How to inspect the turbochargers
At the periods given in the s ervice schedule, with the engine switched off and cool, disconnect and remove the
pipes from between the air filter and the turbochargers. Turn, rapidly, the rotor assembly of each turbocharger,
check for freedom of movement and for sounds of interference. If necessary, contact your Perkins
Caution: Failure of the turbocharger bearings can cause large amounts of oil to enter the air inlet and exhaust
systems. Loss of engine lubricant can cause serious engine damage.
Minor leakage of a turbocharger housing under extended low load operation should not cause problems unless
turbocharger bearing failure has occurred.
Caution: When a turbocharger bearing failure is accompanied by a significant loss in engine performance
(exhaust smoke or engine speed up at no load), do not continue to operate the engine until the turbocharger
has been repaired or renewed.
Deposits must not be removed from the turbine wheels nor the compressor wheels or the balance of the
assembly will be adversely affected.
Chec k the oil supply and drain pipes for oil leaks.
Chec k for air leakage when the engine is run.
To remove and to fit a turbocharger
Refer the Workshop Manual for details of how to remove and to fit the turbocharger.
How to inspect the battery charging alternator
Inspect the battery charging alternator, for loose connections. Ins pect the ammeter (if fitted) during engine
operation to ensure correct battery performance and/or correct performance of the electrical system. Clean the
outside of the alternator and ens ure that the ventilation holes are c lear.
The alternator must be checked and corrected, if necessary, by a person who has had the correct training, at
the periods given in the servic e schedule.
How to inspect the starter motor
Check the electrical connections of the starter motor assembly and clean them. Check the starter motor for
correc t operation.
The starter motor must be checked and corrected, if necessary, by a person who has had the correct training,
at the periods given in the service schedule.
How to inspect the coolant pump
Inspect the coolant pump for leaks. If leakage is observed, renew the coolant pump seal or the coolant pump
assembly. Refer to the Workshop Manual for the dismantle and ass embly procedures.
Refer to the Workshop Manual or consult your Perkins dealer/distributor if any repair or replacement is needed.
A small amount of leakage of coolant across the surface of the face seal in the water pump is normal. Its
purpose is to provide lubrication for the seal.
There is a hole in the water pump body to allow coolant to drain. Small amounts of coolant might be seen
to leak intermittently from the drain hole during the engine operation cycle.
Signs of a small leakage through the drain hole are not an indication that the pump is faulty. Coolant stains
or intermittent drops of coolant from the hole, indicate normal operation of the pump.