首页 维修中心>柴油发电机维修保养




日兴新能源发电部: 日兴动力柴油发电机组主要配套部件的供应商均为世界知名品牌,发动机选用美国康明斯(Cummins)、德国曼(MAN)、英国帕金斯(Perkins)、 德国道依茨(DEUTZ)、韩国斗山大宇(DOOSAN)、沃尔沃(VOLVO)、卡特彼勒(CAT)等。发电机选用英国斯坦福(Stamford)、美国马拉松(Marathon)、利莱森玛(LEROY-SOMER)等。功率范围从10-3000KW涵盖了一般用途及各种特殊用途发电机组,公司产品已广泛应用于通信、港口、石油、金融、交通、工厂、部队、医院、酒店、商务大厦、机场、铁路发电车等诸多领域,产品质量和售后服务在国内外都受到了客户的高度赞赏. 除提供柴油发电系统外,我们多年在发电领域研究开发的丰富经验相结合,向客户提供可靠、耐久、经济且环保的电力解决方案。
日兴自动化事业部:公司本着科学化、人性化的经营管理之路,聚集着一批发电机行业 电子电气自动化开发行业高素质、高技术、高资历的顶尖人才,集 研究、开发、新能源发电系统、船舶自动化系统,工业自动化电控系列电子产品。并广泛受到客户的好评。 
日兴动力承接:柴油发电机组、柴油发动机、工程机械设备、船舶动力设备、维修保养改造服务 (如康明斯、富豪(沃尔沃)、曼、珀金斯、奔驰、三菱、大宇、卡特、强鹿、依维柯、小松、斯堪尼亚、法国西电、科勒、上柴、潍柴、玉柴、济柴)等进口及国产的特约维修、保养服务。公司可与客户签订长期维保协议,提供专业、优质、省心的一条龙服务。
船用发电机维修和保养服务:包括各类 拖网船、渡轮、游艇、运输船、工作船、拖船、渔船、消防船、客船、吸沙船、海事巡逻执法船等各种船型的船用发电机的检查、维修和保养服务。较常见的船用发电机有康明斯、曼、奔驰、苏尔寿、卡特、潍柴、玉柴等。
康明斯全系列产品型号有: KTA19-G2,、KTA19-G3, KTA19-G4, KTAA19-G6A, KTA19-G8, NTA855-G1,NTA855-G2, NTA855-G3, NTA855-G2A, NTA855-G4, NT855-GA, KTA38-G2, KTA38-G3, KTA38-G5, KTA50-G1, KTA50-G2, KTA50-G3, KTA50-G9A, KTA50-GS8, MTA11-G3, MTAA11-G3, 6CTA8.3-G2, 6CTAA8.3G2, 6LTAA8.9G2, 6BTAA5.9G2, 6BTA5.9G2, 6BT5.9G2, 4BTA3.9G2, 4BT3.9G2,4B3.9G2,QSZ13-G2, QSZ13-G3, QSK38-G5, QSL19G5, QSX15G6, QSX15G8, VTA28G5, VTA28G6, QSK23G3, QST30G3, QST30G4, QSK60G3, QSK60G4, QSK19G3;
英国珀金珀全系列产品型号有:PERKINS 403C-15G,404C-22G1,404C-22G2,3.1524,1103A-33G,1103A-33TG1,1103A-33TG2,1004G,1004TG2,1104A-44TG1,1104A-44TG2,1006TG1A,1006TG2A,1006TAG,2006TAG,1306-E87T215,1306-E87TA300,2306-E14TAG1,2306-E14TAG2,2306-E16TAG1,2306-E16TAG2,2306-E14TAG3,2806-E16TAG1,2806-E16TAG2,3008TAG,3008TAG3,3008TAG4,3012TAG2B,3012TAG2A,3012TAG3A,4006TAG ,4006-23TAG2A,4006-23TAG3A,4008TAG1A,4008TAG2A,4012TAG2,4012TAG2A,4016TAG2,4016TAG1A,4016TAG2A
日本三菱全系列产品型号有:三菱重工 MITSUBISHI, 8DC7,8DC8,8DC9,8DC11,10DC,S4Q2,S4S-T,S4K-T,S6K,6D16-T,6D22-T,6D22-TC,S6B-PTA1,S6B-PTA2,S6B3-PTA,S6A-PTAA,S6A3-PTAA,S6R-PTA,S6R2-PTA,S6R2-PTA,S12H-PTA,S12R-PTA,S12R-PTA2,S12R-PTAA2,S16R-PTA,S16R-PTA2,S12R-PTAA2.
韩国斗山大宇全系列产品型号有: 斗山大宇DC23-2,D23,DB33,DB33A,D427,G424,DC24,DB58,D1146,D1146T,P034T1,P086TI,P126TI,P126TI-2,P158LE,P158LE-1,P158LE-2,P180LE ,P180LE-1,P222LE。
奔驰全系列产品型号有: MTU 12V183TB32L,12V2000G22,12V2000G23,12V2000G62,12V2000G63,16V2000G23,18V2000G22,18V2000G63,12V4000G21,12V4000G61,16V4000G21,16V4000G22,16V4000G61,20V4000G22,20V4000G62
德国曼MAN全系列产品型号有:  D0826 LE201,D2866 LE201,D2876LE201,D2876LE203,D2848 LE201,D2848LE203,D2840 LE201,D28240LE203,D2842 LE201,D2848LE203,D2866 LE202,D2848 LE202,D2840 LE202,D2848LE211,D2842 LE202,D2866 LE203,
D2848 LE203,D2840 LE203,D2842 LE203,D2842LE213 奥林匹亚发电机常用机型:GEP9.5-2;GEP13.5-4;GEP18-4;GEP22-4;GEP30-1;GEP30-2;GEP33-1;GEP33-2;GEP44-2;GEP44-5;GEP50-2;GEP50-5;GEP55-1;GEP55-2;GEP65-2;GEP65-5;GEP88-1;GEP88-2;GEP110-2;GEP150;GEP150-2;GEP165;GEP165-2;GEP200-2;GEH220-2;GEH250-2;GEH275-2;GEP400-1;GEP400-2;GEP450-1;GEP450-2;GEP500-1;GEP500-2;GEP550-1;GEP550-2;GEP605-1;GEP660-1;GEP700-1;GEP1650-2;GEP1875-1;GEP2000-1GEP2200-1

威尔信全系列产品型号有P27,P30E ,P40,P44E ,P40,P44E1 ,P45,P44E1,P45P,P50E
,P45P1,P50E1, P60,P65E ,P60P1,P65E1,P70,P77E ,P75P1,P83E1,P90,P100E, P100,P100E,P135,P150E ,160H,P188HE ,P200H ,P230H, P250H,P300,P330E , P700E1,P350,P380E , P380,P425E ,P450 , P500,P550E,P550,P605E ,P563,P625E, P600 , P650,P700E1,P850 , P852,P910,P1000,P1250, P1275,P1400E, P1350,P1650E ,P1700 ,P1750 ,PP1825,P2000

意大利依维柯全系列产品型号有:IVECO, 8031 i 06,8041 i 06,7450i16,7450Si15,7675Si15,NEF45SM1,NEF45SM2,NEF45TM1,NEF45TM2,8061 i 06,8061i25,8061 Si 06,8061 Si 16,8061 Si 07,8061 SRi 25,8061 SRi 26,8061 SRi 27,NEF67SM1,NEF67TM1,NEF67TM2,NEF67TM3,NEF60TE2,CURSOR78TE2,8361 SRi 25,8361 SRi 26,NEF60TE2,8210 SRi 25,8210SRi26,8210SRi27,8210SRi28,CURSOR13TE1,CURSOR13TE2,CURSOR13TE3,8281SRi26,8281SRi27,8291 SRi 25,VECTOR8TE2。
久保田系全系列产品型号有:KUBOTA,U15,U35,U45,U50,U60,KX121,KX135,KX155,KX161,KX163,KX165,KX185,D1503-M-E3B,D1503-M-T-E3BD1703-M-E3B,D1803-M-T-E3B,V2403-M-E3B,V2403-M-T-E3B,V2403-M-DI-E3B,D1803-M-E3B,V2203-M-E3BV3307-DI-T-E3B,V3600-E3B,V3600-T-E3B,V3800DI-T-E3B V3800DI-T Z482-E3B D722-E3B Z602-E3B D902-E3B D782-E3B D1005-E3B D1105-E3B D1305-E3B V1505-E3B D1705,D1703,V2003,D1103,D1303,D1503,D1803,D1903 斯堪尼亚全系列产品型号有:D8,DS8,DSC8,DN9,DS9,DSC9,D11,DS11,DN11,DSC11,DS14,DSC14,DSC14-57,DSC14-65。
道依茨发电机常用机型有: Deutz, F3-6L912F/W ,BF3-6L913C/Z, BF5-12L413/513F/R/L,BF4-6M1013/1012/1011/1015E/C/P
无动全系列产品型号有: WD287TAD61L,WD269TAD50,WD258TD30 , WD240TD28, WD258D22, WD145TAD33L, WD135TAD28, WD129TAD23, WD150D15, WDJ129TD17, WDJ129D11, WDJ86D7
济柴全系列产品型号有:G6190ZLD,Z8V190, 8190ZLD,Z12V190B, G12V190ZL1
玉柴全系列产品型号有:4112 -4G, 6112-6G, 6108-330, 6105 -6QA ,6105ZQ-J3300, 6105ZLQ -J3600, 6108ZQ -430 ,6108ZLQ -A3000, 6108ZLQB-A3100, 6113-YC6L M3490 -M3000 , 4108-D30, 4110ZQ-EO200, 4108ZQ-DO200, 4110ZLQ-EO400 ,
潍柴全系列产品型号有:6135, 4105,4100,G128, 12V135, D114,
上柴全系列产品型号有: 6135, 4105,4100,G128, 12V135, D114,
马拉松marathon发电机常用机型有: GM-30-4, GM-32-4, MP-50-4, MP-70-4, MP-80-4, MP-90-4, MP-104-4, MP-120-4, MP-140-4, MP-160-4, MP-180-4, MP-200-4, MP-220-4, MP-240-4, MP-250-4, MP-270-4, MP-280-4, MP300-4, MP-320-4, MP-350-4, MP-400-4A, MP480-4A, MP-500-4A, MX-560-4, MX-600-4, MX-700-4, MX-750-4, MX-850-4, MX-1030-4, MX-1240-4, MX-1350-4, MX1540-4, MX1600-4, MX1800-4,
    柴油发电机组均为市电故障停电后的应急备用电源的提供者,绝大多数时间机组处于待机备用状态,一旦停电,就要求机组“急时启动,急时供电”否则备用机组将失去意义,如何才能达到此目的?实践证明:加强日常维护保养是最经济有效的方法,因为机组长斯处于静态,机组本身各种材料会与机油、冷却水、柴油、空气等发生复杂的化学、物理变化,从而 将机组“停坏”。
1、 机组起动电瓶故障
2、 水进入柴油机
3、 机油的保持期(二年)
4、 三滤的更换周期(柴滤、机滤、空滤、水滤)
   滤器是起到对柴油、机油或水过滤作用的,以防杂质进入机体内,而在柴油中油污、杂质也是不可避免的存在,所以在机组运行过程中,过滤器就起到了重要作用,但同时这些油污或杂质也就被沉积在滤网壁上而使滤器过滤能力下降,沉积过多,油路将无法畅通,这样油机带载运行时将会因油无法供给而休克(如同人缺氧),所以正常发电机组在使用过程中,我们建议:第   一、常用机组每500 小时更换三滤;第二、备用机组每二年更换三滤;
5、 冷却系统
6、 润滑系统、密封件
   由于润滑油或油酯的化学特性及机械磨损后产生的铁屑,这些不仅降低了它的润滑效果,还加速了零件的损伤,同时由于润滑油对橡胶密封圈有一定的腐蚀作用,另外油封本身也随时而老化使其密封效果下降。7、 燃油、配气系统发动机功率的输出主要是燃油在缸内燃烧做功而燃油是通过喷油嘴喷出,这就使燃烧后的积炭沉积于喷油嘴,随沉积量的增加喷油嘴喷油量将受到一定影响,导致喷油嘴点火提前角时间不准,发动机各缸喷油量也就不均匀,工作状态也就不平稳,所以定期对燃油系统的清洗,过滤部件的更换其供油畅通,对配气系统的调正使其点火均匀。
8、 机组的控制部分
   油机的控制部分也是机组维护保养的重要部分,机组使用过长,线路接头松动,AVR模块工作是否正常。 服务承诺:
Nikko-generator's own customer service, also take on other company's generator routine maintenance operations, to provide high quality professional and convenient service.
Why did generators maintenance? Diesel generator sets mains failure power failure after the provider of emergency backup power, most of the time unit is in standby Standby mode, once a power outage, requires the unit "quick-starts, when the emergency power supply" or the alternate unit will lose significance, how to In order to achieve this objective? Practice has proven that strengthening daily maintenance is the most cost effective method, because the leader is in static States, various materials and the unit itself, diesel oil and cooling water, air and other complex chemical and physical changes to the Units will be "stopped". 1, unit starting battery failure   Battery no maintenance for a long time, water after volatile not to replenish the electrolyte, not configuration-start battery charger, Battery power after long time the natural discharge reduces, or use charger need manual is filled with floating switching on a regular basis, as Negligence does not carry out switching operations cause the battery power does not meet the requirements, solve this problem in addition to configure high-quality charger, need Detection of maintenance is a must. 2, water from diesel engine   Due to condensation of water vapor in the air temperature changes occur, sweat hangs attached to the inner wall of the fuel tank, into diesel, and Diesel water content exceeding such diesel fuel entering the engine high pressure oil pump, precision-----plunger coupled parts rust, severe Cause damage to your unit, regular maintenance is effective can be avoided. 3, oil retention period (two years)    Engine oil of machinery lubrication and oil have some retention period, kept for a long time, oil the physical Chemical change occurs, caused by lubrication conditions deteriorated when the unit work, likely damaged unit parts, lubricants To be replaced on a regular basis. 4, three-filter replacement cycle (filter, fuel filter and air filter, water filter)    On diesel fuel, oil or water to the filter is filtering function, in the case of impurities into the body, and in diesel oil, mixed Quality is inevitable, so unit operation process, the filter has played an important role, but at the same time these oil Or impurities are deposited on the filter on the wall and bring down the filter filter, sediment, oil will not be smooth, so oil Because oil cannot be supplied at run time with load and shock (like a human hypoxic), so during normal generator using I Suggested: first, the common unit replacement three filter every 500 hours; the second, alternate unit replacement three filter every two years; 5, cooling systems    Water pumps, water tanks and pipelines without cleaning for a long time, due to poor water circulation, cooling down, water pipe connectors Well, water tanks, water leakage, if the cooling system is bad, lead to consequences: first, the cooling effect is not good Water temperature is too high and the unit shut down, Weir units are the most common; the second, falling water tank is leaking and the water level in the water tank, unit Will not work properly (when generators are used in winter to prevent pipe freezing, we suggest the best cooling system installation Water heater). 6, lubrication systems, seals    Because of the chemical properties of lubricating oil or grease and mechanical wear and tear resulting from iron, which not only reduces its results, Also speeded up the damage of parts, at the same time as the lubricating oil on the rubber sealing ring for a certain degree of corrosion, seals itself at any time Bring down the sealing effect of aging. 7, fuel, gas distribution systems    Main engine power output is in the fuel tank combustion and fuel through injectors sprayed out the work, which allows post-combustion Carbon deposits in the nozzle, with the increase of sediment effect of nozzle injection will be led when ignition advance angle of nozzle No, each cylinder of the engine fuel injection quantity are not uniform, work status is not stable, so the fuel system cleaned on a regular basis, Oil filter parts replacement for smooth, adjusting for gas distribution systems are making it uniform ignition. 8 units, control portions    Oil control parts of the machine are also important parts of the maintenance unit, unit used is too long, the line connector is loose, AVR module Is working properly. Service commitments:   My company repairs all types of generators a year or 2000 hour warranty period. Within the warranty period of unit failure All repairs, parts and accessories from the company. Company will meet the needs of users for the purpose of long-term users provide pure Are spare parts, technical advice, modification of units and personnel training. After receiving the user feedback quality problems, in 24 hours To reply or send service personnel arrived at the scene as soon as possible, to ensure that users are not satisfied with the service does not stop.
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