首页 技术中心>perkins发动机维修保养检修规程程序


2013/7/8 20:39:40

















3拆下缸盖、气缸垫。拆时,应从两端向中间均匀地拆卸。 ( 注意:严禁用起子撬缸盖,以防损坏缸盖及垫。)

4 perkins发动机侧放,有气门的一边向上。检查飞轮上有无记号。

5 拆下油底壳、衬垫,同时拆下机油泵的一些附件。

6 转动曲轴最方便的位置,检查活塞顶、连杆大头的记号。如无记号,应在活塞顶、连杆大头用金属的东西按顺序作上记号。拆下连杆轴承座及衬垫,并按顺序地放好。用手式木棒,从缸体上部取下活塞连杆总成。应将连杆盖与连杆、衬垫按原样装固。

7 拆下气门组,在气门完全关闭下,拆下气门卡簧及气门。

8 拆下起动爪,取下锁片。用拉器拆下皮带轮及扭转减震器。

9 拆下正时齿轮盖及衬垫。

10 检查正时齿轮上有无标记。如无记号,应在两轮工作处作上记号。













(1)准备清洗干净的持修气缸体一台,与其内径相适应的外径千分尺、量缸表及 清洁工具等。
























































9)、安其它附件,安装后完。加注机油、冷却液,进行全面检查、冷磨。冷磨发动机:发动机冷磨时,对于顶置式的气门发动机不要装火花塞或喷油器,将发动机装在磨合假上,进行由低速到高速的冷磨过程。在冷磨过程中,要注意观察机油压力表所指示的压力是否正常。如发现有不正常现象或异响时,应立即停止磨合。  排除故障后再磨合。冷磨后的发动机应再次分解,检查活塞环、活塞与气缸壁的接触情况。各轴径与轴承的磨情况是否正常。排除所发现的故障后,发动机的部件再清洗干净。










Perkins engine maintenance program maintenance procedures

A, perkins engine overhaul

(a) diesel engine repair process

(2) preparation before the perkins engine overhaul

1, clean the outside perkins engine

Use cleaning agents or machine outside of the engine clean, remove the cylinder head and engine and oil sump oil and dirt. In order to remove the time can clearly see the screw. When clearing as long as wash engine oil on the surface of the can.

(3) the perkins engine disassembly

1, perkins engine when removed from the equipment, should be carried out in a completely cooling condition. Otherwise it will cause deformation of some parts. Remove the principle: the copy to the main parts from external to internal.

2, perkins engine steps removed from the equipment:

(1) put the water tank, oil. Close the fuel tank switch. Remove the oil pump of the tubing connectors.

(2) remove the power cord, issued by the motor on line. Remove the water tank inlet pipe and nut everywhere. Connection bolts and pins, etc. Water tank and the frame

(3) remove the perkins engine cover, fender, remove the engine accessories assembly: air filter, oil filter, oil pump, water pump, alternator, starter, air compressor and engine oil pressure sensor, etc

(4) bound with ropes to the engine. With engine pylon hanging down.

The disintegration of perkins engine (4)

1. Remove the inlet and exhaust pipe and cylinder head out of the water pipe.

2, remove the valve chamber cover, remove the rocker arm shaft bearing fastening nut. Take out a piece of the rocker arm. Remove all the putter. And the order, in order to install.

3, remove the cylinder head, cylinder pad. When disassembling, remove evenly from ends to middle. (note: it is strictly prohibited to use screwdriver to pry cylinder head, to prevent damage to the cylinder head and the pad.)

4, put the perkins engine side, there is one side of the valve. Check any marks on the flywheel.

5, remove the oil pan, gasket, oil pump down the plane at the same time some of the attachments.

6, turn the crankshaft is the most convenient location, check the piston head, connecting rod big head mark. If no mark, should be at the top of the piston, connecting rod big head made marks on the metal thing in order. Remove the connecting rod bearing seat and the gasket, and in order to put away. Type sticks with the hand, taking it from the upper cylinder piston rod assembly. Head and connecting rod, gasket should be installed according to the sample of solid.

7, remove the valve group, under the valve fully closed, remove the valve spring and valve.

8, remove the starter, remove the lock. Use the remove the pulley and the reverse shock absorber.

9, remove the timing gear cover and liner.

10, check the timing gear on the presence of tags. If no mark, mark should be done in two rounds of essence.

11, the engine upside down on the workbench, remove the main bearing, and in turn put bearing on their cover, with the crankshaft, then the bearing and put back in place. And fixed.

12, after dismantling the crankshaft oil seal, and the flywheel shell.

13, decomposition of piston connecting rod set.

(5) check perkins engine main parts inside

1, the inspection of crankshaft

Common injury of crankshaft, generally have fatigue crack, shaft neck wear, bending deformation and torsion deformation, etc.

(1) the inspection of cracks. British perkins crack generally appear in the stress concentration position of the crank shaft, such as main journal or transition are connected to the crank arm connecting rod journal fillet, show the transverse crack. There are near the oil hole in the shaft neck appear along the axial extension of the crack.

Common check methods are: magnetic detector inspection, ultrasonic inspection, X-ray inspection and oiled tapping method, etc. Magnetic detector check, make the magnetic field lines are checked by the site, if there is a crack shaft neck surface, cracks in the magnetic field lines will spread to form a magnetic pole, the magnetic iron powder sprinkled on surface, iron powder will be magnetized and adsorption in the crack, so as to show the size and location of the crack. Oiled on crankshaft put in kerosene check method is to soak for a while, take out after wiping and sprinkle with white powder, and then segment knock gently with hammer. If there are any obvious soil, in which it has a crack.

(2) the bending deformation of the inspection. At both ends of the crankshaft with v-shaped block bearing on the tablet, with a dial indicator contact touch in the middle of the spindle neck surface, as shown in figure 3-2. A week and then turn the crank, table pointer is the difference between the maximum and minimum readings, is the middle main journal for main journal on both ends of the radial circular runout error, the error, such as more than 0.10 mm, should replace the crankshaft.

2, British perkins engine cylinder test

Cylinder is good or bad depends on its roundness and cylindricity of the two values and standard values.

The measurement method of roundness, cylindricity, cylinder and steps:

(1) ready to clean with a gas cylinder, that can meet the needs of its inner diameter micrometer, cylinder volume table and cleaning tools, etc.

(2) to brush try clean cylinder hole surface.

(3) installation, proofreading bore table.

(4) use cylinder table check point on the measurement of the first piston ring cylinder hole straight in parallel to the axis of the crankshaft

Diameter, recorded in the test record.

(5) in the same profile measuring the diameter of the vertical to the axis of the crankshaft, recorded in the test record.

(6) the above two half of the difference between the measured value is the roundness error of the profile.

(7) using the above method to measure the first piston ring cylinder hole to check point on the last line of piston ring next check point

Process, in the middle of this section roundness error, recorded in the test record.

(8) in the same way to measure pitch cylinder hole located around 30 mm above the bottom section of the roundness error, write down

Inspection records.

(9) three roundness error value, maximum value is the roundness error of cylinder hole.

(10) of the above three measurement section, 6 measurements, in which half of the difference between the maximum and minimum, i.e

For the cylindricity error of cylinder hole.

(11) to determine the repair size: cylinder wear exceed the permitted limit or the cylinder wall has serious scratches, grooves and hemp

Point, all size of repair method should be taken to a cylinder according to the size of repair technicians to cut more.

(12) cylinder wear the roundness is greater than 0.10 mm. Cylinder wear more than 0.35 mm, (cylinder wear degree, with one of the biggest wear a cylinder as the standard, roundness elantra engine cylinder is less than or equal to 0.10 mm, cylindricity cylinder is less than or equal to 0.35 mm, and the cylinder can continue to use, if beyond the scope of the wear and tear, the response to the engine overhaul.)

3, the British perkins piston connecting rod set of tests.

(1) check mainly is the skirt piston diameter, height of piston ring groove and the piston pin hole size measurement

1) detection of piston skirt diameter can be used two methods: one method is to use micrometer to measure piston skirt measurement location. Will be in the position of measured data and the maximum cylinder wear parts measured values is presupposed, and the difference comparing with the cylinder gap value, determined the piston could use.

Another is to adopt the method of measuring cylinder clearance can it be used to determine the piston. Pour the piston in the cylinder related, pin hole direction parallel to the crankshaft, and the piston side by side pressure maximum, with a feeler gauge (13 mm wide, 200 mm) long vertical insertion between cylinder wall and piston skirt with piston (into). To promote (30 n force can feel a slight resistance) is appropriate.

2) measurement of piston ring groove. Install gas ring ring groove, using a standard gas ring into the inside, the side gap is measured with a feeler gauge, you can determine if it meets the requirements. Oil ring slot and pin hole available micrometer direct measurement. Due to excessive wear and tear more than assembling piston clearance limit value, should be replaced, choose the new piston.

(6) the British perkins engine main parts repair process

1, connecting rod, copper sets of hinge pin:

Select the hinge of form a complete set. Oil standard ruler measure the inner diameter of the connecting rod little head with copper set of outer diameter. When cutting it hinge at a time. Then cut the hinge pin in the interview. (connecting rod must be in the flat state, and then began to hinge. The hinge of Angle, circle number must balance) standard: good hinge pin in the copper set of activities freely, no amount of kuang.

2, the bearing manual scraping with blow (watts)

(1) scratch with connecting rod bearings: will fit up good connecting rod set on the connecting rod journal, tighten the connecting rod bearing alloy surface and shaft neck rub after several times to be removed, according to the bearing alloy surface and the diameter of axle friction marks on the ream. The first knife scraping scraping direction: when scraping, direction and the center line of the tiles into a 45 ° Angle, the second time scraping and centerline 45 °, still but in the opposite direction. Scraping process, should stay small, scraping the heavy light. With a knife, a knife, a knife to smooth. Should keep sharp reamer. The last guarantee 70% of the working face. Standards: rotate freely, no amount of kuang, mining. Such as in working face is only half, at this point to check repair the crankshaft. So fashion, there will be a spilled oil generally 20 kilograms. If not working face, between has a malfunction.

(2) the main bearing's ream: the each main load bearing main bearing hole, and then coated with a layer of red lead on all main trunnion, put up the crankshaft rotation carried off after several times. If the way of bearing the imprint on both ends of the crankshaft slightly, the description of each main bearing axis with the main bearing hole axis of coaxial line. Such as impressions are near both ends and each have differences. But scratch a little, and make it consistent. If only there are marks on some bearings, and individual is not stain, then bearing thickness, should be replaced.

After the shaft centerline school good: up and bearing cover, each turn a rotating crankshaft after several turns, loosen bolts and screw together again. Turn the number ring, then loose screw again. So on. Until completed.

Standards: the main bearing after completion, the shaft is fixed on the cylinder block, in accordance with the standard torque tightened. Began to turn the crank, felt have certain resistance. After rolling should be flexible, light no blocking phenomenon. [remember: main journal and the bearing surface oil]

Ream of valve seat (3) technology: according to the valve diameter to choose the appropriate valve seat reamer. Choose according to valve tube diameter, reamer guide rod. Guide to easily push conduit hole no kuang is advisable. The coarse cloth pad under the reamer, on the valve seat. Grinding in addition to the ream mouth hardened layer, with the same as the valve cone Angle of the reamer. (generally 45 °), thick hinge master cone belt, to remove the corrosion and deformation. Until a full pin up to 2 mm in width. The belt. Ream, hands are forcibly even, smooth along the circumference of the ream. Then use suitable valve try contact zone, the paint on the valve seat. A valve test with mark on the valve cone. The ideal pattern in towards the door down to the bottom of the cone. From the lower edge 1 mm advisable. So that in future repair, gradually move up.

(7) the perkin perkins engine assembly process

Perkins engine assembly process: fit up including engines, components assembly and engine assembling two parts. Installation steps varies depending on the engine type and structure,. But final assembly principle, based on the assembly of cylinder block. By piecewise assembling outside introversion.

1, before the engine assembly and preparation

Engine preparation: before fit up engine should carefully clean the parts before fit up. And wipe dry. Ensure clean. The parts can not have burr, scratch, dirt and carbon deposit. Especially should check and clean cylinder block. On the crankshaft blowing off the oil duct and compressor. At the same time, and venue clean and ready for the necessary special tools and accessories.

2, perkins engine and the matters needing attention in the process of:

(1) prepare to install all the parts and assembly should be after test or inspection, the quality is qualified.

(2) an interchangeable assembly, should be installed in situ.

(3) shall not be confusion to marked parts to each other, must according to the direction of is, token, may not be wrong.

(4) with the bolt and nut tightening torque requirements, shall be in accordance with the provisions, torque tighten.

(5) of each bolt, nut locking parts, overhaul, shall all be replaced.

(6) the important key position, should comply with the prescribed standards. As the piston and cylinder arm, with the diameter of axle and bearing clearance, axial clearance of the crankshaft, camshaft, etc.

3, perkins engine assembly process

(1) install the crankshaft

(2) install the camshaft of good timing

(3) press the piston connecting rod set

(4) install valve assembly

For inspection of valve seat repair whether qualified, need to check the tightness of the valve and valve seat, in order to ensure the engine work properly. Usually there are several ways to check the tightness.

1), will be used together with the valve seat valve in the valve guide hole, and make the valve against the valve seat seal cone, then enough kerosene on the valve, after 35 min, such as no leakage phenomenon, can think good air tightness.

2), the valve seal cone are coated with a layer of red lead oil, and put the valve in the valve guide hole, and then turn on the valve seat valve pressure hard 1/81 / take out after 4 weeks of final inspection the red lead oil on the valve seat. If the valve seat seal cone with red lead oil, all neat and uniform, has good air tightness.

3), after the valve and valve seat is clean, put the valve stem in the valve guide hole, when a department from the valve seat valve plate is about 25 mm film valve with handle gently, make its vertical down along the valve guide hole, continuous several times after remove the check valve seat seal cone valve. If there is bright and full on the valve seat seal cone of the aura and no spots, can think good air tightness.

4), with air tightness leak test machine automatic air tightness test. This method is suitable for use in large-scale automobile and diesel engine assembly plant, the main valve and valve seat in compressed air with certain pressure, and carries on the quantitative detection of air tightness, and then determine whether the air tightness of the valve and valve seat is qualified. The commonly used leakage and leakage rate of air tightness.

5), installation oil pump, oil pan

6), install cylinder head

7), the installation of inlet and exhaust manifold

8), install the flywheel shell and clutch assembly.

9), and other accessories, after the installation finished. Filling the oil, coolant, to conduct a comprehensive inspection, the cold mill. Cold mill engine: engine cold mill, the type of overhead valve engine don't install the spark plug or fuel injector, mounted on the engine running-in false, from low speed to high speed cold mill process. In the process of cold mill, attention should be paid to observe whether the pressure indicated by the engine oil pressure gauge is normal. If found to have abnormal phenomenon or sound, should immediately stop running in. After troubleshooting. The engine after cold mill should break down again, check the contact condition of piston ring, piston and cylinder wall. The diameter of axle and bearing grinding condition is normal. After found out fault, the engine parts clean again.

Eight, Rolls-Royce UK perkins engine overhaul acceptance criteria

1, perkins engine acceptance criteria:

(1) must ensure that its dynamic performance is good, the idle speed running stability and fuel consumption economy, the lubrication parts, accessories work normally.

(2) shall not be leakage, oil leakage, leakage, leakage phenomenon.

(3) the engine under the normal temperature, 5 seconds can be starting, low, medium and high speed stable running.

(4) the water temperature should not exceed 90 °; Acceleration performance good; Should be no broken phenomenon of the fire and the exhaust pipe shot and so on.

(5) after steady engine operation, should be the same ring, but allow a slight uniform timing gear oil pump drive gear noise sound operation and valve of feet.

(6) cylinder pressure to conform to the specified value. The oil pressure to conform to the specified value.

(7) the engine emissions comply with requirements and lowest fuel consumption, emissions smoke colour and lustre is uniform.

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