首页 技术中心>康明斯柴油发动机电控系统概述ECM


2012/7/11 22:19:29

Cummings diesel engine electronic control system

康明斯和传统的机械控制的发动机相比,电控发动机通过一个中央电子控制单元( ECM)来控制和协调发动机的工作,ECM就象人的大脑一样,通过各种传感器和开关实时监测发动机的各种运行参数和操作者的控制指令,通过计算后发出命令给相应的控制元件,如喷油器等,实现对发动机的优化控制。控制系统通过精确控制喷油时间和喷油量,以达到降低排放和提高燃油经济性的目的。

Cummings and the traditional mechanical control engine, electronic controlled engine through a central electronic control unit ( ECM ) to control and coordinate the work of the engine, ECM as human brain, through a variety of sensors and switches for real-time monitoring of various engine operating parameters and the control instruction, through the calculation to issue commands to the corresponding the control element, such as a fuel injector, to realize optimization control of engine. Control system through the precise control of injection timing and fuel injection amount, in order to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy purposes.

如下示意图所示, ECM处在整个发动机控制系统的核心位置。各种输入设备,包括传感器、开关和油门踏板向 ECM提供各种信息,ECM通过这些信息来判断发动机当前的运行工况和操作者的控制指令。输出设备为执行元件,它们执行 ECM通过计算得出的各种控制指令。在所有的执行元件中,昀重要的执行元件是实现喷油量控制和喷油时间控制的元件。在不同的燃油系统中,实现喷油量和喷油时刻控制的元件各有不同。比如共轨系统中实现喷油量和喷油时刻控制的是喷油器中的电磁阀。

The following diagram shows, ECM is in the core position of engine control system. Various input devices, including sensors, switches and the accelerator pedal to provide a variety of information ECM, ECM use this information to determine the current operating conditions of engine and an operator control command. Output device for the implementation of components, their implementation of ECM is obtained by calculating the control command. In all of the implementation of components, most important executive element is the realization of fuel control and fuel injection timing control element. In the different fuel system, realize the fuel injection quantity and injection timing control element is different. For example, common rail system and achieve fuel injection quantity and injection timing control is in the injector solenoid valve.


Electronic control unit ( ECM )

电子控制单元 (ECM)是整个控制系统的核心。 ECM内部有存储器,存储控制系统运行的程序。这些程序在 ECM

The electronic control unit ( ECM ) is the core of the whole control system. ECM internal memory, the storage control system operation procedure. The program in ECM

没有物理损伤的前提下可以通过服务软件擦除重写。 ECM是精密的电子元件,在对车辆系统进行维修时要注意保护。

No physical injury under the premise can through service software erasable rewrite. ECM is a sophisticated electronic components, the vehicle repair system should pay attention to the protection.

在查拔 ECM上的连接插头前,请断开系统电源。不允许带电插拔 ECM上的连接插头。n

nin check out ECM plug connection, disconnect the power supply system. Do not allow hot-plugging ECM connector plug.

在对 ECM插头内的针脚进行测量时,一定要使用合适的转接导线,不可以用万用表的表笔直接测量。n


non ECM inside the plug pins are measured, must use suitable connecting wire, can not use a multimeter pen direct measurement.

在需要对底盘和发动机进行焊接作业时,一定要将 ECM从发动机上拆下来,否则将损伤 ECM,导致 ECM失效。

In need on the chassis and engine for the welding operation, must be removed from the engine ECM, otherwise it will damage the ECM, resulting in ECM failure.

由于电控柴油机燃油系统的多样性,康明斯有多种不同型号的 ECM用在不同型号的发动机上。下图列出了不同年代在康明斯发动机上使用的 ECM。这些 ECM具有不同的零件号,在定购时请注意。

As a result of electronically controlled diesel engine fuel system of Cummins diversity, there are many different types of ECM used in different types of engines. The following lists the different time in the Cummings engine used on ECM. The ECM has a different part number, in order to note.

对同一平台的发动机,由于应用场合的不同, ECM会有所不同。对车用和工程机械应用,通常 ECM的型号和零件号是一样的,但采用不同的标定软件。对发电机驱动应用,康明斯设计了新型号的 ECM。值得指出的是,在发电机驱动应用中,在一般的技术文献中不再称电子控制单元为 ECM,而是称其为控制器。

On the same platform engine, due to the different applications, ECM will be different. On vehicle and engineering machinery applications, usually ECM models and part number is the same, but using different calibration software. The generator drive applications, the design of a new type of ECM cummins. It is worth noting that, in the generator drive applications, in the general technical literature is no longer called electronic control unit for ECM, but called for the controller.

对同一型号的发动机,在相同的应用场合, ECM内的控制软件依然有所不同,这是由于发动机的功率,适应的排放法规的不同等等原因造成的。在重新标定 ECM时必须注意选择合适的标定软件,这些不同的标定软件是通过 ECM Code号来区分的。

For the same type of engine, the same applications, ECM control software is different, this is due to the power of the engine, adapted to emission regulations so different causes. The calibration of ECM must pay attention to select the appropriate calibration software, these different calibration software by ECM Code to distinguish.


Input device

输入设备向 ECM输入各种参数, ECM通过这些参数来判断发动机当前的运行工况、司机的操作指令和其它的一些信号。只有基于输入设备输入的正确参数,ECM才能做出正确的判断,控制发动机的运行。

The input device to input various parameters of ECM, ECM through these parameters to determine the current operating conditions of engine, the driver's operation instruction and other signals. Only based on the input device to input the correct parameters, ECM can make the correct judgment, controls the operation of the engine.

按照输入设备功能的不同,可简单地将其分为三类,传感器、开关和油门踏板。输入设备由 ECM提供工作电源,大部分输入设备的工作电压都为 5伏。

In accordance with the input device with different functions, can be simply classified into three categories, sensor, switch and the accelerator pedal. The input device is provided by ECM power supply, most of the input device working voltage of 5 v.


Main engine through the engine and vehicle mounted in the various sensors to monitor the running parameter, different models in the sensor type and quantity will vary, the diesel electronic control engine, the sensors generally include: oil pressure and temperature sensor, intake temperature and pressure sensor, coolant temperature sensor, oil pressure and temperature sensor, an engine speed sensor, an engine position sensor, pressure sensor and so on.


The electronic controlled natural gas engine, due to its unique fuel system and ignition mode, in addition to the number of sensors, also usually fitted with solar term door position sensor, a gas flow sensor, oxygen sensor and a knock sensor. Some models may also be fitted with air humidity sensor.

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