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利莱森玛LEROYSOMER发电机常用机型有:LSA422S4 17.5KVA LSA422S5 20KVA LSA422M6 23KVA LSA422M7 27KVA LSA422L9 32KVA LSA432S1 35KVA LSA432S2 40KVA LSA432S3 45KVA LSA432M4 53KVA LSA432L6 63KVA LSA432L7 75KVA LSA442VS3 90KVA LSA442VS4 100KVA LSA442S7 120KVA LSA442M9 135KVA LSA442L11 150KVA LSA442L12 165KVA LSA461M3 175KVA LSA461M5 200KVA LSA461L6 230KVA LSA461L8 250KVA LSA461L9 275KVA LSA461VL12 300KVA LSA471M4 350KVA LSA471M6 400KVA LSA471L9 450KVA LSA471L10 500KVA LSA471L11 540KVA LSA491S2 600KVA LSA491S4 660KVA LSA491M6 725KVA LSA491M7 775KVA LSA491L9 880KVA LSA50.1S2 910KVA LSA50.1S4 1025KVA LSA50.1M6 1225KVA LSA50.1M7 1325KVA LSA50.1L8 1425KVA LSA50.1VL10 1580KVA LSA51S4 1600KVA LSA51S5 1700KVA LSA51M7 1850KVA LSA51L8 2000KVA LSA51L9 2150KVA LSA53VS65 2400KVA LSA53S7 2500KVA LSA53 75 2800KVA




    在稳定运行情况下,发电机端电压U与该电机无功电流I Q之间的关系U=f(IQ)称为发电机的调节特性。它可以近似用一条直线代表,如图一所示。

    图一  发电机的调差特性






    假定有两台具有无差特性调压器的发电机并联在母线上,如图二所示。U 1表示第一台发电机调压器的电压整定位,UII表示第二台发电机的电压整定位,设U II>U IO

    图二  两台具有无差调节特性的机组并联于母线

    现在假定母线上的电压低于U1和UII,这时两台机的调压器要增加自己发电机的励磁电流,母线电压便开始上升。当电压升到U 1时,第一台发电机的调压器就不再增加励磁了,但第二台机的调压器还继续增加励磁电流,因为母线电压决定于这两台机的励磁,它将由于第二台机调压器的作用而继续上升。当母线电压数值在U1与U 11之间时,第一台机的调压器就开始减少励磁电流,而第二台机的调压器仍继续增加励磁电流。最后,第一台调压器使第一台机的励磁电流达到最低值,而第二台机则把母线电压提高到UII,这时,第二台机将负担发电厂全部无功负荷,而第一台机不但卸去了它原来的无功负荷,而且可能吸取无功功率。显然,这种方式是完全不能采用的。




    图三  一台具有无差特性与一台具有有差特性的机组并联运行

    这时母线电压为U 1并保持不变,第二台发电机无功负荷电流为IQ(11)是确定的,由于用户所需要的全部无功功率是由这两台机共同负担的,所以第一台机负担的无功电流也是确定的。











Parallel operation of generator voltage and reactive power allocation

Power plant bus voltage regulation and unit of reactive power distribution is closely related to, the regulation and the distribution is usually composed of generator automatic voltage regulator to achieve.

In a stable operation condition, generator terminal voltage and reactive current of the motor is U I Q the relationship between U = f ( IQ ) called generator regulation characteristic. It can be approximated by a linear representation, as shown in fig..

Map generator voltage adjustment characteristic

In order to quantitatively express the regulation characteristic, adopts the difference coefficient concept, generator no-load voltage and full load voltage difference of rated voltage ratio called the difference coefficient K.

On the symbol" a" said reactive load increased voltage is decreased when the difference coefficient is positive, but negative.

If K ≠ 0, called differential characteristic; K = 0is called no differential characteristics.

When a power plant in a few generator running in parallel, the bus voltage and reactive power in the unit of allocation decisions in various units of automatic excitation device characteristics, which is determined by the generator voltage regulation characteristic.

A few stations, has no differential characteristics of pressure regulator unit is not operating in parallel

It is assumed that there are two stations with no differential characteristics of voltage regulator of the generator in parallel bus, as shown in figure two. U 1the first generator voltage regulator voltage adjusting positioning, said UII second generator voltage adjusting positioning, let U II > U IO

Figure two two has no control characteristic set parallel to the busbar

Now suppose that on the busbar voltage is lower than U1and UII, then the two machine regulator to increase the excitation current of the generator, the bus voltage begins to rise. When the voltage up to U 1, the first generator regulator will no longer increase excitation, but second machines in the regulator also continues to increase in the excitation current, because the bus voltage depends on the two machine excitation, it will be due to second machine regulator role and continue to rise. When the bus voltage values in U1and U between 11, the first machine regulator began to reduce the excitation current, and second machines in the pressure regulator is still increasing excitation current. Finally, the first pressure regulator so that the first machine excitation current reaches a minimum value, and the second is the bus voltage up to UII, then, second machines will burden all reactive load of power plant, and the first machine not only to its original reactive load, but also can absorb reactive power power. Obviously, this way is not used.

Now suppose that setting a lower pressure setting device, so that the second picture of the two voltage regulation characteristic curve coincidence, when the bus voltage is equal to the two voltage regulator of the common setting value, but the reactive power in the two generators which between arbitrary distribution. Reactive power in power distribution between the uncertainty is not allowed, because in this case cannot be stabilized in parallel operation.

In two, one has no difference characteristics of units and one or several has the difference characteristic of units operating in parallel.

Assuming the first generator has no difference characteristics, its regulation characteristics such as figure three curve I, second generators with a differential characteristics, its regulation characteristics such as figure three curve II.

Figure three one has no difference characteristics and a differential characteristics of the units operating in parallel

When the bus voltage to U 1and remained unchanged, second generators reactive load current of IQ (11) is determined, because the user needs all the reactive power is provided by the two machine joint burden, so the first machine burden of reactive current is determined by the.

In three, a few have difference regulating characteristics of generators operating in parallel in a public bus.

Hypothesis two has a characteristic of generator parallel operation in the bus, its differential regulation characteristics are figure four center curve and curve of I II. Then, two generators of end electric is the same, equal to the bus voltage, such as U′, each motor load reactive power is determined, for example, I′ Q ( I ) and 1′ Q ( II ). Now suppose that the user needs and reactive current is increased, so the bus voltage drop, then the regulator movement, increasing the excitation current of the generator, the last bus voltage to a new steady state value U ", each machine burden of reactive current increases to the new value of I" Q ( I ) and Q ( I ″II ).

If the operation of the need for change a generator reactive load, as long as the operator to adjust a downward pressure setting device, so that the regulation characteristic curve to move up or down. If the request is not change of reactive load distribution ratio, only change the power plant bus voltage; it needs to the same extent moved upwards or downwards all parallel operation of generator regulation characteristic curve.

The following discussion on generator reactive current changes and voltage deviation and difference coefficient relationship.

Equation (6) can be rewritten into the following form

By the formula (7) can be seen clearly, generator reactive power and the change of the current and voltage proportional to deviation, and difference coefficient is inversely proportional. Therefore, difference coefficient smaller generators will be more sharing of reactive current increment. Usually require reactive current

Increment in the unit of allocation and generator rated capacity is proportional to, that is hope that all units of reactive current increment of preunit valueΔ IQ* nearly equal. This value is equal to aΔ U* / K, due to various units operating in parallel on the bus, so theΔ U* is the same, so it requires the generator voltage regulator with approximately equal difference coefficient.

Visible from above, a few have difference characteristics of the generator can be parallel operation in public bus, unit of reactive load distribution ratio is determined, and is adjustable.

Four, two have no difference characteristics of generator after a certain amount of impedance in parallel operation

However, two has no difference characteristics of generating units such as the impedance and parallel, for example generators by the step-up transformer in high voltage bus in parallel, is permitted. Because although generator regulation characteristic is no shame, but because the transformer itself has a load current changes in the impedance drop, so in the high voltage bus on the integrated results which has a control characteristic, thus, allowing parallel running.


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