首页 技术中心>约翰迪尔John Deere拖拉机6081HRW活塞和连杆拆卸步骤衬套、活塞和连杆磨损划伤的原因

约翰迪尔John Deere拖拉机6081HRW活塞和连杆拆卸步骤衬套、活塞和连杆磨损划伤的原因

2022/8/25 9:02:30

约翰迪尔John Deere拖拉机6081HRW活塞和连杆拆卸步骤衬套、活塞和连杆磨损划伤的原因

约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机活塞磨损或划伤:







•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机活塞与缸套间隙不当。


•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机连杆未对准或弯曲。

•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机活塞安装不当。暗缎面和精细的垂直划痕



•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机连杆轴承间隙不正确。•进气系统中的污垢和磨料。


•强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机磨合不当。活塞销和卡环故障:

•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机活塞磨损。


•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机气缸套变形。•曲轴端隙过大。




•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机活塞与缸套间隙不足。



•约翰迪尔John Deere柴油机环安装不当。•活塞销故障。













John Deere柴油机连杆一般信息

早期的强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机在连杆和盖(A)之间有传统的榫槽。后来的强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机有精密接头杆和盖(B)。

创建精密关节的步骤, 用激光束在连杆上刻槽。然后,为杆孔中的精密心轴提供动力,以在接头(C)处将盖与杆分离。


重要事项:更换相同类型的杆。不要将榫舌和凹槽与精密接头混合同一台强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机中的连杆。有关建议,请参见零件目录。

A型榫槽杆(早期强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机)B型精密接头连杆(后来的强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机)C型精密接头细节


必须从8100-84008110-8410拖拉机上拆下6081HRW强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机,以维修活塞和连杆。有关强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机拆卸步骤,请参阅机器技术手册TM1575(维修)。(对于8000吨履带拖拉机,请参阅TM1621。)

重要事项:更换相同类型的杆。不要将榫舌和凹槽与精密接头混合同一台强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机中的连杆。有关建议,请参见零件目录。

警告:在强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机冷却液冷却到工作温度以下之前,不要排放强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机冷却液。然后缓慢松开冷却液泵盖排放阀(A)和阻塞排放阀(B),以释放任何压力。

排放冷却液和强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机机油。

重要事项:必须打开两个排放阀以完全排放强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机缸体。

1.排空所有强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机冷却液和强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机机油。

注意:如果要完全拆卸强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机,请参见第010组中的强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机拆卸顺序。


3.拆下油底壳和油泵。请参见组060中的拆卸强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机机油泵。








4.使用9/16-18带帽螺钉,约51 mm2.0英寸)长和5/8英寸。一、 D.1-3/4英寸。O D.x 3.18 mm1/8 in.)厚垫圈,用于将气缸套固定在









A-      杆盖B-轴承









Preliminary Liner, Piston, and Rod Checks

Scuffed or Scored Pistons:           Improper periodic service.

        Poor operating conditions.

        Overheating.     Coolant leakage into crankcase.

        Overfueling.       Excessive cylinder liner taper.

        Insufficient lubrication.

        Insufficient cooling. Mottled, Grayish or Pitted Compression Rings:

        Improper piston-to-liner clearance.

        Coolant leakage into crankcase.       Internal coolant leaks.

        Misaligned or bent connecting rod.

        Improperly installed piston.    Dull Satin Finish and Fine Vertical Scratches on

        Low oil level.    Rings:

        Improper operation.

        Incorrect connecting rod bearing clearance.    Dirt and abrasives in air intake system.

        Carbon build-up in ring groove.

        Improper engine break-in.       Piston Pin and Snap Ring Failure:

        Worn piston.

        Contaminated oil.      Misaligned connecting rod.

        Distorted cylinder liner.     Excessive crankshaft end play.

        Plugged piston cooling orifice.           Incorrect snap rings.

        Ingestion of dust through air intake.

Broken Connecting Rod:

Worn or Broken Compression Rings:

        Inadequate piston-to-liner clearance.

        Insufficient lubrication.     Worn connecting rod bearing.

        Insufficient cooling.   Distorted cylinder line.

        Improper ring installation.         Piston pin failure.

        Improper timing.

        Abrasives in combustion chamber. Cylinder Liner Wear and Distortion:

Clogged Oil Control Ring:   Incorrectly installed compression rings.

        Insufficient lubrication.

        Improper oil.      Uneven cooling around liner.

        Excessive blow-by.     Inadequate piston-to-liner clearance.

        Contaminated oil.      Liner bore damage.

        Improper periodic service.

        Low operating temperature.  Warped Cylinder Block:

Stuck Rings:         Insufficient cooling.

        Improper oil classification.

Connecting Rods—General Information

Earlier engines have the traditional tongue-and-groove between the connecting rod and cap (A). Later engines have the Precision Joint rod and cap  (B).

To create the Precision Joint, the connecting rod is notched with a laser beam. Then a precision mandrel in the rod bore is powered to separate the cap from the rod at the joints (C).

Both types of rods provide a strong joint. Removal and installation is similar, with differences noted, including different torque specifications for cap screws. See INSPECT ROD AND CAP and see INSTALL PISTON

AND CONNECTING ROD later in this Group.

IMPORTANT: Replace rods with the same type. Do Not mix tongue-and-groove with Precision Joint rods in the same engine. See parts catalog for recommendations.

A—Tongue-and-Groove Rod (Early Engines) B—Precision Joint Rod (Later Engines) C—Precision Joint Details

Remove Pistons and Connecting Rod Assemblies

6081HRW Engines must be removed from 8100-8400 and 8110-8410 Tractors to service the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to machine technical manual TM1575 (Repair) for engine removal procedure. (For 8000T Tracks  Tractors, refer to TM1621.)

IMPORTANT: Replace rods with the same type. Do Not mix tongue-and-groove with Precision Joint rods in the same engine. See parts catalog for recommendations.

CAUTION: Do not drain engine coolant until it cools below operating temperature. Then slowly loosen coolant pump cover drain valve (A) and block drain valve (B) to relieve any pressure.

Drain coolant and engine oil.

IMPORTANT: Both drain valves must be opened to completely drain engine block.

1.       Drain all engine coolant and engine oil.

NOTE: If engine is to be completely disassembled, see ENGINE DISASSEMBLY SEQUENCE in Group 010.

2.       Remove cylinder head. See REMOVE CYLINDER HEAD SERIAL NUMBER ( —199,999) in Group 020, or see REMOVE CYLINDER HEAD SERIAL NUMBER (200,000— ) in Group 021.

3.       Remove oil pan and oil pump. See REMOVE ENGINE OIL PUMP in Group 060.

Coolant Pump Drain Valve

Cylinder Block Drain Valve

A—Coolant Pump Cover Drain Valve B—Block Drain Valve

IMPORTANT: Do not rotate crankshaft with cylinder head removed unless liners are bolted down. Bolt liners down before removing piston.

Cap screws and washers must be tightened to the following specifications

to achieve an accurate reading when measuring liner standout (height above block). See MEASURE CYLINDER LINER STANDOUT (HEIGHT ABOVE BLOCK),

later in this group.

4.  Use 9/16-18 cap screws, approximately 51 mm

(2.0 in.) long and 5/8 in. I.D. 1-3/4 in. O.D. x 3.18 mm (1/8 in.) thick washers to bolt down cylinder liners  in

the seven locations as shown. Tighten cap screws to     Bolting Down Cylinder Liners



Cylinder Liner Cap Screws (For

Checking Standout)—Torque ...  68 N•m (50 lb-ft)

Continued on next page   RG,RG34710,1113   –19–08JUN99–2/5

IMPORTANT: DO NOT use pneumatic wrenches to tighten rod cap screws. Using pneumatic wrenches may cause thread damage.

Keep bearing inserts with their respective rods and caps. Mark rods, pistons, and caps to insure correct assembly in same location as removed.

7. Remove rod cap screws and rod caps (A) with bearings (B).

A—Rod Caps B—Bearings

Crankshaft is shown removed, but piston and rod assembly can be removed with crankshaft installed.

IMPORTANT: Be careful not to let rod nick crankshaft bearing surface as piston and rod assembly is removed.

If liners are to be reused, be extremely careful not to let connecting rod hit liner bore when removing piston and rod assembly.

Removing Pistons

Piston and liners are selectively fitted to A—Piston

maintain piston-to-liners clearance.

Always keep matched pistons and liners together as a set and each set MUST BE installed in the same cylinder as removed.

8. Gently tap piston (A) through top of cylinder block from the bottom. Once piston rings have cleared cylinder liner bore, hold on to piston to prevent piston from dropping.

约翰迪尔5000系列拖拉机在中国的第一位用户郑宝森已经是约翰迪尔的老用户了,他家承包了1000亩土地,种植玉米和葵花,同时还在周围的农场作业。他家的拖拉机每年使用时间是大多数地区的3倍以上,每台拖拉机的年纯收入达810万元,从事农机服务12年的郑宝森已经使用过6台迪尔拖拉机,说起他新购买的JD5854,郑宝森的喜悦心情溢于言表:“我第一眼看到这车,真是喜欢,底盘高了,前轮宽了。干起活来强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机特别有劲,挡位的设置非常合理。”佛山Perkins2806S-E15强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机多小钱电话,大同Perkins帕金斯1103D-33TA强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机高压油泵、油泵组件一台多少钱,抚顺Perkins帕金斯4012-46TAG3A强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机上下大修包一般多少钱,泉州Perkins帕金斯2206D-E13TAG3强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机曲轴瓦、连杆瓦、大小瓦企业,巴彦淖尔Perkins帕金斯403D-15T强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机启动马达费用报价单,湖南Perkins帕金斯1106D-E70TAG3强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机高压油泵、油泵组件费用报价单,盘锦Perkins帕金斯4012-46TAG3A强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机皮带哪里有,攀枝花卡特C18强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机原厂配件费用,长治Perkins帕金斯1104C-TG3强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机缸体多少钱,锡林郭勒Perkins帕金斯4006-23TAG3A强鹿约翰迪尔John Deere柴油发动机油水分离器大概的价钱,很多乡亲都来观摩郑宝森的新车,他们担心JD5854的后桥是否单薄了一些,郑宝森向他们解释说:“后桥是进口的,体积不需要那么大,车的性能已经得到多年的成功验证,而且我开车干活的时候,后桥一点异常的响声也没有。”


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