首页 技术中心>珀金斯柴油发动机冬季启动困难检测


2014/2/10 19:44:47





( 1 )要有足够的启动转速;转速高( Perkins 发动机一般为 250 — 300r/min ),气体渗透漏小、压缩窑向缸内传热时间短,热量损失少,易造成较高温度和压力;
( 2 )气缸密封性要好,可减少气体渗漏,增加压缩终了时的压力和温度;
( 3 )喷油提前角要符合要求,喷油质量好,否则形不成可燃混合气。
( 1 )喷嘴发卡或堵塞,喷油泵柱塞卡滞;出油阀密封不严;供油调节拉杆功能不良;输油泵工作失效;有关部件损坏等,均会致使喷油泵不能产生高压油雾;
( 2 )喷油定时不准:其原因有推杆滚轮及凸轮磨损;喷油泵驱动连接部件损坏及调校不当;
( 3 )喷油压力过低及喷油雾化不良;多属喷油嘴针阀卡滞、喷油嘴调节弹簧断损等;
( 4 )油面过低、油路不供油;多为燃油箱中无燃油,油管裂损进气(产生气阻);连接件松脱燃油中进水(结冰堵塞);燃油滤清及溢流阀堵塞、滤网堵塞等;
( 5 )使用润滑油的牌号不对;

( 6 )使用的柴油等级不对(建议冬季使用﹣ 10# 柴油)。
( 1 )启动转速过低;蓄电池容量不足;导线松脱、接触不良、启动无力;机油粘度过大,致使阻力增加;

Perkins 《 操作保养手册 》 建议:

( 2 )点火温度过低(排气管冒白烟);未将热水加入水箱、预热缸体和缸盖;

Perkins 《 安装手册 》 建议:在环境温度低于 10 ℃ 时,推荐安装外部缸套水加热器,规格 1.5kW-4kW ;

( 3 )气缸压力不足;气缸衬套烧蚀;缸盖螺丝松动、气缸漏气;气门及气门座烧蚀等。
( 1 )检查油箱柴油存量及其质量(是否干净清洁);油路有无堵塞之处,必要时清洗维护;
( 2 )检查和拧紧供油系油路每个油管接头,必要时排除燃油中的空气;
( 3 )维护滤清器,按规定清洗擦干或更换滤芯;
( 4 )清洗喷油泵和喷油嘴偶件,装复后经压力调试合格后装车;
( 5 )按当地不同季节条件选用优质润滑油品和燃油油品。
( 1 )做好入冬前的换季保养、全面清洗柴油供应系统,根据不同气温换用适合本地区特点的低温轻柴油清洗润滑系统,换用低温用的柴油机油,并加注防冻液、防锈液;提高蓄电池电解液密度,注意蓄电池保温;
( 2 )启动前水箱加注 80 ℃ 左右的热水(指未加防冻液的车辆);用热水浇喷油泵及高压油管;
( 3 )先摇转曲轴数圈,使机油进入配合表面机体各部件得到充分润滑。
( 4 )冷却系未加防冻液的车辆、尤其在严寒低温下,要边放水,边加热水,直至机体温度合适为止( Perkins 发动机在缸体温度 15 ℃ 以上可顺利启动);

( 5 )每天用车后,必须给发动机、湿贮气筒、柴油预滤器放水;
( 6 )当气温低到 0 ℃ 以下时,可把缸套水加热器开关打到预热档,预热 1H-2H 后启动。

Perkins diesel engine starting difficult to detect in winter
Perkins diesel engine starting difficulties in the use of more common, especially in the cold winter cold, the engine itself is a low temperature, intake air temperature is too low to start the viscosity of diesel oil major, combined with low temperature fluidity of diesel is poor, it is difficult to atomization of diesel ignition.
In this case, the start is very difficult, so difficult to start one winter diesel engine start failure prevention focus.
One, Perkins diesel engine condition smooth start
Perkins diesel engine smooth start, the key lies in whether the diesel injected into the cylinder with compressed air quickly formed a combustible mixture and timely ignition combustion. Therefore, the air entering the cylinder is compressed with a high temperature and pressure, is to ensure a smooth start of the engine main factors.
To meet the above requirements, you must meet the following conditions:
(1) have sufficient startup speed; high speed (Perkins engines typically 250 - 300r/min), gas permeation leak is small, the compression cylinder kiln to heat a short time, less heat loss, could easily lead to higher temperatures and pressures ;
(2) cylinder seal better, can reduce gas leakage, increasing the pressure and temperature at the end of compression;
(3) To meet the requirements of injection timing, injection good quality, otherwise do not form a combustible mixture.
Second, due to fuel system failure caused difficulty in starting their own reasons
(1) issuing or clogged nozzles, fuel pump column Fonseca stagnation; delivery valve Mifengbuyan; fuel adjustment rod dysfunction; pump work lapsed; related components damaged, causing the fuel pump will not produce high pressure mist;
(2) injection timing allowed: The reason there putt cam rollers and wear; fuel pump drive coupling component damage and improper adjustment;
(3) the injection pressure is too low and bad injector atomization; mostly catching needle injectors, injector adjusting spring breakage, etc.;
(4) the oil level is too low, the oil is not oil; mostly no fuel in the fuel tank, fuel lines crack on the intake (air resistance); connector loose fuel inlet (ice jam); fuel filtration and relief valve plug, filter clogging, etc.;
(5) does not use oil grades;
(6) the level of use of diesel right (recommended for winter use - 10 # diesel oil).
Three, Perkins diesel engine starting difficulties for other reasons
(1) Start speed is too low; insufficient battery capacity; wire loose, poor contact, unable to start; oil viscosity is too large, resulting in increased resistance;
Perkins "Operation Maintenance Manual" recommendations:
(2) The ignition temperature is too low (exhaust white smoke); did not add the hot water tank, preheat cylinder block and cylinder head;
Perkins "Installation Manual" Suggestion: when the ambient temperature is below 10 ℃, recommended to install an external jacket water heater, specifications 1.5kW-4kW;
(3) the cylinder pressure is insufficient; cylinder liner erosion; head screw loose, cylinder leakage; valve and valve seat ablation.
Four, Perkins difficult to fault maintenance and overhaul starting point
(1) check the stock and quality of the diesel fuel tank (if clean and clean); the oil clogging the Department, if necessary, cleaning and maintenance;
(2) Check and tighten the oil supply system for each pipe fittings, necessary to exclude the fuel in the air;
(3) maintenance cleaner, dry cleaning required or replace the filter;
(4) cleaning the fuel pump and the fuel injection nozzles, passing through the pressure after commissioning refitted after loading;
(5) according to local conditions in different seasons of high quality lubricants and fuel oil.
Five, Perkins diesel engine cold start the proposed measures
(1) well before winter seasonal maintenance, comprehensive cleaning diesel supply system, cleaning, depending on the temperature change in the region with a suitable low-temperature characteristics of light diesel oil lubrication system, for diesel oil with low temperature, and filling antifreeze, anti- rust liquid; improve battery electrolyte density, note the battery insulation;
(2) filling the tank before starting about 80 ℃ hot water (refer not add antifreeze vehicles); irrigated with hot high pressure fuel pump and tubing;
(3) first crank crank a few laps to make oil into the mating surfaces of the parts of the body to be fully lubricated.
(4) Cooling not add antifreeze vehicles, especially in cold temperature, to turn on the water side, while heating water until body temperature appropriate date (Perkins engine starts smoothly cylinder temperature above 15 ℃);
(5) After the car every day, you must give the engine, wet storage tubes, diesel pre-filter drain;
(6) when the temperature is low to the following 0 ℃, the jacket water heater can switch to preheat file, preheat 1H-2H after startup.


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