor pinion and

the flywheel ring gear for damage.

flow from the cylinder head into the cylinders when

the electronic unit injector is removed.

Internal Engine Fault

Disassemble the engine. Refer to the Disassembly

and Ass embly manual. Inspect the internal

components for the following conditions:

• Seizure

• Broken components

• Bent components


Excessive Black Smoke

Probable Causes

• Flash file

• Position sensors

• Atmospheric pres sure sensor

• Inlet manifold pressure sensor

• “Fuel Position” and/or “FRC Fuel Limit”

• Fuel quality

• Valve adjustment

• Air inlet or exhaust system

Recommended Actions

Flash File

Verify that the correct flash file is installed. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Flash Programming” for


Position Sensors

1. Check the calibration of the position sensors.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine Position

Sensors - Calibrate”.



Troubleshooting Section


Verify that the crankshaft and the camshaft drive

gears are set with the proper orientation. Refer to


Check for an air filter restriction.

the Disassembly and Assembly manual.

Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

1. Remove the sensor.

2. Remove debris, moisture, or ice from the sensor.

3. Install the sensor.

4. Check the electronic service tool for active

diagnostic codes on the sensor. If no active

diagnostic code exists, the sensor may be used.

The correct reading for the atmospheric pressure

is between 50 kPa (7.25 psi) and 100 kPa




b. Perform a visual inspection of the system for

restrictions and/or for leaks in the air inlet

piping .

Ensure that the turbocharger is in good repair.

Check the exhaust sy stem for restrictions.

Repair any leaks that were found. Remove

any restrictions that were found. Replace any

damaged components that were found.


(14.5 psi).




Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor, “Fuel

Position”, and/or “FRC Fuel Limit”

1. Monitor the status of “Fuel Position” and “Rated

Fuel Limit” while the engine is operating under full

load. If “Fuel Position” equals “Rated Fuel Limit”

and “Fuel Position” is less than “FRC Fuel Limit”,

the Electronic Control Module (ECM) is providing

the correct control. Otherwise, proceed to the next


2. Verify that there are no active diagnostic codes for

the inlet manifold pressure sensor.

3. Monitor the status of “Boost Pressure” and

“Atmospheric Pressure” on the electronic service

tool. When the engine is not running, “Boost

Pressure” should be 0 kPa (0 psi).

Note: A fault with the “FRC Fuel Limit” will only cause

black smoke during acceleration. A fault with the

“FRC Fuel Limit” will not cause black smoke during

steady state operation.

Fuel Quality

Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance

Manual for information on improv ing the

characteristics of the fuel during cold weather


Valve Adjustment

Check the valve adjustment. Refer to Sy stems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting for information on

valve adjustments.

Air Inlet or Exhaust System

1. Check the air inlet system for restrictions and/or

for leaks.


Probable Causes

• Oil leaks

• Oil level

• Engine oil cooler

• Turbocharger

• Valve guides

• Piston rings

• Incorrect installation of the compression ring and/or

the intermediate ring

Recommended Actions

Oil Leaks

Loc ate all oil leaks. Repair the oil leaks . Chec k for a

dirty crankcase breather.

Oil Level

Inspect the engine oil level. Remove any extra oil

from the engine. Recheck all fluid levels.

Engine Oil Cooler

Check for leaks in the engine oil cooler. Check for oil

in the engine coolant. If necessary, repair the engine

oil cooler.


Troubleshooting Section



Check the air inlet manifold for oil. Check for oil

leakage past the seal rings in the impeller end of

the turbocharger shaft. If necessary, repair the


Valve Guides

If the valve guides are worn, repair the cylinder head.

Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet and

Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and Install”.

Piston Rings or Incorrect Installation

of the Compression Ring and/or the

Intermediate Ring

Inspect the internal engine components. Replace any

worn components.


Excessive Fuel Consumption

Probable Causes

• Engine operation

• Fuel leaks

• Fuel quality

• Engine speed/timing

• Electronic unit injectors

• Air inlet and exhaust system

• Accessory equipment

Recommended Actions

Engine Operation

Use the electronic serv ice tool to check the “Current

Totals” for a high load factor which would be indicative

of poor operating habits.

Note: Engine operation may also be affected by

environmental conditions such as wind and snow.

Fuel Leaks

Check the fuel pressure during engine cranking.

Check the fuel pressure after the fuel filter. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting for the

correct pressure values. If the fuel pressure is low,

replace the fuel filters. If the fuel pressure is still low,

check the following items : fuel transfer pump, fuel

transfer pump coupling, and fuel pressure regulating


Fuel Quality

Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance

Manual for information on improving the

characteristics of the fuel during cold weather


Engine Speed/Timing

Perform a calibration of the position sensor. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Engine Position Sensor

- Calibrate”.

Electronic Unit Injectors

1. Check for correct installation of the J1/P1

and J2/P2 Electronic Control Module (ECM)

connectors and the electronic unit injector

connectors. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

2. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” on the

electronic s ervice tool in order to determine if all

of the injector solenoids are being energized by

the ECM.

3. Perform the “Cylinder Cutout Test” on the

electronic service tool in order to identify any

injectors that might be misfiring. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Injector Solenoid Circuit

- Test”.

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

1. Inspect the air filter for a restriction. If the air filter

shows signs of being plugged, clean the air filter

or replace the air filter.

2. Check the air inlet and exhaust system for

restrictions and/or for leaks. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting.



Troubleshooting Section

Accessory Equipment

Check all accessory equipment for faults that may

create excess ive load on the engine. Repair any

damaged components or replace any damaged


Note: If the camshaft is replaced, the valve lifters

must also be replaced.

3. Adjust the engine valve lash. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve

Lash - Inspect/Adjust”.


Valve Lash


Excessive W hite



Probable Causes

• Lubrication

• Valve lash

• Valve train components

Recommended Actions


1. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism

Cover - Remove and Install”.

2. Check the lubrication in the valve compartment.

Ensure that there is adequate engine oil flow in

the valve compartment. The passages for the

engine oil must be clean.

Valve Lash

Adjust the engine valve lash. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash

- Inspect/Adjust”.

Valve Train Components

1. Inspect the following components of the valve


• Roc ker arms

• Pushrods

• Valv e lifters

• Camshaft

• Valv e stems

• Roc ker shafts

2. Check the components for the following conditions:

abnormal wear, excessive wear, straightness, and

cleanliness. Replace parts, if necessary.

Note: Some white smoke may be pres ent during

cold start-up conditions when the engine is operating

normally. If the white smoke persists, there may be a


Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes

• Flash file

• Starting aids

• Water temperature regulators

• Electronic unit injectors

• Fuel supply

• Cooling s ystem

• Component wear

Recommended Actions

Diagnostic Codes

Use the electronic servic e tool to check for active

diagnostic codes. Troubleshoot any active diagnostic

codes before continuing with this procedure.

Flash File

Verify that the correct flash file is installed in the

Engine Control Module (ECM). The flash file that

is installed in the ECM can be dis played on the

“Configuration” screen on the electronic service tool.

Starting Aids

Block Heater (If Equipped)

Ensure that the block heater is functioning correctly.


Troubleshooting Section


Water Temperature Regulators

Check the water temperature regulators for correct

operation. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and

Adjusting, “Water Temperature Regulator - Test” for

the proper procedure.

Electronic Unit Injectors

Fuel Dilution of Engine

Probable Causes



Use the electronic service tool to perform the cylinder

cutout test. Try to simulate the conditions for the test

that were experienced during operation. Cut out each

cylinder individually for approximately one minute in

order to isolate any misfiring cylinders. If the misfire

can be isolated to a specific cylinder, proceed to

Troubleshooting, “Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test”.

Fuel Supply

1. Monitor the exhaust for smoke while the engine

Seals on the case of the electronic unit injector or

on the barrel of the electronic unit injector

Seals on the fuel line adapter for the cylinder head

Electronic unit injector

Fuel supply manifold

Fuel transfer pump seal





is being cranked.

If no smoke is present, there may be a fault with

the fuel quality or there may be a fault in the fuel


Check the fuel pressure. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System

Pressure - Test”.

Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Fuel System - Prime” for the correct procedure.

Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.

Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for information on improving

the c haracteristics of the fuel during cold weather


Recommended Actions

Seals on the Case of the Electronic Unit

Injector or on the Barrel of the Electronic

Unit Injector

Look for signs of damage to the seals for the

electronic unit injectors. Replace any seals that are


Seals on the Fuel Line Adapter for the

Cylinder Head

Look for signs of damage to the seals on the fuel line

adapter for the cylinder head. Repair any leaking fuel

lines or components and/or replace any leaking fuel

lines or components.

Electronic Unit Injector

Look for signs of damage to the electronic unit

injectors. If necessary, repair the electronic unit

Cooling System

Check for an internal coolant leak. Check for coolant

in the engine oil, coolant in the cylinders, and coolant

in the exhaust system. Refer to Systems Operation,

Testing and Adjusting, “Cooling System - Test”.

Component Wear

Check the following components for excessive wear:

• Valves

• Pistons

• Rings

• Cylinder liners

injectors or replac e the electronic unit injectors.

Fuel Supply Manifold

Look for signs of damage to the fuel supply manifold.

Fuel Transfer Pump Seal

Ensure that the weep hole is not plugged. If

nec essary, repair the fuel transfer pump or replace

the fuel transfer pump.

“User Shutdown” Status

Measured Voltage at


Injection Enabled

24 VDC

Injection Disabled

0.9 VDC



Troubleshooting Section

Intermittent Engine



J61/P61 Customer connectors

J300/P300 Connectors for the injector solenoid


J401/P401 and J402/P402 Engine position

Note: Use this procedure only if the engine shut

down completely and it was necessary to res tart the


Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes or event codes

• Operating c onditions


sensor connectors

Check the associated wiring for the following

conditions: damage, abrasion, corrosion, and

incorrect attachment.

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical

Connectors - Inspect”.

Electrical connections

Remote shutdown

Circuit breakers and fuses

Fuel supply

Note: Aftermarket engine protection devices usually

interrupt power to the ECM. Check for correct

installation and for operation of aftermarket engine

protection devices. It may be necessary to bypass

the aftermarket devices in order to continue testing.

Remote Shutdown

1. Access the s tatus screen that displays the remote

Note: If the fault only occurs under certain conditions

such as high engine speed, full load or engine

operating temperature, then perform the test under

those operating conditions.

Recommended Actions


shutdown switch status. The remote shutdown

switch status on the electronic service tool is

called “Injection Disable”.

Refer to Table 8 and measure the voltage between

each terminal that is listed and the engine ground.

Diagnostic Codes or Event Codes

Certain diagnostic codes and/or event codes may

cause the engine to shutdown. Connect the electronic

servic e tool and check for active codes and/or for

logged codes. Troubleshoot any codes that are

present before continuing with this procedure.

Operating Conditions

The engine may be shut down due to low pressure

levels or other factors. Connect the electronic service

tool and c heck for active shutdowns or diagnostic


If a shutdown is ac tive, “Injection Disabled” will

appear in the third box of any status screen on the

electronic service tool.

An engine shutdown event will appear on a J1939

device if the device is capable of displaying diagnostic


Electrical Connect ions

1. Check the following connectors for proper

ins tallation:

• J1/P1 and J2/P2 connectors for the Electronic

Control Module (ECM)

Table 8

3. If the voltage is not in the proper range, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Switch Circuits - Test”.

Circuit Breakers and Fuses

Check the circuit breakers and fuses. The circuit

breakers may exceed the trip point due to

overheating. Reset the circuit breakers if the circuit

breakers are tripped. Replace any blown fuses.

Fuel Supply

Check for a fault in the fuel supply. Verify that the

fuel pressure is correct. Refer to Systems Operation,

Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System Pressure - Test”

for additional information.


Troubleshooting Section


Low Engine Oil Pressure



Oil Cooler

Check the oil cooler for plugging or blockage. Clean

the oil cooler core. If necessary, replace the engine

oil cooler. Refer to Disas sembly and Assembly, “Oil

Cooler - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,

“Oil Cooler - Install”.

Do not operate engine with low oil pressure. Engine

damage will result. If measured engine oil pressure

is low, discontinue engine operation until the fault is


Probable Causes

• Engine oil level

• Engine oil filters and oil filter bypass valve

• Engine oil pump

• Engine oil cooler

• Fuel dilution

• Engine wear

Recommended Actions

Engine Oil Level

Inspect the engine oil level. If engine oil is low add

engine oil. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance


Engine Oil Filters and Oil Filter Bypass


Check the service records of the engine for

information that is related to the last oil change. If

necessary, perform an oil change on the engine and

replace the engine oil filters.

Check the operation of oil filter bypass valve. Clean

the bypass valve and the housing. If necessary,

install new parts.

Engine Oil Pump

Check for blockage of the inlet screen for the engine

oil pump. Check the components of the engine oil

pump for excessive wear. If necessary, repair the oil

pump or replace the oil pump.

Inlet manifold pressure sensor, rated fuel position

Fuel Dilution

Check for presence of fuel in lubricating oil. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Fuel Dilution of Engine


Engine Wear

Inspect the camshaft and/or camshaft bearings

for excessive wear. Inspect the crankshaft and/or

crankshaft bearings. Excessive wear to discrete

components may be an indication of a blocked oil

pas sage. Use an oil pressure gauge to check the

oil pressure at the main oil gallery. This will help

determine if the excessive wear is from low system

pressure or from passages that are blocked.


Low Power

Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes

• Event codes

• Engine rating

• Programmable parameters

• Cold mode

• Electrical connectors

• Circuit for electronic unit injectors

• Fuel supply

and/or FRC fuel position

• Air inlet and exhaust system



Troubleshooting Section

Recommended Actions

Note: If the fault only occurs under certain conditions ,

test the engine under those conditions. Examples

of certain conditions are high rpm, full load and

engine operating temperature. Troubleshooting

the symptoms under other conditions can give

misleading results.

Diagnostic Codes and Event Codes

Certain diagnostic codes and/or event codes may

cause poor performance. Connect the electronic

service tool and check for active codes and for logged

codes. Troubleshoot any codes that are present

before continuing with this procedure.

Engine Rating

Verify that the correct engine rating is being used for

the application.

Programmable Parameters

Check the following parameter on the electronic

service tool:

• Desired speed input

Verify that the injector trim files are programmed.

Cold Mode

Monitor the status screen on the electronic service

tool in order to verify that the engine has exited cold

mode. Observe the reading for coolant temperature

on the electronic service tool. The engine should

exit cold mode whenever the coolant temperature is

above 18 °C (64 °F).

Electrical Connectors

Check the associated wiring for damage, abrasion,

corrosion or incorrect attachment on the following

connectors. J1/P1 and J2/P2 ECM connectors,

J61/P61 customer connector (optional), and

J403/P403 throttle position sensor connector. Refer

to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical Connectors

- Inspect” for additional information.

Circuit for the Electronic Unit Injector

Inspect the J2/P2 ECM connector and the J300/P300

electronic unit injector connector for proper

connections. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“ Electrical Connectors - Inspect”. Cut out each

cylinder in order to isolate a misfiring cylinder or

cylinders. If the results are inconclusive, shut off half

of the cylinders and repeat the cylinder cutout test

on the active cylinders that are remaining in order to

locate those c ylinders that are missing. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Injector Solenoid Circuit -


Fuel Supply

Check for a fault in the fuel supply and verify the fuel

pressure. For further information, refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjus ting, “Fuel Sy stem

Pressure - Test”.

Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor, Rated

Fuel Position and/or FRC Fuel Position

1. With the engine at full load, monitor “Fuel Position”

and “Rated Fuel Limit” on the status screen. If

“Fuel Position” does not equal “Rated Fuel Limit”,

then check air inlet manifold pressure.

2. Verify that there are no active diagnostic codes

that are associated with the inlet manifold pressure

sensor or with the atmospheric pressure sens or.

3. Monitor air inlet manifold pressure and

atmospheric press ure for normal operation on the

status screen.

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

Check the air inlet and exhaust systems for

restrictions and for leaks . Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and

Exhaust System”. Look for an indication of the

warning lamp or restriction indicators that are tripped

if the filters are equipped with these devices. These

indicators are associated with plugged filters. Replace

the plugged air filters or clean the plugged air filters.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Repair any leaks that are found in the system.


Mechanical Noise (Knock) in


Probable Causes

• Driven equipment


Troubleshooting Section


Gear train

Cylinder head and related components

Crankshaft and related components





from Cylinder

Recommended Repairs

Driven E quipment

Inspect the alignment and the balance of the driven

equipment. Inspect the coupling. If necessary,

disconnect the driven equipment and test the engine.

Gear Train

Inspect the condition of the gear train.

Inspect the engine oil filters for nonferrous material.

Flaking of nonferrous material could indicate worn

gear train bearings.

Cylinder Head and Related Components

Inspect the components of the valve train for good

condition. Check for signs of damage and/or wear

to the valves, cylinder head gasket, etc. Inspect the

condition of the camshafts. If a camshaft is replaced,

new valve lifters must be installed.


Inspect the crankshaft and the related components.

Inspect the connecting rod bearings and the bearing

surfaces on the crankshaft. Make sure that the

bearings are in the correct position.

Look for worn thrust plates and wear on the


Check the counterweight bolts.


Make sure that the piston pins are correctly installed.

Inspect the pistons for wear or damage.

Probable Causes

• Diagnostic codes

• Fuel quality

• Electronic unit injectors

• Valve lash

Recommended Actions

Diagnostic Codes

Check for active diagnostic c odes on the electronic

service tool. Troubleshoot any active diagnostic

codes before continuing with this procedure.

Fuel Quality

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for

information on the characteristics of the fuel.

Electronic Unit Injectors

1. Check the connectors on the Electronic Control

Module (ECM). Check for correct installation of

the J1/P1 and J2/P2 ECM connectors. Inspect the

unit injector wiring harness from the ECM to the

J300/P300 valve cover entry connector. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical Connectors

- Inspect”.

2. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” on the

electronic service tool in order to determine if all

of the injector solenoids are being energized by

the ECM. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test”.

3. Perform the “Cylinder Cutout Test” on the

electronic service tool in order to identify any

injectors that may be misfiring.

Valve Lash

Check the engine valve lash settings. Inspect the

valve train for sufficient lubrication. Check damage to

valve train components which may cause excessive

valve las h. Repair any faults that are found. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Excessive Valve Lash”.



Troubleshooting Section


Poor Acceleration or Response

Probable Causes


Perform the cylinder cutout test on the electronic

service tool in order to identify any injectors that

might be misfiring. Refer to Troubleshooting,

“Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test” for the proper


Cold mode operation

Flash file

Electrical connectors

Electronic unit injectors

Fuel Position, Rated Fuel Limit, and FRC Fuel


Air inlet and exhaust system

Fuel supply

Fuel P osition, Rated Fuel Limit, and FRC

Fuel Position

1. Monitor the status of “Fuel Position” and “Rated

Fuel Limit” while the engine is operating under full

load. If “Fuel Position” equals “Rated Fuel Limit”

and “Fuel Position” is less than “FRC Fuel Limit”,

the electronics are operating correctly. Otherwise,

proceed to the next Step.

2. Verify that there are no active diagnostic codes for

the inlet manifold pressure sensor.

3. Monitor the “Intake Manifold Pressure” and

“Atmospheric Pressure” for normal operation.

When the engine is not running, “Boost Pressure”

should be 0 kPa (0 psi).

Recommended Actions

Cold Mode Operat ion

Monitor the status screen on the electronic service

tool in order to verify that the engine has exited cold

mode. Observe the reading for coolant temperature

on the electronic service tool. The engine should

exit cold mode whenever the coolant temperature is

above 18 °C (64 °F).

Flash File

Verify that the correct flash file is installed.

Electrical Connectors

Check for correct installation of the J1/P1 and J2/P2

connectors for the Electronic Control Module (ECM).

Check for correct installation of the JH300/P300

electronic unit injector connectors. Refer to the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Electrical Connec tors -


Electronic Unit Injectors

1. Use the electronic service tool to determine if

there are any active diagnostic codes for the

electronic unit injectors.

2. Perform the injector solenoid test on the electronic

service tool in order to determine if all of the

injector solenoids are being energized by the

ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Injector Solenoid

Circuit - Test” for the proper procedure.

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

1. Check for an air filter restriction indicator. Clean

plugged air filters or replace plugged air filters.

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

2. Check the air inlet and exhaust system for

restrictions and/or leaks. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and

Exhaust System”.

Fuel Supply

1. Check the fuel lines for the following faults:

restrictions, collapsed lines , and pinched lines. If

faults are found with the fuel lines, repair the lines

and/or replace the lines.

2. Check the fuel tank for foreign objects which may

block the fuel supply.


Do not crank the engine continuously for more than

30 seconds . Allow the starting motor to cool for two

minutes before cranking the engine again.

3. Prime the fuel system if any of the following

procedures have been performed:

• Replacement of the fuel filters

• Service on the low pressure fuel supply circuit

• Replacement of electronic unit injectors


Troubleshooting Section


Note: A sight glass in the low pressure supply line is

helpful in diagnosing air in the fuel. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test”

for more information.

4. Cold weather adversely affects the characteristics

of the fuel. Refer to the Operation and

Maintenance Manual for information on improving

the c haracteristics of the fuel during cold weather


5. Check the fuel pressure after the fuel filter while

the engine is being cranked. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting for the correc t

pressure values. If the fuel pressure is low,

replace the fuel filters. If the fuel pressure is

still low, check the following items: fuel transfer

pump, fuel transfer pump coupling, and fuel

pressure regulating valve. Refer to Systems

Operation/Testing and Adjusting for more



Rotator or Spring





Probable Causes

• Valve rotator

• Spring locks

• Valve springs

• Valves

Recommended Actions

1. Determine the cause of an engine ov erspeed that

would crack the valve rotator. Repair the condition.

2. Inspect the following components for damage:

• Valv e rotators

• Spring locks

• Valv e springs

• Valv es

Note: Ensure that the valve has not contacted the

piston. If the valve has contacted the piston, check

the exhaust sys tem for debris.

3. Replace any damaged components.



Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshoot ing

Diagnosti c Code

Flash Codes




Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic

Code Cross Reference” for the complete list of the

diagnostic codes and a description of each code.

There is a troubleshooting procedure for every

diagnostic code. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Troubleshooting With A Diagnostic Code”.

When a diagnostic code is activated, the Electronic

Control Module (ECM) transmits information about

the code over the J 1939 data link. Some J1939

dev ices may display the code. However, the code will

Flash codes are a simple way to alert the operator

that a fault exists with the control system for the

engine or with the operation of the engine. Each

flash code is a two digit number. The diagnostic lamp

flashes in order to identify the flash code.


Note: Flash Code 27 would flash on the diagnostic

lamp in the following manner:

• Two short flashes

• Hesitation

• Seven short flashes

For the descriptions of the flash codes, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Code Cross Reference”.

be displayed with a J 1939 Diagnostic Code. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic Code Cross

Reference” for a cross-reference between J1939

Diagnostic Code and diagnostic codes.

Do not confuse diagnostic codes with event codes.

Event codes alert the operator that an abnormal

operating condition such as low oil pressure or high

coolant temperature has been detected. Refer to

the Troubleshooting Guide, “Troubleshooting with

an Event Code” for additional information on event





Diagnostic Codes

Diagnostic codes alert the operator that a fault in

the elec tronic system has been detected. Diagnostic

codes also indicate the nature of the fault to the

service technician. The electronic service tool is

a software program that is designed to run on a

personal computer. Diagnostic codes may be viewed

on a personal computer that has the electronic

servic e tool s oftware. Diagnostic codes consist of

the component identifier (CID) and the failure mode

identifier (FMI).

Component Identifier (CID) – The CID is a number

with three or four digits. The CID indicates the

component that generated the code. For example,

the CID number 0001 identifies the fuel injector for

the number one cylinder.

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) – The FMI is a two

digit code that indicates the type of failure.

Illustration 10

Output voltage from a typical analog temperature sens or



Troubleshooting Section


Illustration 10 indicates the signal range for a typical

analog sens or. Diagnostic codes will be generated if

the sensor’s output signal is below 0.2 VDC or above

4.8 VDC.

Active Diagnostic Codes






An active diagnostic code represents a fault in the

electronic control system. Correct the fault as soon

as possible.

When the ECM generates an active diagnostic code,

the “Active Alarm” indicator (“Engine Control Alarm

Status” on the electronic service tool) is activated

in order to alert the operator. If the condition that

generated the code is momentary, the message

disappears from the list of active diagnostic codes.

The diagnostic code becomes logged.

Logged Diagnostic Codes

When the ECM generates a diagnostic code, the

ECM logs the code in permanent memory. The

ECM has an internal diagnostic clock. Each ECM

will record the following information when a code is


• The hour of the first occurrence of the code

• The hour of the last occurrence of the code

• The number of occurrences of the code

This information is a valuable indicator for

troubleshooting intermittent faults.

A code is cleared from memory when one of the

following conditions occur:

• The service technician manually clears the code.

• The code does not rec ur for 100 hours.

• A new code is logged and there are already ten

codes in memory. In this case, the oldest code is


Some diagnostic codes may be easily triggered.

Some diagnostic codes may log occurrences that did

not result in complaints. The most likely cause of an

intermittent fault is a faulty c onnection or damaged

wiring. The nex t likely cause is a c omponent failure.

The least likely cause is the failure of an electronic

module. Diagnostic codes that are logged repeatedly

may indicate a fault that needs special investigation.

Note: Always clear logged diagnostic codes after

investigating and correcting the fault which generated

the code.

Faults in the electronic control system are reported

via thes e types of codes: flash codes, CID/FMI

diagnostic codes, and event codes.

For information on flash codes, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

For information on CID/FMI codes, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Codes”.

For information on event c odes, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Event Codes”.

Use Table 10 as a cross-reference between the

various types of codes.



Troubleshooting Section

Table 9

Cross Reference for Diagnostic Codes

Flash Code

CID(1)/FMI(2) Code




Description of Diagnostic Code




Cylinder #1 Injector other failure mode




Cylinder #2 Injector other failure mode




Cylinder #3 Injector other failure mode




Cylinder #4 Injector other failure mode




Cylinder #5 Injector other failure mode




Cylinder #6 Injector other failure mode




8 Volt DC Supply voltage above normal




8 Volt DC Supply voltage below normal




Throttle Position Sensor abnormal fr equency, pulse width, or period




Engine Oil Pressure Sensor voltage above normal




Engine Oil Pressure Sensor voltage below normal




Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage above normal




Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage below normal




Electrical System Voltage erratic, intermittent, or incorrect




Intake Manifol d Air Temperature Sensor voltage above normal




Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor voltage belowe normal




Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage above normal




Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage below normal




Engine Speed Sensor erratic, intermittent, or incorrect




Engine Speed Sensor abnormal update rate




Engine Speed Sensor mechanical failure




Engine Speed Sensor failure




SAE J1939 Data Link abnormal update rate




Perkins Data Link not communicating




Personality Module erratic, intermittent, or incorrect




Electronic Control Module Error




Engine Timing Calibration calibration required




5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage above normal




5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage below nor mal




Programmed Parameter Fault erratic, intermittent, or incorrect




Turbocharger Outlet Pressure Sensor voltage above normal




Turbocharger Outlet Pressure Sensor voltage below normal




Atmospheric Pressure Sensor voltage above normal




Atmospheric Pressure Sensor voltage below normal




Secondary Engine Speed Sensor erratic, intermittent, or incorrect




Secondary Engine Speed Sensor other failure mode




Secondary Engine Speed Sensor failure



Troubleshooting Section


(Table 9, contd)

Cross Reference for Diagnostic Codes

Flash Code

CID(1)/FMI(2) Code




Description of Diagnostic Code




Need Service tool update




Throttle #2 Position Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or

peri od



Component Identifier

Failure Mode Identifier

Table 10

Cross Reference for Event Codes

Flash Code

Event Code

J1939 Event


Description of Event Code




Engine Shutdown Overridden




High Boost Pressure (Warning)




High Boost Pressure (Alert)




Diagnostic Reset




Low Engine Oil Pressure (Warning)




Low Engine Oil Pressure (Alert)




Low Engine Oil Pressure (Shutdown)




High Engine Coolant Temperature (Warning)




High Engine Coolant Temperature (Alert)




High Engine Coolant Temperature (Shutdown)




Engine Overspeed (Warning)




Engine Overspeed (Alert)




Engine Overspeed (Shutdown)




High Fuel Supply Temperature (Warning)




High Fuel Supply Temperature (Alert)




High Intake Manifold Air Temperature (War ning)




High Intake Manifold Ai r Temperature (Alert)


0001 FMI 11


If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the electronic unit


System Response:

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to

operate the electronic unit injector. The ECM detects

an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the

electronic unit injector.

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit

injector after the code has been logged.

The electronic unit injector may not operate while the

condition exists.



Troubleshooting Section

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0002 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting

to operate the injec tor. The ECM detects an open

circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the injector.

If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the injectors.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the injector after the

code has been logged.

The injector may not operate while the condition


Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0003 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting

to operate the injec tor. The ECM detects an open

circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the injector.

If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the injectors.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the injector after the

code has been logged.

The injector may not operate while the condition


Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0004 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to

operate the electronic unit injector. The ECM detects

an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the

electronic unit injector.

If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the electronic unit


System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit

injector after the code has been logged.

The electronic unit injector may not operate while the

condition exists.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


Troubleshooting Section



• OK – STOP.

CID 0005 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:


If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the electronic unit


System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit

injector after the code has been logged.

The electronic unit injector may not operate while the

condition exists.

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to

operate the electronic unit injector. The ECM detects

an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the

electronic unit injector.

If the cause of the diagnostic code is a fault in the

common wire, two cylinders will be affected because

of the shared common wire for the electronic unit


System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM will

continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit

injector after the code has been logged.

The electronic unit injector may not operate while the

condition exists.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0006 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) is attempting to

operate the electronic unit injector. The ECM detects

an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the

electronic unit injector.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Injector

Solenoid Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0041 FMI 03

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The voltage level of the 8 volt supply is above normal.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. The diagnostic code can be viewed

on a display module or on the electronic service tool.

The ECM flags all digital sensors as invalid data and

all digital sensors are set to the respective default


Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine may experience low power.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Digital

Sensor Supply Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.



Troubleshooting Section


0041 FMI 04



0100 FMI



Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The output voltage of the 8 volt supply falls below 7.5

VDC for at least two seconds.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. The diagnostic code can be viewed

on a display module or on the electronic service tool.

The ECM flags all digital sensors as invalid data and

all digital sensors are set to the respective default


Possible Performance Effect:

• Low power


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Digital

Sensor Supply Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0091 FMI 08

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an

incorrect frequency on the throttle signal.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM flags the throttle

position as invalid data and a default value of zero

percent is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine speed changes to the default selected

speed of 1500 rpm or 1800 rpm.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Throttle

Position Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a

signal voltage that is above normal.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM flags oil pressure as

invalid data and a default value is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• There are no performance effects.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circ uit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0100 FMI 04

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a

signal v oltage that is below normal.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM flags oil pressure as

invalid data and a default value is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• There are no performance effects.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circ uit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


Troubleshooting Section



0110 FMI 03


The signal voltage from the engine coolant

temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for more

than eight seconds.

System Response:

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following c onditions:

• The engine has been running for more than seven


• The signal voltage from the engine coolant

temperature sensor is greater than 4.95 VDC for

more than eight seconds.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code if the engine

has been running for more than seven minutes. The

check engine lamp will illuminate after a delay.

The ECM will set the value of the coolant temperature

to a default value.

The engine will not go into cold mode while this

diagnostic c ode is active.

The ECM will activate the cooling fan after this code

has been active for more than eight seconds.

Possible Performance Effect:



Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0110 FMI 04

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following c onditions:

The engine has been running for more than seven


The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The check

engine lamp will illuminate after a delay.

The ECM will set the value of the coolant temperature

to a default value.

The engine will not go into cold mode while the

diagnostic code is active.

The ECM will activate the cooling fan after this code

has been active for more than eight seconds.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0168 FMI 02

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

While the engine is running, the battery voltage drops

below 9 VDC intermittently, or the battery voltage

drops below 9 VDC three times in a seven second


System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code.

Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine may misfire and/or shutdown


Perform the following diagnostic procedure:

“Electrical Power Supply Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.



Troubleshooting Section


0172 FMI 03



• OK – STOP.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The engine coolant temperature is above −10 °C

(14 °F). The signal voltage from the inlet manifold

air temperature sensor is greater than 4.95 VDC for


0174 FMI



more than eight seconds.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic c ode. The ECM flags the inlet manifold

air temperature as invalid data and a default value

of 40 °C (104 °F) is used.

Possible Performance Effect:



Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0172 FMI 04

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal voltage from the inlet manifold temperature

sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for more than eight


System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM will flag the inlet

manifold temperature as invalid data and the inlet

manifold temperature is set to a default value of

40 °C (104 °F).

Possible Performance Effect:



Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Tes t”

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a

signal voltage that is above normal.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM flags the fuel

temperature as invalid data and a default value of

50 °C (122 °F) is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Low power


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0174 FMI 04

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a

signal voltage that is below normal.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM flags the fuel

temperature as invalid data and a default value of

50 °C (122 °F) is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Low power


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


Troubleshooting Section



• OK – STOP.

CID 0190 FMI 02

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.


System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. If a valid signal is not received from

the crankshaft pos ition sensor, the ECM will default

to the camshaft position sensor.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

The pattern for the timing ring is erratic, intermittent

or incorrect for five seconds.

camshaft position sensor are abnormal.


System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. If a valid signal is not received from

the crankshaft position sensor, the ECM will default

to the camshaft position sensor.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

camshaft position sensor are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0190 FMI 09

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.

• The pattern for the timing ring is abnormal for five


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0190 FMI 11

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.

• The signal from one of the position sensors is

missing for five seconds.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. If a valid signal is not received from

the crankshaft position sensor, the ECM will default

to the camshaft position sensor.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

camshaft position sensor are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”



Troubleshooting Section


• OK – STOP.

CID 0190 FMI 12

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.


Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine may not operate correctly and/or the

equipment may not have engine speed control.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “CAN

Data Link Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.

The timing ring is damaged or one of the position

sensors is damaged.


0248 FMI



System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. If a valid signal is not received from

the crankshaft position sensor, the ECM will default

to the camshaft position sensor.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

camshaft position sensor are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0247 FMI 09

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal from the data link is noisy or intermittent.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code.

Possible Performance Effect:



Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Data

Link Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0253 FMI 02

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) has detected a

loss of communications with the J1939 data link.

Ensure that all flash files in the control system are


System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The flash file that is used for replacement is for

a different engine family or for a different engine


System Response:

The electronic service tool will not be able to clear

the code.


Troubleshooting Section


Possible Performance Effect:

• The fuel injection s ystem is disabled and the

engine will not start.


Check the Part Number of the Flash File

A. Restore the electrical power to the Elec tronic

Control Module (ECM).

B. Verify that the part number for the flash file agrees

with the latest update that is available on PTMI.

Expected Result:

The c orrect flash file is ins talled in the ECM.


• OK – The correct flash file is installed in the ECM.

Repair: The engine will not start until the 0253-02

diagnostic code is cleared. Clearing this code

requires factory passwords.

Acquire factory passwords. Clear the 0253-02

diagnostic code. Return the engine to service.


• Not OK – The correct flash file is not installed in

the ECM.

Repair: Flash program the ECM with the correct

flash file. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide,

“Flash Programming”. Verify that the fault has been




CID 0254 FMI 12

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

There is an internal fault in the Electronic Control

Module (ECM).

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

Possible Performance Effect:

The engine may not operate correctly.


Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Replacing the



• OK – STOP.


CID 0261 FMI 13

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The timing has not been calibrated since the

Electronic Control Module (ECM) was installed or the

calibration is incorrect.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

The ECM uses default timing.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Low power

• Reduced engine speed

• White exhaust smoke

• Increased exhaust emissions


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor - Calibrate”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0262 FMI 03

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The voltage level of the 5 volt supply is greater than

5.16 VDC for more than one second.



Troubleshooting Section

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM sets all of the pressure

sensors to the respec tive default values.

Possible Performance Effect:

Engine power is reduced.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “5 Volt

Engine Pressure Sensor Supply Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0262 FMI 04

Possible Performance Effect:

Engine performance may be affected by the

unprogrammed parameters. The ECM may use a

default torque map or the ECM may limit the engine

to low idle.


Program the system configuration parameters. Refer

to the Troubleshooting Guide, “System Configuration

Parameters” for additional information.


• OK – STOP.


CID 0273 FMI 03

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The voltage level of the 5 volt supply is less than 4.84

VDC for more than one second.

System Response:

The code is logged. The ECM sets all of the pressure

sensors to the respective default values.

Possible Performance Effect:

Engine power is reduced.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “5 Volt

Engine Pressure Sensor Supply Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal voltage from the inlet manifold pressure

sensor is above normal.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. The ECM will flag the inlet manifold

pressure as invalid data and a default value is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine may experience low power.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circ uit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


0268 FMI 02



0273 FMI



Conditions Which Generate This Code:

One or more of the programmable parameters have

not been programmed.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will activate

the diagnostic code.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal voltage from the inlet manifold pressure

sensor is below normal.


Troubleshooting Section


System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code. The ECM will flag the inlet manifold

pressure as invalid data and a default value is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• The engine may experience low power.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0274 FMI 03

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log

the diagnostic code. The ECM flags atmospheric

pressure as invalid data and a default value of

100 kPa (14.5 psi) is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Low power


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circ uit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0342 FMI 02

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal voltage from the atmos pheric pressure

sensor is above 4.8 VDC for at least eight seconds.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log

the diagnostic code. The ECM flags atmospheric

pressure as invalid data and a default value of

100 kPa (15 psi) is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

Low power


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0274 FMI 04

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The signal voltage from the atmos pheric pressure

sensor is below 0.2 VDC for at least eight seconds.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following conditions:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.

• The pattern for the timing ring is erratic, intermittent

or incorrect for five seconds.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM

flags the signal from the camshaft position sensor as

invalid data and a default value of zero rpm is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if signals from

both the crankshaft position s ensor and the c amshaft

pos ition sensor are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.



Troubleshooting Section


0342 FMI 11


Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following c onditions:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.

• The signal from the camshaft position sensor is

missing for five seconds.

System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The ECM

flags the signal from the camshaft position sensor as

invalid data and a default value of zero rpm is used.

Possible Performance Effect:

• Engine misfires

• Engine shutdown

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

camshaft position sens or are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0342 FMI 12

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following c onditions:

• The engine speed is greater than 120 rpm.

• The timing ring or the c amshaft position sensor is


System Response:

The ECM will log the diagnostic c ode. The ECM

flags the signal from the camshaft position sensor as

invalid data and a default value of zero rpm is used.

Note: The engine will shut down only if the signals

from both the crankshaft position sensor and the

camshaft position sensor are abnormal.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Engine

Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.


CID 0799 FMI 12

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the

following condition:

• The software for the electronic service tool is too


System Response:

The electronic service tool will not display ev ery

diagnostic code or every event code.

Possible Performance Effect:



Obtain the current version of the software for the

electronic service tool. Contact Perkins Engine

Company Limited for further information.


• OK – STOP.


Troubleshooting Section



1690 FMI 08


Conditions Which Generate This Code:

Although the signal from the analog throttle is within

the normal range of 0.5 Volts to 4.5 Volts, the signal

has an abnormal frequency, an abnormal pulse width

or an abnormal time period.

System Response:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) will log the

diagnostic code.

Possible Performance Effect:

The engine speed changes to the default selected

speed of 1500 rpm or 1800 rpm.


Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Analog

Throttle Circuit - Test”


• OK – STOP.



Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshoot ing

Event  Code



Event Codes


Event codes alert the operator that an abnormal

engine operating condition such as low oil pressure or

high coolant temperature has been detected. When

the event code is generated, the event is active.

Active Event Codes

An active event code represents a fault with engine

operation. Correct the fault as soon as possible.

Active event codes are listed in ascending numerical

order. The code with the lowest number is listed first.

Illustration 11 is an example of the operating range of

a temperature sensor. Do not use the illustration to

troubleshoot temperature sensors.

Illustration 11


Example of the typical operating range of a temperature sensor

(1) This area represents the normal operating range of the

parameter. The normal output voltage of the sensor is between

0.2 VDC and 4.2 VDC.

(2) In this area, the temperature above 107 °C (225 °F) is higher

than normal. The output voltage of the sensor will generate an

event code. The sensor does not have an electronic fault.

(3) In these areas, the output voltage of the sensor is too high

or too low. The voltage is outside of the normal range. The

elec tronic fault will generate a diagnostic code. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code” for

additional information on diagnostic codes.

Events are represented in two formats. In the first

format, the “E” means that the code is an event

code. The “XXX” represents a numeric identifier for

the event code. This is followed by a description of

the code. If a warning, a derate, or a shutdown is

applicable, the numeric identifiers are different. Refer

to the following example:

• E004 Engine Overs peed Shutdown

In the second format, the “E” means that the

code is an event code. The “XXX-X” represents a

numeric identifier for the event code. The fourth “X”

identifies the event as a warning, an ac tion alert, or

a shutdown. This is followed by a description of the

code. Refer to the following example:


Troubleshooting Section


E360-1 Low Oil Pressure Warning

E360-2 Low Oil Pressure Action Alert

E360-3 Low Oil Pressure Shutdown


For basic troubleshooting of the engine, perform the

following steps in order to diagnose a fault:

1. Obtain the following information about the fault:

The definition for a warning, an action alert and a

shutdown are defined below:

Warning – This condition represents a serious fault

with engine operation. However, this c ondition does

not require an action alert or a s hutdown.

Action Alert – For this condition, the OEM control

panel may shut down the engine.

Shutdown – For this condition, the ECM should shut

down the engine.

Logged Event Codes

The event and the time of the event

Determine the conditions for the event. The

conditions will include the engine rpm and the


Determine if there are any systems that were

installed by the dealer or by the customer that

could cause the event.

Determine whether any additional events


When the ECM generates an event code, the ECM

logs the code in permanent memory. The ECM has

an internal diagnostic clock. The ECM will record

the following information when an event code is


• The hour of the first occurrence of the code

• The hour of the last occurrence of the code

• The number of occurrences of the code

Logged events are listed in chronological order. The

most recent event code is listed first.

This information can be helpful for troubleshooting

intermittent faults. Logged codes can als o be used to

review the performance of the engine.

Clearing Event Codes




Verify that the fault is not due to normal engine

operation. Verify that the fault is not due to error of

the operator.

Narrow the probable cause. Consider the operator

information, the conditions of operation, and the

his tory of the engine.

Perform a visual inspection. Inspect the following


• Fuel supply

• Oil level

• Oil supply

• Wiring

• Connectors

A code is cleared from memory when one of the

following conditions occur:

• The code does not recur for 100 hours.

• A new code is logged and there are already ten

codes in memory. In this case, the oldest code is


• The service technician manually clears the code.

Always clear logged event codes after investigating

and correcting the fault which generated the code.

Be sure to check the connectors. This is very

important for faults that are intermittent. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

If these steps do not resolve the fault, identify the

procedures in this manual that best describe the

event. Check each probable cause according to the

tests that are recommended.

Trip Points for the Monitoring


The monitoring system determines the level of action

that is taken by the ECM in response to a condition

that can damage the engine. When any of these

conditions occur, the appropriate event code will trip.



Troubleshooting Section

Table 11 contains the conditions that are monitored

and the default trip points for each condition.

Each condition has an associated parameter. The

settings for each parameter can be viewed with the

electronic service tool. The trip points for some of

the parameters may be adjustable with the electronic

service tool.

Table 11

Event Code




High Boost Pressure

Warn Operator (1)



Trip Point

300 kPa (43.5 psi)

Delay Time

30 seconds

















Acti on Alert (2)

Low Engine Oil Pressure

Warn Operator (1)

Acti on Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

High Engine Coolant Temperature

Warn Operator (1)

Acti on Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

Engine Overspeed

Warn Operator (1)

Acti on Alert (2)

Engine Shutdown (3)

High Fuel Supply Temperature

Warn Operator (1)

Acti on Alert (2)

Always On


Always On

Always On


Always On

Always On


Always On

Always On


Always On


300 kPa (43.5 psi)



104 °C (2190 °F)

105 °C (221 °F)

108 °C (226 °F)

2000 RPM

2050 RPM

2140 RPM

60 °C (140 °F)

68 °C (154 °F)

5 seconds

60 seconds

2 seconds

2 seconds

60 seconds

10 seconds

10 seconds

1 second

1 second

0 second

60 seconds

60 seconds




High Engine Intake Manifold Air Temperature

Warn Operator (1)                        On

Acti on Alert (2)                          Always On

75 °C (167 °F)

78 °C (172 °F)

60 seconds

10 seconds

E162 High

Boost Pressure


Possible Performance Effect:

E162-1 (Warning)


Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects one of

the following conditions:

• Engine overload

System Response:

The event code will be logged.

E162-2 (Action Alert)

The engine may be shut down by the OEM control



The engine may be overloaded.

Reduce the load on the engine.


Troubleshooting Section



• OK – STOP.

E360 Low Engine


Oil Pressure

b. Oil pump gears that have too much wear will

cause a reduction in oil pressure. Repair the

engine oil pump.

C. The inlet screen of the oil suction tube for the

engine oil pump can have a restriction. This

restriction will cause cavitation and a loss of

engine oil pres sure. Check the inlet screen on

the oil pickup tube and remove any material that

may be restricting engine oil flow. Low engine oil

pressure may also be the result of the oil pickup

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a, fault

with the engine oil pressure. Information on default

settings and ranges for this event can be found in

Troubleshooting, “Event Codes”.

System Response:

The event code will be logged.

Possible Performance Effect:

E360-1 (Warning)


E360-2 (Action Alert)

The engine may be shut down by the OEM control


E360-3 (Shutdown)

The engine will shut down.


There may be a fault in the lubrication system for

the engine.

Check the Engine’s Lubrication System

A. Check the engine oil level. If the oil lev el is below

the s upply tube for the oil pump, the oil pump will

not have the ability to supply enough lubrication to

the engine components. If the engine oil level is

low, add engine oil in order to obtain the correct

engine oil level.

B. Check the following faults that may occur to the

engine oil pump:

a. Air leakage in the supply side of the oil pump

will also cause cavitation and loss of oil

pressure. Check the supply side of the oil pump

and make necessary repairs.

tube that is drawing in air. Check the joints of the

oil pickup tube for cracks or a damaged O-ring


D. If the engine oil bypass valves are held in the

open position, a reduction in the oil pressure can

be the result. This may be due to debris in the

engine oil. If the engine oil bypass valves are

stuck in the open position, remove each engine

oil bypass valve and clean each bypass valve in

order to correct this fault. You must also clean

each bypass valve bore.

E. Engine oil that is c ontaminated with fuel or coolant

will cause low engine oil pressure. High engine

oil level in the crankcase can be an indication of


F.  Excessive clearance at engine bearings will

cause low engine oil pres sure. Check the engine

components for excessive bearing clearance.

G. An oil line that is open, broken, or disconnected

will cause low engine oil pressure.

Expected Result:

An inspection of the lubrication system for the engine

indicated a fault.


• OK – There is a fault in the lubrication system for

the engine.

Repair: Repair the fault. Ensure that the repair

eliminates the fault.




Troubleshooting Section






D. Check the water temperature regulator. A water

temperature regulator that does not open, or a

water temperature regulator that only opens part

of the way can cause overheating.


Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a fault

in the engine cooling sy stem. Information on default

settings and ranges for this event can be found in

Troubleshooting, “Event Codes”.

System Response:

The event code will be logged.

Possible Performance Effect:

E361-1 (Warning)

• There are no performance effects.

E361-2 (Action Alert)

• The engine may be shut down by the OEM control


E361-3 (Shutdown)

• The engine will be shut down.


There may be a fault in the engine cooling system.

Check the Engine’s Cooling System

A. Verify that the cooling sy stem is filled to the proper

lev el. If the coolant level is too low, air will get into

the cooling system. Air in the cooling system will

cause a reduction in coolant flow.

B. Check the radiator or the heat exchanger for a

restriction to coolant flow.

a. Check for debris or damage between the fins

of the radiator core. Debris between the fins of

the radiator core restricts air flow through the

radiator core.

b. Check internally for debris, dirt, or deposits on

the radiator core. Debris, dirt, or deposits will

restrict the flow of coolant through the radiator.

C. Check the concentration of the Extended Life

Coolant (ELC). Make sure that the coolant

mixture meets recommendations. Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fluid


E. Check the water pump. A water pump with a

damaged impeller does not pump enough coolant.

Remove the water pump and check for damage

to the impeller.

F.  If the cooling system for this application is

equipped with a fan, check the operation of the

fan. A fan that is not turning at the correct speed

can cause improper air speed across the radiator

core. The lack of proper air flow across the

radiator c ore can cause the coolant not to cool to

the proper temperature differential.

G. Check for air in the cooling system. Air can enter

the cooling s ystem in different ways. The most

common causes of air in the cooling system are

the incorrect filling of the cooling system and

combustion gas leakage into the cooling system.

Combustion gas can get into the system through

inside cracks, a damaged cylinder head, or a

damaged cylinder head gasket.

H. Check the cooling system hoses and clamps.

Damaged hoses with leaks can normally be seen.

Hoses that have no visual leaks can soften during

operation. The soft areas of the hose can become

kink ed or crushed during operation. These areas

of the hose can restrict the coolant flow. Hoses

become soft and/or get cracks after a period of

time. The inside of a hose can deteriorate, and the

loose particles of the hos e can restrict the coolant


I.  If the cooling system for this application is

equipped with an expansion tank, check the s hunt

line for the expansion tank. The shunt line must be

submerged in the expansion tank. A res triction of

the shunt line from the expansion tank to the inlet

of the jacket water pump will c ause a reduction in

water pump efficiency. A reduction in water pump

efficiency will result in low coolant flow.

J. If the cooling system for this application

is equipped with an aftercooler, check the

aftercooler. A restriction of air flow through the air

to air aftercooler c an cause overheating. Check

for debris or deposits which would prevent the free

flow of air through the aftercooler.

K. Check for a restriction in the air inlet system. A

restriction of the air that is coming into the engine

can cause high cylinder temperatures. High

cylinder temperatures cause higher than normal

temperatures in the cooling system.

L. Check for a restriction in the exhaust system.

A restriction of the air that is coming out of the

engine can c ause high cylinder temperatures.


Troubleshooting Section


M. Consider high ambient temperatures. When

ambient temperatures are too high for the rating

of the cooling system, there is not enough of a

temperature difference between the ambient air

and c oolant temperatures.

N. Consider high altitude operation. The cooling

capability of the cooling system is reduced at

higher altitudes. A pressurized cooling system that

is large enough to keep the coolant from boiling

must be used.

O. The engine may be running in the lug condition.

When the load that is applied to the engine is

too large, the engine will run in the lug condition.

When the engine is running in the lug condition,

engine rpm does not increase with an increase of

fuel. This lower engine rpm causes a reduction in

coolant flow through the s ystem.

Expected Result:

A thorough inspection of the cooling system revealed

a fault.


• OK – There is a fault in the cooling sy stem.

Repair: Repair the fault. Ensure that the repair

eliminates the fault.



E362 Engine Overspeed

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an

overspeed condition. Information on default settings

and ranges for this event can be found in the

Troubleshooting Guide, “Event Codes”.

System Response:

The event code will be logged.

Possible Performance Effect:

E362-1 (Warning)


E362-2 (Action Alert)

The engine may be shut down by the OEM control


E362-3 (Shutdown)

The engine will be shut down.


The operator may be operating the machine


The governor gain may be set incorrectly.

Talk to the Operator

Determine the events that caused the overspeed of

the engine.

If necessary, adjust the gains on the governor.


• OK – STOP.


E363  High  Fuel  Supply


Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The temperature of the fuel has exceeded the trip

point. Information on default settings and ranges for

this event code can be found in the Troubleshooting

Guide, “Event Codes”.

System Response:

The event code is logged.

Possible Performance Effect:

E363-1 (Warning)


E363-2 (Action Alert)

The OEM control panel may shut down the engine.


Check the Fuel System

Check the fuel system. If equipped, check the fuel




Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result:

A thorough inspection of the fuel s ystem revealed a




Verify that the cooling system is filled to the

proper level. If the coolant level is too low,

air will get into the cooling system. Air in the

cooling system may cause cavitation. This will

cause a reduction in coolant flow which can

damage a cooling s ys tem.


– There is a fault in the fuel system.

b. Check the quality of the coolant. Follow

the recommendations in the Operation and

Repair: Make the necessary repairs. Verify that

the repair eliminates the fault.



E368 High Intake Manifold Air



Maintenance Manual.

Check for adequate coolant flow through

the radiator. Check the inlet temperature of

the coolant at the radiator inlet. Compare

the reading to the regulated temperature.

If the temperature is OK, c heck the outlet

temperature of the coolant at the radiator

outlet. A high temperature differential indicates

an insufficient flow rate.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a fault

in the inlet manifold air temperature. Information on

default settings and ranges for this event can be

found in the Troubleshooting Guide, “Event Codes ”.

System Response:

The event code will be logged.

Possible Performance Effect:

E368-1 (Warning)


E368-2 (Action Alert)

The OEM control panel may shut down the engine.


Inlet manifold air temperature can be high for the

following reasons:

• Engine cooling system

• High ambient air temperature

• High inlet air restriction and/or high altitude

• Restriction in the exhaust system

• Faulty inlet manifold temperature sensor and/or


Perform the following Inspect ions

A. Check for Cooling System Faults

d. Check for air in the cooling system. Air can

enter the cooling system in different ways . The

most common causes of air in the cooling

system are the incorrect filling of the cooling

system and combustion gas leakage into

the cooling system. Combustion gas can get

into the system through a cracked cylinder

liner, damaged cylinder liner seals, a crac ked

cylinder head, or a damaged c ylinder head


e. Check the cooling system hoses and clamps.

Damaged hoses with leak s can normally be

seen. Hoses that have no visual leaks can

soften during operation. The soft areas of the

hose can become kinked during operation.

These areas can also collapse during

operation. These areas of the hose can restrict

the coolant flow. Hoses become soft and/or get

cracks after a period of time. The inside of a

hose can deteriorate, and the loose particles of

the hose can restrict the coolant flow.

f.  Check the water pump. A water pump with

a damaged impeller does not pump enough

coolant. Remove the water pump and check for

damage to the impeller.

g. Check the water temperature regulator. A water

temperature regulator that does not open, or a

water temperature regulator that only opens

part of the way can cause overheating.

h. If the cooling system is equipped with an

aftercooler, chec k the aftercooler. A restriction

of air flow through the air to air aftercooler can

cause overheating of the engine. Check for

debris or deposits which would prevent the free

flow of air through the aftercooler.


Troubleshooting Section



The engine may be running exc essively in the

lug condition. When the load that is applied to

the engine is too large, the engine will run in

the lug condition. When the engine is running in

the lug condition, engine rpm does not increase

with an increase of fuel. This lower engine rpm

causes a reduction in coolant flow through the

system. The lug condition causes excess heat

from the increase in fuel consumption.

Expected Result:

A fault has been found in the cooling system and/or

the related engine systems.


• OK – A thorough inspection revealed a fault.

Repair: Repair the fault. Ensure that the repair

B. Check for High Ambient Air Temperature

a. Determine if the ambient air temperature

is within the design specifications for the

cooling system. When ambient temperatures

are too high for the rating of the cooling

system, there is not enough of a temperature

difference between the ambient air and coolant


b. Determine the cause of the high air

temperature. Correct the situation, when


C. Check for High Inlet Air Restriction and/or

High Altitude Operation

a. When inlet air pressure is low, the turbocharger

works harder in order to achieve the desired

inlet manifold pressure. This increases inlet air


b. Measure the inlet air pressure while the engine

is operating under load. For specific data, refer

to the Technical Data Sheets for the engine.

c. Check for plugged air filters. Check for

obstructions to the air inlet. A restriction of

the air that enters the engine can c ause

high cylinder temperatures. High cylinder

temperatures cause higher than normal

temperatures in the cooling system.

d. Replace the air filters and/or remove the

obstruction from the air inlet.

e. Consider high altitude operation. The cooling

capability of the cooling system is reduced at

higher altitudes. A pres surized cooling system

that has been designed for the higher altitudes

must be used. Ensure that the engine is

configured for high altitude operation.

D. Check for Exhaust System Restriction

Check for a restriction in the exhaust system.

A restriction of the air that is coming out of the

engine can cause high cylinder temperatures.

eliminates the fault.




Troubleshooting Section

Diagnosti c





Volt Engine Pressure Sensor


Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) creates a

regulated voltage of 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC that is supplied

to terminal 1 of the harness connectors for these


• Inlet manifold pressure sensor

• Atmospheric pressure sensor

• Engine oil pressure sensor

This procedure covers the following diagnostic codes :

• 262-03 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage

above normal

• 262-04 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage

below normal

A +5 V diagnostic code is probably caused by a short

circuit to ground or a short circuit to another voltage

source in the harness. The next likely cause is a faulty

sensor. The least likely cause is a fault in the ECM.


Troubleshooting Section


Illustration 12

Schematic for the 5 volt supply

Test Step 1. Inspect the



Connectors and the Wiring

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

400-100-8969   15088860848
0574-26871589  15267810868
0574-26886646  15706865167
0574-26871569  18658287286