首页 技术中心>康明斯QSK柴油机使用的传感器


2012/7/11 22:15:19

Cummings diesel engine using the sensor

康明斯发动机上使用的温度传感器为二线式热敏式温度传感器。随着温度的升高,热敏电阻的阻值降低,正常情况下阻值在 500欧姆和 40千欧之间变化,下图右侧所示为一个典型的康明斯温度传感器的技术参数。具体数值请参照随电路图提供的传感器技术参数表。


发动机上使用的温度传感器通常包括冷却液温度传感器、进气温度传感器、燃油温度传感器、机油温度传感器,以及在某些情况下由 OEM提供的温度传感器等。需要指出的是,温度传感器有时会和压力传感器集成到一起形成一个复合传感器,此时温度传感器的工作原理和检查方式均没有变化。复合传感器的优点在于可以减少系统的零件数量,使发动机线束更简单。压力传感器控制系统。

Cummings engine temperature sensor used for second line type thermistor temperature sensor. With the increase of temperature, the resistance of the thermistor is reduced, under normal circumstances resistance at 500 ohms and euro 40000between change, below the right side shows a typical Cummins temperature sensor parameter. Please refer to the specific values of circuit with sensor technology parameter table.

The figure below shows the temperature sensor working principle. With the increase of temperature, thermal resistance value is reduced, so that the signal voltage reduction. According to the temperature sensor working principle, can use the inspection method inspection of thermistor temperature sensor. By comparing the actual measured resistance values and parameters in the table of the resistance value, you can determine whether the normal work of the temperature sensor in.

Engine temperature sensor used typically includes a coolant temperature sensor, temperature sensor, fuel temperature sensor, fuel temperature sensor, and in some cases provided by OEM temperature sensor. What need points out is, temperature sensor and pressure sensor can sometimes be integrated together to form a composite sensor, the temperature sensor working principle and examination methods are no change. Composite sensor has the advantages that can reduce the number of parts, so that the engine wire harness more simple. Pressure sensor control system.

中典型的压力传感器包括机油压力传感器、进气压力传感器,燃油压力传感器、大气压力传感器,以及某些情况下 OEM安装的压力传感器。天然气发动机通常还安装有多个燃气压力传感器。

康明斯发动机上使用的压力传感器有两种不同的工作原理,一种为电容式压力传感器,另外一种为压电晶体式。两种传感器均为三线式,康明斯QSK柴油机传感器|康明斯QSK柴油机传感器维修技术|康明斯QSK柴油机传感器资料|康明斯QSK柴油机传感器维修服务商两根电源线向传感器提供 5伏的工作电压,一根信号线向 ECM提供压力信号电压。电容式压力传感器通过内部的一个电容来感应压力的变化,当压力变化时,压力差使电容的两个极板之间

Installation of pressure sensor. Natural gas engine is also fitted with a plurality of gas pressure sensor.

Cummings engine using pressure sensor has two different working principle, a capacitive pressure sensor, another for the piezoelectric crystal type. Two sensors are three lines, two power line to the sensor provides 5 volt working voltage, a signal line to provide ECM pressure signal voltage. Capacitive pressure sensor by an internal capacitance sensing pressure changes, when the pressure changes, the pressure difference between two pole plates of capacitor



The distance is changed, thereby outputting a signal voltage. Piezoelectric crystal sensor through the interior of a piezoelectric crystal to sense the pressure change, when the pressure changes, role in the piezoelectric crystal pressure so that the output of a signal voltage of piezoelectric crystals.

According to the pressure sensor to measure pressure when the reference pressure difference, the pressure sensor can be divided into relative pressure sensor and pressure sensor.




如前所述,为了减少零件数目和使发动机线束更简单,有些系统将温度传感器和压力传感器集成到一个传感器中,比如测量进气压力和温度的进气压力 /温度复合传感器,测量机油压力和温度的机油压力 /温度复合传感器等。

和其它输入设备一样,压力传感器的工作电压为 5伏。

Relative pressure sensor to measure pressure when the reference pressure to atmospheric pressure, so the measurement of atmospheric pressure when the measurement value is zero. Absolute pressure sensor to measure pressure when the reference pressure is vacuum, the measured pressure values for absolute pressure.

Much of the pressure sensor by measuring the resistance method to judge, but in need of work through the output of pressure sensor signal voltage to judge. Therefore in the detection of the pressure sensor need special detecting wire sensor to ensure normal work, while three line extraction for detection, different pressure sensors require different testing wire. Below are three different pressure sensor test tap.

The table below is an oil pressure sensor in different oil pressure in the output signal when the voltage value. In particular in the measurement of pressure sensor, please refer to the circuit diagram of the pressure sensor on the parameter table.

As mentioned before, in order to reduce the number of parts and make the engine wiring harness more simple, some systems the temperature sensor and the pressure sensor integrated into a sensor, such as measurement of inlet pressure and temperature of the inlet air pressure / temperature complex sensor, measuring the oil pressure and temperature of the oil pressure / temperature complex sensor.

And other input devices, pressure sensor working voltage of 5volts.



Speed and position sensors

Speed and position sensor is electrically controlled engine is used for detecting the operating speed of the engine with camshaft position sensor. There are two kinds of speed sensor:



Magnetic winding type ( VR type ) speed sensor having an internal magnetic core and magnetic wire winding, magnetic core to generate an electromagnetic field, velocity signal wheel rotates in magnetic field, magnetic wire winding in the AC signal is generated, ECM through measuring the frequency of the AC signal to calculate the signal wheel speed.

Magnetic winding type speed sensor can be achieved by measuring the resistance value to check whether the normal work, please refer to the specific circuit diagram is provided with the sensor parameters table. Some magnetic winding type velocity sensor has two windings, the two sets of windings of the function is the same, one group for another group of failure of spare.


Holzer effect type velocity sensor within a particular semiconductor, metal objects close to the semiconductor whose resistance changes, through the internal circuit output signal voltage sensor. And magnetic winding type speed sensor output analog signal is compared, the Holzer effect type speed sensor output is more precise digital signal, therefore more and more models began to use the Holzer effect of the speed and position sensor.

霍尔效应式的速度和位置传感器无法通过测量电阻来检测。可以通过盘转发动机,测量其输出信号电压的方法来判断其工作的好坏。在盘动发动机时,正常工作的霍尔效应式速度传感器的输出电压在 0伏和五伏之间切换(0伏和 5伏为名义电压,实际电压比 0伏稍高,比 5伏稍低)。



The Holzer effect of the speed and position sensor by measuring the resistance to detect. Through the disc rotation engine, measuring the output signal voltage method to judge the quality of its work. In the disc engine, the normal work of the Holzer effect type speed sensor output voltage at 0 volts and five volts ( switching between0volts and 5 volts for a nominal voltage of0 volts, the actual voltage ratio higher than5 volts, slightly lower ).

In the speed signal wheel make a shaped teeth or other markers, speed sensor which can measure the crankshaft or camshaft position, so the speed sensor and engine position sensor. Usually we will be installed on the cam shaft of the sensor is mounted on the crankshaft position sensor, a sensor called speed sensor. Gas mass flow sensor ( GMFS )

The sensor used in Cummings natural gas engine gas mass flow measurement.


电子控制模块( ECM)通过 GMFS来测量从燃料供应管输送到发动机的燃气量。GMFS通过蓄电池供电。燃气质量流量传感器是一个热丝风速计 ,它通过计量将电热丝维持在恒定温度所需的电功率确定燃气的流量。当有更多的燃气流经流量传感器的电热丝时,电热丝就需要更大的电功率来维持其保持在恒定的温度。


B5.9G:GMFS安装在燃气控制壳体的背面。 C8.3G:GMFS安装发动机左侧燃料控制阀的旁边。 L10G:GMFS安装在发动机左侧压力调节器的下游。


将期望的燃气质量流量信号与感应到的燃气质量流量信号比较,可以检测传感器或燃气流量通道的故障。检查 12V供电电压信号是否正常。检查燃料箱中是否有足够的燃料和/或 GMFS是否被污染。加热式氧传感器(HOS) 康明斯天然气发动机中使用此传感器来测量发动机尾气中的氧气的含量。

Circuit description:

Electronic control module ( ECM ) through the GMFS to measure from the fuel supply pipe is supplied to the engine fuel. GMFS through the storage battery power supply. Gas mass flow sensor is a hot wire anemometer, it through the measurement will be maintained at a constant temperature electric heating wire for electric power to determine the flow rate of gas. When there are more gas flowing through the flow sensor of the electric wire, electric wire requires greater power to maintain its maintained at constant temperature.

Component location:

B5.9G:GMFS mounted on the back of the shell gas control. Install C8.3G:GMFS left engine fuel control valve. L10G:GMFS mounted on the left engine pressure regulator downstream.

Repair tips:

The desired gas mass flow signal of the sensor and gas mass flow signal comparison, can be detected with a sensor or gas flow channel fault. Check the 12V power supply voltage signal is normal. Check the fuel tank if there are enough fuel and / or GMFS is not contaminated. Heated oxygen sensor ( HOS ) in Cummings natural gas engine using this sensor to measure the oxygen content in the tail gas of an engine.


氧传感器用来监测发动机废气中的氧含量, 并发信号给 ECM。电子控制模块( ECM)通过 HOS来计算发动机运行时的实际空燃比,并根据计算结果来调整燃料供给,从而得到昀佳的排放水平。






l参考空气流过 HOS线束 -如果空气供应受阻,发动机将不能正常运行。




Circuit description:

Electronic control module ( ECM ) through the GMFS to measure from the fuel supply pipe is supplied to the engine fuel. GMFS through the storage battery power supply. Gas mass flow sensor is a hot wire anemometer, it through the measurement will be maintained at a constant temperature electric heating wire for electric power to determine the flow rate of gas. When there are more gas flowing through the flow sensor of the electric wire, electric wire requires greater power to maintain its maintained at constant temperature.

Component location:

B5.9G:GMFS mounted on the back of the shell gas control. Install C8.3G:GMFS left engine fuel control valve. L10G:GMFS mounted on the left engine pressure regulator downstream.

Repair tips:

The desired gas mass flow signal of the sensor and gas mass flow signal comparison, can be detected with a sensor or gas flow channel fault. Check the 12V power supply voltage signal is normal. Check the fuel tank if there are enough fuel and / or GMFS is not contaminated. Heated oxygen sensor ( HOS ) in Cummings natural gas engine using this sensor to measure the oxygen content in the tail gas of an engine.




节气门阀片位置传感器 TPPS位于节气门体的顶部。


没有节气门阀片位置传感器 TPPS时发动机也能工作。一旦出现现行 TPPS故障代码, ECM利用测量的混合器进口压力和歧管绝对压力来估算节气门阀片的开度。爆震传感器


Circuit description:

Electronic control module ( ECM ) through the solar term valve slice position sensor ( TPPS ) measurements of solar term valve slice opening percentage.

Component location:

Solar term valve slice position sensor TPPS located in the solar term door top.

Repair tips:

No solar term valve slice position sensor TPPS engine can work. Once the current TPPS fault code, ECM uses measurements of the mixer inlet pressure and the manifold absolute pressure to estimate solar term valve slice opening. Knock sensor

Cummings gas engine using this sensor to detect the cylinder detonation.


早期我们通过调整基本点火正时表控制爆震。为了防止由于正时调整, 而造成的发动机部件损坏,ECM 中编程有昀大极限值。如果正时调整不成功,还可以通过两种减小节气门开度的方式来消除爆震。轻微地减小节气门开度会对节气门有所限制,但爆震消除后驾驶员可以重新恢复节气门昀大开度;而大幅度减小节气门开度会进一步限制节气门。如果大幅度减小节气门开度达到一定的次数,节气门开度就限制在昀大严重开度极限内直到发动机停机。




开关是电控系统中另外一类的输入设备。和传感器不同,开关向 ECM输入的是开关量,所以它通常是用于向 ECM输入司机的操作指令,如诊断开关等。根据开关控制电路的数量和结合位置的不同,开关可以分为单刀单掷开关、单刀双掷开关、双刀单掷开关等等。单刀单掷开关单刀双掷开关。

Detonation is a combustion chamber in which the residual gas by compression ignition phenomenon. Residual gas after combustion, combustion chamber partial combustion rate very fast, thus generated in a combustion chamber pressure oscillation. Pressure oscillation will lead to a loud knock. Pressure oscillation was also the heat transmission is changing rapidly, and caused a higher surface temperature, so that the engine damage.

Early us by adjusting the basic ignition timing control detonation. In order to prevent the timing adjustment caused by the engine component damage, ECM programming is Yun large limit value. If the timing adjustment is not successful, can also reduce by two small throttle opening way to eliminate knocking. Slightly reduced small throttle opening of solar term door has the limit, but the detonation eliminat, ion after the driver can resume solar term door Yun large opening; and substantially reduced solar term door opening will further restrict solar term door. If the greatly reduced solar term door opening degree reaches a certain number of times, solar term door opening limiting in Yun serious opening limit until the engine shutdown.

Repair tips:

·when there is a fault code to display the detected engine when knocking occurs, should first check whether the loosening of the knock sensor.


The switch is electrically controlled system of another type of input device. And the sensor, switch to the ECM input switching capacity, so it is usually used to ECM input driver instructions, such as diagnostic switch. According to the switch control circuit and the number of binding in different position, the switch can be divided into single pole single throw switch, single pole double throw switch, single pole double throw switch and so on. SPST SPDT Switch




在康明斯车用和工程机械用电控发动机上,传统的机械拉杆式油门被一个标准的 6线式电子油门所取代,油门踏板和发动机之间不再有任何的机械连接,既提高了油门的响应速度和精度,也有利于整车的布置。

如下图所示,油门内部由一个电位计(可变电阻)和一个单刀双掷开关组成。单刀双掷开关的作用是向 ECM提供怠速与非怠速信号,所以此开关也叫怠速校验开关。在司机踩与不踩油门时,此开关分别处在非怠速与怠速两个不同的接通位置,ECM即可通过此开关的接通位置判断司机是否已经踩下油门。

司机踩下油门的深度,即油门踏板开启角度或油门信号,是通过一个电位计来提供的。此电位计的工作电压为五伏,油门信号电压在略大于 0伏和小于 5伏之间的电压变化。

According to the combination switch, switch can be divided into transient switching and normal switch. Transient switching for the temporary binding, such as idle speed adjustment switch.

From the switch combination state to distinguish, the switch can be divided into a normally open switch and a normally closed switch. When the system does not work when the switch combination state is to distinguish between the standard. Circuit diagram display switch state is the system does not work when the state, the normally open switch in the open position, the normally closed switch is in the closed position.

Accelerator pedal

In Cummins automobile and engineering machinery engine, the traditional mechanical type accelerator is a standard 6 wire type electronic throttle is replaced, the accelerator pedal and the engine there is no longer any mechanical connection, can improve throttle response speed and precision, but also is beneficial to the whole arrangement.

As shown below, the throttle by a potentiometer ( variable resistor) and a single pole double throw switch. Single pole double throw switch function is provided to ECM idle and non-idle signal, so the switch is also called idle validation switch. The driver stepped on and not stepping on the gas, this switch are respectively in the non idle and idle two different switching positions, ECM can pass through this switch on position judgment whether the driver 's foot on the accelerator.

The driver stepped on the gas and the depth, i.e. the accelerator pedal opening angle or the throttle signal, is passed through a potentiometer to provide. The potentiometer operating voltage of five volts, the throttle signal voltage at a slightly greater than 0 volts and less than 5 V voltage change between the.

油门踏板和远程油门技术参数 油门位置传感器线圈电阻: 电源和回路导线之间

l2000至3000欧姆 电源和信号导线之间(释放踏板)

l1500至3000欧姆 电源和信号导线之间(踩下踏板)


注:释放踏板时的电阻减去踩下时的电阻必须为 1000欧姆。

The accelerator pedal and the remote accelerator technology parameters of throttle position sensor coil resistance : power and loop between conductors

*2000 to3000 ohm power and signal conductors between ( release pedal )

*1500 to3000 ohm power and signal conductors between ( pedaling )

It is200 to1500 ohms

Note: release the pedal when the resistance is subtracted from the pedal when the resistance must be 1000 ohms.

下图为 ISBe发动机上油门踏板的电路接线图。

Below is the ISBe engine throttle pedal circuit wiring diagram.


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