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卡特彼勒.奥林匹亚系列发电机组是由美国卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)公司在英国生产的柴油发电机组。该机组发动机采用英国珀金斯(Perkins),交流发电机采用英国奥林匹亚(OLYMPIAN),机组由卡特彼勒公司统一设计生产.                       柴油发电机组排气烟色分析故障



 一、排气冒黑烟(碳烟) 黑烟又痴辜烟,柴油机排气冒黑烟最主要原因是燃料混合气过浓,可燃混合气形成不良或燃烧不完善等原因造成的。柴油机在高温、高压燃烧条件下,局部缺氧、裂解并脱氢而形成的以碳为主要成分的固体微小颗粒,是燃烧室内燃料燃烧不完全的表现。由于柴油机是非均质燃烧,燃烧室内各区域的化学反应条件是不一致的,而且随着时间而变化的,所以黑烟很可能是由很多不同途径天生的。柴油是复杂的碳氢化合物,喷进燃烧室内未燃烧的柴油受高温分解,形成炭黑,排气时随同废气一起排出形成玄色烟雾。黑烟是不完全燃烧产物,是烃燃烧在高温缺氧情况下裂解过程释出并聚合而成的。某些情况下燃油喷射在燃烧室壁面上,形成液态油膜,油膜是最后蒸发的一部分,它的燃烧取决于其蒸发速度和燃料蒸气与氧的混合速度。假如四周气体中氧的浓度太低,或混合的速度不够时,从油膜蒸发的燃料气体将被分解,并产生未燃烃、不完全氧化产物和黑烟。   柴油机燃烧过程中黑烟的天生可以概括为三个阶段——成核阶段、单粒阶段、单粒的燃烧消失或附聚成更大絮团。影响其天生的主要原由于: 1、活塞环、气缸套等磨损 气门、活塞环、气缸套磨损后,引起压缩压力不足以及机油上窜燃烧试冬负气缸在压缩行程结束时,混合气混合的正常比例改变,使燃油在无氧条件下燃烧,燃烧过程轻易产生积炭,排出的废气形成大量玄色烟雾。 2、燃烧室外形改变燃烧室外形因制造质量及长期使用导致技术状况下降,使压缩余缝过大、过小以及活塞位置装错,都会使燃烧室外形和容积改变,从而影响燃油与空气混合质量,使燃油燃烧条件变坏。奥林匹亚发电机|奥林匹亚柴油发电机|奥林匹亚发电机维修|奥林匹亚柴油发电机维修|奥林匹亚柴油发电机维修价格|宁波奥林匹亚柴油发电机维修|浙江奥林匹亚柴油发电机维修|宁波日兴动力科技有限公司 3、喷油器工作不良  柴油机排气烟度与燃油雾化品质的关系密切,在柴油机喷油过程中,每次喷油临结束时,喷油压力下降,雾化质量差,使液滴直径比主要喷射阶段的油滴大4­—5倍(体积约增大100倍),这些油滴蒸发与燃烧的时间短,四周氧的浓度低,轻易产生碳烟。喷油器不雾化、雾化不良或滴油,使燃料不能充分地与气缸内的空气混合,也不能完全燃烧。由喷油器工作不良引起的排黑烟现象在柴油机低速运转时较为明显,由于低速运转时气缸内进气涡流较弱,油滴或油束被气流冲散的可能性减少并且停留的时间较长,更轻易形成碳黑排出。) 4、供油量过大供油量过大,使进进汽缸内的油量增多,造成油多气少燃油燃烧不完全。另外,工作负荷过重、燃油质量低劣、工作温度过低也会引起排气冒黑烟,柴油机中燃料的高温裂解反应是不可避免的,特别是在空间混合燃烧的柴油机中,由于高温气体包围着液态的油滴,造成了有利于裂解反应的条件,因此在燃烧初期产生了大量的碳粒,这一点已为燃烧过程的高速摄影所证实。柴油机在正常燃烧时,在排气门打开以前,燃烧初期所形成的大量碳粒可以基本烧完,排气基本上是无烟的。只是在某些不利工况下,碳粒不能及时燃烧反而团圆吸附,在气缸中和排气过程中形成更大的碳烟粒子或絮团,使排气冒黑烟。   5、供油提前角调整不当 (1)供油提前角过大,燃油过早喷进燃烧室内,由于此时气缸内压力温度较低,燃料不能着火燃烧,当活塞上行,气缸内达到一定压力和温度,可燃混合气燃烧。在直喷式柴油机中,当其它参数不变时,加大喷油提前角可以降低排气烟度。由于加大喷油提前角会使滞燃期加长,使着火前喷进气缸的油量增加,预混合量增加,预混合气增多,加快了燃烧速度,燃烧可较早结束,从而使主燃期的形成碳粒具有较高的温度和高温下停留较多的时间,有利于碳粒氧化消失。然而过早的喷油增加了预混燃料量,使柴油机工作粗暴,燃烧噪音增大,并引起较大的机械负荷,以及较多的黑烟(COX)排放。 (2)供油提前角过小,喷进汽缸内的燃油过迟,一部分燃料来不及形成可燃混合气就被分离或排出,致使部分在排气管中随废气排出的燃油料受高温分解、燃烧,形成黑烟随废气一同排出。 二、排气冒蓝烟 排气冒蓝烟,一般情况下是柴油机使用日久,慢慢开始烧机油引起的,随着蓝色烟雾的加重,烧机油越来越多,就应考虑维修柴油机了。有时燃油中混有水分,或有水分漏进燃烧室中,引起燃烧的改变,柴油机会冒浅蓝色烟。影响其天生的主要因素为: 1、空气滤清器阻塞,进气不畅或油盆内油面过高(油浴式空气滤清器),使进进汽缸内的气量减少,燃油混合气正常比例改变,造成油多气少燃油燃烧不完全,也会引起排气冒蓝烟。 2、油底壳内润滑油加进过多,柴油机运行中润滑油易窜进燃烧室。 3、长期低负荷(标定功率的40%以下)运转,活塞与缸套之间的间隙过大,使油底壳内润滑油轻易窜进燃烧试冬与气缸中的燃料混合气混合,改变混合气正常比例,燃烧不完全,引起排气冒蓝烟。 4、活塞环卡住或磨损过多,弹性不足,安装时活塞环倒角方向装反,使机油进进燃烧试冬润滑油燃烧后产生蓝色水气烟雾排出。  5、在机体通向气缸盖油道四周的气缸垫烧毁,活塞、气缸套磨损以及活塞环对口等状况将致使润滑油上窜燃烧试冬并与燃油混合气一同燃烧。   三、排气冒白烟 白烟是指排气烟色为白色,它与无色不同,白色是水蒸气的白色,表示排烟中含有水分或含未燃烧的燃油成分。白烟呈液珠状态,和蓝烟相比较直径稍大,一般大于1μm。在光的折射下呈白色,柴油机的白烟是未燃烃(含燃油和润滑油)、水蒸气以及不完全燃烧的中间产物(如含氧碳氢),除水蒸气外,它们也都属于微粒范畴。柴油机在刚起动时或冷机状态时,排气管冒白烟,是由于柴油机气缸内温度低油气蒸发而形成,冬季尤为明显。柴油机在严冷天气运行时,柴油机温度低,排气管温度也低,有水蒸气排气凝聚成水气形成白色排烟,是正常现象。若当柴油机温度正常,排气管温度也正常时,仍然排出白色烟雾,说明柴油机工作不正常,可判定为柴油机故障。影响其天生的主要因素为: 6、柴油机刚启动时,个别气缸内不燃烧(特别是冬天),未燃烧的燃油混合气随其它工作缸的废气排出形成水气烟雾。 5、活塞、气缸套等磨损严重引起压缩力不足,造成燃烧不完全。 4、燃油中有水份和空气。水和空气随着燃油喷射进气缸形成不均匀燃油混合气,燃烧不完全,产生大量的未燃烃排出机外。   1、气缸套有裂纹或气缸垫损坏,随着冷却水温度和压力的升高,冷却水进进气缸。排气时形成轻易形成水雾或水蒸气 3、供油提前角过小。活塞上行至气缸顶前喷进气缸的燃油过少,形成较稀的可燃混合气,过迟的喷油减少了预混燃料量,预混合量减少。预混合气减少,降低了燃烧速度,燃烧结束较晚,燃烧形成大量的水气烟雾。 四、排气冒灰烟 排气冒淡灰色烟,柴油机工作还算正常,但烟雾颜色加重呈灰色或接近于玄色就不正常了,除了上述排烟玄色的原因外,还可能有进气不畅即空气供给不好的原因。当取下进气空气滤清器后,排气烟色由深变浅甚至变为无色时,就是空气滤清器堵塞了,应检查引起进气不畅的原因。 2、喷油器雾化不良,喷油压力过低,有滴油现象。在气缸中燃油混合气不均匀,燃烧不完全,产生大量的未燃烃,排气时轻易形成水雾或水蒸气。    








A.机体和曲柄连杆机构:1.气缸体的损伤/气缸体常见的损伤有:烧瓦、主轴承孔变形、裂纹、破碎、水道口腐蚀和配合表面磨损等。在外观检查时,应无任何的裂纹和损伤,若发现有导致漏水、漏油、漏气、损伤时,必须予以修理或更换。尤其对气缸体与气缸套接触的密封环带处有无穴蚀、腐蚀现象予以特别检查。2.主轴承孔/对有烧瓦现象的缸体,要特别对主轴承孔孔径予以测量,非标主轴承孔必须予以修正。 3.凸轮轴孔/凸轮轴衬套表面露铜大于120度时,必须更换凸轮轴衬套,如果凸轮轴衬套磨损过度,也必须予以更换,否则会引起机油压力过低,衬套如在座孔中转动,则必须检查座孔的尺寸,超标则修理座孔并换新衬套。4.气缸套座孔/检查气缸厦门座孔的失圆度,不应大于0。025mm,气缸套座孔肩台有无裂纹,气缸套凸出量在0。15-0。20mm之间,新缸套装入缸体后不应有左右摆动的现象。

B. 活塞、活塞环、活塞销组件,







E.气缸盖和配气机构,1、气缸盖/气缸盖和气缸体接合平面,气门导管孔,气门座圆孔,喷油器孔,冷却水套壁等处,易产生裂纹,可用目检,水压试验进行检查。气缸盖与气缸体接合平面不平时,建议上磨床修理,每次加工量为0.10mm左右,加工极限为1.00mm。喷油器缸套有渗漏或损伤会引起漏水,应对喷油器铜套予以换新。有裂纹的缸盖建议予以报废,否则会引起漏水现象。2、配气机构: 1)气门座圈和气门导管/个别机组的气门座圈和气门导管需予以磨削,磨削量必须正确,否则会引起气门碰撞活塞,气门和气门导管卡死,机油耗量剧增等故障。此工作须由工程总监亲自操作.2)气门弹簧/检查气门弹簧的长度和弹力,弹簧太软会造成气门跳动,使气门和气门座加剧磨损,也会破坏气门正时,气门和活塞发生碰撞。不合格的弹簧必须予以报废。3)气门和气门座圈的研磨/采用研磨膏研磨气门,使气门和气门座圈呈线性接触,所有气门研磨完毕,必须将研磨膏清洗干净(特别注意要将气门导管内的研磨膏清洗干净)。4)气门上下盖/检查有无裂纹,不合格则予以报废。5)凸轮轴/检查凸轮轴的凸轮型面积轴颈处有无裂纹、凹坑、腐蚀、擦伤,检查齿轮有无裂纹、齿断裂或齿面凹坑,不合格则予以报废,否则会引起冒黑烟、功率亏损、击破缸体的危险。6)凸轮从动件/检查从动轴外有无超标,不合格则予以报废。检查滚轮表面有无麻点,转动是否灵活,是否磨损过度,不合格则予以报废。检查滚轮销及销孔是否磨损过度,超标则予以报废。检查随动臂有无裂纹,如有则予以报废。7)气门及喷油器推杆/球头端有无磨损过度,推杆是否失圆,有无弯曲,不合格则则予以报废。8)播臂/检查有无裂纹,与丁字压板的接触凸面有无磨损或损伤,摇臂衬套内径有无超标。检查摇臂轴的磨损,超标则。予以报废9)丁字压板/检查丁字压板孔径有无超标,丁字压板的螺纹是否磨损和损伤,为合格则予以报废。



Diesel generating set exhaust smoke analysis fault

Diesel engine operating temperature under normal circumstances, the exhausted smoke should be colorless or pale gray, called is not totally colorless colorless, not as a petrol engine as colorless, but with a touch of gray colorless, it is normal for exhaust smoke. Diesel engine when idling exhaust smoke may be heavier, at a high speed, high load can be heavier, to observe the normal exhaust smoke, to a normal exhaust smoke determination and analysis. Diesel fuel after complete combustion, the normal colour is generally pale gray, negative Helve heavy and dark grey. Diesel in the work, will often smoke, diesel exhaust with black smoke, smoke, white and grey four, they are judging fault of diesel engine is one of the conditions, concrete analysis is as follows:

One, black smoke exhaust ( soot )

Black smoke and Chi Gu smoke, black smoke of diesel exhaust is the major cause of fuel rich mixture, combustible gas mixture formed bad or combustion is not perfect wait for a reason to cause. Diesel engine at high temperature, high pressure combustion conditions, local hypoxia, cracking and dehydrogenation and the formation of carbon as the main component of the solid particles of fuel in the combustion chamber, is incomplete combustion performance. Because the diesel engine is non homogeneous combustion, combustion chamber in various regions of the chemical reaction conditions are not consistent, and changes over time, so the black smoke is likely to be composed of many different approaches to natural. Diesel is a complex hydrocarbons, spray into the combustion chamber without burning diesel by high temperature decomposition, formation of carbon black, the exhaust gas discharged together with formation of black smoke. Black smoke is incomplete combustion products, is a hydrocarbon combustion in a high temperature anaerobic condition cracking process and polymerization of the release. In some cases the fuel injection on the combustion chamber wall surface, to form a liquid film, the oil film is finally the evaporation part, it depends on the speed of evaporation and combustion of fuel vapor and oxygen mixing speed. If the ambient gas oxygen concentration is too low, or a mixture of fast enough, from the oil film evaporation of the fuel gas will be decomposed, and bring unburned hydrocarbon, incomplete oxidation products and black smoke.

Diesel engine combustion process the natural black smoke can be summarized into three stages -- the nucleation stage, single stage, single particle combustion disappear or agglomerated into larger floc. Effects of the natural raw due:

1, piston rings, cylinder sleeve valve, piston ring wear, cylinder wear, causing compression pressure and oil channeling combustion test negative winter cylinder at the end of the compression stroke, mixture proportion change, so that the fuel in the anaerobic condition combustion, combustion process easy to produce coke, exhaust gas formation large black smoke.

In 2, the combustion chamber shape combustion chamber shape for manufacturing quality and long-term use of LED technology status decline, the compression I sewed is too large, too small and the position of the piston installed the wrong, will make the combustion chamber shape and volume change, thus affecting the fuel mixed with air quality, so that the fuel combustion conditions addle.

In 3, the fuel injector is bad

Diesel engine exhaust smoke and fuel atomization quality are closely related, on the fuel injection process of diesel engine, fuel injection at the end of each pro, injection pressure drop, the atomization quality difference, the droplet diameter than the main injection stage of oil droplet in4- - 5 times ( volume increases about 100times ), the oil droplet evaporation and burning time is short, around the oxygen concentration is low, easy to produce the carbon smoke. A fuel injector atomization, atomization adverse or drop of oil, so that the fuel can not be fully with the air in the cylinder is mixed, also cannot complete combustion. By the fuel injector is caused by the phenomenon of black smoke exhaust in diesel engine at low speed operation when the more obvious, because of a low speed cylinder swirl is weak, oil droplets or oil beam by the airflow to reduce the possibility of broken up and stay longer, more easily to form carbon black discharging. )

4, the large amount of fuel oil supply amount is too large, so that the inlet cylinder oil increases, resulting in less fuel oil gas incomplete combustion. In addition, work overload, poor quality, low working temperature of the fuel will cause the black smoke exhaust, diesel engine fuel pyrolysis reaction is unavoidable, especially in the mixed combustion in diesel engines, due to the high temperature gas surrounded by a liquid droplet, a conducive to the cleavage reaction conditions, therefore, in the initial stage of combustion to generate a large number of carbon particle, this point has been confirmed by the combustion process of high speed photography. Diesel engine under normal combustion, in the exhaust valve opens before combustion, the early formed a large number of carbon particles can burn, basically is smokeless exhaust. Only in some unfavorable conditions, carbon cannot seasonable combustion instead reunion adsorption www.zfdjz.com, on the cylinder and the exhaust process to form larger carbon smoke particle or floc, the black smoke exhaust.

In 5, fuel supply advance angle adjusting improperly

(1) the fuel supply advance angle is too large, the fuel injected into the combustion chamber of premature, as the cylinder pressure at a lower temperature, fuel combustion, when the piston, cylinder reaches a certain pressure and temperature, combustible gas mixture combustion. In a direct injection diesel engine, when the other parameters are constant, increase the injection advance angle can reduce exhaust smoke. Due to increased fuel injection advance angle makes the ignition delay period is lengthened, so that the sprayed into the cylinder before ignition oil quantity increase, premixing volume increase, premixed gas increase, accelerate the combustion rate, combustion can be ended earlier, so that the main combustion period for the formation of carbon particle with higher temperature and stay more time, in favor of soot oxidation disappear. However early injection increased premixed fuel quantity, make the crude operation of diesel engine, combustion noise increasing, and due to the mechanical load, as well as more black smoke emission ( COX ).

(2) the fuel supply advance angle is too small, sprayed into the cylinder fuel too late, a portion of the fuel will not form a combustible mixture can be separated or discharge, resulting in the exhaust pipe with the exhaust from the fuel material by high temperature decomposition, combustion, producing black smoke with gas discharges.

In two, blue smoke exhaust

Exhaust emit blue smoke, under normal circumstances is diesel engine with long, slowly began to burn oil induced, with the blue smoke of burning oil increased, more and more, it should be considered for repair of diesel engines. Sometimes the fuel oil mixed with water, or water leakage into the combustion chamber, combustion caused the change, opportunity to take light blue smoke of diesel. Effects of the main factors for the natural:

In 1, the air filter inlet obstruction, or poor tank oil level is too high ( oil bath air filter ), which entered the cylinder volume reduction, fuel mixture proportion change, resulting in less oil gas fuel combustion is not complete, it will cause the exhaust emit blue smoke.

In 2, the oil sump lubricating oil adding too much, operation of diesel engine lubricating oil in easily penetrates into the combustion chamber.

In 3, long-term low load ( rated below 40% ) operation, clearance between the piston and the cylinder is too large, so that the oil bottom shell lubricants easily running into the combustion in the cylinder and fuel mixture, change the mixture proportion, incomplete combustion, cause the exhaust emit blue smoke.

In 4, the piston ring stuck or wear too much, lack of flexibility, installation of piston ring chamfering direction reversed, so that the oil into the combustion in the oil smoke exhaust gas generated after burning blue.

In5, the body to the cylinder head oil passage around the cylinder pad burnt, piston, cylinder wear and piston ring and other conditions will cause the lubricating oil flow combustion in and mixed with fuel gas combustion together.

In three, an exhaust white smoke

White smoke exhaust smoke is white, it is different with colorless, white water vapor white, said smoke contains water or containing unburned fuel composition. White smoke was liquid beads, and blue smoke compared with a slightly larger diameter, generally larger than 1μ M. The reflected light is white, the white smoke of diesel engine is unburned hydrocarbons ( including fuel and lubricants ), water vapour and incomplete combustion of intermediate products ( such as oxygenated hydrocarbon ), in addition to water vapor, they all belong to the category of particles. Diesel engine in starting or cold, white smoke, is due to low temperature in the cylinder of diesel engine oil gas evaporation and form, especially in winter. Diesel engine in cold weather operation, diesel engine exhaust pipe low temperature, low temperature, water vapor condenses into water to form white exhaust smoke, is a normal phenomenon. If the engine temperature is normal, exhaust temperature is normal, still exhaust white smoke, description of diesel engine is not working properly, can be judged to be the fault of diesel engine. Effects of the main factors for the natural:

In 6, when an engine is started, the individual cylinder does not burn ( especially in the winter ), unburned fuel mixture with other working cylinder exhaust gas out of formation water smoke.

In 5, the piston, cylinder liner, wear caused by compressive force is insufficient, resulting in incomplete combustion.

In 4, the fuel in the water and the air. Water and air with fuel injection in the cylinder form a uniform mixture of fuel oil, complete combustion, resulting in a large number of unburned hydrocarbon discharge machi, , , ne.

1, cylinder liner crack or damage of cylinder pad, along with the increase of temperature and pressure of cooling water, cooling water into the cylinder. The exhaust is formed easily form water fog or water vapor

In 3, fuel supply advance angle is too small. Piston to cylinder top front spraying into the cylinder fuel too little, forming a dilute mixture, later injection reduces the premixed fuel quantity, premixing volume reduction. Premixed gas reduction, reduced the rate of combustion, the combustion end later, the formation of a large number of water vapor smoke combustion.

Four, exhaust smoke ash

His pale gray smoke exhaust, diesel engine work is normal, but the smok, e increase was the color gray or close to black is not normal, in addition to the above smoke black reasons, may also have poor air supply inlet is not good reason. When the intake air filter, exhaust smoke from deep shallow even becomes colorless, is the air filter is clogged, should be checked by the intake not the reason of free.

2, atomization of fuel injector is poor, injection pressure is too low, a drop of oil , , phenomenon. In the cylinder fuel mixture is not uniform, incomplete combustion, produce large amounts of unburned hydrocarbons, exhaust easily form water fog or water vapor.

Nikko Ningbo power science and technology limited company diesel engine / engineering mechanical engine / ship power / power unit standard repair procedures

A: according to construction

The company of the whole generator repair, execute program card system, and the whole process is divided into the following11 procedures.

1: generator removing before the examination project. The 2: diesel engine disassembly project. 3: diesel engine parts cleaning. 4: diesel engine parts inspection and measurement. 5: diesel engine replacement parts catalog. 6: assemblage of parts of a diesel engine. 7: diesel engine assembly line test before the examination project. 8: diesel engine test procedures of various examination items. 9: diesel engine repair project. 10: diesel engine running-in period various examination items. 11: diesel engine running-in normal work after delivery.

Two: User guidelines

In the repair process, we request the customer to cooperate with the following work. 1: customer sent a supervisor on the project supervision and management. 2: each process shall be required by the director of engineering and to charge customers signed for confirmation. 3: Supervision of the supervisor in the whole project construction, that does not press a program card operation, must immediately be stopped, and repair group representations. 4: if the opinion divergence, and the company please contact the clerk, until it reaches the agreement before construction.

Three: maintenance program

A. body and a crank and connecting rod mechanism:1 cylinder body damage / cylinder common injury: burn tile, main bearing hole deformation, crack, breakage, the mouth of the water channel matching surface corrosion and abrasion. On visual inspection, should be no crack and damage, if found to have lead to water leakage, oil leakage, leakage, damage, it must be repaired or replaced. Especially for the cylinder body and the cylinder sleeve contacts the sealing ring has no pitting, corrosion phenomenon to be special inspection. 2main bearing hole of burning tile / phenomenon of the cylinder, particularly on the main bearing hole of aperture to be measured, non-standard main bearing hole must be corrected. The 3cam shaft hole and the camshaft bushing surface exposed copper is greater than 120 degrees, must be replaced if the camshaft bushing, camshaft bushing wear is excessive, also must be replaced, otherwise it would cause the engine oil pressure is too low, such as in the base hole bushing rotate, it must be checked seat hole size, exceed the standard, repair seat hole and renewed bush. 4cylinder block bore / check cylinder Xiamen seat hole non roundness, should not be greater than 0. 025mm, cylinder sleeve hole shoulder have no crack, cylinder liner projection in 0. 15-0. Between 20mm, new cylinder is sheathed in the cylinder should not swing phenomenon.

B. piston, piston ring, piston pin assembly,

Piston damage phenomena are: 1: piston top surface ablation. The 2: piston ring groove side wall wear and ring fracture. 3: piston pin hole aperture greatens, out of round. The 4: pin base crack. 5: piston initial strain. 6: early wear and horse ellipse piston. The 7: piston ring groove medial ridge peak exists. 8: piston wear too large.

C. connecting rod assembly

Connecting rod assembly of major injury are: 1: head liner wear. 2: small end bushing seat hole and the big end bearing saddle bore wear and deformation. 3: rod bending distortion. Connecting rod bolt or screw4: crack, variable length, thread wear or slipping buckles. 5: connecting rod body scratch phenomenon. 6: connecting rod has a tile deformation phenomenon. In the installation of connecting rod assembly, must press the correct torque parameters and the correct procedure, and must be inspected for screw screw.

Warning: installing a linkage assembly, shall be determined by the project manager to operate personally. For the damage of connecting rod assembly, must be scrapped, otherwise it will cause the connecting rod fracture, break the cylinder block, crankshaft and the risk of break.

Crankshaft, flywheel assembly: D. from the axis of the main shaft neck injury: abrasion, crack and fracture, burning tile resulting ablation. If the crankshaft out of roundness is greater than 0.05mm, will be grinding crankshaft. For tile serious crankshaft, due to its metallographic structure has changed, is generally not recommended to use again, crack phenomenon of the crankshaft must be scrapped, or there will be the possible fracture.

Warning: installing crankshaft, flywheel assembly, shall be determined by the project director in person operation, according to the criteria of the torque and the correct steps, main bearing cover screws must recheck.

E. cylinder cover and a gas distribution mechanism,1, cylinder head and cylinder cover and the cylinder body joint plane, valve guide hole, the valve seat hole, the injector hole, water cooling wall, easy to crack, available visual inspection, pressure test check. The cylinder cover and the cylinder body joint planes are not usually, advice on grinding machine repair, each processing capacity of around 0.10mm, processing limit is 1.00mm. The injector cylinder leakage or damage will cause the water leakage, deal with the fuel injector copper sets to be renewed. Cracked cylinder head suggested to be scrapped, otherwise it will cause the water leakage phenomenon. 2, gas distribution mechanism:1) the valve seat and the valve guide / individual units of the valve seat and the valve guide should be grinding, grinding amount must be correctly, otherwise it will cause impact piston valve, valve and valve catheter blocked, oil consumption increases fault. This work is required by the project director personally operation .2) valve spring / check valve spring length and elastic, soft spring will result in valve beating, the valve and valve seat exacerbates wear, will also destroy the valve timing, valve and piston collisions. Unqualified spring must be scrapped. 3) valve and valve seat ring polishing / grinding paste grind the valve, the valve and valve seat ring a linear contact, all valve grinding is finished, must be grinding paste clean (with particular attention to the valve catheter within the grinding paste clean ). 4) valve upper cover and a lower cover / check have no crack, failure will be scrapped. 5) the camshaft / check camshaft type cam shaft neck area of any crack, dent, corrosion, abrasion, check the gear has no cracks, tooth fracture or tooth surface pits, unqualified will be scrapped, otherwise it will cause

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