404D各型号发动机从构思阶段开始,设计人员只有一个目标,就是要符合最严格的技术标准,因而能满足全球各地最新出台的非道路用机动设备排放法规,包括欧盟IIIB阶段 / 美国4级过渡期及日本第4阶段排放法规。将于BICES 2013展出的404D-22型号为一台2.2升排量、噪音极低的发动机,能以低廉的操作成本,为客户提供超卓的性能。
404D various models of engine starting from the design stage, the designer only one goal, is to meet the most stringent technical standards, which can meet the emission regulations for mobile equipment non road around the world the latest, including the European IIIB / USA 4 transition and the Japanese fourth stage emission regulation. The BICES 2013 exhibited 404D-22 models for a 2.2 litre engine, noise is extremely low, at low operating cost, provide outstanding performance for the customer.
• 功率最高可达38 kW (51 hp);尺寸紧凑,发动机外壳体积仅为0.22立方米。
• power up to 38 kW (51 HP); compact size, engine casing volume is only 0.22 cubic meters.
• 冷却剂温度达112℃,有助减小散热器的尺寸。
• coolant temperature up to 112 ℃, helps to reduce the size of the radiator.
• 净机噪音减低达3分贝。
• net machine noise reduction of 3 db.
• 噪音级维持在最低水平。
• noise level is kept at a minimum level.
• 严格控制主观声振粗糙度,使发动机操作时倍加宁静。
• strict control of acoustic vibration roughness, make the engine more quiet operation.
• 备有多个降噪风扇方案,可供选择。
• have multiple noise fan scheme, choice.
• 设计及生产流程经多方面改良,进一步提升发动机的可靠度及耐久性。
• design and production process of the various improvement, further enhance the reliability and durability of the engine.
• 配备经改良的调速器并经多项新设计的合规测试检验,确保发动机可无故障地运行达6000小时。
• with improved governor and the compliance testing of a number of new design, to ensure that the engine can be trouble free operation of up to 6000 hours.