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威尔逊 威尔信发电机组

2013/7/14 22:39:10

威尔逊发电机 说明书


一、 威尔信的介绍

英国公司专业生产发电机组,控股股东为卡特公司(美国公司),威尔信公司主要擅长发电机组的控制系统现已开发多种控制系统,如: 1001(手动)、2001(自动)、4001、4001E(高级自动)、6001(并机、并网、监控),以及 ACCESS40000(自启动并带监控功能)。威尔信生产的发电机组范围较广(4KW-2200KW)全部生产,是世界知名的三大品牌之一。威尔信发电机组的引擎全部采用伯琼斯柴油机(原劳斯莱斯),现已被美国卡特控股,发电机主要采用法国利莱森玛(过去采用过英国的史丹福)。

二、发电机组的组成(三个部分:A、引擎 B、发电机 C、控制装置)

A、发动机引擎包括 3.1524、1000、2000、3000、4000等系列,其中 1000、2000系列部分或全部将升级为电喷机组,威尔信的目标是将所有机组都升级为电喷机组以符合欧洲二号排放标准。 B、发电机法国利莱森玛生产,标准转速为 1500r/min,二极、三线四相制,中性线直接接地,AVR(电压稳压器)控制电压。 C、控制装置主要作用是对发动机及发电机进行全部控制,例如:水温、油压、电压等

三、 发动机(引擎)


(1) 基本工作原理 A、吸气冲程:将空气及燃油吸入汽缸中,并使之充分混合 B、压缩冲程:将燃油混合气进行压缩,一般压缩为 16左右 C、做功冲程:将混合气体压缩到一定比例,温度升高到 400℃以上,混

合气体自行燃烧(爆炸过程) D、排气冲程:将燃烧后的废气排出机体(排烟温度为 400-500℃)




威尔信电机组,小于 880KW以下的机组一般都带有可供 6-8小时的燃油箱。燃油经低压油泵吸入到滤清器将燃油中的杂质及水分过滤,再经过高压油泵增压按时按量喷入汽缸中进行燃烧。



B、电子调速:通过测定主轴的转速来微调转速使之始终达到 1500r/min,


燃油的标号一般使用 0#柴油,冬季根据机房条件不同,4℃以下建议用



冷却系统使机体及内部保持在 104℃以下,否则易产生抱缸等故障,影响使用寿命,柴油机在使用过程应保持在 80℃-90℃之间为最佳,温度过低不易启动,并对带载能力有限制,温度过高对机体有损伤。为达到上述目的,冷却系统分为大循环和小循环。机组启动初期,大循环关闭,小循环启动,目的是机体能够迅速升温。当温度达到一定高度时,关闭小循环开启大循环使机体温度降低,当热平衡达到一定程度后,保持此平衡,使机组处于最佳温度。而控制此平衡的为调节阀(节流阀),此为自动调节,不需人为控制。当机组发生高水温报警时,可以检查冷却液水平,是否超载及节流阀是否损坏。一般温度下,60℃节流阀开始打开,95℃完全打开。


润滑系统的目的:给所有运动幅之间减小摩擦系统,包括齿轮间、缸套与汽缸之间,窝轮增压器转轴-曲柄轴承等等。一般工作原理:经过油泵将润滑油加压到一定程度(应过滤清器、油冷器)一般为 4-6bar,通过管道分流到不同的运动部件进行润滑,最后回到油底壳进行冷却。润滑油最佳工作温度为 90℃-105℃。温度过低精度加大,将阻碍运动(冬季启动困难方面之一),温度过高精度降低,润滑效果降低,因而日常使用中应注意记录压力值,若发现油压有 1 bar以下的下降,应考虑更换柴油机及滤清器。


发电机组的启动一般为电池带动一直流电机将发电机组的转速达到 450r/min以上以启动机组。

四、 发电机

结构类似于一般异步发电机,物理原理为导线切割磁力线产生电压及电流,它原理与电动机相反,电动机是将电能转化为机械能,而发电机是将发动机的机械能转化成电能,刚才讲了产生电压需要运动和磁场线,运动由发动机产生,而磁力线或磁场由谁产生呢?发电机转动初期,由于发电机有剩磁,产生一个很小的电流将此电流整流,利用直流电产生一个较大电流,周而复始就产生一个大的电压,而当电压达到我们所需的电压时,我们将整流电流稳定,这样我们能得到一个恒久而稳定的电压,将此电压输出即可。而此过程很快不到一秒种即可完成,而完成此功能的装置为电压稳定器,我们称 AVR。

发电机一般工作稳定,故障率很低。主要故障为 AVR损坏,具体表现为无电压输出。








七、 发电机组使用注意事项:


a 检查电池电压及容量

b 检查机油油位,可通过油尺检查油的多少及柴油多少及机油质量。若少可



















机油及三滤的更换:第一次使用 50小时更换一次。以后每使用 200-300小时或一年更换一次。

若长时间放置或不使用,使用前也应更换一次三滤。平常应每月开机两次,保持 15分钟或者 20分钟,目的是润滑机组,另外可及时发现问题及时解决,试机应作好记录以备查。

电池一般使用时间为 3-5年,注意观察电池液面,少时可添加补充液或蒸馏



在如下情况请注意:当市电电压波动较大时,波动幅度超过 50伏时,可能导致 ATS认为市电不合格,频繁启动机组,此时应将机组开关处于断开位置,停电后用手动启动机组。

British perkins commonly used models and prices perkins power 500 kw diesel generator will letter generator producing area

Wilson generator specifications

Will letter generator training handout

A, will letter of introduction

British company specializing in the production of generators, the controlling shareholder for the carter company (the company), will believe the company is mainly good at generating set control system has been developed a variety of control systems, such as: 1001 (manual), 2001 (to be automatic), 4001, 4001 e automatic (advanced), 6001 (weaver, grid, monitoring), as well as ACCESS40000 (since the launch and the tape function of monitoring). Will letter production has a wide range of generator set (4 kw - 2200 - kw) all production, is one of the three major brands of the world famous. Will letter generator set's engine all adopt the "Jones (original) Rolls-Royce diesel engine, has been the United States carter holdings, leroy somer generator mainly adopts France (past the British Stanford).

Second, composition of the generating set (three parts: A, B engine, generator, control device) C

A engine, engine consists of 3.1524, 1000, 2000, 3000, 2000 series, 1000, 2000 series, some or all of the units will be upgraded to ems, all units will letter's goal is to upgrade to ems unit to comply with the European ii emission standards. B, French somer generator production, the standard speed of 1500 r/min, diode, three line four phase system, the neutral directly grounding, AVR (voltage regulator), the control voltage. C, control device for main function is to control all of engines and generators, such as: water temperature, oil pressure, voltage, etc

Three, engine (engine)

Below covers: (1) the basic working principle of the exhaust system (2) (3) fuel system (4) (5) start the cooling system (6) lubrication system

(1) the basic working principle, suction stroke A: the air and fuel into A cylinder, and fully mixed B, the compression stroke, the fuel mixture is compressed, general compression is about 16 C, power stroke, the mixture to A certain proportion from the gas compression, temperature to 400 ℃ above, mix

Combined gas combustion (explosion) D, exhaust stroke: after combustion exhaust eduction body (exhaust smoke temperature is 400-500 ℃)

(2) exhaust system

General unit operation for suction and exhaust. But in order to improve the efficiency and the utilization rate of combustion, will believe basic unit USES turbocharging system, is to use the unit discharge of waste gas, using the supercharger will inhale air is compressed, in order to improve the oxygen content in the suction stroke to improve fuel utilization and increase power.

(3) the fuel system

Will letter electric unit, less than 880 kw units are generally available for six to eight hours with a fuel tank. Fuel oil by the low pressure oil pump suction filtering to filter impurities from the fuel and water, through the high pressure oil pump pressurized unluckily sprayed into the cylinder for combustion.

A, mechanical timing: after mechanical flywheel device corresponding to adjust the volume of injection in order to achieve speed control


B, electronic speed control: by measuring the speed of the spindle to fine-tune speed to 1500 r/min,

And whether it is with load or without load.

Label generally use 0 # diesel fuel oil, winter according to different engine conditions, 4 ℃ below suggestion

Diesel engine - 10 # diesel oil, the reason, because winter is bad start.

(4) cooling system

Cooling system to keep the body and internal under 104 ℃, otherwise hold cylinder caused by fault, affect the service life, the diesel engine in use process should be kept between 80 ℃ -- 90 ℃ is the best, the low temperature is not easy to start, and the limited load ability, high temperature have damage to the body. To achieve the above purpose, divided into the pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation cooling system. Close the unit's early days, the circulation, pulmonary circulation starts, the purpose is to the body to quickly heat up. When the temperature reaches a certain height, close the minor cycle open circulation to lower the body temperature, when the heat balance reaches a certain degree, to keep the balance, the unit is in the best temperature. And control the balance of the regulating valve (throttle), it is automatic control, without human control. When set high temperature alarm occurs, you can check the coolant level, whether overload and throttle valve is damaged. Average temperatures, 60 ℃ throttle valve starts to open, 95 ℃ fully open.

(5) the lubrication system

Lubrication system: the purpose of all motion reduces friction between painting system, including gear, between cylinder liner and cylinder, nest round supercharger rotor - crank bearing and so on. The general working principle: after the oil pump will be lubricating oil pressure to a certain degree (should be a filter, oil cooler) is commonly 4 to 6 bar, through the pipe diversion to different lubrication for the moving parts and finally back to the oil sump for cooling. Lubricating oil best working temperature of 90 ℃ to 105 ℃. Precision of low temperature increase, will hinder movement (winter start one of the difficult aspects), had high precision temperature, lubrication effect is reduced, and therefore should be paid attention to in daily use to record pressure value, if found 1 bar pressure drop below, should consider to replace the diesel engine and filter.

(6) start the system

Generating set of the starter is commonly battery will always flow motor generator speed 450 r/min to start the unit.

Four, generators

Structure is similar to the general asynchronous generator, the physical principle for wire cutting lines produce voltage and current, its principle, in contrast to the motor, motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, which is the engine's mechanical energy into electric energy by generators, just off produce voltage need movement and the magnetic field lines, motion is produced by the engine, the lines of magnetic force and magnetic field is produced by who? Early generator rotation, the generator has remanence, accounts for a very small current the current rectification, use direct current (dc) produce a large current, the cycle will produce a large voltage, when voltage reach what we want, we will be rectified current stability, so that we can get a permanent and stable voltage, the voltage output. And can complete this process quickly in less than a second, and complete the function of the device for voltage stabilizer, we call the AVR.

Generator is generally stable, low failure rate. Main fault for damage of AVR, embodied in no voltage output.

Five, the control system

The failure of the control system, should pay special attention to. Usual often should be familiar with the control principle diagram. The simplest control system is to control the generator temperature, oil pressure and generator voltages. When the water temperature is too high, oil pressure too low no voltage and generator, the output of the control system will be sent: the high temperature alarm, low oil pressure alarm and start

Failure alarm, and immediately stop.

At this stage with the development of control technology, the generating set of the technical level is mainly embodied in the control system, and finally the development direction is unattended, and around the world through the network to monitor running state of generator set, basic to achieve this level.

Will letter control device, basically is to use technology in the United States, because the company is the big boss will believe and the United States leading the world trend in terms of control. Specific part will explain in detail according to the physical function.

Six, self-starting function

Since the launch of the working principle is through the function of a device detecting the condition of the mains, if discover the following situation without mains, mains voltage levels within the prescribed scope, or the mains lack equal failure, this device will be issued to the generator set start signal. When this device detect mains is normal, will cancel the start signal generator stop running. A device for automatic switch cabinet (ATS). Ten potentiometer can be adjusted, including voltage and many kinds of conversion time delay. Include: the utility mains electrical scope of adjustment, and oil testing time, process time, oil machine delay start time, mains conversion time and oil machine cooling time again. The potentiometer factory has adjusted the, the customer can't adjust.

Seven, generator set using the matters needing attention:

A, before starting of work:

A. check the battery voltage and capacity

Oil b check the oil level, it can be through the oil dipstick check how many and how much diesel oil and engine oil quality. If can be less

Add, if poor quality should consider to replace.

C diesel oil level examination, if a few, consideration should be given up

D check the coolant level

E check whether there is any leakage on the pipe, if any should be tighten in a timely manner

F check all wiring and insurance are in good condition

B, after the start should be paid attention to:

A survey and record the hydraulic oil pressure

B) check whether the output voltage is normal

C, check whether the current overload

D check whether water temperature rise evenly

E note generator set with or without abnormal sounds

F observed smoke situation, when just start the unit or the winter air temperature is lower, smoke density is bigger, this is positive

Often phenomenon; With the increase of the oil machine temperature, there will be less and less concentration until the normal.

C, to turn it off when should pay attention to:

When a stop is smooth, there may be a vibration, also belong to normal. A part of a reason for this is that produce resonance.

Eight, daily maintenance

Daily maintenance unit clean, remove dust for the unit to cool; Use good quality diesel; Replace the coolant and oil as required.

Coolant: used for the first time, first year need to replace the cooling fluid; Later replaced once every two years.

Engine oil replacement and a / : first use replaced every 50 hours. After each use. 200-300 hours or replaced once a year.

If placed or do not use for long, also should be replaced once a/before use. Should boot up twice a month, usually stay 15 minutes or 20 minutes, the purpose is the lubrication unit, also can timely find problems in a timely manner, commissioning should be a record for reference.

Batteries commonly used time for 3 to 5 years, watch battery level, can add fluid of supplement or distilled

Water. Use half a year later, open the generator cover, use a vacuum cleaner to clean dust, pay attention to don't touch any components. When automatic switch cabinet has a fault, can be manually start the unit, and handle rotating air switch, use manual

The transfer of oil electromechanical and mains. And check the insurance have damaged? If no telephone notice must be given to us.

In the following situation, please note: when the grid voltage fluctuation is bigger, volatility more than 50 v, may lead to ATS that mains is unqualified, frequent start unit, the unit should be switch in the off position, power cuts after start the unit by hand.

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