首页 技术中心>康明斯发动机活塞环口怎么对?发动机无力,油耗高怎么处理? 高温,怎么处理,哪里出了问题?

康明斯发动机活塞环口怎么对?发动机无力,油耗高怎么处理? 高温,怎么处理,哪里出了问题?

2014/3/8 21:37:29

康明斯发动机活塞环口怎么对?发动机无力,油耗高怎么处理? 高温,怎么处理,哪里出了问题?

Cummings engine piston rings are how to? Motor weakness, high temperature, high fuel consumption and how to deal with? How to deal with, where is the problem?


The first ring opening can not be to the left side of the engine, because the "power stroke" left by a large force of piston; the three opening of the piston ring in the same direction, the three ring opening is best is respectively 120 degrees, namely the second ring installation opening and the first phase of 120 degrees the third ring, and the opening of the first and second rings are relative degree 120.


The reason Cummings is unable to:


A fuel supply system. Fault: 1 oil supply system leakage or minor blockage (tubing. Hollow rose. Diesel filter core blockage).2. fuel injection pump, injector is uneven, atomization adverse or less cylinder fuel injection.3. fuel supply advance angle


Two. Insufficient pressure: 1, row (exhaust valve does not open) trachea blocked.2. valve clearance or improper valve (gasket) leakage.3. cylinder, piston (ring) wear, cementation, fracture.4. of low vacuum


Cummings temperature

1 水是否洁净;

1 whether the water clean;

2 副水箱.水管:是否有积累的赃物,是否有破裂的现象,水管是否有折弯的现象;

The 2 auxiliary water tank. Water: whether there is accumulation of stolen goods, whether the rupture phenomenon, whether there is the phenomenon of pipe bending;

3 水温器:有没有跟换水温器,需要时或要时有没有预备;

3 water temperature: have nothing to do with the change of water temperature regulator, need to have or not ready;

4 水箱:是否通畅,是否良好;

4 water tank: whether unobstructed, is good;

5 水 :是否减少;

5: whether to reduce the water;

康明斯发动机怠速时冒很多白烟,该怎么处理? 有负载时大量冒黑烟的原因及处理?电喷柴油车.冒黑烟.什么原因?

When the engine is idling Cummings take a lot of white smoke, how should handle? Take the cause and treatment of black smoke a lot of load? EFI diesel. Black smoke. What reason?


Possible fault causes are: a fuel injection time too late or cylinder injection interval angle is not a; two injection drip, atomization is not good, so that the fuel injection pressure is low, incomplete combustion exhaust;

1:进气不通畅 处理:检查进气道是否损坏或阻塞。

1: the intake is not smooth processing: check whether the damaged or blocked the inlet.

2:排气背压太高 处理:在有负载的情况下,检查并校正排气背压

2: the exhaust back pressure too high: in the case of a load, check and correct the exhaust back pressure

3:在气候炎热或海拔高的地区,空气稀薄 处理:气候条件对柴油机有影响,空气稀薄进应减少负载

3: in a hot climate and high altitudes, the air is thin processing: the weather condition influence on diesel engine, the thin air inlet should reduce the load

4:涡轮增压器压缩机脏污 处理:清洗或更换增压器,检查增压器中有无污

4: the turbocharger compressor contamination treatment: clean or replace turbocharger, inspect supercharger has no pollution

5:泄放阀堵塞 处理:清洗或更换泄放阀

5: relief valve jam treatment: clean or replace the relief valve

6:燃油质量低劣 处理:使用质量符合标准的柴油

6: the poor quality of fuel processing: the use of quality standards in line with the diesel

7:输油管道受阻 处理:输油管道中有异物或管道损坏,清理修复

7: pipeline is blocked in the pipeline processing: a foreign body or pipeline damage, cleaning and repairing

8:喷油器喷油孔堵塞 处理:检查喷油器,清洗并调整

8: injector Kong Dusai processing: check the fuel injector, cleaning and adjustment

9:后冷却器堵塞(空气端) 处理:检查后冷却器通向交换器出口处。清除后冷却器的污物和油泥

9: after cooler jam (air side): check after cooler outlet to the exchanger. Dirt and oil cooler after clearance

10:喷油器喷油室的尺寸不对 处理:调校检查

10: the wrong size processing injector chamber: calibration check

11:喷油器喷油室破裂 处理:拆下喷油器和喷油室。更换破裂的喷油室。调校喷油器

11: the injector chamber rupture processing: remove the injector and injection room. Replace cracked injection room. Adjustable injector

12:油泵校准不正确 处理:重新调校

12: Pump incorrect calibration processing: re adjustment

13:喷油器流量不正确 处理:检查喷油器的O型密封环,喷油室、柱塞滤网和喷油器流量,更换损坏的部件,重新调校

13: the injector flow does not correctly handle: O type check the fuel injector sealing ring, injection chamber, piston and injector flow filter, replacement of damaged parts, re adjustment

14:密封垫漏气 处理:检查环是否磨损,通气管是否破裂,或通气阀是否损坏。

14: seal leakage treatment: check whether the wear ring, vent pipe is broken, or the vent valve is damaged.

15:气门漏气或调整不正确 处理:拆下排气歧管,再检查柴油机的噪音。拆下气缸盖,修理气门。重新调整气门

15: valve leakage or adjust the incorrect processing: remove exhaust manifold, then check the diesel engine noise. Remove cylinder head, repair valve. Re adjustment of valve

16:活塞环断裂或磨损 处理:拆下排气歧管,找出破损的活塞环,修理更换

16: processing or wear of piston ring fracture: remove exhaust manifold, find out the piston ring damage, repair and replacement

17:柴油机应进行大修 处理:检查柴油机运行的里程数和工作小时数,及时大修

17: diesel engine overhaul processing: check the diesel engine running mileage and the number of hours worked, timely repair

18:气门和喷油正时不正确 处理:重新调整气门正时和喷油正时

18: valve and fuel injection timing is incorrect processing: to re adjust the valve timing and injection timing

19:喷油器需要调整 处理:进行必要的调节

19: injector need adjustments: adjustments


EFI diesel. Black smoke. What reason: if emergency refueling take black smoke is normal, intake less, incomplete combustion, then that is when the problem, but this situation rarely, basically general diesel black smoke is a normal phenomenon, especially the old car, new car also stronger


Diesel engine water temperature is too low, what is the impact on the engine?


The optimal working temperature of traditional engine is 80-90 degrees, the optimum temperature is slightly higher than that of the traditional engine EFI engine, usually 88-95 degrees, even up to 103 degrees. Maintain the normal working temperature on the operation of the engine is very important. If the temperature is too low, the engine, on the one hand that the combustion gas excessive heat dissipation, descent engine thermal efficiency; on the other hand will make part of the cylinder of the combustible mixture in the cylinder wall condensation and flows to a sump, not only increase fuel consumption, but also make the oil thinning and influence of lubrication the engine, causing increased wear; in addition, the control system of the EFI engine fuel injection will increase the volume in the engine operating temperature is low, the oil consumption of the engine.


1 increases the mechanical loss. The cooling water temperature is too low, so the lubricating oil temperature decreases, its liquidity, not only increase the wear parts, but also because of the friction resistance increases, the mechanical loss increased.


2 the wall corrosion. Cylinder temperature is too low, the cylinder water vapor condenses on the wall. Some products of combustion diesel combustion generated (such as sulfur dioxide) wall met condensation on the water, the cylinder will form the corrosive strong (sulfurous acid, sulfuric acid) attached to the wall. Wall which subjected to intense corrosion, so that the surface of metal porous structure. When the cylinder sleeve and piston ring friction during scraping, the metal surface layer off, or corrosion, pit in cylinder working surface.


3 the increase in heat loss. Diesel engine operating at low temperature, cooling water to take away a lot of heat in the cylinder, the heat loss increases; because the fuel combustion in the cylinder is not completely, not only will


Analysis of Cummins diesel engine water tank and oil into diesel fault


Cummins diesel engine to stop working when the diesel flow out from the water tank overflow hole, when the water tank cover is opened about 10L diesel out; working process of diesel engine oil sump oil rising, oil viscosity decreases, pressure drop, to be replaced once a oil for almost a week of diesel engine; high temperature; unable to work.


The analysis thinks, cause of this failure:


The cylinder cover with air holes or cracks. PT fuel pump fuel system of Cummins diesel engine, the diesel engine cylinder head cylinder head on, both organic oil channel and channel, and diesel road. When working, the cylinder head of diesel oil in the pressure of 0.8 ~ 1.2MPa, the water pressure is less than 0.6MPa, diesel oil pressure is higher than the pressure of the water, once the holes, sand holes or cracks on the cylinder head, the waterway and diesel road interlinked, diesel will enter.


The seal failure or faulty. For example, PT pump main shaft oil seal failure, diesel entered the timing gear box after the arrival of the oil pan; oil cut-off valve closure lax diesel outlet PT pump, diesel engine has been shut down, but because the fuel tank position is higher, diesel still follow the following route into the oil sump oil tank, oil pipe, off: PT gear pump and valve (closed), tubing, fuel injector (in the injector, oil and oil stroke diesel and diesel nozzle is communicated with the cavity of the box, under the atmospheric pressure through the nozzle hole diesel drops into the combustion chamber), the combustion chamber, oil bottom shell; injection oil hole is too large, damage or injector two road O sealing ring is damaged, the diesel will into the combustion chamber, and then into the oil pan; failure of unidirectional valve manifold on the back of the PT fuel system, diesel oil can flow into the injector into the oil pan after flat through it; export at the diesel tank is provided with a manual valve, if the spool is damaged, not tightly closed, diesel will flow into the combustion chamber, into the oil pan; a cylinder pressure is too low, causing the cylinder does not work, the diesel oil into the oil sump; diesel engine intake is insufficient, the combustion is not safe, along the cylinder of diesel engine wall flow Into the oil pan.


Discovery of dismantling the engine, there are a lot of sand holes around the injector cylinder and cylinder II V, because when the engine is operating diesel oil pressure is greater than the pressure of the water, the water not to flow around the injector of diesel, diesel, therefore enters the water tank; the push rod at the top of cylinder injector push rod broken and V cylinder injector bent, which change the lift II, V cylinder injector push rod, can not accurately supply, causing diesel cannot complete combustion and flow to the oil pan; in addition, the PT pump shutoff valve on the outlet pipe is removed, found that there are still diesel flow from the oil cut-off valve port. After the cleaning valve diesel no exudation; at the same time, the replacement of the new cylinder head and the push rod, fault elimination.


Diesel engine generator exhaust pipe injection is how to return a responsibility?


The first to judge the spray of diesel (diesel oil is high heels like) or oil, or the water, the water in the root oil like. Should first have a look oil no less, if the oil in the reduction, and then have a look under the exhaust is not big, if lower exhaust may be the cylinder liner piston ring, or problems, if there is no exhaust, a turbocharger diesel engine, check the gap at the turbocharger is too large. If the turbocharger is no problem may be the valve seal aging.


Oil less, should have a look around the broken cylinder cylinder is less, turned the cylinder injector has a problem. If the water is generally cylinder head crack or trachoma. There may be the cylinder liner crack.


1, diesel: is a needle valve spring break!


2, spray oil: oil ring off


3, spray: copper sleeve crack


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