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2016/5/8 19:36:56


Engine timing

To check

Special requirements

Operation 8-2

Special tools


Part number

Engine turning tool



If it becomes necessary to check the valve/ignition timing position of the engine, use this procedure:

  With the engine switched off and electrically  isolated, remove the rocker cover, Operation -.

2  Remove the cover (A2) from the flywheel housing. The top bolt (A) is the timing bolt.

Caution: If a customer-fitted speed sensor is  fitted to the flywheel housing, it must be removed before the

engine turning tool can be inserted.

  Remove the plug (A) from the timing bolt location in the flywheel housing and fit the timing bolt.

4  Insert the engine turning tool, CH48, into the flywheel housing through the aperture behind the cover

(A2). Use a  /2 inch drive ratchet with the turning tool to rotate the engine flywheel in the normal direction of

rotation (anti-clockwise when viewed on the flywheel) until the timing bolt engages with the threaded hole in

the flywheel. The piston of number  cylinder is now at TDC (top dead centre).




When the number one piston is at TDC on its compression stroke, the valves of number one cylinder will be

fully clos ed, if not, remove the timing bolt, rotate the engine by a further 60 degrees and insert again the timing

bolt. The piston of number  cylinder is now at TDC on its compression stroke. Withdraw the timing bolt from

the fly wheel and rotate the engine backwards until the follower of the number one injector rocker lever is in

contact with the back of the cam lobe.

5  Attach a plunger clock and set the plunger on the top face of the rock er lever of the number one injector at

the position shown (B). Set the clock to zero.

6  Rotate the engine in the normal direction of rotation until the timing bolt can again enter the hole in the

flywheel and check the reading on the plunger clock. The cam lift at this point should be 2,92 +/- 0,25 mm

(0.5 +/- 0.00 in).

7  Repeat step 6 to ensure that a consis tent reading is obtained.

8 If the reading is not within the limits, adjust the position of the adjustable idler gear to advance or retard the

camshaft as necessary. Refer to Operation -. ,威尔信P40P3发电机配件,帕金斯曲轴价格,perkins喷油泵,沃尔沃柴油发动机配件 专供,铂金斯发动机手油泵,帕金斯发动机循环水泵,帕金斯电子柴油泵,哈尔滨哪里卖铂金丝发动机配件,四缸珀金斯发动机缸体价格,能否买到帕金斯配件,帕金斯发动机四缸机曲轴报价

400-100-8969   15088860848
0574-26871589  15267810868
0574-26886646  15706865167
0574-26871569  18658287286