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2012/7/11 22:46:15


The application of ATS conversion cabinet


Power supply and distribution system requirements:

4.1在 ATSE装置前需设置隔离电器

4.1 in the ATSE device before setting electrical isolation

自动转换开关电器是由开关与转换控制器及传动机构(微型电机或电磁操作机构)组合而成的机电一体化带机电连锁的开关电器,适用于一级负荷及二级负荷的供配电系统中常用电源与备用电源的自动转换。根据有关规范对配电系统的要求,一级负荷及二级负荷配电系统应采用双电源供电末端自动互投,按其使用性质自动转换开关电器通常安装在配电系统最后一级的配电箱、柜的进线侧(市电.发电机主备型除外)。根据《低压配电设计规范》 GB50054—95第 2.1.3条当维护、测试和检修设备需断开电源时,应设置隔离电器。第 2.1.6条隔离电器可采用下列电器:

Automatic transfer switching equipment is composed of a switch and switch controller and a transmission mechanism ( micro motor or an electromagnetic operating mechanism) a combination of mechanical and electrical integration with electromechanical interlocking switch electrical appliances, applied to a load and load two power supply system used in the power supply and the backup power automatic switching. According to the specification of the requirements of power distribution system, a load and two load distribution system should adopt the dual power supply terminal automatic mutual throwing, according to the nature of their use of automatic transfer switching equipment is usually installed in the power distribution system the final level of distribution box, cabinet line side (electric motor main type of exception. ). According to the" code for design of low voltage" GB50054 - 952.1.3when the maintenance, testing and maintenance of equipment required to disconnect the power, should set the electrical isolation. Article 2.1.6electrical isolation may adopt the following appliances:


Monopolar or multipolar ) isolating switch, isolating plug;


Plug and socket );


Connecting piece );


Do not need to remove the lead ) special terminal;


Fuse ).

《通用用电设备配电设计规范》 GB50055.93第 2.5.1条隔离电器的装设应符合下列规定:

" Code for design of electric equipment of" GB50055.932.5.1isolated electrical installation shall comply with the following provisions:


) each motor main loop should be installed with electrical isolation, when meets the following conditions at the time, several motor can share a set of electrical isolation: a set of short-circuit protective device of a group of motor; by the same distribution box ( screen ) power supply and allows no choice to open a group of motor.


) motor and its control appliances should share a set of electrical isolation. Meet the requirements of short circuit protection electrical isolation can be used as electrical isolation.


Electrical isolation should be arranged ) control electrical appliances near or other convenient operation and repair locations. No load disconnecting the electrical isolation should be able to prevent the irrelevant personnel misoperation.


The present national standard" the basic standard for low voltage apparatus", has low voltage air switch ( switch ), isolating switch, isolator, fuse switch, fuse isolator and other electrical isolation; low-voltage circuit breaker standard also included isolation.


According to the above regulations and standards requirements, in the power distribution system in the automatic transfer switching equipment front-end should set the electrical isolation.


4.2automatic transfer switching equipment can be used as electrical isolation

根据自动转换开关电器的定义,自动转换开关电器是由一个(或几个)转换开关电器和其他必需的电器(转换控制器)组成。用于检测电源电路,并将一个或几个负载电路从一个电源自动换接至另一个电源的开关电器。从自动转换开关电器的定义可以看出,自动转换开关电器应用在电气系统中主要目的是在一、二级负荷紧急供电系统中,检测被监测电源(两路)的工作状态,当被监测的电源发生故障时,将负载电路从一个电源换接至另一个电源,以保证供电的连续性,确保重要负荷连续可靠运行。目前自动转换开关电器有二段式和三段式两种,二段式自动转换开关电器开关主触头仅有两个工作位 (正常电源位及备用电源位),这种自动转换开关电器转换动作时间较快;三段式自动转换开关电器开关主触头有三个工作位,(正常电源位、备用电源位及零位),零位时主触头处于空档,因为设置了零位,三段式自动转换开关电器转换动作时间较慢,三段式自动转换开关电器设置 “零位 ”的主要作用是当负载为高感抗或大电机负载时,为避免冲击电流做暂态停留之用,而非用于负载维修时隔离之用。另一方面,自动转换开关电器自身也有检修和维护的可能,所以带零位的三段式自动转换开关电器不宜兼做隔离电器,为满足维修问题需要隔离时,应在自动转换开关电器前单独设置隔离电器。

According to the definition of automatic transfer switching equipment, automatic transfer switching equipment is composed of a ( or several ) switch electrical appliances and other necessary appliances ( controller ). For the detection of power supply circuit, and one or several load circuit from a power supply automatic switching to another power switch electric appliance. From the automatic transfer switching equipment definition as you can see, automatic transfer switching equipment application in the electrical system the main purpose is to load one or two emergency power supply system, power supply ( two ) detected by monitoring the working state, when the monitored power failure occurs, the load circuit from a power supply is switched to another a power supply, in order to guarantee the continuity of supply, ensure continuous and reliable operation of the important load. The automatic transfer switching equipment have two section and three section two, two section type automatic conversion switch electrical switch main contact only two working position ( normal power supply and standby power level ), the automatic transfer switching equipment switching moves faster; three section type automatic conversion switch electrical switch main contact three work, ( normal power, standby power and zero ), zero when the main contact is in neutral, because the set of zero, three section type automatic transfer switching equipment switching action time is slower, three section type automatic transfer switching equipment sets the" zero" is mainly used when the load is high inductance or motor load, in order to avoid the impact current transient residence purposes, rather than for the load when the isolation of repair. On the other hand, automatic transfer switching equipment also have their own repair and maintenance, so the band zero three section type automatic transfer switching equipment is not as electrical isolation, in order to meet the need for isolation repair problems, should be in the automatic transfer switching equipment before a separate set of electrical isolation.


4.3automatic transfer switching equipment whether it is necessary to set short circuit protection apparatus

在配电系统中选择 CB级自动转换开关电器时,只要求自动转换开关电器的开关执行断路器选择正确,即低压断路器符合下列条件:

In the power distribution system in the selection of CB automatic switch electrical appliances, only automatic transfer switching equipment switching executive circuit breaker selection is correct, i.e. low voltage circuit breaker meet the following conditions:


) low-voltage circuit breakers rated breaking current ( effective value) is greater than the maximum expected short-circuit current ( effective value);

)低压断路器选型与上下级出线回路低压断路器选型配合满足配电保护选择性要求。配电箱、柜内 CB级自动转换开关电器前端可只设置隔离电器或隔离开关,不必再设短路保护电器。

Low voltage circuit breaker selection ) and on the lower level outlet circuit of low voltage circuit breaker selection to meet with requirements of power distribution protection selectivity. Distribution box, cabinet CB automatic switch electrical appliance front end can be set only electrical isolation or isolating switch, do not have to set short circuit protection apparatus.

PC级自动转换开关电器只有电源转换功能,没有短路及过载保护功能。额定电流小于等于 250,4的 PC级自动转换开关电器,额定短时耐受电流有效值( 1s)一般在 5kA.12kA左右;额定电流大于 250A小于等于 630A的 PC级自动转换开关电器,额定短时耐受电流有效值

PC automatic switch electrical power conversion function only, no short-circuit and overload protection function. Rated current less than or equal to 250,4PC automatic switch electrical appliances, rated short-time withstand current effective value (1s ) generally about 5kA.12kA; rated current is greater than 250A less than or equal to 630A PC automatic switch electrical appliances, rated short-time withstand current effective value

(1s)一般在 13kA,25kA左右。由于以下因素在配电箱、柜内 PC级自动转换开关电器前端须设置短路保护电器:

(1s ) in 13kA, about 25kA. Because of the following factors in distribution box, cabinet level PC automatic transfer switching equipment shall be provided in front of short-circuit protective device:

1)虽然 PC级自动转换开关电器有一定的承受短路电流的能力,但没有切断短路电流的能力,其前端需要设置短路保护电器;

1) although PC automatic transfer switching equipment must have the ability to withstand short circuit current, but did not cut off the short circuit current capacity, its front end need to set short circuit protection apparatus;

2)此外还应考虑设置隔离电器的要求。综合以上因素在配电箱、柜内 PC级自动转换开关电器前端应设置

2) shall also be considered set isolated electrical requirements. The above factors in distribution box, cabinet PC automatic switch electrical appliance front end should be set


Meet the requirements of short circuit protection electrical isolation. Meet the requirements of short circuit protection electrical isolation:


Fuse );


Fuse switch );


Fuse isolator );


The IEC947.3 isolation standard isolation type low voltage circuit breaker.

《低压配电设计规范》 GB50054.95第 4.1.2条规定 “配电线路采用的上下级保护电器,其动作应具有选择性;各级之间应协调配合。但对于非重要负荷的保护电器,可采用无选择性切断。”根据以上规范要求,采用双电源供电的配电系统,当双电源末端自动互投配电箱、柜内有多路一级负荷或二级负荷出线回路时,其自动转换开关电器前设置的熔断器或隔离型低压断路器均应与配电箱、柜内出线回路低压断路器之间有选择性配合。

" Code for design of low voltage GB50054.95"" specified in article 4.1.2distribution line using the upper and lower protection electric appliance, the action should have selectivity between levels should be coordinated. But for the important load protection of electrical appliances, can use without selective cutting." According to the above requirements, using dual power supply distribution system, when the double power supply terminal automatic mutual throwing power distribution box, cabinet with multiplex a load or load two outgoing line circuit, the automatic transfer switch is arranged in front of the fuse or isolation type low voltage circuit breaker shall be with the electrical distribution box, cabinet outlet circuit of low voltage circuit breaker are selective coordination.

综上所述, ATSE构成了低压配电系统中对重要负荷供电的备自投方式,在设计和选用上必须将其下端发生故障的可能性考虑在内。PC级 ATSE的开关本体是负荷开关,它只能通断用电设备的负荷电流。因此,选用 PC级 ATSE,应采取的措施是在其上端装设断路器并设跳闸闭锁。CB级 ATSE具有通断短路电流的能力,我国有关设计规范对高压备自投装置的基本要求可为 ATSE标准所借鉴,在常、备电源均为市电的条件下, CB级 ATSE也应能延时动作(转换)并只动作一次,以有利于对重要负荷的连续供电,提高系统可靠性。“过电流电器脱扣, ATSE将不能转换 ”应只针对 PC级 ATSE。对于 ATSE可否兼作隔离电器的问题,目前而言 CB级可以, PC级不可以。由于 ATSE本身有维修之需,一般都应加装隔离电器。

In summary, ATSE formed in the low voltage distribution system for important load power supply from the vote, in selection and design must be lower the probability of accidents into account. PC ATSE of the switch body is load switch, it can only be on-off electrical equipment load current. Therefore, choose PC ATSE, measures should be taken in its upper end breaker tripping and latching device. CB ATSE has on-off circuit current capacity, China's relevant design code for high voltage automatic switching device for basic requirements of ATSE standard reference, in ordinary, power supply for electric conditions, CB ATSE should also be able to delay action ( conversion ) and one operation, to have for the important loads of continuous power supply, improves the reliability of the system. " Current electrical tripping, ATSE will not convert" should only for PC ATSE. For ATSE could used as electrical isolation problem, now CB can, PC can not. ATSE itself as a repair needs, generally should be installed electrical isolation.

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