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2016/5/8 20:53:53


Service tools and diagnostics
2800 Series

The Perkins TIPSS-EST service tool is designed to help the service technician analyse and locate faults or

problems within the system. They are required to perform calibrations and to read or change engine


Perkins TIPSS-EST is a software program that runs on a personal computer and requires a communication

adapter to translate information from the Perkins Data Link  to the computer RS232 port.

Perkins TIPSS-EST can be used to display the following information:

Programmable parameter settings

Active and logged diagnostic codes

Logged events

Engine rating history


Custom data

ECM date/time clock

Perkins TIPSS-EST can also be used to perform the following functions:

Diagnostic tests

Sensor calibrations

Flas h programming

Parameter programming

Copy configuration (ECM replacement)

Data logging

Real time graphing

There are several adapter cables, breakout T cables, etc that are used in order to access measurements of

signals. A heavy duty multimeter is suitable in order to make the necessary measurements. A multimeter that

has the ability to measure duty cycle may also be required. Other special tools include those needed to

measure pressure and temperature. For further details refer to Chapter 5, Special tools.

A diagnostic code reader is also available. This is a hand held unit which allows reading certain parameters

and diagnostic codes.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 3

2800 Series


Programming parameters

Connecting the TIPSS-EST

The communications adapter is powered by 24 Volts DC from the engine battery. This permits operation

beside the engine to allow use during engine operation.

Use the following procedures to connect the service tool to the engine.

1  Stop the engine by turning the key switch to the OFF position.

2  Connect the service tool harness cable on the engine to the communication adapter. Refer "Connecting

TIPSS-EST using a TIPSS communication adapter" on page 22.

3  Connect the communication adapter to the PC using the appropriate cable.

4 Turn the key switch to the ON position in order to begin testing. The service tool will operate while the engine

is running or with the engine OFF and the key switch ON. If the tool does not communicate with the ECM

disconnect and reconnect the diagnostics connector cable. Check the communication. If the problem is still

present refer to Test 45: Perkins Data Link circuit test on page 118.


The service tool may restart during engine cranking due to a voltage dip on the battery  line.

The TIPSS-EST must be configured to communicate with the specific type of communication adapter used.

Go to the "Preferences" menu that is located under "Utilities" in order to select the appropriate

communication adapter.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 3


Connecting TIPSS-EST using a TIPSS communication adapter

1 PC with TIPSS-EST installed

2 PC to communication adapter cable (27610169)

3 Communication adapter (27610165)

4 Service tool harness cable (27610168)

2800 Series

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 32800 Series


Factory passwords

Factory passwords are required to perform each of the following functions:

1  Program a new ECM

When an ECM is replaced the system configuration parameters must be programmed into the new ECM. A

new ECM will allow these parameters to be programmed once without factory passwords. After the initial

programming these parameters are protec ted by factory passwords.

2  Rerate to another engine family

This requires changing the ECM software code, which is protected by factory passwords.

3  Read customer passwords

If the owner loses his customer passwords, he will not be able to program customer parameters. By using

factory passwords, one can read c ustomer passwords, then use those customer passwords to program

customer parameters.

4  Clear certain diagnostic codes

Diagnostic code 253-02 Incorrect ECM software requires a factory password to clear the code. This diagnostic

code should be cleared only if you are certain that the ECM software is for the specific engine.

Caution: Operating the engine with ECM software not designed for that engine will result in engine damage.

Be sure the ECM software is correct for your engine.

5  Certain other codes require customer passwords. The majority of logged codes do not require passwords

to be cleared. To obtain factory passwords, proceed as if you already hav e the password. At some point, if the

factory passwords are actually needed, TIPSS-EST will request the factory passwords and display the

information required to obtain the passwords.

Customer passwords

If customer passwords have been entered, they are then required to change ANY customer parameter.

TIPSS-EST can be used to change customer parameters. To obtain customer passwords, contact the supplier

of the equipment. If the owner has lost the passwords, customer passwords  may be read by using TIPSS-EST

(factory passwords are required in order to read customer passwords) by using the following procedure.

1  In TIPSS-EST access "Passwords" under the "Information" menu.

2  When the "Factory Password" screen appears, record the information listed.

3  Obtain the factory passwords. The information recorded above must be provided, and generates a

permanent record at Perkins of the access.

4  From the "Factory Password" screen, enter the factory passwords.

5  When the "View Customer Passwords" screen appears, record the customer passwords. The customer

passwords may then be used to change customer parameters.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

Programming a new ECM

2800 Series

The Engine Control Module or ECM is the brain of the system. When a problem occurs, it is  easy to assume

that the ECM is responsible. This is usually the wrong conclus ion.

Most failures occur at the wiring and connectors or at a sensor input/output. Follow the diagnostic test

procedures and do not replace an ECM on speculation.

However, when your diagnosis indicates that a failure has in fact occurred in the ECM, the following procedure

outlines the steps required to replace a faulty ECM.

Note: If an ECM replacement is required, the ECM parameters and injector trim codes can be transferred from

the suspect ECM to the replacement ECM. This feature requires TIPSS-EST and is only possible if the suspect

ECM can communicate with the TIPSS-EST.

Replacing the ECM using TIPSS-EST ECM replacement feature

Note: The Test ECM referred to below is another identical ECM to that fitted to the engine. There is no special

Test ECM available.

1  Ensure that the ECM is the problem by first temporarily connecting a test ECM. Hang the test ECM on the

side of the engine. Flash program the identical software that was used in the suspect ECM into the test ECM.

Use the TIPSS-EST ECM replacement feature to copy the parameter configuration of the suspect ECM into

the test ECM. Ensure that the parameters in the test ECM are programmed the same as the parameters in the

suspect one.

2 If the test ECM repairs the problem, reconnect the suspect ECM. Check that the problem returns when the

suspect ECM is reconnected.

3  Select the ECM Replacement feature under the "Service/Copy Configuration" menu and load the

parameters from the failed ECM.

4  Temporarily connect the new ECM by connecting both ECM connectors. Do not mount the ECM on the

engine yet.

5  Flash program the ECM software into the new ECM if the software is not already installed.

Note: The new ECM may be shipped with no software installed or may have been pre-flashed at the factory.

Following reflashing the engine may be inoperable until a factory password has been obtained.

6  Use the TIPSS-EST ECM replacement feature to program the new ECM

7  Enter rating number parameter into the new ECM

8  Check for active codes. Program any required parameters that have not been programmed.

Note: On initial power-up of a new ECM, the Rating Number parameter must be programmed to avoid a

268-02 Check Programmable Parameters diagnostic code.

Install the new ECM on the engine and after checking for correct operation perform a timing calibration.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 32800 Series

Replacing the ECM (if ECM replacement feature cannot be used)

1  Ensure that the ECM is the problem by first temporarily connecting a test ECM. Hang the test ECM on the

side of the engine. Flash program the identical software that was used in the suspect ECM into the test ECM.

Program any parameters that are necessary to use the ECM for the test. Program the parameters exactly  the

same as they are in the suspect ECM.

2  If the test ECM repairs the problem, reconnect the suspect ECM. Check that the problem returns when the

suspect ECM is reconnected.

3  Obtain customer parameters from the failed ECM

Obtain and record the customer passwords. If the customer has lost or forgotten their passwords, obtain

factory passwords to get them.

Use TIPSS-EST to access customer specified parameters from the ECM that is being replaced. If the ECM

does not communicate with the electronic service tool, obtain the required parameter list from the OEM.

Record the customer parameters.

4  Record ECM current totals.

5  Temporarily connect the new ECM by connecting both ECM connectors. Do not mount the ECM to the

engine until the timing calibration has been performed.

6  Flash program the software into the new ECM if the software is not already installed.

Note: The new ECM may be shipped with no software installed, or may have been pre-flashed at the factory.

7  Obtain factory passwords if required. The following parameters can be programmed once on a new ECM

without factory passwords:

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Engine serial number

System configuration parameters must be entered before the customer spec ified parameters are entered.

If customer parameters are entered before the system configuration parameters, the total tattletale will change.

It will then be necessary to obtain another set of factory passwords in order to access system configuration


8  Record the following information from the engine information plate:

Engine serial number

Obtain the following information from the factory:

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Injec tor Trim Codes

Use TIPSS-EST to access system configuration parameters. When the "Factory Specified Passwords" screen

appears record the following information:

ECM serial number

Engine serial number

TIPSS-EST serial number

Total tattletale

Reason code

Leave TIPSS-EST on the "Factory Specified Passwords" screen and obtain the factory passwords.


Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

9  Program the new ECM

2800 Series

On initial powerup of a new ECM the following three parameters must be programmed to avoid a 268-02

Check Programmable Parameters diagnostic code:

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Engine serial number

Use TIPSS-EST to access system configuration parameters. Enter the recorded values for the following


Full Load Setting (FLS)

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Engine serial number

Injector trim codes

Use TIPSS-EST to access customer specified parameters. Enter the customer spec ified parameters and the

original customer passwords.

Use TIPSS-EST to access current totals from the "Read/Change Current Totals" main menu. Using the

recorded factory passwords enter the totals from the original ECM.

Use the "Service\Calibrations\Timing Calibration" menu to calibrate the timing. Refer to Test 46: Engine

speed/timing circuit test on page 126.

10  Install the new ECM on the engine.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 32800 Series

Programming an ECM using flash programming

1  Connect the PC to the appropriate communication adapter and connect the communication adapter to the

ECM. Refer to "Connecting TIPSS-EST using a TIPSS communication adapter" on page 22.

2  Start the WinFlash PC Program.

3  Ensure that the key switch is ON and the engine is OFF.

4  Select the part number of the engine software that needs to be programmed into the ECM and proceed with

programming. A new ECM is shipped with no software loaded.

Note: The WinFlash PC program provides the ECM, application and software part number of the selected file.

Ensure that this file matches the engine before you begin to Flash the file into the ECM

PC program software messages and their meaning

A new ECM comes unprogrammed. An unprogrammed ECM will prompt you for all three of the following

messages. The information that is contained in the ECM Status will be scrambled and meaningless if the

module has not been programmed previously (this is normal).

Message: The engine ID in the flash file does not match the engine ID in the ECM

Meaning: The ECM has software for a different engine.

Solution: Stop the transfer and access information about the ECM Status under the "Electronic Control

Module" menu. Ensure that the file you are about to transfer matches the engine application.

Message: The application ID in the flash file does not match the application ID in the ECM

Meaning: The ECM has software for a different application.

Solution: Stop the transfer and access information about the ECM Status under the "Electronic Control

Module" menu. Ensure that the file you are about to transfer is for the correct engine type.

Message: The ID of the ECM in the flash file does not match the ID of the ECM in the ECM

Meaning: The ECM is not for use with this application.

Solution: Stop the transfer and access information about the ECM status under the "Electronic Control

Module" menu. Ensure that the ECM on the engine is for the correct application.

Note: If you access the ECM status under the "Engine Control Module" menu, but do not program the ECM,

complete the following procedure.

Turn the key switch to the OFF position, and then to the ON position before using TIPSS-EST. If the key switch

is not cycled after reading the ECM Status , the ECM will not communicate with your service tool or will not start.

Cycling the key switch is not necessary after the software has been successfully programmed using the

WinFlash program.

5  Start the engine and check for correct operation.

Program any parameters not previously in the old software if a 268-02 Check Programmable Parameters

diagnostic code is active. Read the diagnostic code from service tool "Active Diagnostic Code" screen in order

to determine the parameter(s) requiring programming.

On initial powerup of a new ECM three parameters must be programmed to avoid a 268-02 Check

Programmable Parameters diagnostic code:

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Engine serial number

Refer to "Programming a new ECM" on page 24.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

ECM date/time clock

ECM date/time stamped information

2800 Series

The ECM date and time can be programmed with the TIPSS-EST service tool (factory passwords are required

to change these parameters). This will display the programmed date in month/day/year format and the

programmed time in hour:minute:second format. The tool has the option to program any date/time or

automatically select the date/time stored in the PC real time clock.

The date and time will remain programmed in the ECM even if the unswitched battery connections are


The ECM Date/time clock is used to stamp the following critical event codes:

360-3 Low oil pressure Shutdown

361-3 High coolant temperature Shutdown

Before adjusting the ECM date/time clock

Before adjusting the ECM date/time clock, ask the owner/operator if the time stamped information should be

recorded. After the time stamped information is recorded, clear this information before adjusting the ECM date/

time clock. This is a very important step if the adjustment of the clock is a big adjustment. This will prevent

unnecessary confusion if someone else views the information at a later date.

Determining time stamped information occurrence

When viewing time stamped information remember that someone may have incorrectly or never set the clock.

Use the time currently set in the ECM to compare any ECM recorded information to the time the ECM indicates

to determine how long ago the time stamped event occurred.

Caution: Do not replace an ECM because of an incorrect time.

The following example indicates the correct use of the clock.

Example use of ECM date/time stamped information

The TIPSS-EST service tool indicates a Low Oil Pressure occurred on NOV 19 1998 10:30:46 and that the

current time of day in the ECM is NOV 24 1998 11:20:58.

This indicates that the problem occurred approximately 5 days and 50 minutes ago.

Caution: Do not compare it to the current time at your location.

If the ECM time is significantly different than your current time, for example the wrong month is programmed,

ensure y ou have recorded the time stamped information if it is important. After recording the information, clear

the code and then adjust the clock.Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 3

ECM diagnostic clock

The diagnostic clock should not be confused with the ECM date/time clock. The diagnostic clock records the

actual hours the ECM has been powered (key switch ON and engine running). This information is maintained

even if the unswitched battery connections are removed. The clock information is used to log diagnostic code

and event code occurrences. Logged diagnostic codes and event c odes display the diagnostic clock hour of

the first and last occurrence and the total number of occurrences.

Note: Actual engine running hours (total time) can be obtained from the "Current Totals" menu of TIPSS-EST.

Injector codes

Injector codes are etched on each injector. The injector codes can be viewed/changed using TIPSS-EST by

selecting the "Calibrations" screen under the "Service" menu. The injector codes calibration is located under

the "Calibration" menu. The injector code must match the code on the corresponding injector. When an injector

is replaced, reprogram the new code for the new injector.

TIPSS-EST cylinder cut-out test

The 2300 and 2800 Series engines use electronic fuel injectors. These injectors are mechanically actuated

and electronically energized. The cylinder cut-out tests are used to confirm that the cylinders are functioning


The cylinder cut-out test allows a specific cylinder to be cut out while the fuel position is monitored for the

remaining cylinders.

To perform a cylinder cut-out test, connect TIPSS-EST to the diagnostic connector as described in

"Connecting the TIPSS-EST" on page 21, and select the Cylinder cut-out test located under the "Diagnostics"


The Cylinder cut-out test opens with the manual test. At the bottom of the TIPSS-EST screen there is a row of

buttons that function as follows:

Change toggles the highlighted cylinder between powered and not powered

Power All returns all cylinders to the normal operating state

Start initiates the automated Cylinder cut-out test.

Stop terminates the automated test.

Results displays the test results.

Print allows the contents of the screen to be previewed or to be sent to a file or printer.

Programming parameters

Many programmable parameters affect engine operation. These parameters may be changed by using the

TIPSS-EST service tool. The parameters are stored in the ECM. Whilst any parameter can be read, passwords

can be used to protect parameters from unauthorized changes.

Two categories contain these various parameters:

System configuration parameters

System configuration parameters can only be altered with factory passwords by using TIPSS-EST.

Customer specified parameters

Customer specified parameters can be changed by using the TIPSS-EST service tool (this may require

customer passwords if customer passwords have been programmed). Refer to "Passwords" on page 13 for

more details on how to receive and use factory and customer passwords.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

System configuration parameters

2800 Series

System configuration parameters affect critical settings for the engine. They are programmed at the factory

and would normally never need to be changed through the life of the engine. A complete list of these

parameters is given in the table on the following page.

Note: System Configuration Parameters must be reprogrammed if an ECM is replaced. Failure to programme

these parameters will result in a 268-02 Check Programmable Parameters diagnostic code.

Proper values for these parameters are stamped on the engine information ratings plate located on the valve

cover or air inlet manifold. Factory passwords are required to change these parameters. The following

information is a description of the system configuration parameters.

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Number representing fuel system adjustment made at the factory to “fine tune” the fuel system. The correct

value for this parameter is stamped on the engine information ratings plate. A new ECM requires this

parameter to be programmed to avoid generating a 268-02 Check Programmable Parameters diagnostic code.

Full Torque Setting (FTS)

Similar to Full Load Setting. This parameter must be programmed to avoid generating a 268-02 Check

Programmable Parameters diagnostic code.

Software part number

This  is the part number of the software flashed into the ECM.

Engine serial number

This  should be programmed to match the engine serial number that is stamped on the engine information plate.

A new ECM is delivered without the engine serial number programmed.

ECM serial number

This  is a read-only parameter which dis plays the serial number of the ECM.

Software release date

This  parameter is defined by the ECM software and is not programmable. It is used to provide the version of

the software. Customer parameters software changes can be tracked by this date. The date is provided in the

month and year (NOV99), where NOV is the month (November) and 99 is the year (1999).

Critical override switch installed

The critical override switch, if fitted and enabled, allows the engine to continue running even if engine oil

pressure or coolant temperature have reached the limits where the engine would normally be shutdown. If the

engine is run in this condition, the engine warranty is void and any events occurring are stored in the ECM with

time and date stamping. Implementation of this facility requires a factory password.

Total tattletale

Displays the total number of times the configuration parameters have been changed.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 3

2800 Series

Configuration parameters

Configuration Parameter Description

Selected Engine Rating

Rating Number

Rated Frequency

Rated Genset Speed

Rated Real Genset Power

Rated Apparent Genset Power

Engine Rating Application Type

External Speed Selection Switch Installed

ECM Identification Parameters

Equipment ID

Engine Serial Number

ECM Serial Number

ECM Software Part Number

ECM Software Release Date

ECM Software Description

Security Access Parameters

Total Tattletale

Engine/Gear Parameters

Engine Acceleration. Rate

Droop/Isochronous Switch Installed

Droop/Isochronous Selection

Engine Speed Droop

Critical Override Switch Installed

Digital Speed Control Installed

Speed Control Min Speed

Speed Control Max Speed

Digital Speed Control Ramp Rate

Crank Terminate Speed

I/O Configuration Parameters

Desired speed Arrangement

System Parameters



Governor ProportionalGain

Governor Minimum Stability Factor

Governor Maximum Stability Factor


Customer Password 1

Customer Password 2

R/W Security


Read Only

Read Only

Read Only

Read Only

Read Only




Read Only

Read Only

Read Only

Read Only

Read Only



















Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

Customer specified parameters

2800 Series

Customer specified parameters allow the OEM to modify engine parameters to suit the application.

Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly as a customer changes his requirements. Customer

passwords are required to change these parameters.

The following information is a brief description of the customer specified parameters.

Rating duty selection

This enables selection of the engine rating from a series of maps within the ECM. Changing the rating requires

a customer password. The available ratings within the ECM will vary with engine type and specification.

Rated frequency

This displays the rated frequency of the set, i.e. 50 Hz or 60 Hz, determined by the rating selection and the

status of the external speed selection switch. This parameter is read only.

Rated speed

This displays the rated speed of the engine, i.e. 1500 rev/min or 1800 rev/min, determined by the rating

selection and the status of the external speed selection switch. This parameter is read only.

Rated real genset power

This displays the maximum power in kW of the currently selected rating. This parameter is read only.

Rated apparent genset power

This displays the maximum power in kVA of the currently selected rating. This parameter is read only.

Rating configuration

This displays the configuration of the currently selected rating. The possible configurations are:

Standby power

Limited time prime power

Prime power

Continuous or baseload power

For definitions of these ratings, refer to ISO8528. This parameter is read only.

Note: Not all of the abov e rating configurations will be available in a given ECM software file.

External speed selection switch enable

For dual speed (1500 rev/min or 1800 rev/min) applications, where an external speed selection switch is

required, this parameter enables the functionality of the speed selection switch within the software. Changing

this parameter requires a customer password.

Engine startup acceleration rate

Enables the acceleration rate of the engine in rev/min/s, from idle speed to rated speed, to be programmed.

Control of this parameter enables any overshoot in speed on start up to be limited. Changing this parameter

requires a customer password.

Droop/isochronous switch enable

Determines whether the external droop/isochronous switch is enabled or disabled. Changing this parameter

requires a customer password.

Droop/isochronous selection

The engine will normally be run in isochronous mode i.e. the engine speed is the same at all loads. For certain

applications where parallel operation with another generating set or with the grid is required, it is necessary  for

stability reasons to run in droop condition where engine speed drops with load. This parameter enables droop/

isochronous running selection. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Note:  If an ex ternal droop/isochronous switch is enabled, the position of this switch will over-ride the Droop/

Isochronous selection.Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 3

2800 Series

Engine speed droop

If droop operation is selected, this parameter allows the setting of percentage droop i.e. the percentage that

the engine speed will drop with load. This parameter has no effect when the engine is running in isochronous

mode. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Digital speed control installed

This parameter determines whether raise/lower switch input control of engine speed is installed. If digital speed

control is not installed, speed control reverts to the analogue or PWM inputs depending on which input is

selected via the desired speed input configuration detailed on the following page. Changing this parameter

requires a customer password.

Digital speed control min speed

This setting determines the minimum speed range of both the raise/lower button control and the analogue

control, for example: if this is set to 100 rev/min and the nominal engine speed is selected for 1500 rev/min,

the minimum speed setting is 1400 rev/min. It does not affect the PWM speed control range which has fixed

min/max limits. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Digital speed control max speed

This setting determines the maximum speed range of both the raise/lower button control and the analogue

control, i.e. if this is set to 100 rev/min and the nominal engine speed is selected for 1500 rev/min, the

maximum speed setting is 1600 rev/min. It does not affect the PWM speed control range which has fixed min/

max limits. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Digital speed control ramp rate

This setting determines the rate of change of engine speed in rev/min/s when the raise/lower switch inputs are

closed. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Crank terminate speed

This parameter is used to set the engine speed at whic h the crank terminate relay output will be switched.

Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Desired speed input arrangement

This parameter allows selection of the analogue or PWM external speed control if the digital speed control is

not installed. The Analogue or PWM speed control inputs are normally used with generating set load sharing

and synchronising controllers. Changing this parameter requires a customer password.

Note: If PWM or Analogue speed control is selected but there are no inputs to the selected speed control

terminals, the engine will default to running at 1100 rev/min.

If it is not intended to use PWM or analogue speed control then the Digital speed control should be selected.

Governor gain parameters

The adjustable Governor Gain parameters are:

Governor Gain Factor

Governor Minimum Stability Factor

Governor Maximum Stability


No engineering units associated with these numbers.

The programmable range is wide for flexibility. The values are valid from 1- 40000. This wide programmable

range may  not be fully used on any system. Do not expect to use the whole range.

Diagnostic Manual, TSD 3453E, Issue 33

Gain explanations

Governor gain factor

2800 Series

The governor gain factor is multiplied to the difference between desired speed and actual speed.

If the governor gain factor value is too large, the engine speed can overshoot the desired speed. The

overshoot is caused by an overcorrection or a steady state instability.

If the governor gain factor is too small, the response necessary to accelerate the engine to the desired

speed must be obtained by ramping the stability terms to a higher value. This process is time consuming

so, as a result, the engine speed is slow to respond.

Governor minimum/maximum stability factor

The stability factor terms work to eliminate a steady state speed error. There are two gain terms used for

stability. If the error is greater than 20 rev/min and the error is increasing, then the maximum stability gain is

functioning. If the error is less than 20 rev/min, then the minimum stability gain is used. This function allows

the use of a high gain that would otherwise cause the engine to be unstable when the engine is operating near

the desired speed.

If either the minimum stability gain or the maximum stability gain is set too high, the governor will provide

more fuel than is necessary to bring the error to zero. The additional fuel will cause the engine speed to

overshoot and ring.

If either the minimum stability gain or the maximum stability gain is set too low, the engine will take too long

to arrive at a steady state speed.

Tuning procedure

1 Turn the key switch to the OFF/RESET position. Connect the TIPSS-EST service tool and chec k that engine

overspeed protection is enabled before beginning the tuning process. Engine overspeed is configured on the

"Service\Monitoring System" screen on TIPSS-EST.

Warning! Performing engine governor tuning without engine overspeed protection could result in serious

engine damage. Ensure that this parameter is ON while performing this procedure.

2 Start the engine. Observe, on the engine mounted genset control panel, that the engine has reached rated

speed. This panel will serve as the speed reference point during this procedure.

3  Enter the "Configuration Parameters" screen on TIPSS-EST.

4 Determine the desired scenario to tune the engine. For example, is the engine having poor response during

specific load assignments or specific load dumps ?

5  Perform the desired load change from step 4. Observe the response of the engine by viewing the engine

speed on the genset mounted control panel, by looking at the system bus frequency response to the load

change, or by listening to the response of the engine.

6  Use the suggestions listed above to determine which gains should be adjusted.

Note: Usually, the governor gain factor should be somewhat lower that the governor minimum stability factor

for optimum performance. The maximum stability factor is typically a smaller value than the minimum stability

gain and governor gain factor.

7 Repeat steps 5,6, and 7 until a desired engine response can be met. Use large adjustments (10% of original

gain) at first to generally tune the engine in the proper manner. As the response is closer to desired, increase

the gains in s maller increments (1% of total gain).

Customer password 1, customer password 2

These are the customer password programmable parameters that can be used to protect certain configuration

parameters from unauthorised changes. ,帕金斯18 9千瓦发动机配件,韩国大宇发电机配件,强鹿kj250发电机配件,帕金斯空滤901 048,perkins 滤清器查询,斗山大宇发电机配件,帕金斯804D 33T发动机高压油泵,perkins发动机 403配件,帕金斯发动机1306 e87tag6配件,帕京斯柴油发电机配件,帕金斯1104a 44 曲轴,南京沃尔沃发电机配件,帕金斯曲轴前油封

400-100-8969   15088860848
0574-26871589  15267810868
0574-26886646  15706865167
0574-26871569  18658287286