首页 维修中心>韩国斗山大宇发电机发动机维修保养


韩国斗山大宇全系列产品型号有: 斗山大宇DC23-2,D23,DB33,DB33A,D427,G424,DC24,DB58,D1146,D1146T,P034T1,P086TI,P126TI,P126TI-2,P158LE,P158LE-1,P158LE-2,P180LE ,P180LE-1,P222LE。


韩国斗山大宇柴油发动机废气涡轮增压器的正确使用及故障诊断 (废气涡轮;增压器;故障诊断)

1 韩国斗山大宇废气涡轮增压器的基本知识及工作原理



  2 影响韩国斗山大宇增压器使用寿命的因素












  3 韩国斗山大宇废气涡轮增压器使用注意事项

  废气涡轮增压器经常处于高温下工作,进入废气涡轮端的温度在600℃左右。增压器转子以每分钟几万转到十几万转的高速旋转,为了保证增压器的正常工作,使用中应注意以下几点: (1)使用正确牌号的润滑油,并定期更换。对涡轮增压柴油机至少应使用CD级增压机油。







  4 韩国斗山大宇废气涡轮增压器常见的故障及排除















A.机体和曲柄连杆机构:1.气缸体的损伤/气缸体常见的损伤有:烧瓦、主轴承孔变形、裂纹、破碎、水道口腐蚀和配合表面磨损等。在外观检查时,应无任何的裂纹和损伤,若发现有导致漏水、漏油、漏气、损伤时,必须予以修理或更换。尤其对气缸体与气缸套接触的密封环带处有无穴蚀、腐蚀现象予以特别检查。2.主轴承孔/对有烧瓦现象的缸体,要特别对主轴承孔孔径予以测量,非标主轴承孔必须予以修正。 3.凸轮轴孔/凸轮轴衬套表面露铜大于120度时,必须更换凸轮轴衬套,如果凸轮轴衬套磨损过度,也必须予以更换,否则会引起机油压力过低,衬套如在座孔中转动,则必须检查座孔的尺寸,超标则修理座孔并换新衬套。4.气缸套座孔/检查气缸厦门座孔的失圆度,不应大于0。025mm,气缸套座孔肩台有无裂纹,气缸套凸出量在0。15-0。20mm之间,新缸套装入缸体后不应有左右摆动的现象。

B. 活塞、活塞环、活塞销组件,







E.气缸盖和配气机构,1、气缸盖/气缸盖和气缸体接合平面,气门导管孔,气门座圆孔,喷油器孔,冷却水套壁等处,易产生裂纹,可用目检,水压试验进行检查。气缸盖与气缸体接合平面不平时,建议上磨床修理,每次加工量为0.10mm左右,加工极限为1.00mm。喷油器缸套有渗漏或损伤会引起漏水,应对喷油器铜套予以换新。有裂纹的缸盖建议予以报废,否则会引起漏水现象。2、配气机构: 1)气门座圈和气门导管/个别机组的气门座圈和气门导管需予以磨削,磨削量必须正确,否则会引起气门碰撞活塞,气门和气门导管卡死,机油耗量剧增等故障。此工作须由工程总监亲自操作.2)气门弹簧/检查气门弹簧的长度和弹力,弹簧太软会造成气门跳动,使气门和气门座加剧磨损,也会破坏气门正时,气门和活塞发生碰撞。不合格的弹簧必须予以报废。3)气门和气门座圈的研磨/采用研磨膏研磨气门,使气门和气门座圈呈线性接触,所有气门研磨完毕,必须将研磨膏清洗干净(特别注意要将气门导管内的研磨膏清洗干净)。4)气门上下盖/检查有无裂纹,不合格则予以报废。5)凸轮轴/检查凸轮轴的凸轮型面积轴颈处有无裂纹、凹坑、腐蚀、擦伤,检查齿轮有无裂纹、齿断裂或齿面凹坑,不合格则予以报废,否则会引起冒黑烟、功率亏损、击破缸体的危险。6)凸轮从动件/检查从动轴外有无超标,不合格则予以报废。检查滚轮表面有无麻点,转动是否灵活,是否磨损过度,不合格则予以报废。检查滚轮销及销孔是否磨损过度,超标则予以报废。检查随动臂有无裂纹,如有则予以报废。7)气门及喷油器推杆/球头端有无磨损过度,推杆是否失圆,有无弯曲,不合格则则予以报废。8)播臂/检查有无裂纹,与丁字压板的接触凸面有无磨损或损伤,摇臂衬套内径有无超标。检查摇臂轴的磨损,超标则。予以报废9)丁字压板/检查丁字压板孔径有无超标,丁字压板的螺纹是否磨损和损伤,为合格则予以报废。


South Korea Doosan Daewoo diesel engine exhaust gas turbocharger correct use and fault diagnosis ( exhaust gas turbine supercharger; fault diagnosis; )

The effect of turbocharger life factors, fault and diagnosis are analyzed, and the points for attention in use, is intended to reduce the supercharger failure, prolong the service life, reduce maintenance cost.

In recent years, along with the motor vehicle replacement, some heavy duty diesel vehicles generally used a turbocharger, but in the use of often occurs in the exhaust gas turbine supercharger damaged early fault, analyse its reason, is mainly used for turbocharger, improper maintenance caused by. The influence of turbocharger life factors, fault and diagnosis are analyzed, and the points for attention in use, is intended to reduce the supercharger failure, prolong the service life, reduce maintenance cost.

The 1exhaust gas turbocharger of the basic knowledge and principle of work

Turbocharger is used to increase engine power and reduce emissions of major parts. Turbocharger itself is not a kind of power supply, it uses the residual energy in the exhaust of the engine to work, its role is to provide more compressed air engine. It uses the engine exhaust gas energy, driving the turbine rotating speed, driving the coaxial with turbine compressor impeller rotating speed, press the compressed air into the engine cylinder, increases the engine's air volume, for more complete combustion of the fuel, thereby increasing the power of the engine, reduce fuel consumption, at the same time as the combustion conditions improve, reduce exhaust emissions of harmful substances, capable of reducing noise.

Diesel engine performance through the pressurization later changed, it makes the power of diesel engine is greatly improved, turbocharged engine power can be increased by 20%~ 40%, WD615 machine as an example, the engine mechanical efficiency, turbocharged engine auxiliary system of the power consumption is increased a little, although because of an outbreak of pressure, the the friction surface of the friction loss has increased, but the engine power increased, the mechanical efficiency is increased by about 8% or so. Reduced fuel consumption, after the booster inlet pressure, improve combustion conditions, mechanical efficiency, reduce oil consumption of engine unit, power quality is greatly reduced, but the engine after pressurization also brought new problems, such as: the engine so that the mechanical load is increased, the heat load of an engine to increase and so on.

2Influence Factors of service life of turbocharger

Use we found, turbocharger damage and wear always in diesel engine and its nearby after a failure occurs, diesel engine with many abnormal conditions will cause the damage of turbocharger. Turbocharger failure,40% is due to poor lubrication caused,40% is the result of external impurities through the turbocharger caused by other reasons,20%.

The 2.1lubricating oil. Lubricating oil used for lubricating and cooling the supercharger, but when the turbocharger when in normal work, the rotating speed of up to the minute tens of thousands to ten rotates, lubricating oil is hit into foam, its cooling and lubricating performance, therefore lubrication system must guarantee to provide sufficient lubrication oil. When600℃high temperature of exhaust gas through the turbine chamber, the bearing seat can not get enough lubrication and cooling, lubricating oil in the annular oil on the wall of coking, gradually blocked oil.

Lubricating oil if not clean, will soon damaged turbocharger internal parts. Such as containing dust, mud sediment and metal particles in the lubricating oil can quickly destroy the parts fit clearance, scratching and wear of bearing surface. All these will cause the turbine shaft resistance and lose balance, so that the rotational speed of the shaft down, resulting in engine power loss increases, and the rotational imbalance will soon lead to a turbocharger parts damage.

If the oil quality grade aging, oil additives can not meet the large work load of turbocharged diesel engine lubrication requirements, lubricating oil will be accelerated oxidation metamorphism, also aggravate the diesel engine and turbocharger parts wear.

Diesel engine starting, flameout operation method is not correct it will seriously affect the life of turbocharger. If the starting of the diesel engine, once the speed to rise too high, the lubricating oil can not be timely arrival of turbocharger bearing and accelerated wear. Diesel engine flameout, if not the first to make turbocharger cooled, and all of a sudden flameout, to stop the supply of oil will cause the turbocharger, turbocharger internal parts overheat, bearing oil passage oil carbonization blocking oil, would have killed risk bearing.

Seal ring leakage caused by turbine rear carbon deposit, will make the rotating parts rotation of Shibuya, and loss of power. Rotating parts unbalance is caused by the seal ring leakage is one of the important reasons. The crank vent or supercharger oil return pipe plug or the resistance is too large, can also cause the seal ring leakage.

2.2air intake system. Turbocharger working stand or fall is also dependent on the intake system, only supplies enough, clean air to ensure the supercharger long-term trouble-free, prolonging life. Therefore, should be regularly checked all the inlet pipe and hose seal, to prevent leakage. If the compressor to diesel engine intake pipe leakage, reduce the amount of air, will cause the black smoke for diesel engine. When the larger particles of dust or sand into opportunity immediately damaged turbocharger compressor. The smaller particles will also make the work wheel blades bending or cutting, and make it out of balance, causing a bearing and seal ring wear intensifies. Unbalanced rotor and bearing when a collision occurs, the bearing oil passage is gradually reduced, leading to poor lubrication. As the bearing wear, with increasing gap, so that the compressor or turbine blade against shell, the fault signal is a lot more noise than usual.

Air intake system and the intake resistance should be small, if the air filter is clogged, the intake resistance increases, the inflatable amount is reduced, increasing the power loss, at the same time, the compressor side of the seal ring will be due to the pressure difference is too big and leaked, causing lubricating oil consumption is too large, the fault is marked in the compressor work wheel blades appear behind a layer of dark lubricating oil film.

2.3emissions. Very small particles in the exhaust gas into the turbine, and the particles into the compressor as a result, will lead to the damage of turbocharger.

Diesel fuel amount is too large, the intake resistance, will make the combustion chamber combustible mixed gas exhaust overheating caused by too strong, causing the turbine casing and oil overheating, the exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe to the turbine chamber passage leak will reduce the turbine turbine speed, increasing the smoke, also can make the turbine housing overheating. All these will lead to the interior carbon deposit and turbine blade corrosion.

Lubricating oil pressure is too high, the lubricating oil through the sealing ring into the turbines will result in the turbine chamber, carbon deposition.

The 3exhaust gas turbochargers use matters needing attention

Exhaust gas turbine supercharger often works under high temperature, into the exhaust gas turbine end at the temperature of 600℃. Supercharger Rotor with tens of thousands to ten per minute to rotate at high speed, in order to ensure the normal work of the supercharger, the use should pay attention to the following points: (1) use the correct grade of lubricating oil, and the regular replacement. For turbocharged diesel engine should be at least CD stage supercharged engine.

(2) engine, especially in the winter, after engine ignition, should be idle a few minutes, ten million cannot banging accelerator, to prevent damage to the turbocharger oil seal.

(3) before the engine flameout, should also be idle a few minutes, let the engine, turbocharger rotor speed down later to prevent stalling, bombarded the throttle, the turbocharger speed is very high, all of a sudden flameout, machine oil pump not nonsense, Supercharger Rotor in high-speed inertial movement, dry bad bearing wear.

(4) due to the frequent under high temperature operation, to the turbocharger lubricating oil pipeline due to high temperature, the internal oil easy to have part of the coke, which will cause the supercharger bearing lubrication and damage.

(5) as part of the engine, should pay attention not to let the debris into the supercharger, to prevent damage to the rotor.

(6) WD615by pressurized, air enters the intercooler, a couple of rubber pipe connection, requirements, before driving car check their connections, to prevent loosening, fall off, so as to avoid the turbocharger failure and short circuit of air cylinder.

(7) prohibit the diesel engine for a long time racing ( less than 5min ) for idle speed oil pressure is low, is not conducive to the turbocharger lubrication, easy to cause premature bearing wear.

The 4exhaust gas turbocharger of common breakdown and eliminate

Turbocharger failure, not to rush to replace supercharger, should seek and fault reasons and positions, and as far as possible to exclude. This can be avoided in the supercharger the same fault repeated.

4.1compressor surge. If the turbocharger in the working process to the cylinder air volume, air pressure will produce great volatility, in air compressor end sends out the different bang, such as wheezing sound, this is the surge. Since the surge, the engine working is not stable, power down, black smoke exhaust.

Surge is the cause of the intake system blockage, such as air cleaner element severe obstruction, air intake pipe oil too much congestion. Turbocharger nozzle circulation channel deformation will cause surge. It is best for each two maintenance replacement air filter, car runs one hundred thousand kilometers, cleaning air inlet passage.

4.2 supercharger in operation emits a sound, making the metal bump, friction sound, or vibration, the turbocharger rotor and the volute are between changed, should remove rotor maintenance, adjustment.

In the operation of the4.3turbocharger appeared strong shock. This is due to the rotor group imbalance, bearing damage, replace the bearing and rotor dynamic balancing.

4.4pressure drop. This is the main reason of failure of inlet plug, and into the cooler inlet port connected to the hose loose, caused by ruptured.

4.5 supercharger suddenly stopped running, engine power is reduced. This is the turbocharger rotor beari, ng damage, caused by the group. Should replace the bearings, such as serious damage to replace the turbocharger assembly. Seal leak should also be timely maintenance and replacement.

Nikko Ningbo power science and technology limited company diesel engine / engineering mechanical engine / ship power / power unit standard repair procedures

A: according to construction

The company of the whole generator repair, execute program card system, and the whole process is divided into the following11 procedures.

1: generator removing before the examination project. The 2: diesel engine disassembly project. 3: diesel engine parts cleaning. 4: diesel engine parts inspection and measurement. 5: diesel engine replacement parts catalog. 6: assemblage of parts of a diesel engine. 7: diesel engine assembly line test before the examination project. 8: diesel engine test procedures of various examination items. 9: diesel engine repair project. 10: diesel engine running-in period various examination items. 11: diesel engine running-in normal work after delivery.

Two: User guidelines

In the repair process, we request the customer to cooperate with the following work. 1: customer sent a supervisor on the project supervision and management. 2: each process shall be required by the director of engineering and to charge customers signed for confirmation. 3: Supervision of the supervisor in the whole project construction, that does not press a program card operation, must immediately be stopped, and repair group representations. 4: if the opinion divergence, and the company please contact the clerk, until it reaches the agreement before construction.

Three: maintenance program

A. body and a crank and connecting rod mechanism:1 cylinder body damage / cylinder common injury: burn tile, main bearing hole deformation, crack, breakage, the mouth of the water channel matching surface corrosion and abrasion. On visual inspection, should be no crack and damage, if found to have lead to water leakage, oil leakage, leakage, damage, it must be repaired or replaced. Especially for the cylinder body and the cylinder sleeve contacts the sealing ring has no pitting, corrosion phenomenon to be special inspection. 2main bearing hole of burning tile / phenomenon of the cylinder, particularly on the main bearing hole of aperture to be measured, non-standard main bearing hole must be corrected. The 3cam shaft hole and the camshaft bushing surface exposed copper is greater than 120 degrees, must be replaced if the camshaft bushing, camshaft bushing wear is excessive, also must be replaced, otherwise it would cause the engine oil pressure is too low, such as in the base hole bushing rotate, it must be checked seat hole size, exceed the standard, repair seat hole and renewed bush. 4cylinder block bore / check cylinder Xiamen seat hole non roundness, should not be greater than 0. 025mm, cylinder sleeve hole shoulder have no crack, cylinder liner projection in 0. 15-0. Between 20mm, new cylinder is sheathed in the cylinder should not swing phenomenon.

B. piston, piston ring, piston pin assembly,

Piston damage phenomena are: 1: piston top surface ablation. The 2: piston ring groove side wall wear and ring fracture. 3: piston pin hole aperture greatens, out of round. The 4: pin base crack. 5: piston initial strain. 6: early wear and horse ellipse piston. The 7: piston ring groove medial ridge peak exists. 8: piston wear too large.

C. connecting rod assembly

Connecting rod assembly of major injury are: 1: head liner wear. 2: small end bushing seat hole and the big end bearing saddle bore wear and deformation. 3: rod bending distortion. Connecting rod bolt or screw4: crack, variable length, thread wear or slipping buckles. 5: connecting rod body scratch phenomenon. 6: connecting rod has a tile deformation phenomenon. In the installation of connecting rod assembly, must press the correct torque parameters and the correct procedure, and must be inspected for screw screw.

Warning: installing a linkage assembly, shall be determined by the project manager to operate personally. For the damage of connecting rod assembly, must be scrapped, otherwise it will cause the connecting rod fracture, break the cylinder block, crankshaft and the risk of break.

Crankshaft, flywheel assembly: D. from the axis of the main shaft neck injury: abrasion, crack and fracture, burning tile resulting ablation. If the crankshaft out of roundness is greater than 0.05mm, will be grinding crankshaft. For tile serious crankshaft, due to its metallographic structure has changed, is generally not recommended to use again, crack phenomenon of the crankshaft must be scrapped, or there will be the possible fracture.

Warning: installing crankshaft, flywheel assembly, shall be determined by the project director in person operation, according to the criteria of the torque and the correct steps, main bearing cover screws must recheck.

E. cylinder cover and a gas distribution mechanism,1, cylinder head and cylinder cover and the cylinder body joint plane, valve guide hole, the valve seat hole, the injector hole, water cooling wall, easy to crack, available visual inspection, pressure test check. The cylinder cover and the cylinder body joint planes are not usually, advice on grinding machine repair, each processing capacity of around 0.10mm, processing limit is 1.00mm. The injector cylinder leakage or damage will cause the water leakage, deal with the fuel injector copper sets to be renewed. Cracked cylinder head suggested to be scrapped, otherwise it will cause the water leakage phenomenon. 2, gas distribution mechanism:1) the valve seat and the valve guide / individual units of the valve seat and the valve guide should be grinding, grinding amount must be correctly, otherwise it will cause impact piston valve, valve and valve catheter blocked, oil consumption increases fault. This work is required by the project director personally operation .2) valve spring / check valve spring length and elastic, soft spring will result in valve beating, the valve and valve seat exacerbates wear, will also destroy the valve timing, valve and piston collisions. Unqualified spring must be scrapped. 3) valve and valve seat ring polishing / grinding paste grind the valve, the valve and valve seat ring a linear contact, all valve grinding is finished, must be grinding paste clean (with particular attention to the valve within the conduit


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